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1、北京地区成人本科学士学位英语统一考试模拟试题(5)I. Reading ComprehensionDirections: There are 3 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on th

2、e Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage 1Education is not an end, but a means to an end. In other words, we do not educated children only for the aim of educating them. Our purpose is to fit them for life. Life is varied; so is education. In some countries with advanced industri

3、es, they have free education for all. Under this system, people, no matter rich or poor, clever or foolish, have a chance to be educated at universities or colleges. By free education for all they are expected to be able to solve all the problems of a society and build a perfect nation. But we can a

4、lready see that free education for all is not enough. We find in such countries a far larger number of people with university degree than there are jobs for them to fill. As a result, they refuse to do what they think is “low” work. In fact, to work with ones hands is thought to be dirty and shamefu

5、l in such countries.But, is the work of a completely uneducated farmer as important as that of a professor? We can live without education, but we should die if none of us grew crops. On the other hand, if all the farmers were completely uneducated, their production would remain low. As the populatio

6、n grows larger and larger in the modern world, we would die if we did not have enough food.1. What does the author mean to tell us in this article?A. The importance of free education for all in our society.B. Everyone should be educated so as to do various jobs.C. The advantages and disadvantages of

7、 free education.D. Education should fit people to varied life.2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Not everyone needs to be educated to do his job well.B. Free education for all has more disadvantages than advantages for the people and society.C. A proper education system is

8、 more important than education itself.D. Education is so important that people cant live without it.3. Which is NOT the result of free education?A. The more degrees people get, the fewer jobs they can find.B. People with degrees often consider themselves superior to others doing manual work.C. Peopl

9、e with better education often refuse to do physical work.D. Some people with degrees cant find jobs they want.4. What does the expression “low work” mean in the passage?A. work with low payB. work that is less attractiveC. work that needs manual laborD. work with less importance5. What can be inferr

10、ed from the passage?A. The purpose of education is to make people intelligent citizens.B. Those who choose a job according to his ability can contribute to the society.C. The system of free education for all doesnt work in advanced countries.D. Uneducated farmer are as important as professors in mod

11、ern society.Passage 2The science of meteorology(气象学) is concerned with the study of the structure, state, and behavior of the atmosphere. The subject may be approached from any vantage(优势) point. Different views must be combined to give perspective to the whole picture.One may consider the condition

12、 of the atmosphere at a given moment and attempt to predict changes from that condition over a period of a few hours to a few days ahead. This approach is covered by the branch of the science called synoptic (概要旳) meteorology.Synoptic meteorology is the scientific basis of the technique of weather f

13、orecasting by means of the preparation and analysis of weather maps and meteorological diagrams. In serving the needs of shipping, aviation(航空), agriculture, industry, and professional forecast advice, great benefits are obtained in the form of the saving of human lives and property and in economic

14、advantages of various kinds. One important purpose of the science of meteorology is constantly to make great efforts, through study and research, to increase our knowledge of the atmosphere with the aim of improving the accuracy of weather forecasts.The tools needed to advance our knowledge in this

15、way are disciplines of mathematics and physics applied to solve meteorological problems. The use of these tools forms that branch of the science called dynamic (动力旳) meteorology.6. Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?A. Limitation of Meteorological ForecastingB. New Advanc

16、es in Synoptic MeteorologyC. Approaches to the Science of MeteorologyD. The Basic of Dynamic Meteorology7. The predictions of synoptic meteorologists are directly based on the _.A. application of the physical scienceB. preparation and study of weather mapsC. anticipated needs of industryD. observati

17、ons of commercial airline pilots8. The author implies that increased accuracy in weather forecasting will lead to _.A. more funds given to meteorological researchB. greater protection of human lifeC. a higher number of professional forecastersD. less-specialized forms of synoptic meteorology9. Which

18、 of the following statements best describes the organization of the third paragraph of the passage?A. A scientific theory is explained.B. Two contrasting views of a problem are presented.C. Recent scientific advancements are outlined in order of importance.D. A problem is examined and possible solut

19、ions are given.10. In the last sentence of the passage the phrase “the tool” refer to _.A. weather forecastB. meteorological problemsC. mathematics and physicsD. economic advantagesPassage 3Imagine one day reading that you had been a subject in a risky science experiment without knowing it. At schoo

20、l, you had been fed cereal (谷类食物) laced with radioactive chemicals so scientists could learn more about the digestive system. Because the food was radioactive, scientists could easily trace its path through the body.Scientists now know that exposure to large amount of radiation can cause cancer, a g

21、roup of diseases in which bodily cells grow wildly out of control. Some people who were part of the radiation studies later developed cancer and blamed the radiation for causing the cancer. Others are worried the radiation will some day make them sick.Some doctors say that, in many cases, such fears

22、 are unjustified because the radiation doses(剂量)used in the experiments were too small to cause harm. They also say that since dangers of radiation were less well understood then than they are now, even researchers who used high doses of radiation didnt do anything wrong.Some critics claim that no e

23、xcuse is acceptable for not informing subjects about the nature of an experiment and giving them a chance to refuse to participate. Today, government rules require such informed agreement whenever a study uses people.11. The passage is mainly about _.A. what kind of experiment cannot be done on peop

24、leB. whether it is moral to experiment on people without them knowC. how radiation studies are conductedD. what result can be produced in a radioactive experiment12. The word “laced” in paragraph 1 most likely means _.A. confusedB. surroundedC. mixedD. covered13. Which of the following is true accor

25、ding to the passage?A. Radioactive chemicals can cause bodily cells to grow wildly out of control.B. When the danger of radiation had not been proved, high doses of radiation were acceptable.C. Most cancers are caused by radiation.D. Radioactive chemicals were once used to cure diseases with the dig

26、estive system.14. Today, government rules _.A. demand to stop all experiments harmful to peopleB. prohibit all tests related to human beingsC. disapprove of experiments with uncertain resultsD. require to protect peoples right not to be tested without permission15. The authors attitude towards the g

27、overnment decision may be described as _.A. indifferentB. favorableC. critical D. dubious(半信半疑旳)II. Vocabulary and StructureDirections: In this part there are 30 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best complete the sentence. T

28、hen mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.16. I dont like girls who fuss _ small matters or complain a lot.A. overB. onC. ofD. at17. It suddenly _ me that I forgot to turn off the computer when I left the office.A. happened to B. occurredtoC. contrib

29、uted toD. owedto18. If the ice sheet ever _ and melted, the sea level would go up 7 meters.A. broke downB. broke upC. broke offD. broke out19. One of the benefits of the new model is that it is easier _ than the old one.A. operatingB. to be operatedC. to operateD. operated 20. It is frightening to h

30、ear that the technique of cloning has been _ to humans.A. attemptedB. appliedC. adoptedD. affected 21. Every year when the flu is _ Im bound to get sick.A. getting aroundB. coming aroundC. hanging aroundD. going around22. The grass _ many animals live is abundant here.A. by whichB. with whichC. on w

31、hichD. of which 23. _ mostly in small town, Id only recently fallen in love with cities.A. Grown upB. Being grown upC. Growing upD. Having grown up24. It _ me as an uphill battle, simply because it is an awkward and time-consuming process.A. appearsB. occursC. strikesD. hits25. Would the news _ he f

32、ailed to pass the exam bother you?A. whichB. thatC. of which D. on which26. He abandoned a career that _ to his becoming one of the most influential people in the world.A. could have led B. would leadC. should have ledD. must lead 27. I believe you have _ some important points in the report.A. left

33、aloneB. left behindC. left offD. left out 28. It is natural that the sun _ in the east every day.A. roseB. riseC. risesD. will rise 29. The results of the survey are interesting and they _ more questions than they answer.A. projectB. prohibitC. provokeD. promote 30. -“We should do something about th

34、e traffic.” - “I cant agree with you _.”A. so muchB. the mostC. the betterD. more 31. He made many attempts before he _ won peoples respect.A. eventuallyB. lastlyC. recentlyD. lately 32. Big cars like that would _ great amount of gasoline every year.A. purchaseB. consumeC. applyD. exhaust 33. She fe

35、lt _ after hearing the news that her company was making less profit.A. depressingB. depressionC. depressesD. depressed 39. I _ my wallet when I was shopping in the store.A. must have droppedB. should have droppedC. could dropD. ought to have dropped 40. You have to learn to _ the inconvenience and h

36、ardships.A. live withB. live onC. live up toD. live by 41. She apologized for _ to attend the meeting.A. her being not ableB. her to be not ableC. her not to be ableD. her not being able to42. This new coat cost me _ the last one I bought two years ago.A. three timesB. three times as much asC. three

37、 times as muchD. three times much as 43. Turn on the TV and _ an interesting program on now.A. you will see B. you seeC. you are seeingD. you must see 44. 44. Each term our professors would _ a list of books for us to read.A. hand inB. give awayC. pass outD. write out 45. Li Ming is a nice and helpf

38、ul boy. _ is that he always offers a hand when his friends are in difficulties.A. A good signB. A case in pointC. A symbolD. For an example III. Error IdentificationDirections: Each of the following sentence has 4 underlined parts marked A, B, C and D. Identify the one that is not correct. Then mark

39、 the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.46.The food that my mother is cooking in the kitchen is smelling delicious.A B CD47.You had better return to your dormitory and to enjoy the company of your room-AB Cmates instead of wasting time with me. D48.Music c

40、an make a sad one sad, an exciting story more exciting, a happy one A B Cgayer.D49.Find answers to these questions is something like a detective story. A B C D50.Fashions change and people change too, but the old feeling of love remains same. A B C D51. The teacher demanded that all the papers to be

41、 typed neatly before they were A B Chanded in.D52.She is getting nowhere even though she wastes her time like this. AB CD53.Where you go, you will see smiling faces and beautiful scenery in the country. ABCD54.Is this the novel which you have been talking about all the time?ABCD55.Lets go to the cin

42、ema at the corner to see the new movie, dont we? A BCDIV. ClozeDirections: There are 20 blanks in the following passage, and for each blank there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D at the end of the passage. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding lett

43、er on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Time will become more important to people _56_ a meaningful life. More time means more opportunities to _57_ new personal and social prospects.Mankind is _58_ a social revolution _59_ from any experience before: the Opportunity Revolution.

44、 _60_ a technical revolution, such as the Industrial Revolution, which made a quantum (量) _61_ in material productivity and _62_ human beings into “consumers”, the Opportunity Revolution is a social revolution _63_ by humans who have _64_ into “opportunity creators”. Todays consumers will become tom

45、orrows opportunity creators people who imagine, create, and implement opportunities.Opportunity creators envision a desirable future, _65_ it as a tangible objective, and strive to _66_ it. These ventures are _67_ with intelligence, social adaptability, and the _68_ for action. They picture their mo

46、st desirable future a life worth living as if _69_ on a canvas (画布) of the future _70_ its many possibilities.People are _71_ more value on time than on objects, _72_ their desire to consume and accumulate material goods is substantially _73_. It is the _74_ from material to time value that is revolution in human values _75_ the Opportunity Revolution.56.A. findingB. lookingC. seekingD. searching57.A. pursueB. insp

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