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1、小升初英语复习冲刺试题及答案小升初英语复习冲刺试题及答案(一一)第一题 单项填空 1.Judy and Lily _ good at _.A.are;singing B.are;sing C.is;singing D.is;sing 2._ the book to Jim and _ me a pen,please.A.Bringing;take B.Brings;takes C.Taking;bring D.Take;bring 3.Id like some_ and _.A.potatos and chick B.potatoes and chicken C.potato and chic

2、ken 4.May I help you _it?A.write B.to write C.writing D.Write 5.In England,people usually put“Mr”before the _ of a man.A.given name B.family name C.first name D.middle name 6.Is this your shoe?Yes,it is,but where is _?A.the others B.other one C.another D.the other one 7.Do you know where Tom lives?C

3、ertainly.He lives at _,near my house.A.Tonghua,289 Xinhua Road,China B.Beijing,Changan Road,China C.56 Hope Road,London,England D.the USA,New York,43 Green Road 8.That storybook is very _.The children are _ in it.A.interesting;interest B.interest;interested C.interesting;interested D.interested;inte

4、resting 9.Summer is _ and _ in China.A.sunny;snowy B.sun;cold C.sunny;hot D.warm;snowy 10.Sarah:“_.”Mike:“Not bad.”A.How old are they?B.Judy doesnt like thrillers at all.C.Where do you have breakfast?D.What do you think of the salad?11.Are those the _ books?No,they are _ books.A.woman teachers;Jacks

5、 and Mike B.women teachers;Jacks and Mikes C.woman teachers;Jacks and Mike D.women teachers;Jack and Mikes 12.My uncle has a _ car.A.small Chinese yellow B.small yellow Chinese C.yellow small Chinese D.Chinese yellow small 13.What does DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL mean in Chinese?A.清明节 B.元宵节 C.重阳节 D.端午节 14.

6、After school we usually play _ soccer for half _ hour on _ sports ground.A./;an;the B.the;a;the C./;a;/D.the;an;a 15.“Where shall we have lunch?”“I have no idea.Its up to you.”What does“Its up to you.”mean?A.你到上面来吧。B.由你决定吧。C.你自己去吧。D.去你那里吧。二.按规定做题 1.The man in black is my partner.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ _ par

7、tner?2.There is only one broom in my classroom.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ _ _in your classroom?3.Danny is riding a bicycle in the street.(变为否认句)Danny _ _ a bicycle in the street.4.My brother likes reading books very much.(改为一般疑问句)_ your brother _ reading books very much?5.Is that a banana tree?(改为复数句)_ _ _ _ 根据

8、上句完毕下句,使两句意思基本相似。每空一词。6.I like the actor Paul Smith best._ _ actor is Paul Smith.7.She is Marias pen friend.She is the pen friend _ _.8.Pamela is like her grandmother.Pamela _ _ her grandmother.9.There isnt any water on the floor.There _ _ water on the floor.10.Can I look at your new sofa?Can I _ _

9、_ _ your new sofa?根据首字母提醒填空。每空一词。将答案写在题后横线上 Ann is 14.She(1)l_ in Glasgow with her family.Glasgow(2)i_ in Scotland.Ann(3)g_ to school with her friends every day.She(4)h_ classes five days a week.Ann and her friends all(5)l_ sports.Jack and Betty(6)c_ swim very well.Ann is best at(7)p_ football and b

10、asketball.Peter likes(8)r_ horses.Her friends(9)l_ music,too.Peter loves rock music,but Betty loves pop music.In the evening,they all(10)l _ to songs.1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_ 6_ 7_ 8_ 9_ 10_ 阅读下面这段话,用英语回答问题 I am Ken.Three years ago,I saw a beautiful stamp on an envelope.The letter was from my fathers friend.I

11、 loved the stamp very much.My father let me keep it and that was the first stamp I had.Now I have about two hundred stamps.I always go to the post office to buy stamps at the weekend.Sometimes I use my pocket money to buy some stamps,but I cant buy the most beautiful ones.They are very dear.Now I ha

12、ve 10 pounds.It is just enough to buy a new stamp with a panda.So I get ready to go to the post office near my house.(1).What did Ken see on the envelope?(2).When did Ken have his first stamp?(3).How many stamps does he have now?(4).What does Ken do at the weekend?(5).Why cant he buy the most beauti

13、ful stamps?IQ 题 1.Mike cant keep up with George at running.George is a slower runner than Andy.Who would be the last in a race among the three boys?2.Alice is 2 years older than Bob,and 1 year younger than Kelly.So Bob is _ years _ than Kelly.3.What does“DIY”mean in English?4.The following letters a

14、ll have a numerical value(数值).If the word TEA is worth(相称于)4,and TEAS is worth 8,what would SEATS be worth?5.If the red house is on the right and the blue house is on the left,where is the White House?6.At a birthday party half the guests drink cola,a quarter have lemonade,a sixth have orange juice,

15、and the remaining(剩余旳)three have water.How many guests are there at the party?参照答案:一、单项选择 ADB ABDCC CDB BDAB 二、按规定填空 1.Which man is your 2.How many brooms are there 3.isnt riding 4.Does,like 5.Are those banana trees 6.My favourite 7.of Maria 8.looks like 9.is no 10.have a look at 三、根据首字母提醒填空。1.lives

16、 2.is 3.goes 4.has 5.like/love 6.can 7.playing 8.riding 9.like/love 10.listen 四、阅读 1.She sees a stamp on an envelope.2.there years ago.3.about two hundred stamps 4.she goes to the post office to buy stamps.5.Because they are very dear/expensive.IQ 题 1.Mike 2.3,older 3.do it yourself 4.12.(If TEA is worth 4,and TEAS is worth 8,S is worth 4.Therefore,the addition of another S makes SEATS worth 12.)5.In Washington DC.6.36

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