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1、学号: 姓名: -装-订-线 _级 专业(专科/本科)函授(大学英语)试卷A 分数: 注意:1、所有答案必要写在答题纸上,否则无效;2、答题必要标清题号,试卷必要交回 3、专科做前五道题,本科全做。一、拼写单词和词组1、持久 2、分派 3、采用 4、税 5、对-有影响 6、作用于 7、对-着迷 8、与-不一样9、首先 10、依托 11、把-同-区别开 12、一般地 13、品种 14、工资 15、挣得 16、发售 17、变化 18、词汇 19、打断 20、迅速 21、想要 22、前缀 23、后缀 24、提高25、舒适,轻易 二、将括号内词对旳形式添入空白处1. English _(speak)

2、in Britain,the U.S and many other countries. 2. Information in short -term memory _ (can,not,keep) very long.3. After that ,one of the lights _ (turn off) and the rat had to wait for a short time.4. Just a few years ago,tomatoes _ (believe) to have magical powers,making people who eat them fall in l

3、ove. 5. According to a wrong idea,proteins and carbohydrates _(should,not,eat) at the same meal. 6. More and more young people are learning _ (drive) cars.7. He do not like _ (praise).8. The weather is too cold for them _ (go) out.9. She asked _ (send) _ (work) on a farm after she finished her study

4、 at the college.10. She seemed _ (hear) about it already.三、单项填空1. Your picture is good _ some of the colors. Aexcept B besides Cexcept for D in addition2Did you speak _ what had happened? AoutB of Cabout D on3You must not think _ me as being unhappy. AonBoverCofD upon4_,I was the one who broke the w

5、indow yesterday.AAs a matter in fact BAs a fact CAs a point of fact D As a matter of fact5She is eager _ a singer. Ato become Bbecome C becoming D about becoming6This has something _ what you said. Ado with B to do with Cdoing with D to doing with7_ you leave the house at the same time as your broth

6、er does? A Are B Do CHaveD Had8By the time we got there,the play _. Ais going to begin Bis just beginning C has already begun Dhad already begun9If he accepts the job,he _ more money right away. A gets Bwill get C has got D will have got10. Perhaps I shall come _ him in the street. Ato B across C by

7、 D for11.He _ up with a new advice. Ago B came Ccome D went12_,he is only 7 years old. AAfter at B After allCAfter that D After of13. A forest _ the school ground _ the south side. Aborders -inB borders -on C borders -atD borders - by14. _ her book,I assure you ,it has real merit(价值).AAs from BAs if

8、 C As follows D As for15. Try not _ the baby. Awoke up Bwakes upC wake up D wake up to四、完型填空。 下列短文有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项。根据上下文选出最佳答案。 Thank you means _1_you realize that someone has done something for you . Thus we thank people all day long. _2_ for the smallest ,most ordinary things. If a waitress bring y

9、ou a cup of coffee,you say “Thank you”. When you pay _3_your food and get your _4_,you say “Thank you”to the cashier. If someone _5_ you directions in the street,you say “Thank you”.However those are all inappropriate expressions of gratitude to the make westerners very _6_ and give them an impressi

10、ons of insincerity. For example,if your adviser spends half an hour _7_ you with your thesis. You _8_ say “Thank you,I really _9_ your kindness.” That is quite enough. Still better to say “I am sorry to have taken _9_ so much of Your time. Try to make things casual,never over-do.1.A. what B. that C.

11、 all D. things2.A. specially B. even C. in addition D. whatever3. A. back B.off C.for D.on 4.A.change B.money C.pay D.bill 5.A.does B.shows C.has got D.goes for6.A fortable B. uncomfortable C. dissatisafaction D. satisfied7.A.to help B.helping C. on helping D.help8.A.should B.will have to C. might D

12、. are able to9.A.appreciate B. accept C.want D.get 10.A.in B.on C.up D.off五、阅读理解。AThere are many aspects of the womens liberation movement. Some women agree with all of the goals of womens liberation. They want full equality with men in every aspect of life. In marriage,they want husbands and wives

13、to share all of the work and responsibilities of a home and family. In work they want women and men to have the same jobs and the same chance to succeed. They want women to be paid just as much as men are for the same work. Other women agree with some of the ideas of womens liberation. They want the

14、 same pay if they hold the same job as a man. At home,however ,they do not expect their husbands to share in the cleaning,cooking,and other household jobs. It is important to remember that the womens liberation movement is not concerned only with concrete issues. The movement is also concerned with

15、attitudes and beliefs. One example of this concern is the issue of a womens identity. A womens identity is what she thinks she can do. Some women do not thinks she is,and what she thinks she can do. Some women do not think they are capable of doing anything important. The womens liberation movement

16、would like to help these women improve their views of themselves. Many women who are concerned with womens liberation have taken the jobs,have helped others,have raised healthy children,and have done many other things to contribute to their communities. They have shown that they are capable of being

17、 good leaders and of doing many important things.1. We can learn from the first paragraph that _.A. most of the women in the western countries are out of work B. men and women hold different views on womens liberationC. most women are paid less than men for the same work D. some women wish their hus

18、band to stay at home doing household jobs2. which of the following does not seem to be a goal of womens liberation?A. Equality with men in every aspect of life B. Sharing the work at home with men C.Bills of a family are paid by men instead of women D.Women are paid as much as men for the same work

19、3.Those who support womens liberation believe that _.A. men and women are same B. men and women are equal in every wayC.some work can only be done by women D.men should do more than womenBThe water level of oceans rises and falls alternately twice a day. This movement of water is called the tide. Ti

20、des are caused by the pull of the sun and the moon on the earths surface;since the moon is closer,it affects the tides more than the sun. When the moon is directly overhead,it actually pulls on the water that is below it. This causes the water level to rise because the water is pulled away from the

21、earth. As the moon disappears over the horizon,the pull lessens and the water level settles back towards the ocean bottom.When the water reaches its highest level,we have high ride. And when the water comes to its lowest level,we have low tide. From its lowest point,the water rises gradually for abo

22、ut six hours until it reaches high tide. Then it begins to falls continuously for about six hours until it reaches low tide. Then the cycle begins again.4.Which of the following may be the best title for the passage? A. The Moon and Ocean B. The Moon and the Tide C.Water Levels D.The Pull of the Moo

23、n and the Sun5. The pull of the moon on the earths surface is stronger than that of the sun becauseA. the moon is directly over the earthB. the moon pulls the water away from the earth C.the moon is closer to the earth D.the moon movers around the earth6.Water level reaches its low point whenA.the m

24、oon is hidden by clouds B.the moons effect is indirectC.the moon moves far away D.the sun is overhead. 7.High tide occurs A.every 12hours B. every 6 hours C. every 24 hours D.every 18hours 8.According to the passage ,which of the following statements is trueA.Weather sometimes affects tides B.The fo

25、rce directly affecting the earths surface comes from the moon only C .The effect of the sun on the ocean water can be neglected D.Tides are the result of the pull of the moon and the sun CI was shown into to the waiting- room which,as I had expected ,was full. Any waiting-room - esrecially a detists

26、 as this wasis not the best place in the world to spend an afternoon. No matter how hard a dentist tried to make his waiting-room look pleasant,ity always had an atmosphere of itsn own. There is that odd smell that reminds you of a hospital. A small table in the centre is covered with very old and t

27、orn magazines;the curtainsare faded;and the arnchairs have a hollow,sunken look about them. I took my seat and decided to pass the time watching the people around me . A lottle man beside me ws turning over the pages of a magazine quickly and nervously. It was hard to understand what he was looking

28、at,for every three minutes or so he would throw the magazineon to the tqable ,seize another ,and sink back into his chair. Oppposite me there was a young mother who was trying to restain her son from making a noise . The boy had obviously grown weary of waiting. He had placed nan ash-tray on the flo

29、or and was making aeroplane-noises as he waved a pencil in his hands. Near him,an ild man was fast asleep,and the boys mother was afraid that sonner or later her sin would wake the gentleman up. Meanwhile,the little man next to me kept sighing loudly.At last,the door opened and a nurse entered. The

30、people looked up expectantly with a ray of hope in their eyes,then settled down again as the next lucky patient was led out of thr room.9.While he was in the waitingroom,the writer passed the time _A. by reading magazinesB. by drawing a picture of the roomC. by watching the boy playing his model aer

31、oplaneD. by looking at the people in the room10. The little man was sitting _.A. next to the writer B. oppsite the writerC. near the young man D. beside the boy11. The young mother was afraid her little boy_A. might hurt himself with the pencil B. would fall asleepC. would tear the magazines D. woul

32、d disturb the old gentleman12.Which of the following is true according to the passenger?A. The waiting-room had a pleasant atmosphere B. The little man was interested in reading the magazine C. The people were patiently waiting for their turn D. The lucky ones were those who were led out of thre roo

33、m earlier than others.13. Most probably the writer was_A. a journalist B. a patientC. the womans relative D. also a dentist六汉译英。(本科必做)1美国人常说她们毕生中有两件事逃脱不了。2某些州除了征收销售税还征收收入所得税。3这是我所看到第一部电影。4咱们永远不会忘掉香港回归祖国那一天。5我懂得她为什麽非常生气。 学号姓名.装 订 线._级专业专科本科函授(大学英语)试卷A分数:.一、拼写单词和词组。1._2._3._4._5._6._7._8._9._10._11._1

34、2._13._14._15._16._17._18._19._20._21._22._23._24._25._ 二、将括号内词对旳形式添入空白处1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6._7._8._ 9._10._ 三、选用填空。1._ 2._ 3._ 4._5._6._7._8._9._10._ 11._12._13._14._15._四、完型填空1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6._7. 8. 9. 10. 五、阅读理解。1._2._3._4._5._6._7._8._9._10._11._12._13._六、汉译英。(本科必做) 1._.2._.3._.4._.5._.学号: 姓名: -

35、装-订-线 _级 专业(专科/本科)函授(大学英语)试卷B 分数: 注意:1、所有答案必要写在答题纸上,否则无效;2、答题必要标清题号,试卷必要交回 3、专科做前五道题,本科全做。一、拼写单词和词组1、除之外 2、记住 3、谈起 4、税 5、对-有影响 6、作用于 7、对-着迷 8、与-不一样9、首先 10、依托 11、把-同-区别开 12、一般地 13、品种 14、工资 15、挣得 16、发售 17、变化 18、词汇 19、打断 20、迅速 21、想要 22、前缀 23、后缀 24、提高25、舒适,轻易 二、将括号内词对旳形式添入空白处1. English _(speak) in Brita

36、in,the U.S and many other countries. 2. Information in short -term memory _ (can,not,keep) very long.3. After that ,one of the lights _ (turn off) and the rat had to wait for a short time.4. In the old days,the children _(take care of) by the mother because she did not work outside the house.5.Only

37、those parts of the moon which _(light up) by the sun are bright.6. More and more young people are learning _ (drive) cars.7. He do not like _ (praise).8. Its a great honour _(invite) to your country.9. My idea is to let Mrs.Black _(take) over my work.10.The text is too ling for her _(learn) by heart

38、.三、单项填空1. Your picture is good _ some of the colors. Aexcept B besides Cexcept for D in addition2Did you speak _ what had happened? AoutB of Cabout D on3You must not think _ me as being unhappy. AonBoverCofD upon4_,I was the one who broke the window yesterday.AAs a matter in fact BAs a fact CAs a po

39、int of fact D As a matter of fact5She is eager _ a singer. Ato become Bbecome C becoming D about becoming6This has something _ what you said. Ado with B to do with Cdoing with D to doing with7_ you leave the house at the same time as your brother does? A Are B Do CHaveD Had8By the time we got there,

40、the play _. Ais going to begin Bis just beginning C has already begun Dhad already begun9If he accepts the job,he _ more money right away. A gets Bwill get C has got D will have got10. Perhaps I shall come _ him in the street. Ato B across C by D for11.He _ up with a new advice. Ago B came Ccome D w

41、ent12_,he is only 7 years old. AAfter at B After allCAfter that D After of13. A forest _ the school ground _ the south side. Aborders -inB borders -on C borders -atD borders - by14. _ her book,I assure you ,it has real merit(价值).AAs from BAs if C As follows D As for15. Try not _ the baby. Awoke up Bwakes upC wake up

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