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1、(中职)英语基础教程(2) Uint 6电子教案Unit 6 Tell me how long have you been like this.一、单元内容分析 本单元的话题是看病就医。教学重点是有关常见疾病的名称和描述病情的句式。具体为:能够识别并说出常见疾病的名称、听懂就医的对话,包括描述病症和医生给出的处方;正确及熟练运用本单元有关疾病、身体健康的常用词语和句式理解和询问健康状况,填写就诊记录;能读懂关于以健康为主题的文章;简单描绘睡眠问题并给出改善睡眠的建议;同时掌握基本的保健知识,了解并有意识的培养健康的饮食、生活方式,养成积极健康的生活习惯。本单元的语法点为宾语从句。本单元是就医这

2、个话题,和学生的日常生活联系比较紧密。学生在以前的学习中接触过部分关于疾病词汇和句型。本单元既是对以前词汇和句型学习的一个总结和复习,又增加了一些当下热门的话题,吸引学生的兴趣。因此,针对中职学生的实际情况,教师可通过合理的设计帮助学生巩固旧知同时,融入新内容,有效的完成听、说、读、写四个任务,重视语言的运用。在谈论疾病的同时也关注自己的生活习惯,培养学生以积极的人生态度、健康的生活方式面对生活。 本单元设计成四个课时:第一课时 Lead in + Listening and speaking第二课时 Reading and writing第三课时Grammar focus (Object C

3、lauses)第四课时 Vocabulary practice + Supplementary reading二、分课时教学设计第一课时 Lead in + Listening and Speaking一、教材分析1教学内容本课时系教材英语基础教程(2)第六单元的第一课时,包括Lead-in & Listening and speaking两部分,具体内容为:能够识别并说出常见疾病的名称、听懂就医的对话,包括他人的病症描述和医生给出的处方;正确及熟练运用本单元有关疾病、身体健康的常用词语和句式理解和询问健康状况。2教学重点、难点教学重点常见疾病的名称听懂他人的病症描述听懂医生给出的处方,填写就

4、诊记录。运用本单元有关疾病、身体健康的常用词语和句式理解和询问健康状况教学难点在真实的情境中运用本单元有关疾病、身体健康的常用词语和句式理解和询问健康状况。二、教学目标1. 知识目标 掌握常见疾病和病症的相关词汇和短语,如have a headache/back pain/cough/sore throat, get a toothache/stomachache, inflamed, serious, prescription掌握询问病症、描述病症、给出处方的句型,如:-What seems to be the problem? - I have a .- Tell me how long

5、have you been like this.- Let me- Is it serious?- I see/ You Now, heres the prescription.- Take the pills . Times a day.- Remember to . 2. 能力目标学生能够识别并说出常见疾病的名称、听懂就医的对话,包括他人的病症描述和医生 给出的处方,填写就诊记录;能听懂关于询问和回答有关空闲时间安排的对话,并给 出建议。学生能正确掌握本单元有关疾病、身体健康的常用词语和句式理解和询问健康状况(3)对以上基本词汇和句型达到听、说应用的程度。3. 情感目标(1)谈论疾病的同时

6、也关注自己的生活习惯; (2)以积极的人生态度、健康的生活方式面对生活。 三、教学步骤Step One Lead-in 1. Guess Game. Show a picture to the students. Have the students to discuss the picture with the partner. Teacher: “Can you say something about the picture?” “What is wrong with her?”(设计意图:本活动为猜图游戏,通过图片设置悬念,激发学生的学习兴趣,引出本单元话题,为下一步活动做铺垫)2. Ac

7、tivity 1. Look and Match Have the student to work in individuals and match the words with related pictures. Words to be taught: have a headache/back pain/cough/sore throat, get a toothache/stomachache(设计意图:通过图片与词汇的匹配活动,学习新词汇,让学生了解有关疾病的词汇,为后续的听说活动做好充分的热身活动。)3. Practice. Have the students recite the p

8、hrases and have a check. The following activities may be your choice.a. Game-You Do I Guess. Have the students practice in pairs. One student acts as if he/she has something wrong, the other one guess the words. Invite the students to perform on the stage. Hold a competition if necessary. Use the se

9、ntence pattern as likely as possible. I have/get a. He/She has/get a.b. Game-Stick!Teacher can prepare or draw the picture of a person in advance. Ask one student to stick a “ ” on the certain part of the figure, and then ask the rest of the students to speak out the phrases.(设计意图: “你做我猜”的游戏有利于提升学生对

10、于词汇的熟练程度,配合句型来表达有利于学生语感的形成,同时也为对话中的句型做好铺垫;“贴贴看”的游戏,把 “ ”贴在哪个部位,就让学生说出相应的病症,操作性和可视性性也很强 。)Step Two Listening and speaking 1. Activity 2. Listen and tick. Students listen to the tape and circle the topic they heard.T: Li Yue went to see the doctor today. Listen and tell us what was wrong with her? (设计

11、意图: 听第一遍录音,了解谈论主题和识别关键词,训练学生在听的过程中,能结合图片内容捕捉听力内容大意的能力。)2. Activity 3. Listen and choose. Read the questions in activity 3 with the students as a whole, listen to the tape again, and then choose the correct answer. (设计意图: 听第二遍录音,识别关键信息。)3. Activity 4. Listen and complete. Ask the students to listen t

12、o the tape and fill in the blanks (设计意图: 听第三遍录音,填写就诊记录中的细节关键信息。)4. Activity 5: Listen and repeat. Students listen to the dialogue and underline the key sentences about seeing the doctor. What seems to be the problem? I have a . Tell me how long have you been like this. Let me I see/ You.Now, heres t

13、he prescription. Take the pills . Times a day. Remember to . Practice the key sentences: Play the tape sentence by sentence and lead students to repeat them. Then the teacher makes up short dialogues with several students. T: What seems to be the problem? S: I have a . T: Tell me how long have you b

14、een like this. S: . T: Let me S: Is it serious? T: No, nothing serious. You. Now, heres the prescription. Take the pills . Times a day. Remember to . S: Thank you. (设计意图: 跟读让学生纠正自己的发音;边听边选出重点句型,通过师生共练,突破重点单词、短语及句型)5. Practice: Have the students to work in pairs with the activities in the chart and a

15、sk some students act it out. Doctor: _? Patient: I have a _. Doctor: Tell me _ . Patient:_. Doctor: Let me_. Patient: Is it serious? Doctor: No, nothing serious. You_ .Now, heres the _ .Take the_ _ times a day and Remember to _. Patient: Thank you. Doctor: You are welcome.(设计意图:培养学生归纳总结的能力。通过两人练习,对看

16、病就医的句型进行模仿操练,为学生后面的产出搭建阶梯,增强学生完成后面任务的自信心。)Step Three Production Activity 6: Practice and talk. Use the key phrases and sentences to discuss the illnesses and doctors prescription. Practice in pairs. Have some pairs to demonstrate. Give proper comments on the students performance.Situation 1:Patient:

17、 SamSymptom: feel coldTime:3 daysIllness: feverPrescription: drink more water Dont stay up too late Take the medicine 3 times a daySituation 2:Patient: JuliaSymptom: stomachacheTime:2 daysPrescription:(设计意图:通过创设情境,让学生分角色进行对话表演,既复习本节课所学单词和运用就医的句型,又锻炼了学生的胆量和口语表达能力。同时教师也可借此检查学生的掌握情况,以便教师在下一活动中进行调整。)Ste

18、p Four Summary Make a short summary of what weve learned today. (1)Key vocabulary and phrases:have a headache/back pain/cough/sore throat, get a toothache/stomachache, inflamed, serious, prescription掌握询问病症、描述病症、给出处方的句型,如: Everyday English about activities: What seems to be the problem? I have a . Te

19、ll me how long have you been like this. Let me Is it serious? I see/ You Now, heres the prescription. Take the pills . Times a day. Remember to . (设计意图:对本课时所学集体做个小结,让学生明确本课教学任务,以便查漏补缺。) Step Five Homework 1. Recite the dialogues in activity 5. Make up a new dialogue about your weekend activities wit

20、h your partner. 2. Complete the parts “Language application” and “Complete the dialogue” in the workbook .四、板书设计Unit 6 Tell me how long have you been like this. Lead in + Listening and Speaking Key vocabulary and phrases:have a headache/back pain/cough/sore throat, get a toothache/stomachache, infla

21、med, serious, prescription.Key Sentences:What seems to be the problem? I have a .Tell me how long have you been like this.Let meIs it serious?Unit 6 Tell me how long have you been like this.Unit 5 Im loving it!(第二课时 教学设计)一、教材分析1教学内容本课时系教材英语基础教程(12)第五六单元的第二课时,包括Reading and writing部分,具体内容为:能读懂关于以健康为主题

22、的文章;简单描绘睡眠问题并给出改善睡眠的建议;同时了解基本的保健知识,了解并有意识的培养健康的饮食、生活方式,养成积极健康的生活习惯。了解认识一些关于爱好的新的英文表达;读懂关于描述他人爱好的短文;能根据关键句型写出自己或他人爱好并陈述理由;潜移默化中感悟对生活的热爱。2教学重点、难点教学重点 掌握重点词汇和短语; 复习用like,enjoy,hate,be crazy about, am interested in, be fond of等单词和短语描述自己或他人爱好的句型; 读懂他人的爱好; 能根据关键句型写出自己或他人爱好并陈述理由。 学生能通过阅读,读懂有关睡眠的相关知识,提取改善睡眠

23、的方法,提高获取相关大意和细节信息的能力; 培养学生阅读并整合信息的能力,而且能读以致用,通过阅读能写出改进健康睡眠建议的小短文。教学难点 灵活正确使用重点词汇和短语描述爱好的句型; 能根据关键句型写出改善睡眠的小文段。写出自己或他人爱好并陈述理由。二、教学目标4. 知识目标理解并 掌握兴趣爱好关于睡眠介绍的相关的词汇,如:anxious, avoid, nap, regulate, solution, have difficulty in, write downhip-hop, car racing, parkour, baking, enjoy, in ones blood, life s

24、tyle, take up hobbies, update 掌握描述绘兴趣爱好旅行活动所使用的的句型,如:He/Her hobby is . do not have good sleep.Victor enjoysYou have difficulty in falling sleep,keeping through the night, or waking up too earlyWhen you cant fall asleep.is Annas hobbyregulate your body clock.She lovesWe take up hobbies because they c

25、an bring us many things like happiness, friendship and knowledge. Anyone, rich or poor, old or young, sick or well, can have a hobby.A hobby makes our life colorful.5. 能力目标a) 能看懂睡眠问题和解决方案;灵活正确使用描述爱好的句型; (2)能写出改善睡眠的小文段能根据关键句型写出自己或他人爱好并陈述理由。6. 情感目标能够关注自己的睡眠状况;用积极的人生态度、健康的生活方式面对生活通过对爱好的深入了解,潜移默化中感悟对生活的

26、热爱。三、教学步骤Step One Lead-inGameRevision:Have the students to speak out the common symptoms as much as possible.Which group is the best? Revise the words and phrases they learnt about hobbies. The teacher can use the games mentioned in the previous period. 1. (设计意图:通过过分组比赛列举病症,翻译卡片,游戏,帮助让学生激活旧知,在轻松的氛围中

27、复习所学短语,为后面熟练准确的运用做好准备。)胃痛牙疼咳嗽嗓子疼背痛头痛2. Activity 7 WatchGuess and answertick. Teacher presents a picture about sleeping and asks the students to think about the questions: Students watch 3 short videos about hip-hop, car racing, parkour, and discuss them with the students using the following question

28、s:1) What can you see in the videosDid you sleep well last night?2) Which activities do you like? WhyWhat hcould you do when you have trouble sleeping?Have the students workdiscuss in groups individually and match the words (hip-hop, car racing, parkour) with the pictures. Have a check with the stud

29、ents as a whole.Discus question 2 with your group member.(设计意图:通过视频图片,引出新复习单词,再引出睡眠问题,帮助学生理解新单词的意思激发学生的兴趣,并自然引入如果有机会去选择这些活动,会选择哪个,并简单说说理由。将学生带入即将设定的语境阅读的文段里,帮助学生完成阅读任务。)Step Two Reading and writing1. Activity 8 Read, circle and underline. Have the students read passage, , circle the activities that

30、mentioned and underline the key sentences on hobbies title inof the passage.Have a check with the students as a whole. (设计意图:第一遍阅读,把握浏览大意。)2. Activity 9. Read and choose. Students read passage again and choose the answer.Explain the following words and phrases to the students; bakinghave difficulty

31、in(use picture to explain) e.g. He haddifficultyinwalking since he was born. anxious e.g. Manyparentsareanxiousfortheirchildrensstudy. avoid e.g. The man managed to avoid being punished. nap e.g. He always took a nap after lunch. develop e.g. You need to develop a good habit. regulate e.g. We should

32、 regulate our daily life. write down e.g. The sectary wrote down every word the boss said. come up with e.g. I cannot come up with any new suggestions. solution1) e.g. I have worked out a solution to this problem.enjoy +ingin ones blood: e.g. Tennis is in my blood. Ive played ever since I was old en

33、ough to pick up a racket. Jack, I do envy your ability to learn Chinese so fast. But it seems you dont need any effort to pick it up - it must be in your blood.life style: e.g. Can you adapt your way of thinking to the newlife style? Getting married often means a sudden change inlife style.take up:e

34、.g. He left a job in the city to take up farming. Angela used to be a model and has decided to take it up again. 2) Fill in the blanks, try to remember these sentences.We _ _hobbies because they can bring us many things like _, _ and _. Anyone, rich or _, old or _, _ or well, can have a hobby.A hobb

35、y makes our life _._ (设计意图:第二遍阅读,寻找细节,通过老师的讲解,处理阅读材料中的生词,让学生更深刻理解重要词汇的用法。并掌握新单词新短语的用法。)3. 3. Activity 10. Think and replacetranslate. Have the students think individually, find out the rule about these sentences and replace these sentencesfill in the blanks.In fact, about _of the worlds population d

36、o not _.When you say you do not have good sleep, it means you_, keeping _the night, Oor _too early.When you cant _,_some bread, rice or milk._these notes, you will have_ and your sleep will_.He/Her hobby isVictor enjoys.is Annas hobby.She loves(设计意图:通过学生比较,发现句型的规律,替换填空,句子补全句子,巩固关键词句,为下一步的文段输出做准备。) 4

37、.Activity 11 Answer and write. Ask the students to write down the answers on the board according to the questions. (设计意图:通过回答问题,帮助学生理清写作思路,树立学生书写小文段的信心。)Step Three Production1. T: Write “my hobbiesHow to get a good nights sleep” on the paper, using the sentences we have learned just now, tell your c

38、lassmates your hobby in group, and then hand in your papers to your teacher. 2. Teacher chooses some students to read the information in the paper and ask other classmates guess: Who is he/she in my class? Focus on the third person.check it in the class.(设计意图:通过阅读材料并模仿例子,结合实际写出改善睡眠的小建议,以巩固课堂上所学内容,并能

39、学以致用,同时也让学生通过写作,关注自己的睡眠状况。让学生运用课堂中所学的写自己的爱好,并在小组进行介绍,达到学以致用的目的。通过游戏,转化为第三人称,为后面的语法学习鉴定基础,同时使学习变得有趣,让同学之间更加熟悉。)Step Four Summary Make a short summary of what weve learned today. (1) Key vocabulary and phrases:hip-hop, car racing, parkour, baking, enjoy, in ones blood, life style, take up hobbies, upd

40、ateanxious, avoid, nap, regulate, solution, have difficulty in, (1) write down (2) Everyday English about hobbiessleeping: . do not have good sleep.You have difficulty in falling sleep, keeping through the night, or waking up too earlyWhen you cant fall asleep.regulate your body clock. He/Her hobby

41、isVictor enjoys.is Annas hobby.She lovesWe take up hobbies because they can bring us many things like happiness, friendship and knowledge. Anyone, rich or poor, old or young, sick or well, can have a hobby.A hobby makes our life colorful.(设计意图:对本课时所学集体做个小结,让学生明确本节课学习目标。)Step Five Homework 1. Modify

42、the composition “How to get a good nights sleepmy hobbies”.2. Complete the parts “Reading” in the workbook .四、板书设计Unit 5 Im loving it! Reading and writinghip-hop, car racing, parkour, baking, enjoy, in ones blood, life style, take up hobbies, updateHe/Her hobby isVictor enjoys.is Annas hobby.She lov

43、esWe take up hobbies because they can bring us many things like happiness, friendship and knowledge. Anyone, rich or poor, old or young, sick or well, can have a hobby.A hobby makes our life colorful.Unit 6 Tell me how long have you been like this. Reading and writingKey vocabulary and phrases:anxio

44、us, avoid, nap, regulate, solution, have difficulty in, write down Key Sentences: . do not have good sleep.You have difficulty in falling sleep, keeping through the night, or waking up too earlyWhen you cant fall asleep.regulate your body clock. No tea, coffee.bedroomBody clocklifestyleYou can dohabitProblem?worriesDaily runUnit 6 Tell me how long have you been like this.Unit 5 Im loving it!(第三课时 教学设计)一、教材分析1教学内容本课时系教材英语基础教程(12)第五六单元的第三课时,包括Language in use中Grammar focus部分,具体内容为:宾语从句一般现在时肯定句的用法(由疑问代词和疑问副词含第三人称单数的用法),以及否定句、疑问句的基本用法。2教学重点、难点

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