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1、09期末复习提议第1页此次考试主要范围此次考试主要范围U6 I like music that I can dance to.U7 Where would you like to visit?U8 Ill help clean up the city park.U9 When was it invented?U10 By the time I got outside,the bus had already left.第2页Language GoalsU6 Relative clauses with that and who Express preferencesU7 would and hop

2、e to for expressing desires Talk about places you would like to visitU8Phrasal verbs Offer help U9 Passive voice (questions and statements)Talk about the history of inventionsU10 Past perfect Narrate past events第3页 SentencesUnit 6 I like music that I can sing along with.I love singers who write thei

3、r own music.Unit 7 I hope to go to France some day.Id love to Id like to go somewhere relaxing.I like places where the weather is always warm.Wed love to go somewhere that is fun for kids.第4页 Unit 8 Id like to work outside.I will help clean up the city parks.You could give out food at a food bank.Un

4、it 9 Who was the telephone invented by?When was the telephone invented?What is the telephone used for?Its used for seeing in the dark.Unit 10 By the time I got up,my brother had already gotten in the shower.第5页一.分课复习二.Target language三.Key phrases四.Writing第6页Unit6(Target language)Rosalikesmusicthatis



7、11.preferto12.goonvacation12.goonvacation13.feelsick13.feelsick14.take.to.14.take.to.15.tobehonest15.tobehonest伴随伴随伴随伴随.歌唱歌唱歌唱歌唱随音乐起舞随音乐起舞随音乐起舞随音乐起舞 为为为为买买买买使使使使记起,想起记起,想起记起,想起记起,想起对对对对.主要主要主要主要寻找寻找寻找寻找有一些好特点有一些好特点有一些好特点有一些好特点一定要做一定要做一定要做一定要做看见某人做某事看见某人做某事看见某人做某事看见某人做某事使得某人使得某人使得某人使得某人比起比起比起比起更喜欢更喜欢





12、etherewhospeakFrench.(U3B3.(U3B3)第10页重点句型重点句型重点句型重点句型someotherssomeothers1.Somepeoplesaytheyreboring,butotherssaytheyaregreat.1.Somepeoplesaytheyreboring,butotherssaytheyaregreat.2.2.ItIt seemsseems somesome studentsstudents wouldwould likelike toto startstart workwork asas soonsoon asaspossible,pos

13、sible,soso thatthat theythey cancan helphelp provideprovide betterbetter liveslives forfor theirtheir parents.parents.OtherOtherstudentshopetocontinuestudyingafterfinishingschool.studentshopetocontinuestudyingafterfinishingschool.(Unit 7)(Unit 7)第11页interest interesting interested1.We have chemistry

14、 this year and it _ me a lot.2.The movie is so _ that I have seen it twice.3.I am _ in the contest.I will try my best to do it well.Keys:1.interests 2.interesting 3.interested 第12页Unit6(Writing)1.WriteareplytoLingling.(P49)DearLingling,Imgladtogetyoure-mail._Yours,_第13页Unit6(Writing)2.Myfavorite(spo


16、y.4.Idliketogosomewherethatisfunforkids.5.Whynotconsidervisiting?6.Kunmingisalsobeautifulandithaslotsofwonderfulsights.DescribetheplacesyouwanttogoUnit 7 (Targetlanguage)第15页重点词组重点词组重点词组重点词组(Keyphrases)(Keyphrases)1.wouldliketodosth。2.goonvacation3.hopetodo/hope+that4.answerthephone/thequestions5.ta



19、ggoclimbinggoskatinggoskiinggobikeridinggoboatinggojogginggoridinggosightseeinggoshopping第18页What about sth/doing sth.?How about Hawaii?What about going there(to Niagara Falls)?Why dont we do?Why dont we all go to San Francisco together?It has everything beautiful views,friendly people,exciting thin

20、gs to doWhy not do?For your next vacation,why not consider visiting Paris?重点句型重点句型第19页Id like to go somewhere relaxing.-Where would you like to go?-I dont know.Somewhere warm.I dont want to go anywhere cold.Im going to move somewhere interesting.(U10B3)Finally,Im going to retire somewhere quiet and


22、(adj.浅色,单色)浅色,单色)4、他进屋,点着了蜡烛。他进屋,点着了蜡烛。Hecameintotheroomandlitthecandle.(v.点燃,点火)点燃,点火)第21页Writing:1、TravelSpotlight:Beijing仿照仿照3a(P54),介绍北京,学习和体会篇章结构。介绍北京,学习和体会篇章结构。2、Write an e-mail message to S.T.Zhang 引导学生学会审题引导学生学会审题 1)找出对方对旅游需求)找出对方对旅游需求 2)依据需要提供对应旅游地点)依据需要提供对应旅游地点 3)引导学生总结书信格式)引导学生总结书信格式第22页D


24、Itsbothcomfortableandcheap,andsomeroomsarebigenoughfor3people.Ofcourse,youcancookbyyourselfifyoulike.IfIwereyou,Iwouldgotherebytrain.Itscheapandconvenient.WelcometoDalianandhaveagreatvacation.AceTravel第24页3.你收到一封咨询信,请你以旅行社工作人员身份完成任务。你收到一封咨询信,请你以旅行社工作人员身份完成任务。Dear Ace Travel,Im Li Ming,from the east

25、of China.For the coming winter vacation,my family and I want to spend our vacation in a foreign city for ten days.We would like to go somewhere not only warm but also interesting.We dont mind how far we have to go.It has to be a place where we can swim every day,and it would be nice if our hotel is

26、not expensive but clean and comfortable.We like to pay no more than$5,000 for the trip.Could you please give us your suggestions for vacation spots?Thanks a lot.Yours,Li Ming请请你你依依据据来来信信,从从以以下下所所给给地地方方中中选选择择一一个个或或两两个个符符合合LiMing要求地方,向他提出提议。要求地方,向他提出提议。(80字左右字左右)Tokyo,Sydney,Hawaii,Shanghai 第25页DearLi

27、Ming,ImGina.Itsmypleasuretogiveyousomesuggestionsforyour vacation spots.According to your letter,I think eitherSydneyorHawaiiisthebestchoicebecausetheyarebothwarmandinteresting.Therearesomeinexpensivehotelsthatarecleanandcomfortable.Whatsmore,youcanenjoysunshine,walkonthebeachandswimeveryday.Besides

28、,therearemanygoodmuseumsinSydney.(Itsalsoawonderful place for shopping.)And if you go to Hawaii,youcouldhaveavisittoPearlHarbor,whichisquiteeducationalandhistorical.(Andyoucanalsoenjoyexoticdances.)Thatsjustmyidea.Ihopeitwouldgiveyousomehelp.Yours,Gina.第26页Unit8(Targetlanguage)IllWecouldweneedtoIlik







35、orsupporting“Animal Helper”.3.Beingavolunteerisgreat.(非谓语动词)非谓语动词)Volunteeringisgreat.Beingblind,deaf,unabletowalkoruseyourhandseasilyissomethingthatmostpeoplecannotimagine.LiuChangsaidthatjoiningtheEnglishclubatschoolwasthebestwaytoimproveherEnglish.(Unit1)Hethinksstudyinggrammarisagreatwaytolearna


37、ve“Luck”.第33页1月寒假到了,学校志愿服务组正在招募志愿者,活动地点有:an old peoples home,a city park,the Childrens Hospital,an after-school care center,an animal hospital。假如你是李明,请你写一封自荐信。内容包含:1、选择两个活动地点并说明你能做什么。2、你能参加此次活动所具备条件(如:你兴趣,专长,性格 特点和可能参加时间等)3、对参加此次活动看法。(注意:字数不少于60字 参考词汇:be interested in,sing,outgoing,spend,think)Dear

38、Sir,I am Li Ming,a student from Class Five,Grade Nine._If you would like me to have this chance,please call me at 5555-8765.Li Ming第34页Possible version Dear Sir,I am Li Ming,a student from Class Five,Grade Nine.I want to join your volunteer group this winter vacation.Id like to visit the old peoples

39、 home on Sundays and sing for them.I am a loving boy with an interest in music,so it would make all of us happy.Going to an animal hospital is also a good chance for me to put my love to good use.I will spend several hours working there every week.I believe I can not only help others,but also do wha

40、t I enjoy by volunteering.If you would like me to have this chance,please callme at 5555-8765Li Ming第35页1月学校志愿者协会招募新组员,打算在寒假期间到本市儿童医院和第五敬老院组织志愿者活动。你决定去其中一个地方做志愿者。现请你用化名“李华”写一封申请信。注意:1信中要包含以下关键点:1)去哪个地方做志愿者;2)说明原因;3)能做什么事情;4)你对志愿者工作感受或体会。2请选取下面表格中提醒词语,并可结合自己实际适当增加细节。3词数:不少于60词。4文中不能出现真实姓名及校名。The volu

41、nteer work you want to do PlaceChildrens Hospital /No.5 Old Peoples Home Reasons love kids,like helping,learn,reading,playing Activities clean,wash,sing,dance,tell stories 第36页Dear Chairman,I am Li Hua,a student from Class Five,Grade Three.I know that you want new members for your volunteer group an

42、d I want to be one of them._I hope youll let me join your volunteer group.Im looking forward to your reply.With best wishes.Yours,Li Hua 第37页Possible version 1:I love reading books and I am good at history.I love kids and I really hope they can feel better with my help.Can I go to Childrens Hospital

43、 to be a volunteer in this winter vacation?I will try my best to help the kids and make them happy by telling funny stories.I think volunteer work is great.It is not right for us to think about only ourselves.We should always think about people around us and try to make them happy.Possible version 2

44、:Can I go to No.5 Old Peoples Home to be a volunteer?I likehelping old people because they need more help than others.Besides,I can learn a lot from them.My hobbies are singing and dancing.So I will be able to sing some old songs for the old people to cheer them up.Besides,I can clean windows for th

45、em to make their rooms bright.When I see they are happy,I feel happy,too.I think that being a volunteer is great!第38页海淀区九年级第一学期期中练习题你朋友姐姐张丽想当一名英语教师。去年她在一所小学做志你朋友姐姐张丽想当一名英语教师。去年她在一所小学做志愿者,教孩子们唱英语歌、朗诵英语故事、组织英语俱乐部愿者,教孩子们唱英语歌、朗诵英语故事、组织英语俱乐部等。经过这次志愿活动,她发觉自己英语口语有了很大进步。等。经过这次志愿活动,她发觉自己英语口语有了很大进步。而且性格上也有了改变

46、。请你依据所给情景和提醒词语,为而且性格上也有了改变。请你依据所给情景和提醒词语,为学校英语俱乐部写一篇稿件,谈谈张丽经历和改变,以及你学校英语俱乐部写一篇稿件,谈谈张丽经历和改变,以及你对此事感受。文章开头已给出。对此事感受。文章开头已给出。提醒词:提醒词:teach,read,organize an English club,improve,used to,shy注意:注意:1、所给提醒词语必须都用上;、所给提醒词语必须都用上;2、词数、词数80-100;3、能够适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。、能够适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Zhang Li,a friend of my sisters,w

47、ants to be an English teacher when she grows up.Last year she volunteered at a primary school._第39页One possible version:One possible version:Zhang Li,a friend of my sisters,wants to be an English teacher when she grows up.Last year she volunteered at a primary school.She taught the kids to sing Engl

48、ish songs,read the English books and organized an English club(to hold all kinds of activities).To her joy,she found her spoken English greatly improved.Whats more,she used to be shy(and afraid of speaking English in public).But she is quite outgoing and good at making speeches these days.In my opin

49、ion,she has found a great way of learning English,that is,by using it and helping others.As a volunteer,not only can we experience exciting things but also get a lot.Helping itself is learning.第40页Unit9A:Whenwas/wereinvented?B:Itwas/Theywereinvented.A:Whowas/wereinventedby?B:Itwas/Theywereinventedby

50、.(sb).A:Whatisit/aretheyusedfor?B:Itis/Theyareusedfor(doing).PassiveVoice第41页相关句型:(Book 5 Unit 3)should be allowed to doshould not be allowed to dois allowed to dois not allowed to doare allowed to doare not allowed to do第42页重点词组重点词组重点词组重点词组(Keyphrases)(Keyphrases)beinventedbysb.beusedfordoingtakeah

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