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1、软件测试实验报告实验题目:web压力测试实验成绩评语: 教师: 年 月 日班级: 030513 学号: 03051235 姓名: 陆义良 地点: E- 508 时间: 2008年5月16日 实验目的:一、理解web压力测试概念二、熟练运用WAS (web application stress tool)软件进行web 压力测试实验内容:一、WAS软件安装二、设计测试方案三、使用WAS软件进行测试四、分析测试报告,寻找被测网站的最大负载量实验设备:一、WAS软件二、联网的计算机脚本报告:脚本1报告:Overview=Report name: 2008-5-16 16:01:08Run on: 2

2、008-5-16 16:01:08Run length: 00:24:13Web Application Stress Tool Version: of test clients: 1Number of hits: 11899Requests per Second: 9.01Socket Statistics-Socket Connects: 12310Total Bytes Sent (in KB): 3323.06Bytes Sent Rate (in KB/s): 2.52Total Bytes Recv (in KB): 105140.76Bytes Re

3、cv Rate (in KB/s): 79.65Socket Errors-Connect: 49332Send: 0Recv: 46Timeouts: 20RDS Results-Successful Queries: 0Script Settings=Server: of threads: 500Test length: 00:22:00Warmup: 00:01:00Cooldown: 00:01:00Use Random Delay: NoFollow Redirects: YesMax Redirect Depth: 15Clients used

4、in test=localhostClients not used in testResult CodesCode Description Count =200 OK 11897 NA HTTP result code not given 2 Page SummaryPage Hits TTFB Avg TTLB Avg Auth Query =GET / 5955 11184.14 12031.11 No No GET /tanchu.html 5944 21075.57 21101.67 No No 脚本2 报告:Overview=Report name: 2008-5-16 16:34:

5、24Run on: 2008-5-16 16:34:24Run length: 00:22:12Web Application Stress Tool Version: of test clients: 1Number of hits: 123235Requests per Second: 102.69Socket Statistics-Socket Connects: 123283Total Bytes Sent (in KB): 33261.82Bytes Sent Rate (in KB/s): 27.72Total Bytes Recv (in KB):

6、813014.92Bytes Recv Rate (in KB/s): 677.49Socket Errors-Connect: 3426Send: 0Recv: 17819Timeouts: 0RDS Results-Successful Queries: 0Script Settings=Server: of threads: 500Test length: 00:20:00Warmup: 00:01:00Cooldown: 00:01:00Use Random Delay: NoFollow Redirects: YesMax Redirect Dep

7、th: 15Clients used in test=localhostClients not used in testResult CodesCode Description Count =200 OK 105414 500 Internal Server Error 2 NA HTTP result code not given 17819 Page SummaryPage Hits TTFB Avg TTLB Avg Auth Query =GET / 61879 2889.35 4694.87 No No GET /tanchu.html 61356 2469.93 4104.67 N

8、o No 脚本3 报告:Overview=Report name: 2008-5-16 17:06:21Run on: 2008-5-16 17:06:21Run length: 00:22:07Web Application Stress Tool Version: of test clients: 1Number of hits: 67632Requests per Second: 56.36Socket Statistics-Socket Connects: 67585Total Bytes Sent (in KB): 14846.30Bytes Sent

9、Rate (in KB/s): 12.37Total Bytes Recv (in KB): 982958.80Bytes Recv Rate (in KB/s): 819.10Socket Errors-Connect: 15995Send: 0Recv: 170Timeouts: 0RDS Results-Successful Queries: 0Script Settings=Server: of threads: 500Test length: 00:20:00Warmup: 00:01:00Cooldown: 00:01:00Use Random

10、Delay: NoFollow Redirects: YesMax Redirect Depth: 15Clients used in test=localhostClients not used in test=Result CodesCode Description Count =200 OK 67462 NA HTTP result code not given 170 Page SummaryPage Hits TTFB Avg TTLB Avg Auth Query =GET / 11267 4145.78 7793.87 No No GET /tanchu.html 11257 3

11、815.91 7094.71 No No GET /xuanke.html 11293 3794.80 7555.34 No No GET /guizhang.html 11292 3580.07 7338.23 No No GET /chengguo.html 11270 3804.97 7283.22 No No GET /ziyuanxiazai.html 11253 3663.53 7382.60 No No 附录:脚本3截图心得体会:进行压力测试是指实际破坏一个Web应用系统,测试系统的反映。压力测试是测试系统的限制和故障恢复能力,也就是测试Web应用系统会不会崩溃,在什么情况下会崩溃。黑客常常提供错误的数据负载,直到Web应用系统崩溃,接着当系统重新启动时获得存取权。

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