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初中英语考试常考的100 句重点句型.docx

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1、1.welcome to sp 欢迎到某地Eg. Welcome to China.2. Whats the matter with sb. / sth? 出什么毛病了?Eg. Whats the matter with your watch?3.be different from 与.不同Eg. The weather in Beijing is different from that of Nanjing.4.be the same as 与相同Eg. His trousers are the same as mine.5.be friendly to sb. 对某人友好Eg. Mr. W

2、ang is very friendly to us.6.want to do sth. 想做某事Eg. I want to go to school.7.want sb. to do sth. 想让某人做某事Eg. I want my son to go to school.8.what to do 做什么Eg. We dont know what to do next.9.let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事Eg. Let him enter the room.10.let sb. not do sth. 让某人不做某人Eg. Let him not stand in the ra

3、in.11.why dont you do sth?怎么不做某事呢?Eg. Why dont you play football with us?12. why not do sth.? 怎么不做某事呢?Eg. Why not play football with us?13.make sb. sth. 为某人制造某物Eg. My father made me a kite.14.make sth for sb. 为某人制造某物Eg. My father made a kite for me.15. What mean by ? 做是什么意思?Eg. What do you mean by d

4、oing that?16.like doing sth. 喜欢做某事Eg. Jim likes swimming.17.like to do sth. 喜欢做某事Eg. He doesnt like to swim now.18.feel like doing sth. 想做某事Eg. I feel like eating bananas.19.would like to do sth. 愿意做某事Eg. Would you like to go rowing with me?20.would like sb. to do sth. 愿意某人做某事Eg. Id like you to stay

5、 with me tonight.21.make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事Eg. His brother often makes him stay in the sun.22.let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事Eg. Let me sing a song for you.23.have sb. do sth. 使某人做某事Eg. You shouldnt have the students work so hard.24.be far from sp 离某地远Eg. His school is far from his home.25.be near to sp 离某地近

6、Eg. The hospital is near to the post office.26.be good at sth. / doing sth. 擅长某事/做某事Eg.They are good at boating.27.It takes sb. some time to do sth. 某人花多少时间做某事Eg. It took me more than a year to learn to draw a beautiful horse in fiveminutes.28.sb. spends some time/money (in) doing sth. 某人花多少时间做某事Eg.

7、 I spent twenty years in writing the novel.29.sb. spends some time/money on sth. 某事花了某人多少时间/金钱Eg. Jim spent 1000 yuan on the bike.30.sth. costs sb. some money. 某物花了某人多少钱Eg. The bike cost Jim 1000 yuan.31.sb. pays some money for sth. 某人为某物付了多少钱Eg. Jim paid 1000 yuan for the bike.32.begin / start with

8、 sth. 开始做某事Eg. The started the meeting with a song.33.be going to do sth. 打算做某事Eg. We are going to study in Japan.34.call A B 叫 A BEg. They called the village Gumtree.35.thank sb. for sth. / doing sth. 感谢某人做某事Eg. Thank you for your help.36.What for? 为什么Eg. What do you learn English for?37. How / wha

9、t about doing sth.?做某事怎么样?Eg. How about going fishing?38.Sb +be+ the+最高级+of/in短语Eg. Lucy is the tallest in her class.39.Sb + be +比较级+than any other + n.Eg. Lucy is taller than any other student in her class.40.have to do sth. 不得不做某事Eg. I have to go home now.41.had better do sth. 最好做某事Eg. Youd better

10、 study hard at English.42.had better not do sth. 最好别做某事Eg. Youd better not stay up.43.help sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事Eg. Lucy often helps Lily to wash her clothes.44.help sb. do sth. 帮助某人做某事Eg. He usually helps me learn English.45.help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事Eg. I sometimes help my mother with46.the house

11、work make it +时间 把时间定在几点Eg. Lets make it 8:30.47.take sb. to sp 带某人到某地Eg. Mr. Wang will take us to the Summer Palace next Sunday.49.have nothing to do (with sb) 与某人没有关系Eg. That has nothing to do with me.50.主语+ dont think + 从句 认为不Eg. I dont think it will rain tomorrow.51.Its + adj.+ for sb. to do sth

12、. 做某事对某人来说怎么样Eg. It is lucky for you to go to London.52. How + adj / adv + 主+ 谓!多么啊!Eg. How beautiful the flower is!53. what + a / an + adj + n + 主+ 谓!Eg. What an beautiful flower it is!54. What + adj+ pl. / u +主+ 谓!Eg. What bad weather it is today!55.find it + adj+ to do sth. 发现做某事如何Eg. I find it h

13、ard to speak English well!56.ask sb. for sth. 向某人要某物Eg. They often ask me for money.57.need to do sth. 需要做某事Eg. You need to study hard.58.need sth 需要某物Eg. I dont need your money.59.use A to do B 用A来做BEg. We use pens to write.60.show sb. sth 给某人看某物Eg. Please show me the map.61.show sth. to sb. 把某物给某人

14、看Eg. Please show the map to me.62.pass sb. sth. 把某物递给某人Eg. Pass me the cup of tea.63.pass sth. to sb. 把某物递给某人Eg. Pass the cup of tea to me.64.buy sb. sth. 为某人买某物Eg. Mother bought me a bike.65.buy sth. for sb. 为某人买某物Eg. Mother bought a bike for me.66.give sb. sth 把某物给某人Eg. Jim gave me an English dict

15、ionary.67.give sth. to sb. 把某物给某人Eg. Jim gave an English dictionary to me.68.get to sp 达到某地Eg. I got to Beijing on the morning of May 1st.69.arrive at / in sp 达到某地Eg. I arrived in Beijing on the morning of May 1st.70.reach sp 到达某地Eg. I reached Beijing on the morning of May 1st.71.hope to do sth. 希望某

16、人做某事Eg. I hope to see you soon.72.there is sth. wrong with sth. / sb. 某物/某人出什么状况了Eg. There is something wrong my car.73.sth. is wrong with 某物出什么毛病了Eg. Something is wrong with my car.74. How do you like sth? 你认为怎么样?Eg. How do you like Beijing?75.What do you think of sth.? 你认为怎么样?Eg. What do you think

17、 of Beijing?76.start doing sth. 开始做某事Eg. I started learning English in 1983.77.start to do sth. 开始做某事Eg. I started to watch TV after finishing my homework.78.finish doing sth. 完成作某事Eg. I finished cleaning my car just now.79.enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事Eg. They all enjoy living and working in China.80.What

18、 / when / where / who / something / anything/ nothing else 别的什么/何时/何地/谁 What else do you want to buy? Where else have you gone? Who else have you played with? I have nothing else to tell you. Would you like something else?81.forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事了(已做)Eg. I forgot turning off the lights. Look, it

19、is dark in the room.82.forget to do sth. 忘了做某事了(未做)Eg. I forgot to turn off the lights. Could you go back and shut the off?83.remember doing sth. 记得做过某事了(已做)Eg. I remembered returning your money. You are so forgetful.84.remember to do sth. 记住去做某事(未做)Eg. Remember to bring me some money. Ive run out o

20、f it.85.stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事Eg. He stopped to talk with Mary when she enter the office.86.stop doing sth. 停止做某事Eg. The students stopped talking when the teachet came in.87.watch / see / hear sb. do sth. 观看/看见/听见某人做了某事(全过程)Eg. I saw you pick an apple just now.88.watch / see / hear sb. doing sth. 观

21、看/看见/听见某人正在做某事(点动作)Eg. I saw you playing basketball with your classmates on the playground lastSunday.89.go on doing sth. 继续作某事Eg. He went on reading after a short rest.90.go on to do sth. 继续作某事Eg. He went on to read after finishing wash the dishes.91.go on with sth. 继续某事Eg. He went on with his work

22、 after a short rest.92.say hello / goodbye to sb. 向某人告别Eg.I came to say good-bye to you.93.be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事Eg. They are busy planting trees on the hill.94.be interested in sth. 对某事感兴趣Eg. English is very interesting. We are all interested in it.95.tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事Eg. Mother told me

23、 to go shopping with her.96.ask sb. to do sth. 让某人做某事Eg. Jim ask me to go rowing with him.97.call / ring sb. up 给某人打电话Eg. I will call you up tommow.98.be ready to do sth. 准备做某事Eg. We are ready to have lunch.99.go doing sth. 去做某事Eg. Lets go fishing.100.prefer A / doing A to B / doing B 比起A / 做A,更喜欢B / 做BEg. Lucy prefers English to French.I prefer staying at home to going to the cinema.

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