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1、Unit 1My ClassroomPart A (2)一、写出下列字母的对应大写或小写形式。(10分)AeD bC二、开动脑筋,你一定能填上。(30分)1. 2. _at _uck 3. 4. _all _pple5. 6._gg c_k_ 三、你会判断吗?(同类的词写“S”,不同类的词写“D”。)(30分)()1.deskbedant ()2.boy girl elephant()3.cake beef egg()4.cat dog duck()5.car bike hand()6.elephant ant ball四、火眼金睛,选一选。(10分)()1.antA床()2.car B球()

2、3.doctor C牛肉()4.elephant D蚂蚁()5.bed E医生()6.hand F大象()7.beef G男孩()8.desk H手()9.boy I书桌()10.ball J小汽车五、想一想,选一选。(10分)()1.“你知道吗?”应这样说:_ADo you know?BI dont know.()2.想问“它们是什么?”,应这样说:_AWhats this?BWhat are they?六、慧眼识金。(10分)()1.nest(巢)egg()2.a piece(块)of cake()3.like a cat on hot bricks(砖块)()4.An apple a d

3、ay keeps the doctor away.A储备金B热锅上的蚂蚁C小菜一碟D一天一苹果,医生远离我。参考答案:Unit 1My ClassroomPart B (2)一、根据图片选出相应的单词或短语。(20分)()1.Aput up a map Bput up a picture()2. Adesk Bbed()3.Awindow Bdesk()4.Achair Bboard二、火眼金睛,选一选。(35分)()1.Lets _ALet is BLet us ()2.Let_clean the window.Amy Bme ()3.Look_the picture.Aat Bto ()4

4、.Lets clean the_.Aboard Ba board()5.The picture is_(好看)Anice Bbad 三、想一想,选一选。(21分)()1.当你想告诉别人你有一张新图片时,你应说:_AI have a new picture.BThey have new pictures.()2.当你想知道地板是什么颜色时,你应说:_AWhat colour is the floor?BWhats colour the floor?()3.当你想告诉别人“墙是白色的”,你应说:_AThe wall is white.BThe board is white.四、选择正确的选项补全对

5、话。(24分)Zoom:Good morning!We have a new classroom.Zip:_1._?Zoom:Yes! Lets go and _2._.Zip:Wow!_3._!How many new lights do we have?Zoom:_4._.Zip:They are very nice.AEightBReallyCIts so big Dhave a look参考答案:Unit 1My ClassroomPart B (3)一、写出下列字母的对应大写或小写形式。(12分)gF h I 二、开动脑筋,你一定能填上。(20分)1. 2._oose _ is _3

6、. 4. g_rl _at三、选出不同类别的一项。(24分)()1.A.hot dogBgood Cicecream()2.A.farmer Bworker Cidea()3.A.icecream Bgoose Cdog()4.A.cake Bhamburger Cboy四、想一想,选一选。(14分)()1.它是一只蜜蜂。AIts a bee. BIts a cat.()2.当你想知道桌子上有什么时,你应说:_AWhats on the desk?BHow many books are there on the desk?五、小小翻译家。(把下列汉语译文补充完整。)(15分)I have a

7、new classroom.I like it very much.Its nice and clean.The fan is green.The teachers desk is yellow.There are many desks and chairs.我有_,我_它。它既_又_。_是_色的。_是_色的。这里有_和_。六、选择正确答案。(15分)()1.当你有事情要打扰某人时,你应说:_AIm sorry.BExcuse me.()2.当你想向别人表示感谢时,你应说:_AThank you!B.OK!()3.当你想让别人先走时,你应说:_AAfter you. BAfter me.参考答

8、案:Unit 1My ClassroomPart A (1)一、你会写这些单词吗?(18分)1窗户 2.门3图画 4.写字板5教室 6.灯二、你会搭配吗?(42分)1. 2.() ()3. 4.() ()5. 6.() ()AOpen the door.BTurn on the light.CClean the window.DPut up the picture.EClean the board.FSweep the floor.三、想一想,选一选。(24分)()1.当卡卡龙想知道小天的教室里有什么的时候,它应说:_AWhats in the classroom?BWhats at the

9、classroom?()2.当你想说“这是一盏灯”的时候,你应说:_AIts lights.BIts a light.()3.当Lily想让Lucy打开灯时,她应说:_ATurn on the light.BTurn off the light.四、你会选吗?(16分)()1.There is _ _ in the classroom.Aa boardBsome doors Cmany chairs()2.There are many desks and _.Achairs Ba chair Cchair参考答案:Unit 1My ClassroomPart B (1)一、开动脑筋,你一定能填

10、上。(12分)1f_n(风扇)2w_ _l (墙)3fl_ _r (地板)4c_mp_t_r(电脑)二、圈出与其他不同类的单词。(20分)1. duckbuscar 2teacher desk chair 3floor light boy 4TV classroom fan三、你会搭配吗?(词图一致。)(18分) A B. C D. E F.()1.boy()puter()3.ant ()4.car()5.fan () 6.apple 四、火眼金睛,选一选。(18分)()1.This is_classroom.Ame BI Cmy ()2.The_is yellow.Ateacher desk

11、 Bteachers desksCteachers desk()3.The floor is_(绿色的). Ablue Bgreen Cblack五、想一想,选一选。(20分)()1.刘星向人介绍:“这是我的教室。”他应说:_AThis is my classroom.BThats my room.()2.小雨说:“墙是黄色的。”他应说:_AThe wall is green.BThe wall is yellow.()3.小雪想说:“我的电脑是蓝色的。”她应这样说:_AMy blue is computer.BMy computer is blue.()4.刘星和小雨大声说:“这是我们的学校

12、。”他们应这样说:_AThis is our school.BOur school is big.六、火眼金睛,选一选。(12分)()1.Where_it?AamBisCare()2.There is a bee_the board. Aon Bin Cat 参考答案:Unit 2My SchoolbagPart A (1)一、想一想,填一填。(30分)1. book2. book3. book二、你会搭配吗?(30分)1. 2. 3.() () ()4. 5.() ()APut your notebook under your bag.BPut your pencil in your des

13、k.CPut your pencilcase on your chair.DPut your eraser near your pencilcase.EPut your English book on your head. 三、选择正确的选项补全对话。(40分):I have a new schoolbag.There are many new books in it.:_1._:I have 6 books.:_2._:I have two Chinese books.:May I have a look?:_3._:Wow!How nice!:_4._AThank you.BHow man

14、y Chinese books do you have?CSure,here you are.DHow many books do you have?参考答案Unit 2My SchoolbagPart A (2)一、开动脑筋,你一定能填上。(15分)1st_r_book(故事书)2Ch_nese(汉语)3n_tebook(笔记本)二、火眼金睛,选一选。(35分)()1._Its white.AWhats your name? BWhat colour is it? CWhats colour?()2.May I have a look? _ASure.Here you are. BSorry

15、. CThank you.()3.I have_books.Aa Bthe Cmany()4.We have many new books._AOK! BReally? CThanks!()5.I have a new schoolbag.Its_ and green.Wow!How nice!Ago Bblue Cgood三、想一想,选一选。(50分)()1.当你想看别人的东西时,你应说:_AMay I have a look? BExcuse me! CSure!()2.当你想夸奖别人的东西好看时,你应说:_AThank you! BHow nice! CReally?()3.当你想说“一

16、个胖熊猫”时,你应说:_AA panda! BA fat panda! CI have a panda!()4.当你想问“某物是什么颜色”时,你应说:_AWhat time is it? BWhat colour is it?CWhat colour do you like?()5.当你想告诉别人你有一个新书包时,你应说:_AI have a new schoolbag. BI have a bag.CMay I have a look at your bag?参考答案:Unit 2My SchoolbagPart A (3)一、写出下列字母的对应大写或小写形式。(30分)F Km NJ l

17、二、帮它们归类吧!(35分)mancakemonkeynoodleslion kangarooboynursepandaelephant1人物:man2.动物:monkey3.食物:cake三、猜一猜,填一填。(15分)1装书装本用处大,每天上学离不了。2能写会画乐逍遥,个子天天在变小。3会喝不会吃,能写不能说。四、想一想,选一选。(20分)()1.当你想说“我妈妈是一名护士”时,你应说:_AMy mother is a doctor.BMy mother is a nurse.CMy mother is a teacher.()2.当你想知道别人有多少支铅笔时,你应说:_AHow many

18、pencils do you have?BHow many books do you have?CI have six pencils.()3.别人有一件夹克衫,你想知道它是什么颜色的,你应说:_AWhat colour is the jacket?BWhat colour is the coat?CWhich colour is the jacket?()4.当你想知道你的吉普车在哪儿时,你应说:_AWhere is my bus?BWhere is my jeep?CWhere is my book?()5.当你想让别人看你的新包时,你应说:_ALook!My new bag.BLook!

19、My new lamp.CLook!My new kite. 参考答案Unit 2My SchoolbagPart B (1)一、想一想,连一连。(24分)21 fiftysix 40 twentyone31 forty50 thirtyone45 fifty56 fortyfive二、火眼金睛,选一选。(18分)()1._schoolbag is heavy.AI Bmy CMy()2.How many English books can you see?_.AYes Bmany CFive三、数一数,选一选。(18分)()1.How many books do you have?_AEle

20、ven.BFive.()2.How many crayons can you see?_ ATwenty. BTwelve. ()3.How many balloons do they have?_ATwentyfour. BForty.四、读一读,填一填。(30分)Mike and Lily are going to the bookstore(书店)In the bookstore,Mike wants(想要) to buy(买) a pen.He says,“I like this pen.How much is it?”The salesman(售货员)answers,“3 yuan.

21、”Lily likes the schoolbag.She buys it.It is 40 yuan.1Mike and Lily buy a _ and a _.2Mike likes the _,Lily likes the _.3The pen is _ yuan.The schoolbag is _yuan.五、你会选吗?(10分)()1.Put_your books.Aaway Bup Cout()2.Have_good dream(梦)Aan Ba C/ 参考答案Unit 2My SchoolbagPart B (2)一、先填空,再连线。(15分)1p_n 三十2b_g 钢笔3p

22、_nci_ 二十4twen_y 铅笔5th_ _ty 包二、火眼金睛,选一选。(20分)()1._is in it?AWhatBWhere CWho()2.I have_pencilcases.Athirty one Bthirty five Cthirtyfive()3._storybooks do you have?AHow many BHow much CWhat()4.What is_your bag?AtoBon Cin 三、根据提示完成句子。(15分)1Put your _(橡皮)on your desk.2Put your _(尺子)on your chair.3Put the

23、_(橘子)under your schoolbag.四、想一想,选一选。(30分)()1.当你觉得书包太重时,你应说:_AMy schoolbag is too heavy.BThis is my schoolbag. ()2.当你想对帮助你的人表达感激之情时,你应说:_AYoure welcome.BThank you so much. ()3.晚饭后,你想告诉妈妈你吃饱了,你应说:_AI am full.BI am tired.五、你知道吗?(20分)()1.What are books made of? APaper. BWater.()2.Whos the inventor(发明家)

24、of paper?AChinese people. BAmerican people. 参考答案Unit 2My SchoolbagPart B (3)一、给字母的大小写形式连线。 (20 分) 1p O2Q P 3R r 4o q 二、字母排队组单词。(20分) 1o k o b,2e c p i l n ,3l r u e r ,4s c e a,三、选出不同类别的一项。(30 分)()1.A.rabbit BsquirrelCquiet()2. Apen Bdoor Cpencil()3.A.ruler Brice CCoke()4.A.open BOK Cclose()5.A.Engl

25、ish Bmath Cpencil四、火眼金睛,选一选。(24分)()1.quiet A米饭()2.colour B钢笔()3.rabbit C颜色()4.rice D可乐()5.open E兔子()6.Coke F松鼠()7.pen G打开()8.squirrel H安静的五、你会说吗?(6分)AHow are you?BCan you spell these words?CHow many books do you have?参考答案Unit 3My FriendsPart A (1)一、你会写单词吗?(每小题至多可填两个描写外貌的单词。)(25分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.二、你知道

26、它们的反义词吗?(16分)1strong 2.long 3black 4.big 三、火眼金睛,选一选。 (35分)()1.She _a big mouth. Ahas Bis Care()2.My friend _strong. Ais Bhas Care ()3._ is he? He is Mike. AWhat BWho CWhy()4.Amy has big _. Aeye Beyes Ca eye()5. Whos _best friend? Ayou Byour Cwe ()6. He has short _.Ahair Bhairs Ca hair()7.They are _.

27、Afriend Bfriends Ca friend四、找出相应的英语翻译。(24分)()1.他很强壮。()2.埃米很文静。()3.她梳着一头黑色长发。()4.我的朋友长着一双大眼睛。AMy friend has two big eyes.BHe is strong.CShe has long black hair.DAmy is quiet. 参考答案Unit 3My FriendsPart A (2)一、开动脑筋,你一定能填上。 (20 分)1. n_me(名字) 2. sh_ _t(矮的)3. l_ng(长的) 4. fr_ _nd(朋友)二、火眼金睛,选一选。 (40分)()1.Thi

28、s _Chen Jie. Ais Bare Cam()2.Whats _name? AShe Bhe Cher()3. _ name is Mike. Ahe B.his C.His ()4.He _math. Alike Blikes Cis like ()5.Its _ photo. AI Byour Che ()6._ friend is a girl. AI Bme CMy ()7.How many friends do you have? _. AYes BTwo COK()8.Do you have a Chinese friend?_AYes,you do.BYes,I do.C

29、No,I do.()9.I have a new friend._?Yes.AYes BBoy or girlCA girl ()10._?Yes,she is. AIs she your new friend BIs this your penCYes三、把下列句子按照正确顺序排列。(40分)AYes.BMom,I have a new friend.CA Chinese friend?DHis name is Zhang Peng.EWhats his name?正确的顺序是: _B_ 参考答案Unit 3My FriendsPart A (3)一、写出下列字母的对应大写或小写形式。(20

30、分)T U S V 二、选出不同类别的一项。(20分)()1.A.studentBteacher Cumbrella()2.A.vest Btiger Csnake()3.A.cup Bvan Cspoon ()4.A.cup Bglass Cviolin()5.A.under Bon CTV三、火眼金睛,选一选。(30分)()1.tigerA小货车()2.van B学生()3.vest C教师()4.under D匙()5.spoon E背心()6.snake F茶杯()7.teacher G老虎()8.spell H蛇()9.cup I拼写()10.student J在下面四、选择正确的译

31、文。(15分)()1.今晚电视有什么节目?AWhats on TV tomorrow?BWhats on TV tonight?()2.书在床下。AThe book is under the bed.BThe book is on the bed.()3.迈克会拉小提琴。AMike can play the violin.BMike can play the computer.五、想一想,选一选。(15分)()1.当你告诉别人你是一名学生时,你应说:_AI am a student. BI am a teacher.CYou are a student.()2.你想介绍“这是我的老师”时,你应

32、说:_AThis is my teacher.BI am a teacher. CYou are a teacher.()3.当你想说“我有一把雨伞”时,你应说:_AI have an umbrella. BI have a umbrella.CI has an umbrella参考答案Unit 3My FriendsPart B (1)一、开动脑筋,你一定能填上。(20分) 1m_s_c(音乐)2sp_ _ts(运动) 3sc_e_ce(科学)4p_i_ting(绘画)二、火眼金睛,选一选。(35分)()1.I_music.AlikesBlikeCto like ()2.He likes_.Acomputer games Bread a book CComputer()3.Please have_try!Aa Ban C/()4.Please help_.AI Bme Cmy ()5.She likes_.Apaint Bpaints Cpainting ()6.Bill and Mike like _ chess.Aplaying BdoCplays()7.Mary is looking at the picture.He wants to _ it.Apain

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