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1、07年真题21.His essay is _ with more than 120 full-color photographs that depict the national park in all seasons.A. containedB. illustrated C. exposedD. strengthenedB 他的文章中插入了120张彩色照片,这些照片描述了不同季节的国家公园景色。contain“包含”;illustrate“举例说明,加插图于”;expose“揭露”;strengthen“加强,巩固”。由于后面所讲的意思就是加插图,故选B。22.Local governmen

2、t _could be obtained through a local income tax and / or a local sales tax.A. budgetB. expenseC. financeD. revenueB地方政府的花费可以通过地方所得税或地方销售税获得。budget“预算”;expense“费用,开支”;finance“金融,财务”;revenue“收入”。23.Even after reading it for three lines, he couldnt _the meaning of that letter.A. conceiveB. consult C. c

3、ontrastD. concernA尽管已经阅读了三行,他还是不能理解这封信的意思。conceive“想出,构想出”;consult“请教,咨询”;contrast“对比”;concern“涉及,关系到”。只有A项与句意相符。24.The temperature in this area is low enough to allow falling snow to _and slowly transform into ice.A. preserve B. accumulateC. meltD. spreadB这个地区的温度很低,足以使降落的雪积累并慢慢结成冰。preserve“保护,保持”;a

4、ccumulate“积累”;melt“融化”;spread“展开”。既然温度低,雪当然不会融化,排除C,只有B意思相符。25.In calculating the daily calorie requirements for an individual, variations in body size, physical activity and age should be_.A. brought into practice B. taken into account C. thrown light on D. looked down uponB在计算一个人每天所需要摄入的卡路里的标准数量时,

5、我们必须考虑到由于身体尺寸、活动多少和年纪的不同所造成的一些差异。brought into practice“投入到实践中”;taken into account“考虑到”;thrown light on“使清楚些”;looked down upon“藐视,瞧不起”。26.The shy girl felt quite_and uncomfortable when she could not answer the interviewers question.A. amusedB. sensitive C. curiousD. awkward D那个害羞的女孩在回答不出面试官的提问时感到非常尴尬

6、,不舒服。amused“愉快的,开心的”;sensitive“敏感的”;curious“好奇的”;awkward“糟糕的”。根据and和句子意思,这里选和uncomfortable意思相近的词。27.The courses aim to give graduates an up-to-date grasp of their subject and _ laboratory skills.A. superficialB. subjectiveC. structuralD. sophisticated D这些课程的目的是为了让毕业生掌握他们所学专业的最新的知识和一些复杂的实验技能。superfic

7、ial“肤浅的,浅薄的”;subjective“主观的”;structural“结构的”;sophisticated“复杂的,久经世故的”。28.There was no light on the way and for a second she hesitated, unable to _the dim figure awaiting her.A. set outB. make outC. pick upD. clear upB在路上没有灯光,有一小段时间,她犹豫了一下,因为她无法看清那个等她的朦胧的身影。set out“出发,启程”;make out“填写,理解,辨认”;pick up“捡

8、起,恢复精神,加快”;clear up“整理,清除,放晴”。从意思上看,只有B能与figure搭配。29.Some people apparently have an amazing ability to _the right answer.A. come up withB. look up toC. put up withD. live up toA有些人很显然有一种惊人的能力,很快得到正确答案。come up with“提出,找到”;look up to“尊敬,仰望”;put up with“容忍,忍受”;live up to“依照什么行事”。30.I had been a univers

9、ity student for three years, but not until this afternoon had I felt the thrill of_.A. confusionB. disappointment C. sensationD. fulfillment B我成为一名大学生已经有三年了,但直到今天下午,我才感到万分失望。confusion“混乱,困惑”;disappointment“失望”;sensation“感觉”;ful-fillment“履行,实行”。thrill“激动,震撼”,据语义应选B。08年真题21. Then in June 1967 the coun

10、try diplomatic relations with Israel after the outbreak of the Six Day War.A. broke away B. broke off C. cut out D. cut downB break off 断交,停止;break away 突然离开; 突然挣脱, 与决裂; 从退出, cut 剪裁,取代;cut down 削减。22. Everyone has faced the embarrassing of deciding how much extra to give a waiter or taxi-driver.A. i

11、ncident B. event C. dilemma D. menaceC dilemma 困境, incident 事故,骚乱, event 事件,大事, menace 威胁。23. The school arranged road trip appears to the spring break.A . conform to B. coincide with C. consist in D. collide withB coincide with 与一致,同时发生, conform to符合,遵照, consist in 存在于中, collide with冲突。24. The new

12、airport terminal is sure to the development of tourism.A. imitate B. fascinate C. impose D. facilitateD facilitate使容易; imitate模仿; fascinate 着迷; impose 征税,强加。25. The Huntington Library has an collection of rare books and manuscripts of British and American history and literature.A. intensive B. inten

13、tional C. extensive D. extensionalC extensive 大量的,广泛的;intensive 强烈的,精深的;intentional 故意的;extensional 外延的26. Inflation will reach its highest in a decade across most of Asia this year, threatening to_ recent productivity gains.A. reverse B. reserve C. retrieve D. reviseA reverse 使倒退,使逆转;reserve储备,预留,

14、retrieve 恢复, revise 校正,修订27. Those governments will provide big food and fuel according to the Asian Development Bank.A. substitutes B. substances C. subsequences D. subsidiesD subsidies 补助金,津贴; substitutes 代替品; substances 物质; subsequences后继,随后。28. In mild winters apple buds began to break soon afte

15、r Christmas, leaving them to frost damage.A. reluctant B. tough C. hostile D. vulnerableD vulnerable 易受攻击的, reluctant 勉强的, tough 强硬的, hostile 敌对的。29. What is happening is a survival-of-the-fittest struggle affecting smaller factories in relatively low-tech, labor-intensive industries.A. primarily B.

16、 rationally C. primitively D. respectively A primarily 主要地,rationally理性地, primitively 最初地,respectively分别地。30. A traditional critic has the advantage of being able to _standards and values inherited from the past.A .turn up B. turn over C .turn to D. turn in B turn over(使)翻转,打翻,移交交给,turn up找到,出现,turn

17、 to 变成,致力于,turn in 上交。09年真题21. A large _ of the sunlight never reaches the earth while infra-red heat given off by the earth is allowed to escape freely.A. ratio B. proportion C. rate D. fractionA 固定用法,干扰项ratio无此用法22. It is amusing that she _ her fathers bad temper as well as her mothers good looks.

18、A. inherited B. retained C. preserved D. maintainedA她遗传了她父亲的臭脾气和她母亲的好长相,这令人很惊奇。可以选出A。23. _ the few who have failed in their examination, all the other students in the hall are in very high spirits.A. In spite that B. But for C. Apart from D. For the sake of C 除了几个在考试中失利的人,其他在大厅的学生情绪高昂。可选出C。24. The d

19、ecline in moral standards, which has long concerned social analysts, has at last _ the attention of average Americans.A. clarified B. cultivated C. characterized D. capturedD capture the attention 是固定用法 表示引起关注之意25. Our neighbor Uncle Johnson is a stubborn man. Needless to say , we tried _ to make hi

20、m change his mind. A. in short B. in secret C. in vain D. in dangerC 我们的邻居约翰逊是一个很倔的人,很显然,我们再怎么劝他改变决定也是白费力。可选出C为正确答案。26. The western media was astonished to see that Chinas GDP _ by almost 40% just in two years time. A. flourished B. floated C. soared D. roared C 表示GDP的上升只能用soared 其他均无此意27. Unemploym

21、ent seems to be the _ social problem in this area and may undermine social stability.A. prevalent B. primitive C. previous D. prematureA prevalent 普遍的 根据题意选出28. Many people, when ill, see their doctors and ask them to _ something that will make them feel better.A. describe B. prescribe C. revise D.

22、deviseB prescribe 开处方,开药 与题意相符29. Facing growing costs and shrinking tax _, the government is now threatening to cut funding for environmental protection programs.A. budget B. collection C. profit D. revenueD. 固定短语搭配。tax revenue 表示税收的意思。30. Research shows heavy coffee drinking is _ a small increase

23、in blood pressure, but not enough to increase the risk for high blood pressure.A. compared with B. associated with C. attributed to D. referred to B associate with 和.来往, 和.共事, 同.联合; (在思想上)同.联系在一起干扰项C后面应该连接的是原因,主语只能是人。10年真题21. My oldest son had just finished an _ holiday stay prior to moving to a new

24、 state, a new job , and the next chapter in his lift.A. enlarged B. expanded C. extended D. increasedC extend指时空上的延展;increase指某事物数量或强度的增长;expand是范围的扩张; enlarge是扩大物体的尺寸。22. Blacks and American Indians _ less than 10% of students in the top30 business schools, while they are about 28% of the U.S popul

25、ation. A. make up B. take up C. reach out D. turn outB take up占,占据;make up 编造、补足; reach out 延伸、扩展;turn out关灯,结果是。23. With demand continuing to rise in _ economies such as China and India, energy traders believe that oil futures are a good bet.A. employing B. emerging C. embracing D. emittingB emergi

26、ng正在涌现的;employ利用,雇佣;embrace拥抱,包含;emit发出,放出。24. Laws and regulations in each country have to be made _ the constitution of the country.A. in honor of B. in memory of C. in return for D. in line with D in line with跟一致, 符合;in honor of 为了向表示敬意;in memory of为了纪念;in return for 作为的报答。25. The jurys_ was that

27、 the accused was guilty.A. verdict B. sentence C. trialD. debateA verdict(陪审团的)裁决, 裁定;sentence宣判,判决;trial审判, 审理; debate争论,争吵。26. In English learning, a _ cycle occurs when a student makes more errors after being scolded. A. vertical B. vicious C. vividD. vigorous B vicious邪恶的,狠毒的;vertical垂直的,竖的;vivi

28、d鲜明的;vigorous精力充沛的。27. Isnt it _ when you learn something youve never known before?A. cool B. crazy C. cold D. cuteA cool 酷,很棒;crazy 疯狂的;cold寒冷的;cute 可爱的。28. There are several factors _the rapid growth of sales promotion, particularly in consumer markets.A. resorting to B. appealing to C. applying t

29、o D. contributing toD contribute to 有助于;resort to诉诸于,采取;appeal to向请求;对有吸引力;apply to涂抹,向请求。29. The Internet has been developing at a speed _ peoples expectations in the past two decades.A. over B. of C. under D. beyondD beyond 超出;over数量上超过;of 的;under 在之下。30. It is obvious that the sports games are no

30、 longer amateur affairs; the have become professionally _.A. laid offB. laid out C. put offD. put outB lay out 陈设,展开;lay off 停止工作(活动);put off 延期;put out扑灭,出版,发行。11年真题21. It without saying that consumers would be happier if prices were lower.A. takes B. appearsC. makes D. goesD是一个短语题,应该选择D,表示不必说,答案是D

31、这个是固定搭配,表示勿庸置疑的意思。22. The world economic recession put an end to the steel market upturn that began in 2002.A. irregular B. illegalC. abrupt D. absurdC这道题看选什么?应该是abrupt,这个表示唐突的,或者是突然的结束,答案是C。23. Im about how you discovered my website, and am very glad if you enjoy it. A. mysterious B. furiousC. seri

32、ous D. curiousD这个本身是一个固定搭配,对什么东西很好奇吧, be curious about,这个词汇是名词,叫做好奇心,答案是D。24. The Labor Partys electoral strategy, based on an with other smaller parties, has proved successful.A. acquaintance B. integrationC. alliance D. curiousC劳动党好像基于以更小的政党去结盟,答案是C是结盟。25. The new aircraft will be to a test of tem

33、peratures of -65 and 120.A. suspended B. suppressedC. summoned D. subjectedD选择的是一个被动语态结构,是遭受,经受住这样的温度测试,或者是经历了,或者是遭受了,这样的温度测试。在这里翻译成经历比较好。所以答案是D.26. The money I got from teaching on the side was a useful to my ordinary income.A. profit B. supplement C. subsidy D. replacementB我在外面捞的外快,the money,对我的普通

34、收入,ordinary income,是一个补充吧! A 利益 B补充C 补贴 D取代,故B为正确答案。27. Chinese people are now enjoying better dental health, as shown by the declining of tooth decay.A. treatment B. incidenceC. consequence D. misfortuneB现在中国人的牙齿健康怎么样?更好了,所以我们可以通过最后一单词decay,这个叫做牙齿的蛀牙或者是腐败,也就是牙齿腐败的机率是在下降,这个前面有一个形容词叫做declining,表示下降也就

35、是说,中国的牙齿健康更好, A是治疗的意思,应该选择B,incidence,它表示小事儿,而且这个incidence,实际上是一个抽象意义的单词。28. Many countries have conservation programs to prevent certain of fish from becoming extinct.A. species B. sources C. numbers D. membersA许多国家设了保护区,以阻止某些鱼种濒临灭绝。A表示物种,B 原因,来源 C 数量 D成员,故A为正确答案。29. Susan never took any cookery co

36、urses; she learned cooking by useful tips from TV cookery programs.A. picking up B. bringing upC. putting up D. pulling upA从后半句话看,它是通过电视里面的烹饪节目,里面的一些好方法,学会了烹饪,这个表示自然而然的去学会某种知识,或者养成某种习惯,应选A pick up,表示自然而然养成习惯,自然而然的学习知识和语言,而B带大,养大C 竖起 D拽起,拔起, 所以答案是A。 30. The President his deputy to act for him while h

37、e was abroad.A. promoted B. substitutedC. authorized D. displacedC总统授权副总统在他出国这段时间代他处理事务。A提高,提升B替代C授权D取代,故C为正确答案。12年真题21. By a strange_, both candidates have come up with the same solution to the problemA. coincidence B. encounter C. chance D. overlap A很巧合,两位候选人提出了解决问题的相同方案。A巧合B碰面C机会D重叠,故固定搭配,A为正确答案。

38、22. The discussion was so prolonged and exhausting that _the speaker stopped for refreshments A. at large B. at intervals C.at ease D. at randomB讨论延长了很长时间,让人感到筋疲力尽,发言人时不时停下里喘口气。A 详细地 B 时不时地 C 放心 D 随机地,故B为正确答案。23. Mr Tunick filed suit against the New York police department after city officials his re

39、quest. A. turned down B. turned in C. turned off D. turned outA在市政官员拒绝了他的要求后,Tunick先生向法院起诉了纽约警察局。A拒绝 B 上交C 关掉D证明,表明, 故A 为正确答案。24. The fireman had a_ escape when a staircase collapsed beneath his feet.A. close B. narrowC. hard D. nearB虽然消防员脚下的楼梯坍塌,消防员却幸免遇难。A 近的;亲密的 B窄的;勉强的 C艰难地;硬的 D 附近的,have a narrow

40、 escape 为固定搭配,故选B。25. Many painters, rock singers, and street dancers have distinct hair style, to their group.A. particular B. essentialC. special D. peculiarD许多画家,摇滚歌手和街头歌手的发型很特别,为他们这群人所特有。A 特别的 B 重要的C特别的 D特有的,独特的,故D为正确答案。26. That he brought the company big profits wouldnt putting the companys mon

41、ey into his own pockets.A. justify B. clarifyC. testify D. amplifyA他为这个公司挣了很多钱,但这不能成为他私吞公司钱财的理由。A解释,说明 B澄清,弄清楚 C 证明D放大,扩大,故A为正确答案。27. Were_50 new staff this year as business grows.A. taking over B. taking inC. taking on D. taking upC因为公司业务的增长,我们想雇佣50名新员工。A接管 B吸收,接纳 C呈现;雇佣 D拿起,故C为正确答案。28. Is the theo

42、ry of evolution in direct with religious teachings, or does it leave room for debate?A. comparison B. distinctionC. disturbance D. contradictionD进化论跟宗教说教完全矛盾吗?还是留有讨论的空间。A 比较B特别C打扰D矛盾,故D为正确答案。29. Libraries are an investment for the future and should not be allowed to fall into .A. dissolution B. decayC. decline D. depressionC图书馆是未来投资的方向,我们应大力支持。A 溶解B腐烂C下降D 萧条;(心情)沮丧,故C为正确答案。 30. A transplant operati

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