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1、中文译文随车液压起重机的控制摘 要:本文主要是描述随车液压起重机的控制过程。这篇论文分为五个部分:需求分析,液压系统以及存在的问题的分析,不同结构产生不同问题的分析,基于更加先进复杂电液比例控制阀的新技术的发展趋势的分析。本文的研究工作是和实际的工业相结合的,比纯粹的研究理论更有意义。关键字:随车液压起重机,控制策略,电液比例控制阀1.引言本文主要叙述的是对随车起重机控制系统的改进方法随车汽车起重机可以看成是一种大型柔性控制机械结构 。这种控制系统把操作人员的命令由机械结构变为执行动作。 这样定义这种控制系统是为了避免在设计它事产生模糊的思想这是一种通过人的命令把能量转化成机械动作的控制系统

2、。本文所写的就是这种控制系统。以这个目标为指导方针来分析怎样设计出新的控制系统。文章分为五个部分:1.分析这种控制系统必须据有易操作性,高强度,高效性,稳定性,安全性。2.分析目前这种操作系统所存在的问题。3.从不同的方面分析这种控制系统:不同的操作方式,不同的控制方法,不同的组织结构。4.介绍一种适合于未来工业的比较经济的新的控制系统。5.分析一种据有高性能,高效率,易控制等的比较好的控制系统。它将成为今后研究的比较经济高效的一种方案。2. 论文部分2.1 对控制系统必备条件的分析在一种新的操作系统开始正式投入工作之前,对这种控制系统据有严格的要求。对控制系统的影响有很多因素。例如:机械结构

3、的可实行性因素,可操作性因素,效率因素,符合工业标准。 工业需求必须放在第一位。这与在控制系统中导管破裂保护和超载保护有同等的地位。其次稳定性要求也很重要;系统不稳定就没法正常工作。一旦稳定性要求得以确定,控制系统性能要求就可以进一步确定。机械结构决定了起重机的可操作性。机械机构是随车起重机中可以往复转动固有频率低的大型柔性结构。 为了防止起重机振动,必须使起重机在固有频率下工作,或者提高起重机的固有频率。如果它的固有频率太低或者太高,操作人员将无法给它进行操作。最后传动效率可以在工业标准,稳定性,执行机构确定的基础上得到最优的方案。2.2 对目前这种控制系统的分析在设计一种新的起重机之前,研

4、究目前起重机存在的问题是很有必要的。当前液压随车起重机主要存在以下三个问题:1.不稳定性2.不经济性3.低效性2.2.1 不稳定性不稳定性是一个严重问题,他可能会损伤操作人员或者会是设备受到毁坏。当一个系统不稳定时通常产生严重振动。为了消除当前系统的不稳定性,设计人员既花费了很多时间来研究又花费了很多财力设计出更加复杂的机构。如图1所示为一种起重机,它适合于在高速下工作。但是为了可以安全的工作必须合理控制其运行速度。要提高它的控制速度又必须增加更加昂贵复杂的机械系统。液压系统的参数,如温度或压力同样影响系统的稳定性。一个参数合理的液压系统比一个设计参数不合理的液压系统稳定,为了使整个系统运行稳

5、定,有时必须降低次要的参数值。2.2.2 不经济性目前的液压系统是纯液压的机械系统,因此如果用户想实现一个功能,他就必须买一个能使现这个功能的液压机械组件。因为大多数用户又不同的使用要求,要求同一个设备可以进行升级。这就意味着这些标准设备可以人为的改造,这就增加了组件升级费用。2.2.3 低效性液体在液压系统的两个液压缸之间流动时效率较低。这是因为大多数液压阀都是用一个阀心来控制两个节流口,由于这个链接不可能使阀芯两侧的压力相等,因此在流出端就产生一个与液流方向相反的背压力,同时也增加了流入端的压力。由激励源产生的这个背压力与阀芯两端的压力差成正比的,给油缸的实际压力没有被有效的作用在油缸上。

6、例如,给液压缸的压力为1000psi/1600psi传到液压缸时就只有0psi/600 psi了。无论如何,这样的话,提供的电量必须高于有效电量,这些额外的电量就被白白的浪费了2.3 控制系统不同的控制方法目前主要用电液比例控制阀来控制液压阀的运动。然而对控制筒有不同的控制方法。电液比例控制阀对阀的关/开,公共汽车系统,电源的智能激励,泵的调节方案控制精度都较高。必须对这种系统的优缺点进行分析,找出合理的方案。2.4 近期方案即使这种十分新的系统最佳外形的布局已经得以证明是可行的,但是起重机制造商和配件商还不能立刻就接受这种技术。这是一个渐进的过程,所以提出了一种临时解决的方案。这种方案是由微

7、型计算机和升缩机构组成。这种离合阀可使这种更加高效稳定的执行控制机构得以实现。微型计算机可以对阀进行柔性控制。可以把这些变量编入软件。这样就消除了制造商许许多多不同的变量问题。起重机制造厂家可以根据产品功能选择不同型号的液压阀。配件商也将不得不生产这种型号的阀,这样不仅降低了制造成本,而且使起重机的性能得到提高。2.5 更高效方案的分析这种分析依赖于不同布局结果,液压泵控制的区域决定将要用的控制方法,再依次对这个区域进行分析。不同的区域将用不同的方法探讨,用不同的刀具位置控制。3. 实验设备 本文的中心是研究发展中的经济型机械控制方案的可实现问题,更多重点是先进的实验结果。实验结果由两种方法获

8、得。第一种是通过研究单自由起重机实验台获得,第二种是通过研究一台由丹麦一家起重机厂送给英国的一所军校的起重机获得。如图1所示图1系统实验台 左:单自由度起重机模型 右:随车起重机实物虽然目前这种升缩分离机构在生产商中没有被普遍接受,但是两分离阀将会被逐渐取代。如图2所示是一种幅度-脉冲变换液压缸,它是通过数字信息处理器/奔腾双信息处理器运行程序来控制液压阀的。由数字信号处理器运行控制代码,奔腾处理器来判断并提供图形用户界面。4. 当前工作4.1 直线轴流控法当今市场常见的直线流控器都需要压力补偿。压力补偿器可以使阀芯突然受压时保持恒定的压力。但是新增加的压力补偿器会使阀的结构比简单的随动阀更加

9、复杂。另一种解决方法是用流控器测量阀的压力降来调整阀芯的位置来实现。这种想法虽然简单,但是由于压力传感器和微控器的费用比较高,想普遍运用于商品上是很难的。然而目前这种利用微控器和压力传感器的思想对于生产商来说是可以接受的。虽然依据方程来看很简单,但是要实现却很难。流控器的位置精度取决于位置传感器的精度压力传感器的精度。噪声会影响位置传感器和压力传感器的稳定性。采用延时控制可以消除影响稳定性的噪声,这样,超过阀的运行范围的特征值用就不能用柏努力方程计算,应用更复杂的方程来计算。图2升缩分离机构4.2 液压缸控制方法根据不同的受力方向和速度方向这种液压缸有四种工作情形。如图3所示:多数是普通的随动




13、 结束语即使没有大量的实验设施,但是实验还是完成了,一个好的开始是成功的一半。这个论文题的大轮阔已经确定,它是有意义而且合理的。这个工作分为需求分析、目前的系统分析、不同布局分析、近期的解决办法的分析和最优解决方案的发展趋势分析五个部分。在本论题的最后,液压随车起重机的控制模将会被修改。随车液压起重机的轨迹控制问题描述这项方案是根据如图1所示的多自由度随车液压起重机控制问题提出来的。控制随车起重机要求操作人员技术相当高,它的操作机动范围很小。如果可以让现代的起重机实现遥控控制的话,操作人员只需要控制他手中的遥控器就可以控制起重机把重物放在他要求的任何地方。一个按钮控制一个自由度方向上的转动。因

14、此只需要让操作人员得到熟练的训练他就可以每次控制更多的按钮来实现多个自由度的转动。吊具总成图1所示为一台随车液压装载起重机部分液压系统控制图实例这项工程的目标是设计一台非熟练操作人员都能够控制的移动式液压起重机。操作人员根据吊具总成的合成轨迹控制一根操纵杆。这样不同的自由度就可以同时被控制。图2测试起重机图片多数随车液压起重机的结构就像图1所示的那样,大多数都是非常柔性化的,因此当受载时它们就会弯曲。这样做可以使起重机吊重比最低。事实上吊重顶端位置也是制约控制系统结构偏差的因素。这种问题可以通过一个好的位置偏差补偿控制系统解决,这个系统还可以消除操作初期结构上发生的摆动。 继续使结构轨迹偏差补

15、偿控制系统在起重机上进一步发展,起重机的装载能力将可以大大得到提高。当这种在起重机里的摆动可以被控制系统抑制的方法能够得到充分证明,在一个长的期限里可能有一个降低动力学安全系数的机会。这将使起重机生产商和用户节省一大笔费用。方案内容现以一台如图2所示的HMF 680-4型随车液压起重机来分析这些问题。在这台起重机的不同位置安装了传感器来监视系统上的不同参数值,它们都是一些起重机上很重要的不同连接位置的压力、流量、应变参数值。实验测试可以证实起重机性能,所以可以通过精确的模型来测试起重机的性能。为了使所含盖的几个问题能够描述得更清楚,这些问题被简略的表述如下:1. 分析系统要求说明书 系统的执行

16、标准分析已被完成。基于系统的这种要求连同确保系统的执行的检验程序将被列入清单。2. 机械子系统模型 许多技术模型已经存在,因此这些部件包括研究明确的模型局部动力学的表达方法。机械子系统的分析与局部模型偏差的详细分析相同。这样做是为了使计算的有效性能够明确表达出来,同时使系统的动作在控制过程中能够十分精确。基于这种非常有前景的用公式表示一个数学子系统模型的方法已经完成,它将从起重机试验台的实验结果中得到校验。3. 液压子系统模型 跟机械子系统建模一样,液压子系统模型由液压泵、不同的液压阀、激励源和液压导管组成。然而,并不是这些都要建模,只是那些对系统动力学部件影响比较大的成分才建模。液压子系统模

17、型也需要用实验的方法来证明。除此之外是否在对偏差进行补偿时,系统中用了比重比较大的电液比例控制阀都必须被分析,即对机械结构的摆动进行分析。基于上述修正,对液压系统如果有必要都要做。4.分析和标准的解决反转运动结构 起重机相对于底部有一个可以操作的特定空间,即吊具总成能达到的范围。这是公认的起重机工作范围。有的部位要通过不同的路线才可以达到。因此有必要在这些区域确定最佳的运动结构。有不同的参数标准,习惯上用起重机上总负荷的最小值,也就是在临界状态点的最小压力值。为了做这个重要的结构压力分析,基于实现这个运算法则的控制系统将进一步得到发展。5.载荷判断方案的发展 为了实现起重机结构偏转补偿,需要知

18、道起重机承受的有效载荷。因此,有必要进行不同的载荷在线可能情况分析,这样就可以判断哪一个传感器需要进行载荷复合鉴定。基于这种鉴定方案分析,可以实现最终的运算法则。6. 控制运算法则的发展 基于这种机械液压子系统模型,一种吊具总成位置轨迹控制的控制规律将会得到发展。这种控制规律可以保证系统按照吊臂顶的运动轨迹运行,并且系统在工作情况下保持稳定。这包含在载荷判断和运动学最佳参数方案的分析中。7. 控制系统的执行 最后系统的控制规律已经通过仿真试验得出,应该实现通过处理器或者数据信号处理检验系统实物了,即测试起重机。用这种测试方法将可以实现对系统制定测试,到测试结束的整个过程。这种测试技术还可以对一

19、些典型系统进行控制。外文文献CONTROL OF MOBILE HYDRAULIC CRANESMarc E. MNZERAalborg UniversityInstitute of Energy TechnologyPontoppidanstrde 101DK-9220 Aalborg. DenmarkEmail: mmuniet. auc. dkThe goal of the thesis described in this paper is to improve the control of mobile hydraulic cranes. The thesis is split int

20、o five parts: a requirements analysis, an analysis of the current systems and their problems, an analysis of different possibiilities for system topologies, development of a new control system for the near future based on electro-hydraulic separate meter in / separate meter out valves, and finally a

21、n analysis of more advanced and complex solutions which can be applied in the more distant future. The work of the thesis will be done in cooperation with industry so the thesis will have more of an industrial focus than a purely theoretical focus.Key words: Mobile Hydraulic Cranes, Control strategi

22、es, Separate Meter-in/Separate Meter-out.1 INTRODUCTIONThe goal of the thesis described in this paper is to improve the control of mobile hydraulic cranes. A mobile hydraulic crane can be thought of as a large flexible mechanical structure which is moved by some sort of control system, The control s

23、ystem takes its input from a human operator and translates this command into the motion of actuators which move the mechanical structure.The definition of this control system is purposely left vague in order not to impose any constraints on its design. The control system consists of actuators which

24、move the mechanical structure, a means of controlling the actuators, a means of supplying power to the actuators, and a way of accepting inputs from the operator. It is this control system which is the target of this thesis. The goal is to analyze the requirments made on the control system and prese

25、nt guidelines for the gesign of new control systems.The thesis will be split into five parts:1. Analysis of the requirements of the control system, from the perspective of the operator, the mechanical system, efficiency, stability, and safety requirements.2. Analysis of current control systems and w

26、hat their problems are.3. Analysis of the different options for the control system: different types of actuators different types of control strategies, and different ways of organizing components.4. Presentation of a new type of control system, which is commercially implementable. A system that will

27、 meet the needs of industry in the near future.5. Analysis of more optimized systems, with higher performance, better efficiency, more flexible control, etc. This will be less commercially applicable but will be a starting point for more research.2 SECTIONS OF THE THESIS2.1 Requirements Analysis of

28、the Control SystemBefore starting detailed work on developing new control systems, it is important to analyze what the exact demands are on the control system. The control system is influenced by many factors.For example: the mechanical structure it is controlling, the human operator, efficiency, st

29、ability, and industry requlations. Industry regulations are the first requirements that have to be addressed. Things like hose rupture protection and runaway load protection make a lot of demands on the control system. After regulations, stability is the next most important requirement; without stab

30、ility the control system cant be used. Once stability has been assured, the performance requirements of the control system have to be set. They are determined by the mechanical structure of the crane and the human operator. The mechanical structure of a mobile hydraulic crane is a very necessary to

31、keep the speed of the control system below this natural frequency or to develop a control system which can increase this frequency. The human operator also impossible limits on the control system. If the control system is too slow or too fast then it is impossible for a human operator to give it pro

32、per inputs. And finally, once the requlations have been met, stability is assured, and the performance is at the right level, the power efficiency of the control system has to be optimized.2.2 Analysis of Current Control SystemsBefore designing a new control system it is good to analyze the current

33、control systems to find out what their problems are. Current control systems are mainly hydraulic and can suffer from three main problems:1. Instability2. High cost3. Inefficiency2.2.1 InstabilityInstability is a serious problem as it can cause injury to human operators or damage to equipment. When

34、a system becomes unstable it usually starts to oscillate violently. To avoid instability in current systems, the designers either sacrifice certain functions which are desirable, or add complexity and cost. For example, in the crane shown in Figure 1, it would be desirable to have control over the s

35、peed. But due to the safety system that cranes are required to have, standard speed control is not stable. To add speed control requires a more complex and more expensive mechanical system. The parameters of a hydraulic system, such as temperature or load force, also affect stability. A system that

36、is stable with one set of parameters might be unstable with another set. To ensure stability over the entire operating range of the system, performance must sometimes be sacrificed at one of the parameter range.2.2.2 High cost Current systems are purely hydraulic-mechanical, so if the user wants a c

37、ertain function, the user buys a certain hydraulic-mechanical component. Because most user have different requirements, there are many different variations of the same basic component. This means that many specialized components must be manufactured rather than one standard product. This drives up t

38、he cost of components.2.2.3 InefficiencyOne form of inefficiency in current systems is due to the link between the flows of the two ports of the cylinder. This is because most valves use a single spool to control the flow in both ports. Because of this link, it is impossible to set the pressure leve

39、ls in the two sides of the cylinder independently. Therefore, the outlet side will develop a back pressure which acts in opposition to the direction of travel, which increases the pressure required on the inlet side to maintain motion. Since the force generated by the actuator is proportional to the

40、 pressure difference between the two sides, the actual pressures in the cylinder dont affect the action of the cylinder. For example, the action of the cylinder for 0psi/600psi would be the same as 1000psi/1600psi. However, in the second case, the power supply would have to supply much more power. T

41、his extra power is wasted.2.3 Different Options for Control SystemsCurrent control systems use hydraulic actuators with directional/proportional valves to control the movement. However there are many different options for controlling a cylinder. Options range from new high performance electro-hydrau

42、lic valves, to separate meter in / separate meter out (SMISMO) valves, to hydraulic bus systems, to intelligent actuators with built in power supplies, to pump based control strategies. These systems all have advantages and disadvantages which need to be analyzed if the most optimum solution is to b

43、e chosen.2.4 Near Future Solution It is expected that even if it is proven that a completely new system topology is the optimum configuration, the crane manufacturers and component manufacturers will not accept the new technology overnight. This will most likely take time, so an interim solution wil

44、l be developed. This solution will be made up of micro computer controlled Separate Meter In / Separate Meter Out (SMISMO) valves (Elfving, Palmberg 1997; Jansson, Palmberg, 1990; Mattila, Virvalo 1997). SMISMO valves will make it possible to implement new control strategies which are more efficient

45、 and stable. The micro computer will make it possible to introduce flexibility to valves. Variants can be programmed in software. This eliminates the need to manufacture hundreds of different variants. The crane manufacturer will be able to choose the exact functions he wants in his valve, while the

46、 component manufacturer will have to manufacture only one valve. This will lower the cost, even though the performance will have increased.2.5 Analysis of Higher Performance Solutions This analysis will depend on the results of the analysis of different topologies. If it is shown that pump based con

47、trol is to be the way of the future for example, then analysis will be performed in this area. Another area which will also be explored, is tool position control.3 LABORATORY FACILITIESAs the focus of this thesis is on developing control strategies that can be implemented on commercial machinery, mu

48、ch emphasis will be placed on experimental results. Experimental results will be obtained from two systems. The first, a simple one degree of freedom crane, was designed as an experimental platform. The second is a real crane which was donated to the University by Hojbjerg Maskinfabrik (HMF) a Danish crane manufacturer. Refer to Figure 1.Figure 1 Experimental Systems in Laboratory. Left: One DOF crane model. Right: RealMobile Hydraulic CraneAs there are currently no commercially available separate meter-in/separat

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