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Trade and Economic Multifunctional Platform for SCo Countries: Building an International Ecosystem for Industrial Innovation%2C Supporting Local Governments in Investment Promotion.pdf

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Trade and Economic Multifunctional Platform for SCo Countries: Building an International Ecosystem for Industrial Innovation%2C Supporting Local Governments in Investment Promotion.pdf_第1页
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Trade and Economic Multifunctional Platform for SCo Countries: Building an International Ecosystem for Industrial Innovation%2C Supporting Local Governments in Investment Promotion.pdf_第2页
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1、Trade and Economic Multifunctional Platform for SCo Countries:Building an International Ecosystem for IndustrialInnovation,Supporting Local Governments inInvestment PromotionBy Liu Dingrui/The World and Chongqing“The core mission of the Trade and EconomicMultifunctional Platform for SCO Countries(SC

2、O TEMP)is to create a new SCO ecosystem that deeply integrates thedigital economy with the traditional economy.This includesfulfilling three assurance tasks of think tank,logistics,andfinancial services and gradually expanding into more fieldssuch as culture,tourism,education,and health to establish

3、cooperation,said Hu Kaiqiang,Deputy Director of theHong Kong,Macao,Taiwan,and Overseas Chinese AffairsCommittee of the Chongqing Municipal Committee of ChinesePeoples Political Consultative Conference and Director-General of SCO TEMP,recently in an interview.He also addedthat the platform innovative

4、ly operated international economicand trade organizations,integrated various market entitieswith different types of ownership to build an internationalecosystem for industrial innovation with an internationallyaccepted form of establishing NGOs,namely the industryworking committees,explored new mode

5、ls to support localgovernment investment promotion.“Introducing Intelligence First,Investment SecondModel Facilitating Local Investment PromotionIn the current context of building a“dual circulationpattern in Chinas economy to achieve high-qualitydevelopment,industrial advancement requires a two-pro

6、nged approach of focusing on“innovation and“marketsimultaneously.According to Hu Kaiqiang,“innovationnecessitates the overall innovation of the industrial chain,while“market implies the globalization of supplies and牌建设促进会分会理事会#中重庆市品牌建设促进会中职教育分会理事会中期教育分会理家会票66The World and Chongqing上合时光SCO.TIME上海合作组织

7、国家多功能经贸平台Trade and Ecenomic Multifunctional Platterm for Sco Countrie互信互利平等协商尊重多样文明谋求共同发展sales;therefore,SCO TEMP has proposed the new modelof“Introducing Intelligence First,Investment Second.“Introducing Intelligence here mainly refers to recruitingentrepreneurs rather than scientists or research i

8、nstitutions.Because scientists concentrate on solving problems from therealm of science to that of technology,pursuing technologicalvalue in a single point.Meanwhile,entrepreneurs are primarilyconcerned with solving problems related to the productization,industrialization,and commercialization of te

9、chnology,seekingto create economic value with an overall balance.The model aims to introduce entrepreneurs with innovativeconsciousness,brand awareness,and a globalization mindset.Industry Working Committees Accelerating theTransition from“Attracting Intelligence to“IntroducingInvestmentHow to trans

10、ition from“Attracting Intelligenceto“Introducing Investment?Industry working committeesare important carriers.Hu Kaiqiang introduced that industryworking committees were usually composed of various marketentities with different types of ownership,including centralstate-owned enterprises,local state-

11、owned enterprises,privateenterprises,and foreign-funded enterprises,among others.The cooperation barriers between enterprises of differentownership types have been broken down,forming a newintegrated development model led by state-owned enterprises,supported by local state-owned enterprises,spearhea

12、ded byprivate enterprises,and complemented by foreign-fundedenterprises.With a focus on developing international industrialinnovation projects,industry working committees have helpedChinese enterprises“go global in groups”and achieve clusterdevelopment by integrating with enterprises of other countr

13、ies.Also,they have attracted investment for SCO countries andlocal governments.As of now,SCOTEMP has established12workingcommittees,covering education services,mining,thealuminum industry,digital agricultural trade services,environmental resources,and others.The number of industryworking committees

14、is projected to exceed 20 by the end of2023.SCO TEMP has also inked strategic agreements withKazakhstan State-owned Co.,Ltd.and Bejing Huanuo Exiang(REX)Trading Company Limited(affiliated to Russiasdevelopment institution VEB.RF),as well as the China-SCO Local Economic and Trade Cooperation Demonstr

15、ationArea,Chongqing Municipal Committee of the CommunistYouth League,Chongqing Municipal Education Commission,Lianglu-cuntan Free Trade Port Area,Changshou District,Wulong District,Jiulongpo District,and many others,and hasset up a SCO taskforce to see through the implementation,andbuild a platform

16、for political and business cooperation betweenlocal governments and the SCO countries.They will take thelead in initiating corresponding industry working committeesbased on their own industrial advantages and internationallayout directions,to help attract investment while furtheradvancing the constr

17、uction of an international collaborativeinnovation ecosystem for industrial chains and supply chainsthat is led by top Chinese enterprises.Think Tank-International NGO System IntegratedDevelopment System Guaranteeing InternationalEcosystem for Industrial InnovationTo safeguard the international ecos

18、ystem for industrialinnovation,SCO TEMP furthers the construction of thinktanks,integrates their development with the internationalNGO system,and facilitates the building of countryconsultation and warning centers.We will primarily rely onoverseas companies,offices,branches,and local cooperativeorga

19、nizations established by work committees as the basisto promote the establishment of overseas NGOs and form aninternational NGO organizational system,”said Hu Kaiqiang,adding that the think tanks will attract well-known figures,experts,and scholars,both domestically and internationally,to participat

20、e in in-depth special studies,helping the workingcommittees transform research results into practical outcomesboth at home and abroad.Hu also noted that,in collaboration with the ChongqingMunicipal Education Commission,SCO TEMP has establishedtwo educational organizations:the SCO TEMP EducationalSys

21、tem High-end Think Tank Associated Society and the SCOTEMP Education Work Alliance.Their goal is to leveragethe Chongqing education systems think tanks advantagesand important roles,speed up the effective integration ofdifferent countries,regional,sectoral,and industrial think tankresearch and appli

22、ed research.They aim to create collaborativeprograms,such as general and vocational educationintegration,China-Russia 1+3 international higher educationcooperation,and China-Russia international sister schools.Thus,the development of international educational and culturalexchanges will be effectively boosted.Photo/Trade and Economic Multifunctional Platform forSco CountriesThe World and Chongqing67

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