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1、目录2015年江苏大学外国语学院243英语(二外)考研真题及详解2016年江苏大学外国语学院243英语(二外)考研真题及详解2017年江苏大学外国语学院243英语(二外)考研真题及详解2018年江苏大学外国语学院243英语(二外)考研真题及详解2015年江苏大学外国语学院243英语(二外)考研真题及详解Part Writing(40 minutes)(15%)Directions:For this part,you are allowed 40 minutes to write a short essay onthe following question.You should write at

2、 least 180 words.Children who grow up in families which are short of money are betterprepared to deal with the problems of adult life than children who are broughtup by wealthy parents.To what extent do you agree or disagree?(Write yourcomposition on the answer sheet)【参考范文】Some feel that the childre

3、n of low income families are better equipped to dealwith difficulties posed by the“real world”when they grow up and they alsobelieve the privileged children of wealthy families are less fit to deal withthese difficulties.The implications and veracity of this argument seem self-evident,but in fact re

4、quire closer examination.The popular wisdom is that children of poorer families learn early on thevalue of every penny,and are thus naturally better suited to stretching moneywhen times get tough in adulthood.Inversely,the children of wealthyfamilies,those born with a silver spoon in their mouths,ar

5、e believed to becompletely ignorant of the value of money,having had everything providedfor them in their youth and oftentimes erroneously expecting the samesituation in adulthood.They are believed to be prone to overspending andfinancial irresponsibility.This belief,though logical,overlooks one key

6、 pointwhich is,of course,education.Both wealthy and poor children are equallylikely to acquire an education in money,whether it is formal,or in the schoolof hard knocks.Conversely,both children are as likely to ignore thiseducation.A poor child may believe that one can get along,if not as easily,wit

7、houtwealth.A wealthy child may be well trained by a parent steeped in theknowledge of money management;the key to developing this skill iseducation.【解析】分析题目要求,即对“穷人孩子早当家”的观点发表自己的看法。本文开篇首先点明这一观点引出话题,并对此提出自己的看法,“这一观点无可厚非。但有待深入探讨”。在接下来的一段中,作者对自己的这一论点展开详细叙述,一方面肯定该观点的合理性,一方面提出其不完善之处。最后对上文所述做出总结,无论贫穷富有,理财

8、能力的关键是教育,从而深化主题。Part Reading Comprehension(65 minutes)(60%)Section A(10%)Directions:In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You arerequired to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in aword bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully beforemaking yo

9、ur choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.Questions 1 to 10 are based on the following passage.A new era is upon us.Call it what you will:the service economy,theinformation age,the Knowledge Society.It all translates to a fundamental(1)_ in the way we work.Already were partly ther

10、e.The percentage of people who earn their living by making things has fallen(2)_ in the western world.Today the(3)_ of jobs in America,Europe and Japan(two thirds or more in many of these countries)are in theservice industry,and the number is on the rise.More(4)_ are in thework force than ever befor

11、e.Therere more part-time jobs and the breadth ofthe economic(5)_ is no longer being measured by numbers alone.We have only to look behind us to get some sense of what may lie ahead.Noone looking ahead 20 years possibly could have foreseen the ways in which a(6)_ invention of the chip,would transform

12、 our world(7)_ to itsapplications in personal computers,digital communications and factoryrobots.Tomorrows achievements in biotechnology artificial intelligence oreven some still(8)_ technology could produce a similar wave ofdramatic change,but one thing is certain:information and knowledge willbeco

13、me even more vital,and the people who(9)_ it,whether theywork in manufacturing or services,will have the advantage and produce thewealth.Computer knowledge will become as basic a requirement as theability to read and write.The ability to solve problems by applyinginformation instead of(10)_ routine

14、tasks will be valued above allelse.A.unimaginedB.predictableC.majorityD.opportunitiesE.womenF.thanksG.recallH.singleI.changeJ.automaticallyK.dramaticallyL.performingM.possessN.generalO.utilizing【答案与解析】1.I 句意为“这一切都意味着我们工作方式的根本改变。”故应填change(变化,改变)。2.K 分析句子成分,基本成分主谓宾已有,故缺定状补,又跟在动词fall后面,则该处应填副词。automat

15、ically自动地;机械地;无意识地。dramatically戏剧地;显著地,剧烈地。只有dramatically与句意相符,故选K。3.C the majority of表示“的大多数”,为固定用法。4.E 显然此处缺少主语,且为名词,选项中只有women最为合适,意为“职场中女性较以往越来越多”。5.D 分析句子成分可知,在此应填入名词,与economic构成名词短语,因此填入opportunities。6.H 句意为“即使向后预测20年,可能也没人可以预见到单一的一个发明芯片”。single在此表示“仅一个的,单一的”。7.F 由transform.to(使转化为)可知此处为名词,选项中

16、thanks较为符合题意,表示“因为它在个人电脑、数字通信和生产机器上的应用而改变我们的世界”8.A unimagined指“(好、大得)无法想象的,想象不到的”,在该句中用来表达未来技术的发展不可预料,与后面的but one thing is certain对应。9.M 该空后面的it指代information and knowledge,则由题意此处possess最为合适,表示“拥有,具有(某品质或能力)”。10.L instead of后面应该跟动词的-ing形式,选项中只有performing和utilizing符合语法,而根据后面routine tasks可得出performing更

17、符合题意,表示“执行日常任务,履行日常工作”。Section B(10%)Directions:In this section,you are going to read a passage with tenstatements attached to it.Each statement contains information given in one ofthe paragraphs.Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived.You may choose a paragraph more than once.E

18、ach paragraph is marked witha letter.Animals on the MoveA)It looked like a scene from“Jaws”but without the dramatic music.A hugeshark was slowly swimming through the water,its tail swinging back andforth like the pendulum of a clock.Suddenly sensitive nerve ending in thesharks skin picked up vibrati

19、ons of a struggling fish.The shark wasimmediately transformed into a deadly,efficient machine of death.Withmuscles taut,the shark knifed through the water at a rapid speed.In a flashthe shark caught its victim,a large fish,in its powerful jaws.Then,jerking itshead back and forth,the shark tore huge

20、chunks of flesh from its victim andswallowed them.Soon the action was over.Moving to SurviveB)In pursuing its prey,the shark demonstrated in a dramatic way theimportant role of movement,or locomotion,in animals.Like the shark,mostanimals use movement to find food.They also use locomotion to escapeen

21、emies,find a mate,and explore new territories.The methods of locomotioninclude crawling,hopping,slithering,flying,swimming,or walking.Humanshave the added advantage of using their various inventions to move about injust about any kind of environment.Automobiles,rockets,and submarinestransport humans

22、 from deep oceans to as far away as the moon.However,forother animals movement came about naturally through millions of years ofevolution.One of the most successful examples of animal locomotion is thatof the shark.Its ability to quickly zero in on its prey has always impressedscientists.But it took

23、 a detailed study by Duke University marine biologistsS.A.Wainwright,F.Vosburgh,and J.H.Hebrank to find out how the sharksdid it.In their study the scientists observed sharks swimming in a tank atMarineland in Saint Augustine,Fla.Movies were taken of the sharksmovements and analyzed.Studies were als

24、o made of shark skin and muscle.Skin Is the KeyC)The biologists discovered that the skin of the shark is the key to theanimals high efficiency in swimming through the water.The skin containsmany fibers that crisscross like the inside of a belted radial tire.The fibers arecalled collagen fibers.These

25、 fibers can either store or release large amountsof energy depending on whether the fibers are relaxed or taut.When thefibers are stretched,energy is stored in them the way energy is stored in thestring of a bow when pulled tight.When the energy is released,the fibersbecome relaxed.D)The Duke Univer

26、sity biologists have found that the greatest stretchingoccurs where the shark bends its body while swimming.During the bodysback and forth motion,fibers along the outside part of the bending bodystretch greatly.Much potential energy is stored in the fibers.This energy isreleased when the sharks body

27、 snaps back the other way.As energy isalternately stored and released on both sides of the animals body,the tailwhips strongly back and forth.This whip-like action propels the animalthrough the water like a living bullet.Source of EnergyE)What causes the fibers to store so much energy?In finding the

28、 answer theDuke University scientists learned that the sharks similarity to a belted radialtire doesnt stop with the skin.Just as a radial tire is inflated by pressure,so,too,is the area just under the sharks collagen“radials”.Instead of airpressure,however,the pressure in the shark may be due to th

29、e force of theblood pressing on the collagen fibers.F)When the shark swims slowly,the pressure on the fibers is relatively low.The fibers are more relaxed,and the shark is able to bend its body at sharpangles.The animal swims this way when looking around for food or justswimming.However,when the sha

30、rk detects an important food source,somefantastic involuntary changes take place.The pressure inside the animal mayincrease by 10 times.This pressure change greatly stretches the fibers,enabling much energy to be stored.This energy is then transferred to the tail,and the shark is off.The rest of the

31、 story is predictable.Dolphin Has Speed RecordG)Another fast marine animal is the dolphin.This seagoing mammal hasbeen clocked at speeds of 32 kilometers(20 miles)an hour.Biologistsstudying the dolphin have discovered that,like the shark,the animalsefficient locomotion can be traced to its skin.A do

32、lphins skin is made up insuch a way that it offers very little resistance to the water flowing over it.Normally when a fish or other object moves slowly through the water,thewater flows smoothly past the body.This smooth flow is known as laminarflow.However,at faster speeds the water becomes more tu

33、rbulent along themoving fish.This turbulence muses friction and slows the fish down.H)In a dolphin the skin is so flexible that it bends and yields to the wavinessof the water.The waves,in effect,become tucked into the skins folds.Thisallows the rest of the water to move smoothly by in a laminar flo

34、w.Whereother animals would be slowed by turbulent water at rapid speeds,thedolphin can race through the water at record breaking speeds.Other Animals Less EfficientI)Not all animals move as efficiently as sharks and dolphins.Perhaps thegreatest loser in locomotion efficiency is the slug.The slug,whi

35、ch looks likea snail without a shell,lays down a slimy trail over which it crawls.It uses somuch energy producing the slimy mucus and crawling over it that a mousetraveling the same distance uses only one twelfth as much energy.Scientistssay that because of the slugs inefficient use of energy,its li

36、festyle must berestricted.That is,the animals are forced to confine themselves to small areasfor obtaining food and finding proper living conditions.Have humans everbeen faced with this kind of problem?11.The dolphins skin offers less resistance to the water than the fish.12.Automobiles,rockets and

37、submarines are examples of human inventionsthat enable us to travel in almost any kind of environment.13.The skin is the key to the sharks swift locomotion in water.14.Consuming the equal amount of energy as a slug does,a mouse can travel12 times as fast as a slug.15.Because it is also inflated by p

38、ressure,the area just under the sharkscollagen fibers is similar to a belted radial tire.16.A laminar flow is formed when a fish swims slowly through the water.17.When bending its body in swimming,the shark stretches its collagenfibers to the greatest extent.18.In finding its food,the shark tries to

39、 feel the vibrations of a strugglingprey.19.According to the passage,collagen fibers can be compared to the string ofa bow for both of them store energy when stretched.20.When the shark detects an important food source,some fantasticinvoluntary changes take place in its body.【答案与解析】11.B 可以将答案定位在小标题

40、Moving to Survive 下第二段的前两句话,“Like the shark,most animals use movement to find food.They also uselocomotion to escape enemies,find a mate,and explore now territories.”12.B 汽车、火箭和潜艇的例子是为了说明可以使人类到达任何环境,其中的examples of automobiles,rockets and submarines 是关键词,可将答案定位在文章小标题 Moving to Survive下的Automobiles,ro

41、ckets,andsubmarines transport humans from deep oceans to as far away as the moon.13.C “鲨鱼在水中快速游动的关键是在皮肤”,其中key是关键词,可将答案定位在小标题 Skin Is the Key下首段的第一句话,“The biologistsdiscovered that the skin of the shark is the key to the animal s high efficiencyin swimming through the water”与本题句子完全一致,所以可直接选C。14.D 题干

42、中的 collagen fibers to the greatest extent是关键词,可将答案定位在小标题Skin Is the Key下第二段的第一句话,“The Duke Universitybiologists have found that the greatest stretching occurs where the sharkbends its body while swimming.”这与本题句子的内容完全一致。15.E 题干中a belted radial tire是关键词,可将答案锁定在文章小标题Source of Energy下第一段的第三句话,“Just as a

43、 radial tire is inflated bypressure,so,too,is the area just under the sharks collagen radials”其中的just as和 so说明了两者的相似之处在于inflated by pressure,所以答案应该是E。16.G 题干关键词是a laminar flow,所以可将答案锁定在文章小标题Dolphin Has Speed Record下。根据该节第一段的倒数第三、四句话,“Normally when a fish or other object moves slowly through the wate

44、r,the water flows smoothly past the body.This smooth flow is known aslaminar flow.”题干是对这两句话的改写,所以正确答案是G。17.I 题干中 a slug和a mouse均为关键词,可直接定位在Other AnimalsLess Efficient标题下第一段的第二句话,“It uses so much energy.amouse traveling the same distance uses only one twelfth as much energy”题干是对该句的同义改写,故选I。18.A 题干中的s

45、hark,prey,struggling均为关键词,可直接定位在A段“Suddenly sensitive nerve ending in the shark s skin picked up vibrationsof a struggling fish.”19.C 题干内容出现在Skin Is the Key中,C段第二、三句话“The fibersare called collagen fibers.”故选C。20.F 根据该句含义,在Source of Energy中,可以定位到第二段倒数第一句。故F为该题对应选段。Section C(40%)Directions:There are 4

46、 passages in this section.Each passage is followed bysome questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are fourchoices marked A.,B.,C.and D.You should decide on the best choice.Passage OneQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.The medical world is gradually realizing that

47、 the quality of the environmentin hospitals may play a significant role in the process of recovery fromillness.As part of a nationwide effort in Britain to bring art out of the galleries andinto public places,some of the countrys most talented artists have beencalled in to transform older hospitals

48、and to soften the hard edges of modernbuildings.Of the 2,500 National Health Service hospitals in Britain,almost100 now have significant collections of contemporary art in corridors,waiting areas and treatment rooms.These recent initiatives owe a great deal to one artist,Peter Senior,who setup his s

49、tudio at a Manchester hospital in northeastern England during theearly 1970s.He felt the artist had lost his place in modern society,and that artshould be enjoyed by a wider audience.A typical hospital waiting room might have as many as 500 visitors eachweek.What better place to hold regular exhibit

50、ions of art?Senior held thefirst exhibition of his own paintings in the out-patients waiting area of theManchester Royal Hospital in 1975.Believed to be Britains first hospitalartist,Senior was so much in demand that he was soon joined by a team ofsix young art school graduates.The effect is strikin

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