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1、四大开头模板式写法第一大模板法:1. 引题+一方观点+另一方观点+我方观点 引题:九大引题方法一、在谈到时,人们对这个充满争议的话题所持的观点各不相同。 When talking about (it comes to / it refers to) _, peoples opinion are divergent on such a controversial issue.二、最近经常辩论的一个问题是: A much debated issue these day is whether There is a pubic (general) debate (discussion / contro

2、versy) today (nowadays) on (about/over/as to) the problem (issue) of 三、最近的问题已经引起了人们广泛的关注。 Recently the problem (issue) of _ + has drawn (aroused) public (worldwide) attention. 或 + has caused (aroused) wide (general / considerable / international) concern.四、近来的问题已经广为天下人所知。 Recently the issue (problem

3、) of has been in the limelight (brought into focus / brought to public attention / posed among the general public).五、在过去的年里, 很多城市面临了的严重问题。 In recent (past) years, many cities (nations / people) have been faced with (plagued with / troubled with / experienced / witnessed / undergone) the (a / an) ser

4、ious problem of (acute shortage of / alarming increase in) 六、如今我们国家面临的最为紧迫的任务之一是 One of the burning (pressing / urgent) problems facing (confronting / troubling) our nation (society / world / community) today is that七、现在很多人谈论的最热门的话题之一是 One of the biggest issues (hottest topics / most popular things

5、/ most serous problems) many people talk (complain) about now is 八、随着 With the rapid (marked / amazing) development (increase / improvement / expansion / growth / decline) of _, With the general (growing / common) recognition (realization / acknowledgement) of _, With he general (growing / common) i

6、nterest in (concern over / enthusiasm for) _, With _ playing an increasingly big role in _, With _ attaching much importance to _,九: 如今有一种趋势。 Nowadays (Currently / Recently), there is a growing (unhealthy) tendency to (in / that) 一方观点 + 另一方观点:两大表述方法一、一些人认为,另一些人认为. The vast (overwhelming) majority of

7、 people say (think / believe/ maintain/ hold) that , while other people (others) claim (argue / insist) that Most (Many / Quite a few /Some) people say (think / believe / maintain / hold) that, but other people (others) claim that The vast (overwhelming) majority of people say (think / believe/ main

8、tain/ hold) that , but others view quite differently (but others think a bit differently / but others think that the opposite is true). They argue (claim) that , The overwhelming majority would support that , others, however, take the negative attitude.二、反对者认为, 拥护者认为 Those who criticize (oppose / ob

9、ject to) argue that . They believe that , but people who advocate (favor) , on the other hand, maintain (assert) that 我方观点一、就我个人而言,我认为 However, I firmly believe (hold/maintain) From the personal perspective, I prefer A than B as my inclination. Personally, I am in favor of (support) the view (idea /

10、 opinion / argument) that二、agree / disagree型加入:我同意/不同意前/后者观点,我认为 I agree / disagree with the former / latter. I hold (maintain / believe) that I approve / disapprove of the former / latter idea. I hold (maintain / believe) that I am (not) in favor of the former / latter idea. I hold (maintain / beli

11、eve) that变体一:一方观点+另一方观点+我方观点一变体二:引题+我方观点第二大模板法: 流行观点 + 我方观点 (五大表述方法) 一、如今人们普遍认为, 他们说 + 我方观点 Now, it is commonly (generally / widely) believed (thought / held / accepted / felt / recognized / acknowledged) that They claim ( believe / argue) that + For my part, I would choose to support. (表示支持流行观点)/ F

12、or me, the viewpoint sounds biased / one-sided. After considering the issue, I hold (maintain / believe) 二、如今经常听到的一种批评声音是他们说 + 我不同意这种观点,原因如下。 A criticism often heard these days is that They say that I disagree with this point of view for the following two / three reasons.三、对于公众来说 + 我方观点 To the gener

13、al public, For my part, I would choose to support. (表示支持流行观点)/ For me, the viewpoint sounds biased / one-sided. After considering the issue, I hold (maintain / believe) 四、关于这个问题,多数人说 + 我方观点 In response (reaction / answer ) to the event (phenomenon / idea / question), the majority of people say (thin

14、k) + For my part, I would choose to support. (表示支持流行观点)/ For me, the viewpoint sounds biased / one-sided. After considering the issue, I hold (maintain / believe) 五、近来我们一直听到关于的说法。+ 我方观点 These days we often hear that + For my part, I would choose to support. (表示支持流行观点)/ For me, the viewpoint sounds b

15、iased / one-sided. After considering the issue, I hold (maintain / believe) 第三大模板法:引题 + 流行观点 + 提出质疑(四大质疑法)一、引题 + 流行观点 + 但是他们没有意识到 引题句型 + 流行观点句型+ But do they realize?二、引题 + 流行观点 + 但是这种做法明智么?越来越多的人,包括我对此表示质疑。 引题句型 + 流行观点句型 + But is it a fair (wise/reasonable) one? This way is now being questioned (cha

16、llenged) by more people, including me.三、引题 + 流行观点 + 但是果真如此吗?仔细分析一下,就证明这种观点站不住脚。 引题句型 + 流行观点句型 + But is it true? Close examination (analysis) doesnt bear out (证实) the claim (view/argument).四、引题 + 流行观点 + 但是情况果真如此吗?我不认为,因为以下原因。 引题句型 + 流行观点句型 + But is this really the case? I disagree for the following r

17、easons.第四大模板法: 引题 + 让步转折句 (五大转折法)一、 引题 + 的确,不过 引题句型 + It is true that , but 二、引题 + 似乎 , 不过 引题句型 + It seems that , but 三、引题 + 不可否认的是, 不过 引题句型 + It is undeniable that , but / Undeniably, , but 四、引题 + 但是尽管, 几乎没有证据证明 引题句型 + But although (Admittedly,) , there is no (little) evidence. it is questioned (doubted) that 五、 引题 + 但是尽管, 我还是认为 引题 + Although , I believe one should 注:开头段落提出观点可以出现各种格的“我”,但之后的段落不要使用 “I” “me” “my” “we” “us” “our”! (注:专业文档是经验性极强的领域,无法思考和涵盖全面,素材和资料部分来自网络,供参考。可复制、编制,期待你的好评与关注)

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