1、guide sex further enhanced, documents handle and running of speed obviously speed up, program gradually specification, conference service and Chief reception of quality and level has has new of improve, Logistics support capability further strengthened. Document management, confidential, confidentia
2、lity, duty, letters and other items have been significantly improved. 4, Office construction increased at all levels. City Government offices adhere to strengthen and improve the construction of the system as a breakthrough, has developed a series of code of conduct, continuous improvement of operat
3、ional mechanism, sound and the implementation of the rules and regulations, and adhere to the system of managing people, according to the rules, the work gradually into the orbit of institutionalization and standardization. Focus on strengthening ideological and political construction of the conting
4、ent of cadres, and actively carried out various business training, knowledge of the Office team structure has been optimized, to broaden the range of knowledge and operational capacity grows, nurtured a political firm, sharp, professional and innovative staff, created solidarity, striving for the to
5、p, pragmatic, dedication, good image. However, with the State Council and the provincial Government of the national, the provinces Secretary-General meeting of government offices under the new situation the functions and priorities compared to the requirements of our gap is still very big. Main is d
6、aily in the passive meet of more, active research of less, service also has not timely, and not in place of problem; work in the meet Yu traditional of, and program of of work way, develop innovation spirit and service innovation capacity not strong; supervision information work and promoted decisio
7、n implementation of contact enough close, feedback situation not active; research resources of using enough full, research results of into degree not high; some sector documents running not specification; Municipal Government Office on the County (district) and municipal government sector Office wor
8、k of guide enough, No real form interaction and close collaboration, promote the implementation of the work. These problems, we must effectively be addressed in the future work. Second, serve the overall situation, carry out their duties, improve quality, and strive to create a new situation of syst
9、em of government offices in the city since last season, meeting the Secretary-General of the State Council and the provincial government has held a government system, from a global and strategic height, scientifically analyzed the new situation and the newTasks on the system of government offices br
10、ing new situations and new problems and new challenges, profoundly expounded the work of government departments at all levels in the new era should be put in the situation to understand, to grasp, to deploy at any time and under any circumstances, should always focus on the big picture, firmly grasp
11、 the overall situation, increasing in the overall implementing in earnest the work of spontaneity, initiativeSecondly, we should strengthen the team. A unit is a team in various sections of the unit inside is also a small team. A unit with a team spirit, formed a team responsibility, cohesion and co
12、mpetitiveness. You want to make a unit, a Department work improvement, must be melting inside a feeling of solidarity and mutual help, for a common goal and determined to achieve the spirit, cultivating a strong collective spirit and team responsibility, sense of honor. Therefore, we need to start i
13、mproving office work and enhance the efficiency of Office work and strive to build a concerted . Fault. In accordance with the requirements of modern management science, establishing strict responsibility system of management by objectives. A work who is in charge, who is in charge and who is respon
14、sible, what right do these people have, what responsibility, has to truthfully and clearly understood. Departments at all levels should strictly implement the check in the Office of party Committee evaluation, significant accountability and reward incentive system, pay close attention to duty cash a
15、nd making unity, rights, responsibilities, and to inspire each of cadres spirit and morale, Super courage. Investee insists, is a deep topic, is a real problem, is a big issue. Today, I just combined this year, the citys Communist Party Committee Office, had some rough talk and understanding, we mus
16、t strengthen research and exchanges in this regard in the future. Investee in the new year, we must hold high the banner of Deng Xiaoping theory and the three represents theory the great banner of, under the correct leadership of the CPC, adhere to the people-oriented, insist on truth, adhere first
17、to excellence, efforts to do Office work to a new level. Speech at the Conference on the system of government offices in the city around the development of service function to create a new situation in the work of the Office of the citys system of Government-speech at the Conference on the system of
18、 government offices in the city This system of government offices working in the citys main task is to study Government systems of administrative supervision, administrative information, administrative reception and information technology issues. For the meeting, the City Mayor Ma has made important
19、 instructions, the Municipal Government Office fully prepared brewing, combined with practical work to develop the notice on further strengthening the supervision work, the XX, Chief Information interim measures for 2005 and the citys system of Government Administration informatization construction
20、task statement and other documents. Before the General Assembly and organization of counties (districts) of the scene to observe the Government Office, achieve the purpose of exchanges of work, thought. Today, the Tang Mayor also attended the meeting and delivered an important speech in the midst, h
21、ope good grasp of implementation. Next, I would like to make a few remarks. A, and around Center, looks at development, strengthened service, city government system Office work rendering atmosphere in recent years, city government system Office to装订线装订线姓名: 学号: 班级:广西财经学院 学年第 学期工程项目管理课程期末考试试卷(A)卷适用班级:
22、工程考试时间: 120分钟 (闭卷) 考试课程命题老师签名: 教研室主任签名:课程开课系:工商管理题 号一二三四五六七八总 分核分人应得分2016241525实得分得分评卷教师一、单项选择题(共20题,每题1分。每题的备选项中,只有1个最符合题意,共20分)1.对于一个建设工程项目而言,【 】是管理的核心。A.设计方的项目管理B.施工方的项目管理C.业主方的项目管理D.供货方的管理项目2.在业主方的项目管理工作中,以下【 】是项目管理中的最重要的任务。A.安全管理B.合同管理C.信息管理D.质量控制3.EPC承包模式下的项目管理属于【 】的项目管理。A.施工总承包B.投资方C.建设项目总承包方
23、D.施工联合体4.项目管理的核心任务是【 】。A.项目的目标控制 B.项目的物流管理C.项目的组织协调 D.项目的人力资源管理6.矩阵组织结构较适宜用于【 】。A.地区分散的组织系统 B.大的组织系统C.小的组织系统 D.地区集中的组织系统7.工程项目策划的目的是为了【 】。A.调查研究和收集资料 B.进行项目各方面的科学分析和论证C.为项目建设的决策和实施增值 D.针对项目决策的某个问题进行论证8.工程项目实施阶段策划的主要任务是定义【 】。A.如何开发和组织建设 B.项目开发或建设的意义C.项目开发或建设的目标 D.项目开发或建设的任务9.控制建设项目投资最有效的手段是【 】。A.组织措施
24、 B.技术措施 C.合同与管理措施 D.经济措施与技术措施相结合10.下列对建设项目投资控制理解正确是【 】。A.只是着眼于建设期间产生的费用B.对工程项目建设直接投资的控制C.从建设项目全寿命周期内产生费用的角度审视投资控制的问题D.对使用和运行过程中可能发生的相关费的控制11.建设项目投资控制就存在控制的重点是【 】。A.建设项目的前期和工程的设计阶段 B.施工阶段 C.使用和运营阶段 D.维护阶段12.在单代号搭接网络图中,工作G的持续时间为4天,紧前工作有D、E工作,工作D-E之间的搭接关系为STF=12天,工作E-G之间的搭接关系为STS=6天,D、E工作时间参数见表所示,则G工作的
25、最早开始时间为【 】。A.12天 B.16天 C.14天 D.18天D、E工作时间参数工作名称DiESiEFiD9615E8101813.工程项目各阶段的质量控制均应围绕着致力于满足【 】要求的质量目标而展开。A.政府部们 B.监理部门 C.设计部门 D.业主或投资者14.为确保施工质量,使施工顺利进行,最关键应做好【 】控制。A.单位工程质量 B. 工序质量 C.分项工程质量 D. 分部工程质量15.关于安全检查的主要内容,正确的是【 】。A.查思想,查管理组织,查隐患,查组织,查责任人B.查思想,查制度,查安全教育培训,查操作行为,查事故处理C.查组织,查责任人,查隐患,查整改,查事故处理
26、D.查管理组织,查责任人,查隐患,查整改,查事故处理16.建筑施工伤亡事故的六大主要类别,不包括【 】。A.高处坠落 B.物体打击 C. 交通事故 D. 坍塌事故 17.不属于工程变更表现形式的是【 】。A.因设计变更或工程规模变化而引起的工程量增减B.因设计变更而使得某些工程内容被取消C.为使工程竣工而实施的任何种类的附加工作D.因建筑材料价格上涨,采用其他建筑材料18.根据确定的工程计量结果,承包人向发包人提出支付工程进度款申请,发包人应在【 】天内向承包人支付工程进度款,并按约定时间扣回工程预付款,工程预付款与工程进度款同期结算抵扣。A.7 B.14 C. 21 D.2819.建设项目采
27、购的对象是【 】。A.程、货物或服务 B.类房屋和土木工程建造、设备安装、管道线路敷设、装饰装修等建设以及附带的服务C.各种各样的物品,包括原材料、产品、设备和固态、液态或气态物体和电力,以及货物供应的附带服务D.勘察、设计、工程咨询、工程监理等服务20.下列不属于设计准备阶段投资控制工作的是【 】。A.进行项目总投资目标的分析和论证B.编制项目总投资切块和分解的初步规划C.编制投资风险管理的初步方案D.分析和论证项目的功能得分评卷教师二、多项选择题(共8题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,有2个或2个以上符合题意,至少有1个错项。全选对,得2分;少选,每选对一个选项得0.5分, 选错本题不得分,共
28、16分)1.项目的实施阶段包括【 】。A.施工阶段 B.设计阶段 C.可行性研究阶段D.保修期 E.设计前的准备阶段2.项目管理基本的组织工具有【 】。A.责权利关系图 B.组织结构图 C. 任务分工表 D.管理职能分工表 E.工作流程图3.工程项目策划决策阶段的基本内容包括【 】。A.项目结构分析 B.建设环境调查与条件 C.项目定义和项目目标论证 D.项目的风险策划 E.项目的技术策划4.下列关于安全控制要求的说法中,正确的是【 】。A.施工现场安全设施必须齐全并经法定检测机构检测可使用B.所有新员工都必须经三级安全教育C.各类人员必须具备相应的职业资格才能上岗D.特殊工种作业人员必须持有
29、特殊作业操作证E.总包和分包单位都必须持有安全施工许可证5.下列关于建设工程项目施工质量验收的表述中,正确的有【 】。A.工程质量验收均应在施工单位自行检查评定的基础上进行B.参加工程施工质量验收的各方人员由政府部门确定C.工程外观质量通过现场检查后由质量监督机构确认D.隐蔽工程应在隐蔽前由施工单位通知有关单位进行验收,并形成验收文件E.单位工程施工质量应该符合相关验收规范6.调整工程价款的因素包括【 】。A.法律、行政法规和国家有关政策变化影响合同价款B.工程造价管理机构的价格调整C.双方可以超出约定,经协商后调整价款D.未经批准的设计变更E.发包人更改经审定批准的的施工组织设计(修正错误除
30、外)造成费用增加7.工程总承包描述正确的是【 】。A.工程总承包企业向业主负责B.工程分包商向总承包商和业主负责C.总承企业可以将所承包工程中的部分工作发包给具有相应资质的分包企业D.包企业可以将对项目勘察、设计、采购、施工等实行全过程或若干阶段的承包E.总承包商可以将工程转包给具有资质的其他承包商8.安全技术措施的内容包括【 】。A.防火、防毒、防爆、防洪、防尘B.防雷击、防触电、防坍塌、防物体打击C.防机械伤害、防起重设备滑落、防寒、防暑D.防疫、防环境污染、防交通事故、防吸毒E.防高空坠落、防暴力、防酗酒得分评卷教师三、简答题(共4题,每小题6分,共 24分).试绘制矩阵组织结构模式图,
34、编制资金使用计划,分析投资控制目标,严格控制各项开支;(5)及时落实业主签证,及时结算工程款;(6)提出多个不同的技术方案,并对不同的技术方案进行技术经济分析。【问题】上述总监理工程师提出的控制措施各属于哪一种措施? 得分评卷教师五、计算题(共2题,第一题15分,第二题10分,共25分)1.已知某工程包括八项施工过程,根据施工方案确定的施工逻辑关系如表所示,试绘制双代号施工网络进度计划,并指出关键线路、关键工作和计算工期。工作名称ABCDEFH持续时间(月)2343543紧 前 工 作-AAB、CB、CCD、E、F2. 已知单代号网络计划如图所示,若计划工期等于计算工期,试计算单代号网络计划的
35、六个时间参数和工作之间的时间间隔,将其标注在网络计划上;并指出关键线路、关键工作和计算工期。在空气绝缘和气体绝缘设备中,都有沿固体表面放电的问题,因为高压导体总是需要用固体 绝缘材料来悬挂或支撑的,这种固体绝缘称为绝缘子.当满足某种特定的条件时绝缘子表面 的气体可能会沿绝缘子表面放电,沿整个固体表面发生放电时称为闪络and steadfastness. And explicitly put forward the surrounding situation, pay attention to implementation is the core of government offices, r
36、equiring government departments at all levels cannot be Gramophone, mail room and the Messenger is not confined to paper communications, yinglaisongwang and upload issue. Must to has strongly of implementation consciousness, this is Government Office sector first bit of task, to first, and is duty-b
37、ound, insisted reported truth, and told truth, and out confess, and do facts, and pragmatic effect, put work of to points real put to research solution reform development stable in the of major problem Shang, put to research solution masses production life in the of urgent problem Shang, put to rese
38、arch solution work in the exists of highlight problem Shang, put an end to to Conference implement Conference, to file implementation file, never can makes superior of decision and deployment in a implementation Lost in the sound. System Office of the Government sector must take the lead in party an
39、d Government policies, the deployment and carry out specific targets, in the implementation efforts, for example on the implementation, on the implementation of a performance. City Government System Office to seriously implement implementation national, and Province Government system Secretary-Gener
40、al Office Director Conference spirit, according to around overall, grasp implementation this a general requirements, insisted reform innovation, further change management concept, and management functions, and management system and management method; insisted quality first, ensure for led, and for g
41、rass-roots, and for masses provides quality efficient service; insisted strictly rule political, efforts construction a support political firm, and business master, and service political clean, and style excellent of Office team. Concrete work, and must deal with three relationships: one is to handl
42、e well the relationship between passive adaptation and active service. Office service functions to the passive aspect of its work, which requires us to host lead when action must be strictly in accordance with the intentions and requirements for leadership, work within the limits of delegated author
43、ity, not offside, participation in the intervention, and not decision-making, coordination is not contemplated. Meanwhile, Office work and must become more conscious, give full play to the initiative and work to some foreseeable, be proactive, prepared, thinking ahead, providing information, active
44、leadership, reflect the situation, ahead of good research, reference point, in key places to promote overall efficiency. Second, to handle the relationship between administrative services and transaction services. Administrative services and Services Office services complement the two aspects of the
45、 job. Administrative services is the core service is guaranteed. Note that combines both, adhere to government service as the main line, the Chief turns around the overall situation, turns around the district. On one hand, will attachthree a representative important thought for guide, efforts adapted new situation, and new task, and new requirements, tightly around city reform development of overall, further change functions, strengthened service, determined to innovat