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1、HOW TO WRITE A SUMMARY第1页What is a summary?1.A shortened version of the text2.Main points of the text3.Written in your own words A summary is a brief account of the main points of an article in your own words.第2页Question:What should be paid attention to to write a good summary of an article?1.Can we

2、 mainly use our own words or the sentences in the original passage?2.Can we judge the writing style?3.Can we write it in the first person or the third person?4.Can we express our opinion?Discussion 第3页summaryunderstandingtopic sentenceskey wordsset sentence patternssummarize/rewritethe writing style

3、the 3rd person第4页3 Styles of PassagesStyles(体裁)(体裁)Functions(功效)Narration(记叙文记叙文)describe a person or an event,with afterthoughtsArgumentation(议论文议论文)show the writers point of viewExposition(说明文说明文)introduce something,eg.a phenomenon第5页Task 1:How to find the key sentences or key words?体裁体裁关键句关键句记叙文记

4、叙文议论文议论文说明文说明文抓住抓住who,what happened,及及the writers purpose通常抓住首段和尾段通常抓住首段和尾段抓住首段或各段首句抓住首段或各段首句第6页Task 2:Recognize the styles of 3 givenpassages and find out the key sentences or key words of eachpassage.第7页The Steps of Writing a Summary(1)定时态定时态:假如阅读材料是过去时,那:假如阅读材料是过去时,那么基本时态用过去时;假如是现在,么基本时态用过去时;假如是现

5、在,那么基本时态用现在时;那么基本时态用现在时;(2)定人称定人称:普通情况下采取第三人称来:普通情况下采取第三人称来写作,特殊如书信,可能会使用第一、写作,特殊如书信,可能会使用第一、二人称;二人称;(3)定技巧定技巧:结合相关技巧,重新组句。:结合相关技巧,重新组句。第8页1.1.完全糊涂地照抄原文,连人称都不改完全糊涂地照抄原文,连人称都不改 ,得,得0 0分;分;2.2.机械死板地照抄原文,只改人称,得机械死板地照抄原文,只改人称,得 1 1分;分;3.3.稍微灵活地抄原文,改主语、宾语、原稍微灵活地抄原文,改主语、宾语、原 文词序,得文词序,得2 2分;分;4.4.创造性地抄,改主语

6、、宾语、原文词序创造性地抄,改主语、宾语、原文词序还有句子结构,最多得还有句子结构,最多得3 3分;分;5.5.结构、用词、词性改变比很好得结构、用词、词性改变比很好得4 4至至5 5分。分。年广东高考概括部分评分细则第9页Task 3:Rewrite the sentences according to the skills.第10页(1)Use words of similar meanings同义替换法同义替换法I didnt catch any fish owing to the fact that I was not patient.I didnt catch any fish_ I

7、 was not patient.because第11页(2)Adopt the opposite way when saying a sentence正话反说法正话反说法You will fail.You will _.not succeed第12页(3)Change the part of speech词性转换法词性转换法Patience is very important.Patience is _.of great importance第13页(4)Change the structure of a sentence句式改变法句式改变法语态变换:语态变换:Parents should

8、give children more praise.Children should_more praise.be given第14页简单句变复合句:简单句变复合句:Children should be encouraged more.This will help them learn faster.Children should be encouraged more,_ will help them learn faster.Children are given more praise.They will achieve more success.When _,children will ac

9、hieve more success.whichgiven more praise第15页(5)Use the shortest possible transitions连词衔接法连词衔接法 注意使用一些短而精连词,如注意使用一些短而精连词,如but,and,so,while,however,then,thus,yet,for,therefore,including,instead of 等。等。We should encourage children.We should not scold them.We should encourage children_ scolding them.in

10、stead of第16页(6)Change the order of the words.词序改变法词序改变法The secret of success was patience._ was _.Patiencethe secret of success第17页(7)Omit the details细节约略法细节约略法Dont always scold and give lots of praise instead.Dont scold and give praise instead.第18页(8)Make use of the meaning of a sentence句意了解法句意了解法S

11、hopping on the Internet is becoming increasingly popular._More and more people prefer Internet shopping.第19页Some Summary Models for You(1)Narration Summary Models (记叙文概要模板记叙文概要模板)(2)Argumentation Summary Models (议论文概要模板议论文概要模板)(3)Exposition Summary Models (说明文概要模板说明文概要模板)第20页(1)记叙文概要模板记叙文概要模板点明写作目类:

12、The writer tells us(主题)by showing us an example of,who/which(故事情节).作者经历类:In the passage,the writer mainly tells us hisexperience of doing sth,which他人经历类:This passage is mainly about sbs experience of doing sth.第21页(2)议论文概要模议论文概要模板板The article gives the view that should/shouldnt(主题)(主题).(补充论据)(补充论据).

13、The passage highlights(强调强调)the importance of sth.The author argues that第22页(3)说明文概要模板说明文概要模板现象揭示类:现象揭示类:This article points out the common phenomenon-(主题(主题),which.(补充解释)(补充解释).利弊对比类:利弊对比类:The article compares the disadvantages/benefits of A and B.Awhile B The passage discusses the impact(影响影响)of s

14、th.On the positive side,but it may also.研究显示类:研究显示类:The study reveals(揭露揭露)that The purpose of the report is to show that第23页Task 4:Write a summaryPassage 1第24页关键词关键词、句、句(1)the writer,an old man,fishing,experience,teach sb.a lesson,(2)The secret of success was patience._had_with _who _.The writer a

15、fishing experiencean old man taught him a lesson词序改变法词序改变法Patience was the secret of success.(2)(1)连词成句连词成句第25页The writer had a fishing experience with an old man who taught him a lesson.Patience was the secret of success.句式改变法句式改变法The writer had a fishing experience with an old man who taught him a

16、 lesson thatpatience was the secret of success.The writer tells us(主题)(主题)by showing us an example of,who/which(故事(故事情节)情节).第26页Reference Key for Passage 1:The writer tells us patience was very important and that it was the secret of success by showing us an exampleof his unforgettable fishingexperi

17、ence with an old man,who taughthim a lesson.(35 words)注意注意第27页Passage 2:关键句关键句(1)Dont always scold and give lots of praise instead.细节约略法细节约略法Dont scold and give praise instead.词序改变法、连词衔接法词序改变法、连词衔接法Give praise instead of scolding.词性变换法词性变换法Praise children instead of scolding them.第28页(2)If you teach

18、 your children not to fear a mistake of failure,they will learn faster and achieve success at last.Encourage your children and they will make more progress and succeed.句意了解法句意了解法同义替换法同义替换法词性转换法词性转换法细节约略法细节约略法第29页(1)Praise children instead of scolding them.(2)Encourage your children and they will mak

19、e more progress and succeed.The article gives the view thatwhen educating children,parents shouldpraise and encourage them instead of scolding,which will help children to make progress and succeed.注意第30页Passage 3:关键词、句关键词、句(1)Internet shopping is a new way of shopping.(2)Shopping on the Internet is

20、becoming increasingly popular.(3)People can shop for a variety of things on the Internet.(4)common products,information products,services第31页Reference Key for Passage 3:This article points out the commonphenomenon-Internet shopping,which offers great convenience.People can buy many things on theInternet including common products,information products and evenservices.(30 words)第32页注意事项:注意事项:“五定三忌五定三忌”定体裁;定主题;定时态;定体裁;定主题;定时态;定人称;定技巧定人称;定技巧 忌照抄原文;忌私加观点;忌照抄原文;忌私加观点;忌不符字数。忌不符字数。第33页第34页

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