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1、人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 Unit 4 Dont eat in class.Section A第1页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 Dont walk.Do you know these signs in a city?What do they mean?Walk.Run.Dont run.创设情境第2页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 Dont turn left.No smoking.Be careful!No parking!第3页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 Dont smoke!No smoking!What does the sign mean?You cant smoke here

2、.You cant take photos here!No photos!What does the sign mean?Dont take photos here!第4页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 You cant park cars here!No parking!What does the sign mean?You cant spit here!No spitting!What does the sign mean?Dont park cars here!Dont spit here!第5页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 You can turn right here!Please t

3、urn right!What does the sign mean?What does the sign mean?You cant swim here.Dont swim here!No swimming!第6页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 There are many rules in our life.We cant break the rules,we must obey/keep the rules.break the rules:obey/keep the rules:违反规则恪守规则第7页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 We should follow/obey the rules

4、.ru:lWe shouldnt break the rules.brek 第8页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 What rules do we have at school?启发思索第9页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 Can we arrive late for class?arrive late for class.Dont be late for class.No,we cant.Ask and answer.rav Dont 第10页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 run in the hallways.No,we cant.Can we run in the hallways?We c

5、an run on the playground.h:lwe Dont 第11页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 eat in class.Can we eat in class?No,we cant.We can eat in the dinning hall.dan Dont 第12页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 listen to music in the classroom.Can we listen to music in the classroom?No,we cant.We can listen to music at home.Dont 第13页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 Can

6、 we fight at school?fight.No,we cant.fat Dont 第14页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 be quiet.Dont be noisy.Pleasein the library第15页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 Can we talk in class?Dont talk in class.Stop talking in class.No,we cant.第16页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 1.Dont arrive late for class.2.Dont run in the hallways.3.Dont eat in the classro

7、oms.4.Dont listen to music in the classrooms or the hallways.5.Dont fight.School Rules第17页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 What else do you have to do?1.Dont forget to turn off the light when you leave.2.Dont draw on the wall.3.Dont watch TV after school.4.Dont play football in the street.5.You must get up early.第18页

8、人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 We cant rule the country without rules.没有规章制度就不能治理好国家。keep rulesbreak rulesschool rules class rulesfamily rules library rulesdining rules 恪守规则违反规则校规班规家规图书馆规则就餐规则第19页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 SCHOOL RULES1.Dont arrive late for class.You must be on time.2.Dont run in the hallways.3.Dont eat in the

9、 classroom.You must eat in the dining hall.4.Dont listen to music in the classrooms or the hallways.5.Dont fight.1a.Write the number of the rule next to the student.5423自主或小组探究第20页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 Peter _ Amy _Mike _1b.Listen.What rules are these students breaking?Write the numbers after the names.234

10、234第21页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 What are the rules?We cant arrive late for class.Dont arrive late for class.We cant eat in the classroom.Dont eat in the classroom.第22页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 We cant listen to music in the classroom.Dont listen to music in the classroom.We cant fight.Dont fight.What are the rules?第23页人

11、民教育出版社 七年级|下册 Lets practice in pairsA:What are the rules?B:Well,we cant_A:Can we _B:No,we cant.A:B:第24页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 Activity1._ listen to music in the classrooms or hallwayscancant2._ listen to music in the music roomcancant3._ listen to music outside cancant4._ eat in the classrooms cancant5._ ea

12、t in the dinning hallcancant6._ eat outside cancant7._ wear a hat cancant8._ fight cancant第25页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 Activity1._ listen to music in the classrooms or hallwayscancant2._ listen to music in the music roomcancant3._ listen to music outside cancant4._ eat in the classrooms cancant5._ eat in the

13、dinning hallcancant6._ eat outside cancant7._ wear a hat cancant8._ fight cancant第26页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 Tape script2a2b第27页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 Suppose you are Alan and your partner is Cindy.Talk about the rules in 2a.A:Can we _?B:No,we cant.But we can./Yes,we can.A:B:协作交流第28页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 ReadingP20 2d1.How

14、 many rules are mentioned(提及提及)in the passage?2.What are the rules?Four rulesDont be late for class.Students cant bring music player to school.Students have to wear the school uniform.Students have to be quiet in the library.第29页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 Yes,he is.Yes,there are.No,he cant.Yes,they do.第30页人民教育出

15、版社 七年级|下册 1)arrive 后面能够不跟抵达地点。Dont arrive late for school.不要上学迟到。2)arrive后面也能够跟抵达地点。但后面必须要跟介词in(大地方)或 at(小地方)。1.arrive 抵达=get(to)They arrived in Beijing at six.他们六点钟到北京。We usually arrive at the village in the morning.我们通常在早上到那个小村庄。总结提升第31页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 1.My mother usually get _ school at 7:40 in th

16、e morning.2.When do you usually arrive _ the bus station?3.Jennys uncle usually arrives _ Shanghai in the evening.选词填空:in,at,totoin at第32页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 1)listen 听;用来提醒某人注意,后面不跟事物。Listen!Whos singing in the classroom?听!谁在教室里唱歌?2)假如后面跟要听事物,应跟介词to再跟事物。Listen to our teacher carefully.认真听老师讲。2.listen 使用

17、方法;第33页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 3.fight 打架,争吵1)作动词用 Jack never fights with his brother.杰克从不和他弟弟打架。2)作名词,意为“打架;争吵”;惯用词组have a fight“打架;吵架”Did you have a fight with her?你和她吵过架吗?第34页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 4.wear 意为“穿、戴”My aunt wears a blue skirt and a white T-shirt.我姑姑穿着蓝色裙子,白色T恤。Does he wear glasses?他戴眼镜吗?第35页人民教育出版社 七

18、年级|下册 5.have to与must 1)have to意为“必须做某事”强调“客观需要”They have to wear school uniforms every day.他们天天必须穿校服。2)must 意为“必须”强调主观上愿望 Its late.I must go home now.天晚了。现在我必须要回家。练一练:用have to,must 填空1.Its cold outside.We _ stay at home.2.We _ be good with our parents.have tomust第36页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 1.不要在上课时听音乐。_2.我们必

19、须按时。_3.我们能把音乐播放器带到学校里来吗?_4.在图书馆里我们必须保持平静。_5.不要在楼道里跑。_Dont listen to music in class.We must be on time.Can we bring the music player to school?We must keep quiet in the library.Dont run in the hallways.第37页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 一、祈使句1.使用方法:普通以动词原形开头,表示请求、命令、劝说、警告等。在祈使句中,通常省略句子主语第二人称you。2.句子结构(1)必定句:_+其它 在餐厅

20、里吃东西。_ 在音乐教室里听音乐。_ 骑自行车去上学。_动词原形Eat in the dining hall.Listen to music in the music room.Ride the bike to school.第38页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 (2)否定句:_+_+其它 不要和同学们打架。_ 不要在教室里打篮球。_Dont fight with your classmates.Dont play basketball in the classroom.Dont 动词原形(3)以let引发句子 _+sb.+动词原形 让我们步行去上学吧。_(4)No+动词-ing形式。表示“禁

21、止、劝戒”禁止停车!No Parking.禁止吸烟!No Smoking.LetLets walk to school.第39页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 拓展情态动词can使用方法1.表示能力(如体力和脑力方面),意为 “能;会”等。比如:Can you speak English?你会讲英语吗?2.表示请求或允许,多用在口语中,意为“能够;能”等。比如:Can I help you?我能帮助你吗?用于否定句表示不允许。比如:You cant play basketball.你不能玩篮球。第40页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 情态动词can使用方法 用于疑问句中用来提出要求。比如:Can

22、you.?“请你好吗?”表示说话人请求。Can I.?“我能够吗?”用来征求对方是否允许自己做某事。如在句末加上please一词就显得更有礼貌了。比如:Can you help me,please?请你帮助我好吗?拓展第41页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 情态动词can使用方法3.表示可能。比如:He can be at home now.他现在可能在家。The moon cant always be full.月亮不可能常圆。4.表示怀疑。在表示此意时,只能用于普通 疑问句中,带有感情色彩。比如:Can it be true?那会是真吗?拓展第42页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 have t

23、o与普通情态动词异同相同点:普通情态动词不能单独作谓语,后面必须接动词原形一起组成谓语,have to 也是这么。拓展第43页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 have to与普通情态动词异同不一样点:1、普通情态动词没有些人称和数改变,而 且所用时态也受到一定限制,而have to 有些人称和数改变。可用于各种时态中:普通现在时中当主语是第三人称单数时要用has to,其余人称用have to,普通过去时中要用had to。如:She has to go to school by bus.她不得不乘公汽上学。拓展第44页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 2、否定句和疑问句组成方式不一样:普通情态动词

24、直接在后面加not组成否定句,把这些情态动词提到句首就组成普通疑问句。而have to 否定句和疑问句组成往往要借助 于助动词do适当形式或助动词will即have to,has to,had to否定式分别为dont have to,doesnt have to,didnt have to,疑问句是在句 首加助动词do对应形式,句中还原成have to。What does she have to do?她必须做什么?You didnt have to wait for me yesterday.昨天你没有必要等我。have to与普通情态动词异同拓展第45页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 依据

25、句意,用can和cant填空。1.Mr Green_ smoke here because theres a sign on the wall.It says“No smoking.”2.Its very hot outside.You_ wear a hat.3.We _ eat in the classroom because its impolite to teachers.4.I _ go to bed after 11:00 on school night.5.The students _ read books and magazines in the library.cantcancantcancant第46页人民教育出版社 七年级|下册 用have to或has to填空。1.We _ clean our classroom after school.2.She _ make her bed after getting up.3.Its late.Mr Beckman _ go to work by car.4.Emily and Peter join a music club.They _ practice the guitar every day.have tohave to has tohas to第47页谢谢观看!第48页

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