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1、Unit 1In China,we open a gift later.第1页Revision1.Whenyouaretravelling,bringamapbecauseit_helpyou.A.cantB.mustntC.usedtoD.may2.Whatwilltheweatherbeliketomorrow?It_berainy,cloudyorsunny.Imnotsure.A.mustB.shouldC.cantD.might3.Marywill_gotoNewYorkintheautumn.probably第2页Do you know the differences of way

2、s of life between people in China and in the west?Lead in:Free talk第3页Eating habitsrice In ChinaIn the Westhamburgers 第4页Eating habitschopsticks knife fork In ChinaIn the West第5页Greetings(问候)候)In ChinaIn the West Hi,have you had your meal?Where are you going?Shake hands Greet with a“Hi”Give each oth

3、er a smile Kiss第6页Learning ObjectivesTo listen and understand the conversation on customs and social behaviours.To get specific information from the listening material.To talk about rules and customs at school and at the dining table.第7页Pre-listeningIt is our _ to _ a gift with both hands./trdn/trad

4、ition/ksept/acceptBetty says _ that the noodles _ great./sris/seriously/test/taste第8页Pre-listeningBettys mum gave her a pair of _ as her birthday _./tpstk/chopsticksgift/ft/To our _,Betty open her gift _./spraz/surpriseimmediately/miditli/第9页Guessing GameThese are some _.The kids like them.toysThis

5、is a _.We can play chess on it.chess set第10页Guessing GameThis is a bar of _.We can eat it and it tastes sweet.This is a _.We can wear it on our head.baseball capchocolate第11页Guessing GameThis is a _.We can look up new words in it.This is a pair of _.We Chinese eat with them.chopsticksdictionary第12页G

6、uessing GameThis is a _.We can play with it.video game第13页While-listening:Listen and number baseball cap chess set chocolate chopsticks dictionary toy video game6432175第14页What gift do they want to buy for Lingling?An English dictionary.Can you guess what Lingling will do when she accepts the gift?第

7、15页In ChinaIn the WestReceive a giftAcceptitwith1._hands.Openit2._.Donotpaymuch3._tothat.FestivalsOnthefirstdayofthe_youmustntdoany_./While-listening:Listen and fill in the tablebothlaterattentioncleaningSpring Festival第16页Read the dialogue in groups.第17页Check what you usually do in China1.1.Open a

8、present immediately when you receive it.2.Accept a present with both hands.3.Use red paper for hongbao.4.Do cleaning on the first day of the Spring Festival.5.Break something during the Spring Festival.6.Have your hair cut during the Spring Festival month.第18页InChina,whenwereceiveagift,weshould_(ope


10、e)redpaperforhongbaobecauseredmeansluck.Inaddition,peoplehadbetternot_(have)yourhaircutduringtheSpringFestivalmonth.InthenorthofChina,manypeoplewill_(eat)jaozi.Theytastegreat.Fill in the blanks and find out the rules.openpayacceptopenhaveusedobreakeat第19页Post-listeningThink and talk about what you m

11、ust and mustnt/cant do in the situations.MustMustnt/CantAt schoolput up your hand before you talkAt the dining tabletalk with food in your mouth第20页SummaryTo listen and understand the conversation on customs and social behaviours.To get specific information from the listening material.To talk about

12、rules and customs at school and at the dining table.第21页AssignmentRecite the dialogue after class.Search the Internet and talk about the differences of customs and social behaviours between Chinese and foreigners.第22页Reserved activityaccept attention surprise taste traditionsItisalwaysa(n)(1)_toreceivegiftsfromfamilymembersandfriends.InChina,weusually(2)_agiftwithbothhandsandopenitlater.ButintheWest,peopleusuallydonotpaymuch(3)_tothat.DuringtheSpringFestival,therearemany(4)_.Forexample,peopleinthenorthofChinaeatlotsofjiaozi.They(5)_great.surpriseacceptattentiontraditionstaste第23页THANK YOU第24页

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