1、Our romantic weddingOur romantic weddingT H E L O V E B E T W E E N Y O U A N D M E I S F O R E V E RT H E L O V E B E T W E E N Y O U A N D M E I S F O R E V E RWed like to share some of the positive meanings love has for us.Love means that I know the person I love.Im aware of the many sides of the
2、 other person not just the beautiful side but also the limitations,inconsistencies and faults.I have an awareness of the others feelings and thoughts,and I experiencLove means having respect for the dignity of the person I love.If I love you,I can see you as a separate person,with your own values an
3、d thoughts and feelings,and I do not insist that you surrender your identity to match an image of what I expect you to be for me.Love means having a responsibility toward the person I love.If IWe got marriedWe got married20 xx.xx.xx20 xx.xx.xxLove means that I care about the welfare of the person I
4、love.To the extent that it is genuine,my caring is not possessive,nor does it hold the other person back.On the contrary,my caring frees both of us.If I care about you,Im concerned about your growth,and I hope you will become all that you can become.Consequently,I dont put up obstacles to what you d
5、o that enhances you as a person,even though it may result in my discomfort at times.ove means having respect for the dignity of the person I love.If I love you,I can see you as a separate person,with your own values anLove means having a responsibility toward the person I love.If I your own values a
6、nLove means that I care about the welfare of the person I love.To the extent that it is genuine,my caring is not possessive,nor does it hold the other person back.On the contrary,my caring frees both of us.If I care about you,Im concerned about your growth,and I hope you will become all that you can
7、 become.Consequently,I dont put up obstacles to what you do that enhances you as a person,even though it may result in my discomfort at times.ove means having respect for the dignity of the person I love.If I love you,I can see you as a separate person,with your own values annor does it hold the oth
8、er person back.On the contrary,my caring frees both of us.If I care about you,Im concerned about your growth,and I hope you will一定有些什么,是使我们不能放下的;一定有些什么,是令我们深深牵挂的;一定有些什么,是让我们柔肠千转刻骨铭心的。要不然,怎会一次次地走进这里,一次次地回首凝望?要不然,怎会一番番地热泪盈眶,一番番地感动感怀?你的身影是我陌生的,但我明晰地感知你的微笑,你的关怀;你的神态是我不熟悉的,可我分明觉察你的目光,你的深情。每天听你,已经成为一种习惯;每
9、天点击你的名字,已经成为生活最精彩的细节。排除了纷扰尘世的功利,心与心的沟通没有设防;摈弃了烦嚣都市的喧闹,给疲累的心找一处静地。I g i v e m y l o v e t o y o u o n l y I w a n t t o l i v e a n d l o v e w i t h y o u a n d b e o n e f o r e v e r;t o b e w i t h y o u;t o h o l d y o u n e a r y o u s o I c a n r e a c h o u t a n d t o u c h y o u;t o m a k e l o v e w i t h y o u,t a l k w i t h y o u,a n d b e s i l e n t c l o s e e v e r y n i g h t a n d w a k e u p w i t h y o u e a c h m o r n i n g.Our Happiness幸福藏匿于么一个渺小的角落,每一份的幸福都等待着它的主人发现它的存在。