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1、 lesson 9 How are you today?第1页加分机制AB第2页Part 1Part 1 ReviewReview第3页问询姓名Whats your/his/her name?回答:My/His/Her name is.问询国籍What nationality.?Where are you from?回答:Im+国籍人.问职业Whats your job?What are you?/is she?/is he?回答:Im/She is/He is+职业.第4页whats your feeling now?第5页第6页Part 2Part 2Words第7页语音屋how a co

2、w-now-down-browntodayei may-day-play-say-staygoodbye wood-cook-look-book-footshort:fork-torch-storyold cold-gold-told第8页Hello hl int.喂(表示问候)Hi hai int.喂,嗨How ha adv.怎样today tdei adv.今天Well wel adj.身体好fine fain adj.美好Thanks ks int.谢谢goodbye gdbai int.再见see si:v.看见woman wmn n.女人第9页fat 胖胖thin 瘦瘦tall 高高

3、 short 低低 dirty 脏脏 clean 洁净洁净 hot 热热 cold 冷冷 old 老老 young 年轻年轻 busy 忙忙 free 闲闲 lazy 懒懒hard-working 勤奋勤奋第10页Steven:Hello,Helen.Helen:Hi,Steven.Steven:How are you today?Helen:Im very well,thank you.And you?Steven:Im fine,thanks.Steven:How is Tony?Helen:Hes fine,thanks.Hows Emma?Steven:Shes very well,t

4、oo,Helen.Steven:Goodbye,Helen.Nice to see you.Helen:Nice to see you,too,Steven.Goodbye.:第11页ListeningListen to the tape,and then find out the blank.第12页Hi,Steven.一.Fill in the blanks:Hello ,Helen.第13页Greeting英文打招呼 1.Hi,Hello ,Hey 2.How are you?3.Good morning/afternoon/evening.4.Nice/glad to see you.

5、首次见面(非正式)5.How do you do?(正式)6.Long time no see 第14页How Im very ,thank you.well are you today?=how are you doing today?第15页And you?Im .fine Thanks.=and how are you?第16页How?一些社交上使用方法一些社交上使用方法:1、用于问询健康情况或普通生活情况:、用于问询健康情况或普通生活情况:How are you?你好么?你好么?2、How do you do?是正式介绍中一句套话,是正式介绍中一句套话,从不用来问询健康。从不用来问询健

6、康。3、How经惯用在问询当前情况疑问句里:经惯用在问询当前情况疑问句里:Hows life?生活怎样?生活怎样?How are things?情况怎样?情况怎样?Hows work?工作怎么样?工作怎么样?第17页A:How are you?=How are you doing?B:Not so good.不是很好。不是很好。Not bad.普通般。普通般。Pretty good.挺好挺好 Great.非常好非常好 Couldnt be better 第18页is How Tony?He fine.is 第19页How are you?Im well.I am well.How is she

7、?Shes fine.She is fine.A BHow are you Hes fine.How is he?Im well.第20页How is Emma?She is very ,too.well 第21页Goodbye Nice to see you,Steven.Goodbye.,Helen.Nice to see you.too =Nice to see you=glad to see you=see you later=see you 第22页 see 看见(强调结果)看见(强调结果)look 看看 (强调动作)(强调动作)watch 观看(看移动东西,观看(看移动东西,TV,

8、game.)I can see a green tree.Look!Simon is swimming.My mother is watching TV now.第23页 _!Tom is over there.看!汤姆在那儿。_ at the blackboard,please.请看黑板。How many birds can you _in the tree?你能看到树上有几只鸟?Do you _TV at night?你晚上看电视吗?LookLook seewatch第24页特殊疑问词who(谁),where(哪里),which(哪一个),what(什么)when(什么时间),whose(

9、谁)why(为何)how(怎样,怎么样)第25页特殊疑问词口诀 特殊疑问词不难,what“什么”who是“谁”;when问时间较含糊,要与what time 分清楚。where只问地点在哪里,which“哪个”whose谁要切记。问询原因why常在,回答要用because。第26页Lesson 10 Look at.第27页1._ is your name?1._ are you from?1._ singer do you like,Lagy GaGa or Biber?2._ old is your pet?1._ is this woman?2._ song this is?My nam

10、e is GinaI am from China第28页Look at him.How is Yao Ming?Yao Ming is tall.He is tall.第29页Look at him.How is Pan Changjiang?Pan Changjiang is short.He is short.第30页Look at him.How is the man?The man is old.He is old.第31页Look at him.How is Xiao Wu?Xiao Wu is young.He is young.第32页Look at her.How is the

11、 air hostess?The air hostess is beautiful.She is beautiful.第33页Look at her.How is Feng Jie?Feng Jie is ugly.She is ugly.第34页Look at it.How is the room?The room is clean.It is clean.第35页Look at it.How is the room?The room is dirty.It is dirty.第36页Part 3Part 3 Grammers Grammers第37页Look at.Look at me.K

12、ick the ball.Listen to me.Come in,please 祈使句:表命令,请求,提议句子。祈使句无主语 主语you省去 动词原形做开头 please表客气第38页How are you?1.问身体情况问身体情况How is she?he?your mum?Emma?How areyou?they?句型:句型:How+be动词动词+主语?主语?答句:答句:主语主语+be动词动词+fine/well/so so.第39页2.问询某个事物或事情怎么样,怎样?-How is your exam?-Not too bad.(不太坏)Just so so.(普通般)Terrible

13、.(糟糕)Wonderful.(棒极了)Great.(很好)第40页My father is very well.That woman is thin.How is your father?How is that woman?第41页 T:Is that or?S:Hes not .Hes.他不瘦他胖他不瘦他胖第42页Homework1.抄抄L9-10单词单词 2英英1中,默写全对为止,下周听写中,默写全对为止,下周听写2.听录音跟读听录音跟读L9课文,熟读之后背诵,下周抽查课文,熟读之后背诵,下周抽查3.练习册独立完成练习册独立完成4.手机下载手机下载“英语趣配音英语趣配音”app,给给L9配音配音,并分享到我并分享到我们群里。们群里。第43页第44页

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