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1、Unit 1 My classroomUnit 1 My classroom 第三课时第三课时吉林省长春市明德小学 王 岩点此播放教学视频点此播放教学视频第1页blackboardblackboardLet s reviewLet s review第2页doordoorLet s reviewLet s review点此播放教学视频点此播放教学视频第3页floorfloorLet s reviewLet s review点此播放教学视频点此播放教学视频第4页classroomclassroomLet s reviewLet s review第5页lightlightLet s reviewLe

2、t s review点此播放教学视频点此播放教学视频第6页picturepictureLet s reviewLet s review网第7页Let s doLet s do第8页Whats in your classroom?Whats in your classroom?Let s talkLet s talk第9页 We have a new classroomWhats in your new classroom?Four walls and a floor.Pictures and windows.And a yellow door!Let s singLet s sing第10页T

3、he cThe ca at ht ha as a hs a ha at.t.My dMy da ad hd ha as a cs a ca at.t.Let s spellLet s spell第11页h ha at tc ca at td da ad d h ha as sa+a+辅音字母辅音字母 Let s spellLet s spell网第12页f fa at t mma at t b ba at t g ga as s l la ab b p pa at t t ta ap p v va an n j ja at t Let s spellLet s spell网第13页c ca a

4、k ke e f fa ac ce e n na ame me mma ak ke e a a+辅音字母辅音字母+e e Let s spellLet s spell第14页1.cat cake2.dad date3.hat hate Read,listen and tick.Read,listen and tick.第15页a ae a ae a ae a ae c ca ak ke e f fa ac ce e mma ap p c ca ap pListen,circle and write.Listen,circle and write.第16页bag bat bake datefat has fate game jam man lake taketap hand make page Let s spellLet s spell第17页Homework1.让学生找到更多含有字母a 单词。2.让学生在练习本上写三遍单 词:cap,cake,map,face。第18页

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