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1、目录2009年湖北工业大学外国语学院801英语写作与英汉互译考研真题(A卷)2009年湖北工业大学外国语学院801英语写作与英汉互译考研真题(B卷)2008年湖北工业大学外国语学院804英语写作与英汉互译考研真题(含答案)2009年湖北工业大学外国语学院801英语写作与英汉互译考研真题(A卷)试卷代号:801试卷名称:英汉互译(A).Translate the following passages into Chinese.90%1I was never molested by any person but those who represented the state.Ihad no loc

2、k nor bolt but for the desk which held my papers,not even a nail toput over my latch or windows.I never fastened my door night or day,thoughI was to be absent several days;not even when the next fall I spent a fortnightin the woods of Maine.And yet my house was more respected than if it hadbeen surr

3、ounded by a file of soldiers.The tired rambler could rest and warmhimself by my fire,the literary amuse himself with the few books on mytable,or the curious,by opening my closet door,see what was left of mydinner,and what prospect I had of a supper.Yet,though many people ofevery class came this way

4、to the pond,I suffered no serious inconveniencefrom these sources,and I never missed anything but one small book,avolume of Homer,which perhaps was improperly gilded,and this I trust asoldier of our camp has found by this time.I am convinced that if all menwere to live as simply as I then did,thievi

5、ng and robbery would be unknown.These take place only in communities where some have got more than issufficient while others have not enough.The Popes Homers would soon getproperly distributed.“You who govern public affairs,what need have you to employpunishments?Love virtue,and the people will be v

6、irtuous.The virtues of asuperior man are like the wind;the virtues of a common man are like thegrass;the grass,when the wind passes over it,bends.”(50%)2.One in every five young people in this country shows signs and symptomsof a mental health problem,but too often we dont recognize the warningsigns

7、.According to the U.S.Surgeon General half of these young peoplewill also develop a problem with drugs.Do you know what signs to look forin your children and how to help?Left untreated,mental health and addiction disorders can result in poorperformance in school,behavior problems,relationship proble

8、ms,or evensuicide.More teenagers and young adults die from suicide that from cancer,heart disease,AIDS,birth effects,stroke,pneumonia,influenza,and chroniclung diseasecombined.Experts say that unfortunately,most of these young people dontget the professional help they need before its too late.Substa

9、nce abuse and mental health problems are each primary disorders.However,research shows that when a young person has both mental healthand substance abuse problems,its usually the mental health disorder thatdevelops first.Young people with mental health problems may usemarijuana,other illicit drugs,o

10、r alcohol to try to treat themselves,or“self-medicate.”This can rapidly lead to drug dependence.The illicit drug oralcohol use can make mental health problems worse,or even interfere withmedications prescribed to treat the mental illness.In some young people,drug abuse can create new symptoms that l

11、ook like a mental health disorder,such as episodes of depression,rage or illusion.(40%).Translate the following passages into English.60%1.因为“九九”与“久久”同音,而“九”是个位数字中最大的数,有长久长寿的含义;加之秋季又是一年之中表示收获的黄金季节,因此,人们将重阳节与祝愿老人长寿联系起来,给重阳节赋予了新的含义。1989年,我国把每年的九月九定为老人节,为传统的重阳节注入了新的内容,使九月九成为一个全国性的尊老、敬老、爱老、助老的节日,焕发出新的活力


13、互译(B).Translate the following passages into Chinese.90%1.I found it wholesome to be alone the greater part of the time.To be incompany,even with the best,is soon wearisome.I love to be alone.I neverfound the companion that was so companionable as solitude.We are for themost part more lonely when we

14、go abroad among men than when we stay inour chambers.A man thinking or working is always alone,let him be wherehe will.Solitude is not measured by the miles of space that intervene betweena man and his fellows.The really diligent student in one of the crowded hivesof Cambridge College is as solitary

15、 as a dervish in the desert.The farmer canwork alone in the field or the woods all day,hoeing or chopping,and not feellonesome,because he is employed;but when he comes home at night he cannot sit down in a room alone,at the mercy of his thoughts,but must be wherehe can“see the folks,”and recreate,an

16、d as he thinks remunerate,himself forhis days solitude;and hence he wonders how the student can sit alone in thehouse all night and most of the day without ennui and“the blues”;but hedoes not realize that the student,though in the house,is still at work in hisfield,and chopping in his woods,as the f

17、armer in his,and in turn seeks thesame recreation and society that the latter does,though it may be a morecondensed form of it.(50%)2.Parents play a critical role in helping identify and/or solve their childrensmental health and substance abuse problems.Studies show that children lookto their parent

18、s as the best source of information and guidance on seriousissues affecting their lives.Be alert to symptoms such as problems at school,changes in eating or sleeping habits,diminishing physical health andappearance,and the inability to handle everyday decision and pressures.Mental health and addicti

19、on disorders are real illnesses as real as diabetes,cancer,or heart disease.That means that people with mental health problemsneed treatment and other support services.The good news is that with proper treatment,most young people do recoverfrom mental health and addiction disorders resulting in impr

20、ovedrelationships,Today,families can choose from a wide range of effective treatment optionsand support services.Support services for young people can help them copewith the isolation and family disruptions that often go along with disorders.As a parent,you are an essential partner in your childs ov

21、erall care andrecovery.For your child,help is available,and recovery is possible.Translate the following passages into English.60%1七夕节的诸多风俗,大都与牛郎、织女有关。传说每年的七月初七是牛郎与织女相会的日子。在这一天,人间的喜鹊要飞到天上去,为牛郎和织女打一座鹊桥,好让两人渡过天河相见。在这一天晚上,如果静静地躲在葡萄架下,就能听到牛郎织女说的悄悄话。因为织女是一个美丽聪明、心灵手巧的仙女,所以凡间的女子便在这一天晚上与女伴相约,在庭院或花园里朝银河中的牛、女

22、二星祭拜,默默祈祷自己的心愿,向织女乞求智慧,好让自己也变得心灵手巧。少女们希望自己长得美丽可人,嫁个如意郎君;少妇们希望早生贵子,得到丈夫公婆的宠爱。于是便出现了七夕乞巧等各种风俗。2在旧中国,大多数妇女不得不遵循父母之命,媒妁之言,被迫嫁鸡随鸡,嫁狗随狗,因而不能如愿地选择自己的理想丈夫。3子曰:“君子怀德,小人怀土。君子怀刑,小人怀惠。”2008年湖北工业大学外国语学院804英语写作与英汉互译考研真题(含答案)试卷代号:804试卷名称:英汉互译.Translate the following passages into Chinese.90%1.We name them,raise th

23、em,clothe them and spoil them.We describe themas manipulative,grumpy,sensitive and caring.And theyre not even human-theyre our pets.Its in our nature to ascribe human characteristics toanimal even if they dont really exit.For this reason,in the interests ofremaining objective observers of nature,sci

24、entists have taken pains to avoidanthropomorphizing animals.To talk about a dogs having a swagger or acats being shy would invite professional sneers.In recent years,however,evidence has begun to show that animals havepersonalities after all.Chimps,for example,can be conscientious:they thinkbefore t

25、hey act,they plan and they control their impulses.Research hasidentified similar personality traits in many other species.The big payoff maycome down the road,as scientists begin to use animals to figure out howgenes and environment interact to influence personality.Perhaps thats theupside to findin

26、g out humans arent as unique as wed thought.2.There is one more type of traveler that must be mentioned here,if only forthe guidance of the young and simple.He is usually an elderly man,neatlydressed,but a little tobaccostained,always seated in a corner,and he opensthe conversation by pulling out a

27、gold hunter and remarking that the train isat least three minute behind time.Then,with the slightest encouragement,hewill begin to talk,and his talk will be all of trains.As some men discuss theiracquaintances,or others speak of violins or roses,so he talks of trains,theirhistory,their quality,their

28、 destiny.All his days and nights seem to have beenpassed in railway carriage,all his reading seems to have been in time-tables.He will tell you of the 12.35 from this place and 3.49 from the other place,and how the 10.18 ran from So-and-So to So-and-So in such a time.Thegreatness of his subject move

29、s him to eloquence,and there is passion andmastery in his voice.However dead you were to the passion,the splendor,thepathos,in this matter of trains,before he has done with you you will be readyto weep over the 7.37 and cry out in ecstasy at the sight of the 2.52.Translate the following passages int

30、o English.60%1.北京29届奥运会的标志是北京奥林匹克形象的核心部分。该标志以独特的、具有五千年历史的中国印章篆刻和书法为手段,把中国传统艺术和现代奥林匹克精神结合起来,具有丰富的文化内涵。简洁的动作线条勾勒出运动员拥抱胜利的姿态,体现了奥林匹克“更快、更高、更强”的精神,极具动感的线条也可以诠释为一名“舞者”,表现了中国人民办好奥运会的心愿。2成功人士总是规划自己的生活,并定下很多目标。通过目标,你可以把握自己的生活,有了目标就像有了地图指引你的方向。生活的赢家们都是定下目标,并朝着它前进。他们先下个决心要做某事,然后就会制定计划和目标。那些生活中一事无成的人往往生活都是漫无目的

31、的。3道可道,非常道;名可名,非常名。无名,天地之始;有名,万物之母。KEYI Translate the following passages into Chinese.90%1我们给它们起名字,养育它们,给它们穿衣服,宠者它们。我们说它们会摆布人,乖戾,敏感,有爱心。而它们居然不是人-而是我们的宠物。我们天生地爱把人的特性加在动物身上,即便这些特性并不存在。所以,为了做公正的自然观察者,科学家尽力避免把动物人格化。说一只狗昂首阔步或一只猫羞涩腼腆都会招来专业人士的嘲笑。然而,近几年发现的证据开始表明,动物到底还是有人格的。比如,黑猩猩有时很谨慎:它们想好了才行动,它们有计划,而且控制自己的


33、运。他似乎所有的白天黑夜都是在火车里度过的,火车时刻表似乎他唯一的读物。他将告诉你关于从这里开出的12:35班车和从另一个地方开来的3:49班车的情况,10:18的班车在此时怎样从某某地方奔向某某地方。他的话题的重大意义使他滔滔不绝,他的语气中含有激情,也表现了对情况的了如指掌。不管你原来对于激情也好,壮丽辉煌也好,哀婉凄恻也好,是多么的无动于衷,在他和你谈完火车的事情以前,你已经变的很敏感地为7:37班车而怅然泪下,一见到2:52班车就狂喜欢呼了。II.1.The emblem of the 29 Olympiad is the core element of Beijings Olympi

34、cimage and look.The logo,which is rich in culture,combines Chinesetraditional art with modern Olympic spirit by means of the unique techniquesof Chinese seal cutting and calligraphy,which have a history of 5000 years.The simple gesture lines depict an athlete embracing victory,which portraysthe Olym

35、pic spirit of Swifter,Higher,Stronger.The dynamic gesture linescan also be interpreted as a dancing figure,conveying the aspiration ofChinese people for the great games.2.Successful people imagine how their life should be and set lots of goals.By setting goals,you are taking control of your life.It

36、is like having a map toshow you where you want to go.Winners in life set goals and follow throughon them.They decide what they want in life and then get there by makingplans and setting goals.Unsuccessful people just let life happen by accidence.3.The Way that can be told of is not an Unvarying Way;The names that canbe named are not unvarying names.It was from the Nameless that Heavenand Earth sprang;The named is but the mother that rears the ten thousandcreatures,each after its kind.

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