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1、 HefeiUniversity 题目: 先进制造技术 系别: 机械工程系 专业: 机械设计制造及自动化 学制: 四年 姓名: 朱浩 学号: 1306013004 导师: 乔扬 2017年1月9日智能制造 摘要:介绍了智能制造提出的背景、主要研究内容和目标,人工智能与IMT、IM的关系,IMS和CIMS,智能制造的物质基础及理论基础,智能制造系统的特征及框架结构,并简要介绍了智能加工中心IMC,智能制造技木的发展趋势,以及智能制造系统研究成果及存在问题。关键词:智能制造,IMS,IMC,IMT。1. 主要研究内容和目标 智能制造在国际上尚无公认的定义。目前比较通行的一种定义是, 智能制造技术是


3、的整个制造环境的集成化与自组织能力,包括制造智能处理技术、自组织加工单元、自组织机器人、智能生产管理信息系统、多级竞争式控制网络、全球通讯与操作网等。2.人工智能与IMT, IMS 人工智能的研究一开始就未能摆脱制造机器生物的思想,即“机器智能化”。这种以“自主”系统为目标的研究路线,严重地阻碍了人工智能研究的进展。许多学者已意识到这一点、钱学森从计算机角度出发,提出了人与计算机相结合的智能系统概念。目前国外对多媒体及虚拟技术研究进行大量投资,以及日本第五代智能 计算机研制计划的搁浅等事例, 就是智能系统研究目标有所改变的明证。人工智能技术在机械制造领域中的应用涉及市场分析、 产品设计、生产规

4、划、过程控制、质量管理、材料处理、设备维护等诸方面。结果是开发出了种类繁多的面向特定领域的独立的专家系统、基于知识的系统或智能辅助系统,形成一系列的“智能化孤岛”。随着研究与应用的深入,人们逐渐认识到, 未来的制造自动化应是高度集成化与智能化的人机系统的有机融合, 制造自动化程度的进一步提高要依赖于整个制造系统的自组织能力。如何提高这些“孤岛”的应用范围和在实际制造环境中处理问题的能力, 成为人们的研究焦点。在80 年代末和90年代初,一种通过集成制造自动化、新一代人工智能、计算机等科学技术而发展起来的新型制造工程 IMT和新代制造系统 IMS 便脱颖而出。人工智能在制造领域中的应用与 IMT

5、 和IMS 的一个重要区别在于, IMS 和 IMT 首次以部分取代制造中人的脑力劳动为研究目标, 而不再仅起“辅助和支持”作用,在一定范围还需要能独立地适应周围环境, 开展工作。四IMS和CIMS发展的道路不是一帆风顺的。今天,CIMS的发展遇到了不可逾越的障碍,可能是刚开始时就对CIMS提出了过高的要求,也可能是CIMS本身就存在某种与生俱来的缺陷,今天的CIMS在国际上已不像几年前那样受到极大的关注与广泛地研究。从CIMS的发展来看,众多研究者把重点放在计算机集成上,从科学技术的现状看,要完成这样一个集成系统是很困难的。CIMS作为一种连接生产线中的单个自动化子系统的策略,是一种提高制造


7、, 或是手工操作,而缺乏的是人力和制造设备之间的相容性,人机工程只是一个方面的考虑,更重要的相容性考虑要体现在竞争、技能和决策能力上。人在制造中的作用需要被重新定义和加以重视。3智能制造的物质基础及理论基础3.1.智能制造系统的物质基础主要有:(1)数控机床和加工中心美国于1952年研制成功第一台数控铣床,使机械制造业发生一次技术革命。数控机床和加工中心是柔性制造的核心单元技术。(2)计算机辅助设计与制造提高了产品的质量和缩短产品生产周期,改变了传统用手工绘图、依靠图纸组织整个生产过程的技木管理模式。(3)工业控制技术、微电子技术与机械工业的结合机器人开创了工业生产的新局面,使生产结构发生重大



10、“智能制造国际合作研究计划JIRPIMS”明确提出:“智能制造系统是一种在整个制造过程中贯穿智能活动,并将这种智能活动与智能机器有机融合,将整个制造过程从订货、产品设计、生产到市场销售等各个环节以柔性方式集成起来的能发挥最大生产力的先进生产系统“。基于这个观点,在智能制造的基础理论研究中, 提出了智能制造系统及其环境的一种实现模式,这种模式给制造过程及系统的描述、建模和仿真研究赋予了全新的思想和内容,涉及制造过程和系统的计划、管理、组织及运行各个环节,体现在制造系统中制造智能知识的获取和运用,系统的智能调度等,亦即对制造系统内的物质流、信息流、功能决策能力和控制能力提出明确要求。作为智能制造技




14、0024张迪妮。现金制造技术。北京:北京大学出版社,20065周育才,刘忠伟。先进制造技术。北京:国防工业出版社,20116王隆太。现金指导技术。北京:机械制造出版社,20127赵云龙。先进制造技术。北京:机械工业出版社,20058张平亮。先进制造技术。北京:高等教育出版社,20129李发致。模具先进制造技术。北京;机械工业出版社,200310刘延林。柔性制造自动化概念。武汉:华中科技大学出版社,2001Intelligent manufacturingAbstract: This paper introduces the intelligent manufacturing backgroun

15、d, main research contents and objectives, artificial intelligence and IMT, IM, IMS and CIMS, the material foundation and theoretical basis of intelligent manufacturing, characteristics and structure of intelligent manufacturing system, and briefly introduces the intelligent machining center IMC, the

16、 development trend of intelligent manufacturing technology. Intelligent manufacturing system and research achievements and existing problems.Key words: intelligent manufacturing, IMS, IMC, IMT.1 main research contents and objectivesThere is no generally accepted definition of Intelligent Manufacturi

17、ng in the world. A current definition is more common, intelligent manufacturing technology refers to the various links in the manufacturing industry, in a highly flexible and highly integrated manner to simulate intelligent manufacturing activities of human experts through the computer. Therefore, t

18、he research and development of intelligent manufacturing is the mechanical object the main research and development of manufacturing enterprises, there are two objectives: the overall intelligence throughout the manufacturing work, in the actual manufacturing system is put forward for the first time

19、 to replace the human machine intelligence department of mental labor as the main target, and strong adjustment process of production and operation enterprises a wide range of self organization ability; the information system and The integration and sharing of intelligence building, emphasis on inte

20、grated automation intelligent. At present, the research direction of IMT and IMS from the initial development of application of artificial intelligence in the field of manufacture to IMS today, the scope of research subject analysis from only one enterprise in the market, product design, production

21、planning, manufacturing and processing, process control, information management, maintenance and other technical aspects of the automation equipment, integrated development to todays world within the scope of the whole manufacturing environment and self organization ability, including the manufactur

22、e of intelligent processing technology, self-organizing processing unit, self-organized robot, intelligent production management information system, multi-level. Contention control network, global communication and operation network2 artificial intelligence and IMT, IMSThe study of artificial intell

23、igence to start manufacturing machine failed to get rid of biological thought, namely intelligent machines. The independent system as the goal of the research route, has seriously hindered the progress of artificial intelligence research. Many scholars have been aware of this, Tsien Hsueshen from th

24、e computer point of view, put forward the intelligent system the concept of combining with computer. At present, foreign invested heavily in multimedia and virtual technology research, and Japans fifth generation intelligent computer development plan ran aground and other examples, is the goal of th

25、e research on the system of intelligent change proof. The application of artificial intelligence technology in the field of Mechanical manufacturing involves market analysis, Product design, production planning, process control, quality management, material handling, equipment maintenance and other

26、aspects. It is developed a variety of domain specific independent expert system, system or intelligent auxiliary system based on knowledge, the formation of a series of intelligent island. With the in-depth research and application, people gradually realize that the automation of future manufacturin

27、g should be the organic fusion machine system highly integrated and intelligent people, self organization to further enhance the ability to rely on the whole manufacturing system of manufacturing automation. How to improve the application scope of these islands and asked in the actual manufacturing

28、environment The ability to become a research focus of the people. At the end of 80s and early 90s, a through integrated manufacturing automation, a new generation of artificial intelligence, new manufacturing engineering: IMT and new generation manufacturing systems IMS computer science and technolo

29、gy talent shows itself development. An important difference in manufacturing in the field of artificial intelligence the application of IMT and IMS in IMS and IMT for the first time to replace part of the mental work in manufacturing as the research object, not only the support, in a certain range a

30、lso need to be able to adapt to the surrounding environment independently, To carry out the work. Four IMS CIMS and the development of the road is not Everything is going smoothly. Today, CIMS development has encountered an impassable obstacle may be the beginning of CIMS put forward high request, i

31、t is also possible that CIMS itself is defective in some innate, todays CIMS is not in the world a few years before it has been paid great attention and extensive research. From the perspective of the development of CIMS, many researchers focus on computer integrated, from the current situation of s

32、cience and technology, the performance of such an integrated system is very difficult to.CIMS as a single production line connecting the self The dynamic system is a kind of strategy, improve the efficiency of manufacture technology. It has a hierarchical information technology based network central

33、ized structure. In spite of this hierarchical system with multiple levels of execution, but the main control facilities is still a major problem in computer center.CIMS is a heterogeneous environment for interconnection complexity must be. In the CIMS concept, the manual operation to operation and h

34、igh degree of automation or semi automation integration is very difficult and expensive. In the further development of CIMS and application of today, people have gradually realized that, to make the CIMS really play the application efficiency and large area, there are two The big problem to be solve

35、d: the human status and functions in the system; in no great investment for technological transformation of the existing facilities can also be applied under the existing CIMS. CIMS concept is to solve these two problems. Not today, human and automation is one of the technical problems, can not be i

36、ntegrated together, the can choose to do, or is a full automatic production line of expensive, or manual operation, which is the lack of compatibility between human and manufacturing equipment, man-machine engineering is a more important consideration, consider compatibility should be reflected in t

37、he competition, skills and decision-making ability. In the manufacturing process the role needs to be redefined And take it seriously.3 material basis and theoretical basis of intelligent manufacturingThe material basis of 3.1. intelligent manufacturing system:(1) CNC machine tools and machining cen

38、ter in the United States in 1952 successfully developed the first numerical control milling machine, so that the mechanical manufacturing industry a technological revolution(2) the computer aided design and manufacture improve the quality of the products and shorten the production cycle of the produ

39、cts, and change the traditional management mode of the whole production process(3) industrial control technology, combining microelectronics and mechanical industry, robot has created a new situation of industrial production, the production of significant changes in the structure, make the manufactu

40、ring process more flexible and expanded the scope of human work.(4) manufacturing system for the intelligent development of the manufacturing processIn particular sectors, specific aspects of the intelligent island, such as expert system, knowledge based system and intelligent auxiliary system.(5) i

41、ntelligent manufacturing system and computer integrated control production system computer integrated manufacturing system, the concept of production from design to manufacturing, integrated and be directly facing the market for production, can be engaged in the size and diversification of productio

42、n; in recent years, manufacturing technology has made great development and progress, it also brings a lot of new problems. CNC machine tools, automatic material system, computer control system, = robot has been widely used in the industrial company, more and more companies use the computer integrat

43、ed manufacturing system (CIMS) , flexible manufacturing system (FMS) , factory automation (F A) , multi target intelligent computer aided design (M1CAD) , modular manufacturing and factory (MXMF), concurrent engineering (CE) , intelligent control system (ICS) and intelligent manufacturing (IM) , int

44、elligent manufacturing technology (IMT) and intelligent manufacturing system (IMS) and so on new terms. The advanced computer technology, control technology and manufacturing technology to the product, put forward new challenge process and system designers and management personnel, design and manage

45、ment of the traditional methods can not effectively solve the problem of modern manufacturing system. To solve these problems, need to use the modern Tools and methods, such as artificial intelligence (AI), provide a set of tools for solving complex industrial problemsTheoretical basis of 3.2. intel

46、ligent manufacturing technologyIntelligent manufacturing technology is a new manufacturing concept and implementation mode. Its core feature emphasizes the whole manufacturing systems overall intelligent or self organization and individual autonomy. The intelligent manufacturing international cooper

47、ation research project JIRPIMS clearly pointed out: intelligent manufacturing system is a kind of intelligent through in the manufacturing process, and the intelligent activities and intelligent machines of organic integration, the entire manufacturing process will be in order, product design, produ

48、ction and all aspects of the market in a flexible manner is integrated to maximize the productivity of the advanced production system. Based on this point of view, in intelligent manufacturing The research of basic theory, the paper puts forward a model of intelligent manufacturing system and its environment, this model to the manufacturing process and the system description, modeling

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