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1、英语教学法(1)期末考试试题之二答案和评分原则Part I. Fill in the blanks with correct information: 30%, two points each1. the teaching of Ancient Greek and Latin in the west2. an intellectual activity3. topics, situations, functions, notions4. Dell Hymes5. first language acquisition6. The holistic approach7. Community Lan

2、guage Learning8. English for Special Purposes9. organization of learning experiences, determination of what to evaluate and how to evaluate10. a knowledge of the appropriateness, the functional value of the language11. inappropriateness12. a constructive process, what is presented on the page or in

3、the sound system13. oral communication14. the vocabulary and grammar structures, the skills required in typical situations15. English novels, poems, advertisements, instruction manuals, songs, films, lectures, speeches, radio announcements, new reports, plays, etc.Part II Decide whether the followin

4、g statements are true or false. Write T for true and F for false. 20%, two points each1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. F 8. F 9. T 10. TPart III 50%Design a reading lesson with three stages as required.Imagine that you would teach this text to a senior middle school class; think about the pre-readin

5、g activities you might design for it. The original text is provided for the reference of markersThe States ExplainedLike all Dads, my father sometimes seemed to be practicing for a worlds most boring competition. He used to have the habit, when I was a boy, of identifying and reporting the state of

6、origin of all the other cars on any highway we happened to be traveling along.In America, as I expect you know, each state issues its own number plates, so you can tell at a glance where another car is from, which enabled my father to make observations like, Hey, another car from Wyoming. Thats thre

7、e this morning. Or: Mississippi. Wonder what hes doing up here? Then he would look around hopefully to see if anyone wanted to add a comment, but no one ever did. He could go on like that all day, and often did.I once wrote a book making good-natured fun of the old man for his many interesting and u

8、nusual talents when behind the wheelthe ability to get lost in any city, to drive the wrong way down a one-way street so many times that people would eventually come and watch from their doorways, or spend an entire afternoon driving around within sight of an amusement park or other eagerly sought a

9、ttraction without actually finding the entrance. One of my teenaged children recently read that book for the first time and came with it into the kitchen where my wife was cooking and said in a tone of amazed discovery, “But this is Dad,” meaning me.I have to admit it. I have become my father. I eve

10、n read number plates, though my particular interest is the slogan. Many states, you see, include a friendly message or piece of information on their plates, like “Land of Lincoln” for Illinois, “Vacationland” for Marina, “Sunshine State” for Florida, and the crazy “Shore Thing” for New Jersey. I lik

11、e to make jokes and comments on these so when, for instance, we see Pennsylvanias “Youve got a friend in Pennsylvania”, I turn to the passengers and say in an injured tone, “Then why doesnt he call?” However, I am the only one who finds this an amusing way to spend a long journey.All this is by way

12、of introducing our important lesson for the day, namely that the United States isnt so much a country as a collection of fifty small independent nations, and you forget this at your peril. It all goes back to the setting up of a federal government after the War of Independence when the former coloni

13、es didnt trust each other. In order to keep them happy, the states were given an extraordinary range of powers. Even now each state controls all kinds of matters to do with your personal lifewhere, when and at what age you can legally drink, whether you can carry a concealed weapon, own fireworks, o

14、r legally gamble; how old you have to be to drive; whether you will be killed in an electric chair, by lethal injection, or not at all, and how you have to be to get yourself in such a fix; and so on.If I leave our town of Hanover, and drive over the Connecticut River to Vermont, I will find myself

15、suddenly subject to perhaps 500 completely different laws. I must, among much else, buckle my seat belt, acquire a licence if I wish to practise dentistry and give up all hope of erecting roadside hoardings, since Vermont is one of just two states to outlaw highway advertising. On the other hand, I

16、may carry a gun on my person without any problem, and if I am arrested for drunken driving I may legally decline to give a blood sample.Since I always buckle anyway, dont own a gun, and havent the faintest desire to stick my fingers in peoples mouths, even for very good money, these matters dont aff

17、ect me. Elsewhere, however, differences between our state laws can be dramatic, even alarming.States decide what may or may not be taught in their schools, and in many places, particularly in the Deep South, textbooks must accord with very narrow religious views. In Alabama, for instance, it is ille

18、gal to teach evolution as anything other than “an unproven belief”. All biology textbooks must carry a statement saying “This textbook discusses evolution, a controversial theory some scientists present as a scientific explanation for the origin of living things. “By laws, teachers must give equal w

19、eight to the notion that the earth was created in seven days and everything on itfossils, coal deposits, dinosaur bonesis no more than 7,500 years old. I dont know what slogan Alabama has on its number plates, but “Proud to be Backward: sounds suitable to me.Pre-reading activities (10%)five points f

20、or each activity, which are further divided between “specific steps” and “reasons for your design”, 2.5 points for each partThe following are possible pre-reading activities for the reference of markers. Students need to elaborate the activity as well as give reasonable explanation for their choices

21、. These two parts should be done in good English.l Examine the accompanying visual information (diagrams, maps, photographs)l Reflect on the title or the topicl State what they already know about the topicl State what they would like to know about the topicl Write their own questions that they want

22、the text to answerl Answer the teachers general questions about the text type or topic (oral or written)l Brainstorm the topic in groups or whole classl Guess the topic by looking at key words from the textWhile-reading Activities (30%)ten points for each activity, which are further divided between

23、“specific steps” and “reasons for your design”, five points for each partThe following are possible while-reading activities for the reference of markers. Students need to elaborate the activity as well as give reasonable explanation for their choices. These two parts should be done in good English.

24、l Skim reading to get the gist (main idea of the textl Locating specific informationl Transferring information from the text to a diagram, table, form, map, graph or picturel Taking notes on the main points, or on specific points of the textl Drawing a diagram to show the text structurel Answering f

25、actual questions on the textl Answering inferring questions on the text (reading between the line)l Putting the events in correct orderl Stating if statements given about the text are true or falsel Working out the meaning of words or phrases in the text from the contextl Examining referents in the

26、text and stating what they refer tol Putting the paragraphs of a jumbled text back in the correct orderl Giving sections of a text appropriate headingsl Giving the text an appropriate titlePost-reading activities (10%)five points each activity, which are further divided between “specific steps” and

27、“reasons for your design”, 2.5 points for each partThe following are possible post-reading activities for the reference of markers. Students need to elaborate the activity as well as give reasonable explanation for their choices. These two parts should be done in good English.l Oral discussion of th

28、e topic of the textl Role-play a different situation from the text but using the same characters, or role-play the same situation as in the text but using the different characters l Writing a summary of the main content of the textl Comment on the content of the textl Retelling the story of the textl Finishing the story (orally or ion writing), that means either predicting an ending or changing the ending to one of your own choicel Listening to or reading some supplementary materials.

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