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1、大学英语三级考试考前辅导练习一1. In order to _to life in wild, he has to learn how to hunt.A. effect B. adopt C. adapt D. enter2. During the rush hour, people _the subway.A. crowd B. prevent C. waste D. leak3. When the whole area was _by flood, the government sent food there by helicopters.A. cut away B. cut up C.

2、 cut down D. cut off 4. He found his usual corner seat _at the pub, so he had to look for another one.A. empty B. occupied C. free D. held 5. If you have high blood pressure, you should _eating too much salt.A. escape B. suggest C. avoid D. relieve 6. Well _that difficulty before we carry out our ne

3、w plan.A. get off B. get out C. get over D. get along 7. The train is _to arrive at the station at10:30 if everything is all right. A. due B. managed C. conducted D. suggested8. We must _our efforts on developing their reading skills.A. focus B. display C. insist D. cast9. It is difficult to _a conv

4、ersation with all this noise around us.A. carry on B. account for C. bring up D. get through10. 16. As all the members of the committee except the chairman were in favor of the suggestion, he was in a _of one.A. minority B. majority C. major D. minor11. He caught a _from being out in the rain.A. sig

5、ht B. disease C. disaster D. cold12. He received a _from Mrs. .Jones for $ 20.A. note B. cash C. notice D. check13. I slept through her _speech. .A. exciting B. explanation C. boring D. disgusting14. The factory is _near the river.A. found B. located C. cited D. lain15. I have always thought very _o

6、f him.A. highly B. better C. plentifully D. enormously16. The tiger is pacing back and _in the cage.A. forth B. forward C. front D. ahead17. Johns news report covering the conference was so _that nothing had been omitted.A. clear B. understandable C. comprehensive D. protective18. Every part of a ne

7、w car should be carefully checked before _.A. assembly B. application . C. combination D. input 19. The children will not be allowed to go with us if they dont _themselves better.A. direct B. declare C. behave D. conduct20. He was given _pay for working overtime.A. over B. double C. less D. equal21.

8、 They _us to a swimming contest.A. invaded B .appealed C. challenged D. charged.22. When she was dead , many of her friends came to attend her_ .A. meeting B. funeral C. ceremony D. bury 23. The officer _the suspect to wait at the scene of the crime.A. allowed B. forced C. persuaded D. enabled 24. H

9、e had waited so long that he became_.A. impatient B. patient C. quiet D. reserved 25. The _of the moon for the earth causes the tides.A. orbit B. motion C. magnet D .attraction 26. This _show that Hilary Wilson has completed the school-work of the eighth grade. A. qualification B. certificate C. rep

10、utation D. identification 27. She wants to know whether the measures to be taken have been _.A. agreed for B. agreed with C. agreed upon D. agreed over 28. His _record was quite ordinary but his employment record was very impressive.A. learning B. scientific C. schooling D. academic29. We were _whet

11、her our car could climb the hill.A . doubtful B. sure C. certain D. anxious 30. Teaching in school can _be separated from practice.A. on the way B. by way of C .in no way D. in the way 31. _my car was being made ready for a long journey.A. In the moment B. At the moment C. By the moment D. For the m

12、oment32. He came all the way to China for promoting friendship _for making money.A. after all B. better than C. rather than D. above all 33. _what you have told me, I will say that I believe you are innocent.A. In the light of B. In the course of C. In line with D. With the exception of 34. To carry

13、 out the plan successfully ,we have to get well prepared _.A. in detail B. in turn C. in advance D. in force 35. I must _my lawyer before I make my final decisions.A. connect with B. communicate with C. get in touch with D. have a link with.36. The young man was _trying to escape from the country.A.

14、 arrested B. spotted C. sentenced D. information 37. Can you give more _on the companys financial position?A. understandings B. purposes C. benefits D. information 38. This machine is very complicated indeed .Once taken _, it can hardly be put together again. A. apart B. loose C. separately D. curre

15、nt39. The _of this book explains how the chapters are organized. A. guidance B. introduction C. instruction D. remark40. Come at your _because I will be there all the time.A. disposal B. rate C. proposal D. convenience41. Her hard work will _her the respect of her fellow workers.A. achieve B. requir

16、e C. earn D. indicate42. While the director is away on vacation, his assistant will be _ .A. in charge B. in practice C. instead of D. on occasion of43. For a long time he has been _the causes of sleep.A. checking B. investigating C. proving D. revealing44. It is impossible to _the number of people

17、in the world who have acquired an adequate knowledge of English.A. estimate B. judge C. distinguish D. decide 45. People in some parts of the world often take their water for _.They use as much water as they wish.A. granted B. sure C. certain D. pleasure 46. If you have any _, please see the manager

18、. A. defect B. complaint C. suggestion D. fault 47. Our public transportation is not _for the need of the people in our major cities.A. excessive B. additional C. efficient D. adequate48. He always studies the _in the paper as he wants to find a good second-hand car.A. advertisements B. news C. publ

19、ication D. review49. I suffered only slight _to my leg in the accident.A. wound B. damage C. ruin D. injury 50. The official refused to _publicly on this issue. A. command B. comment C. comfort D. complain51. She is the first woman to take over the _of this company.A. order B. process C. outlook D.

20、management52. The law _the number of hours a person can work . A. states B. limits C. competent D. possible 53. High interest rates _people from borrowing money.A. discourage B. encourage C. disgust D. disturb54. Mary _all foolish comments and kept on working.A. excluded B. ignored C. denied D. disc

21、harged 55. It now becomes necessary to develop the United Nations into an agency with adequate authority to _world problems.A. get rid of B. knock out C. cope with D. run into 56. No one was sure exactly what happened, _how it happened. A. let alone B. in any case C. in the way D. now that57. You ca

22、n _your close friend to help you when you are in trouble.A. keep on B. hold up C. call off D. count on 58. I asked my professor to _my essay before I handed it in. A. look through B. look into C. see through D. see to 59. The apartment buildings along the street had been knocked down to _for a new r

23、oad. A. make away B. make up C. make out D. make way 60. Now that all her three children have gone _to work, Mrs. Wang lives in Hongkong alone.A. aboard B. abroad C. board D. broad 61. _Tom, why were you _from school yesterday?_I got a bad cold and my mother took me to the doctors.A. absent B. prese

24、nt C. left D. lost62. He found his uncle _in the reading of the Sunday newspaper.A. interesting B. focused C. absorbed D. involve in63. Mary invited me to her birthday party last night, but since I had to look after my younger brother ,I didnt _her invitation.A. accept B. receive C. answer D. reply

25、64. Last time I ran across Jack, my roommate in high school , by _.A. action B. accident C. incident D. luck65. The ability to use a language can be _only by the act of using the language.A. acquired B. required C. accompanied D. realized 66. . _language, math and history, the children are also taug

26、ht music and art.A. Beside B. Except C. In spite D. In addition to 67. The thief _to taking the gold watch without paying for it. A. suggested B. managed C. tried D. admitted68. The factory has _new methods of producing high quality washing machines.A. adopted B. adapted C. raised D. increased.69. T

27、he farmers took _of the fine weather to gather in the crops last week.A. chance B. hold C. advantage D. adventure 70. I dont think the snow will _our plans for a picnic.A. affect B. effect C. infer D. differ 71. I do like this new car, but I cant _it . Ive spent almost all my savings on the decorati

28、on of my house.A. obtain B. apply C. afford D. buy 72. The twins are so much _that I cant tell which is which.A. likely B. unlike C. alike D. like 73. While they were on holiday their house was broken _and some valuable paintings were stolen.A. down B. into C. about D. away 74. Children need many th

29、ings, but _they need love.A. above all B. after all C. all over D. at all 75. Scientific discoveries are often _to industrial production methods.A. provided B prepared C. applied D. appointed76. Ive made an _to see Dr. Lewis at 3 oclock this afternoon.A. appointment B. application C. attention D. ap

30、artment 77. He would much _it if you could do him that favor.A. please B. satisfy C. thank D. appreciate 78. We should consider other _of the problem as well as its seriousness.A. sides B. areas C. aspects D. respects 79. . We naturally _Einstein with the Theory of Relativity .A. accomplish B. appre

31、ciate C. accompany D. associate 80. There was a large _at the pop concert last night.A. viewers B. listeners C. audience D. incidence81. _Id like to have a table for four at 6 oclock._Im sorry .There are no tables _this evening.A. available B. favorable C. ready D. curious 82. It was several minutes

32、 before I was _of what was happening.A. realized B. aware C. awake D. curious 83. We should maintain a(n)_between work and play .A. peace B. agreement C .relation D. balance 84. Tom, if you dont _ yourself, you will be kept out of this classroom !A .behave B. believe C. perform D. benefits 85. Durin

33、g the election period, a big strike _in all major cities of the country .A. broke down B. broke up C. broke out D. broke off86. The Presidents speech was an hour long, but what he declared, _, was that we were ready to fight against any invading enemies.A. in detail B. in common C. in brief D. in pa

34、rt 87. I was born in New York and _in Texas.A. brought down B. brought forth C. brought about D. brought up 88. During the famous comedians performance, the audience _out laughing several times.A. broke B. burst C. brought D. burned 89. I hope to _you at your office at three oclock today.A. call at

35、B. call on C. call off D. call out 90. Neither Tom nor Jane _this kind of films, so they left the cinema half an hour before it finished.A. cared of B. cared for C. took care D. took care of91. I had some difficulty in _the plan. A. carrying off B. carrying on C. carrying out D. carrying away 92. .

36、_he arrives before I get back, please ask him to wait. A. In the case B. In any case C. In case D. In case of 93. I walked as fast as I could, but I couldnt_ _him .A. catch on B. catch hold of C. catch in D. catch up with 94. Mr. Smith will be _the office next week when the manger is away.A. in response of B. in charge of C. charged with D. responsible of 95. . When an element is caused to _with oxygen it is oxidized.A. compare B. compete C. combine D. compose96. I _t

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