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1、验资业务约定书ENGAGEMENTLETTER ON CAPITAL VERIFICATIONINDEXNO:甲方:PARTY A:乙方:PARTY B:兹由甲方委托乙方进行投入资本验证,经双方协商,达成以下协定:After friendly negotiation by both parties, it is clear to each party to express their necessity of demands and understand each other. Party A entrusts Party B to do capital verification with t

2、he following conditions:一、业务范围及目的Business scope乙方接受甲方委托,对投资人缴入的万 元(或增加投入)的资本进行审验。乙方将根据独立审计实务公告第1号验资 的要求和我国审验单位的有关合同、协议、章程、决议等,并审阅投入资本、所有者权益项目变动以及相关资产、负债的证明材料等,在此基础上对投资者投入的资 本发表审验意见。Party B accept Party As appointment toverify the authenticity and legality of thepaid-in capital and related assets and

3、 liabilities of Party A.Party B will issue capital verification report in accordance with the Independent Audit Practical Affairs Proclamation No.1- Capital Verification and on the basis of its review of the related contract,articles of association,the documents on the changes of owners equity and t

4、he certificate of pertinent assets and liabilities.二、甲方的责任与义务Party As responsibilities and obligations甲方的责任是:对所提供的验资资料的真实性、合法性、完整性负责,保护资产的安全完整。Party As responsibility is to supply real, legal and complete capital verification references, and to ensure the safety and integrity of the property.甲方的义务是:

5、Party As obligations are:1、及时提供验资所需要的全部资料;Provide all the documents necessary for capital verification timely.按本约定书之规定及时足额支付验资费用;Fulfill payment for capital verification in compliance with this agreement.2、其他Other三、乙方的责任和义务Party Bs responsibilities and obligations乙方的责任是:按照独立审计实务公告第1号 验资的要求进行验资,出具审计报

6、告,出具真实、合法的验资报告。Party Bs responsibility is to issue a real and legal capital verification report pursuant to the Independent Audit Practical Affairs Proclamation No.1-Capital Verification.乙方的义务是:Party Bs obligations are as following:1、按照约定完成验资业务,出具验资报告。但乙方的验资责任并不能替代、减轻或免除甲方的会计责任。Issuing capital verif

7、ication report according to this agreement. Party Bs verification responsibility can not substitute, alleviate and eliminate Party As accounting responsibility.2、对执行业务过程中知悉的甲方商业秘密严加保密。除非中国注册会计师协会执业准则另有规定,或经甲方同意,乙方不得将其知悉的商业秘密 和甲方提供的资料对外泄露。Party B should treat confidential business information acquire

8、d in the course of the capital verification except that Party B agree to be learned by public or according the regulations of CICPA it the information should be open.3、在年月日之前出具验资报告。Issue a verification report before .四、验资收费Capital verification charges乙方应收本约定事项的费用,按照江苏省会计师事务所收费暂行办法(见以下表格列示)和计件或计时乙方标准

9、确定,预计为人 民币元。The charges for capital verification stated in this agreement will be RMB(USD), which is calculated on the basis of the standard stipulated bythe Jiangsu Province Pricing Bureau.计件收费系按资产总额及各档费率分档累进 计费,具体为:The standard of capital verification stipulated by the Jiangsu Province Pricing Bur

10、eau is as follows:资产总额(人民币万元)Total capital amount(Expressed in RMB)计费标准(元/次)Standard(RMB)100以 下Below 1 million (Include 1 million)1200RMB1200 /every time101-500From 1 million to 5 million (Include 5 million)1800RMB1800 /every time501-1000From 5 million to 10 million (Include 10 million)4.5/万0.045%10

11、01-5000From 10 million to 50 million (Include 50 million)3.5/万0.035%5000-10000From 50 million to 100 million (Include 100 million)2/万0.02%10000以 上Above 100 million1/万0.01%如因验资工作遇到重大问题,致使乙方实际花费审计工作时间有较大幅度的增加,甲 方应在了解实情后,酌情调增验资费用。计时收费系按照提供服务的各级别工作人员所花费时间及规定的计费标准确定,具体如下:If there will be great increase o

12、f capital verification working hours during the verification course, Party B should negotiate with Party A to increase the verification charges.五、验资报告的使用责任Report users responsibility乙方向甲方出具的验资报告一式份,这些报告由甲 方分发、使用,使用不当的责任与乙方无关。Party B will prepareoriginal capital verification reports, which will be us

13、ed art Party As discretion and the misuse of these report will have nothing to do with Party B.六、约定书的有效期间Validity period本约定一式两份,甲乙方各执一份,并具有同等法律效力。本约定自2003年07月11日 起生效,并在本约定事项全部完成日之前有效。甲乙双方可要求变更约定事项,但应及时通知对方,并由双方协商解决。This agreement is in duplicate, both of which have the same effect in law. This agree

14、ment will take effect fromto the completeness of the agreed items. Both parties can require to change the clause of this agreement in advance and the changes are subject to both partiesnegotiation.七、违约责任Breach of faith responsibilities甲乙双方按照中华人民共和国经济合同法的规定承担违约责任。Both parties are subject to the Peoples Republic Of China Economic Contract Law to assume relevant liabilities.八、甲乙双方对其他有关事项的约定Other items agreed upon by both parties甲方:有限公司PARTY A:(签章)乙方:PARTY B:(签章)代表:(签章)REPRESENTATIVE:年月日Date:代表:(签章)REPRESENTATIVE:年月日Date:地址:Address地址:邮编:邮编:Post Code电话:电话:Tel:传真:传真:Fax:开户银行: 账号:

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