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1、目录2012年北京交通大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解(完整回忆版)2013年北京交通大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2014年北京交通大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2017年北京交通大学357英语翻译基础考研真题(回忆版)(含部分答案)2012年北京交通大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解(完整回忆版)Part A Terminology and phrase translationSection One:Translate the following translation-related terms into Chinese(15 points,1 point each)1

2、Applied translation studies【答案】应用翻译研究2Back translation【答案】回译3Bilateral interpreting【答案】双边传译4Communicative translation【答案】交际传译5Stylistic translation【答案】文体翻译6Contextual consistency【答案】语境一致7Corpora【答案】语料库8Covert translation【答案】隐性翻译9Domesticating translation【答案】归化翻译10Foreignizing translation【答案】异化翻译11Fr

3、ee translation【答案】意译12Literal translation【答案】直译13Pragmatic translation【答案】实用翻译14Source text【答案】原作15Spark Program【答案】星火计划Section Two:Translate the following terms or phrases into English(15points,1 point each)1高架铁路【答案】aerial rail way2市区铁路【答案】urban railway3铁路网【答案】railway network4铁路运输【答案】railway transp

4、ortation5往返票【答案】round-trip ticket6站台票【答案】platform-ticket7客车站【答案】passenger station8列车时刻表【答案】train schedule9环形路线【答案】ring circuit10换乘站【答案】transfer station11土地承载能力【答案】land carrying capacity;land bearing capacity12小产权房【答案】limited property house;houses with limited property rights13土豪【答案】Tu-hao;upstart;lo

5、cal tyrant14胶原蛋白【答案】collagen15经济适用男【答案】budget husband;economical and applicable manPart B Translation between English and Chinese.(60 points)Section A English to Chinese Translation(20 points for each passage)Passage 1China National Coal Industry Imp.&Exp.Corp.(CNCIEC)is a nationalmainstay enterpris

6、e in Chinas coal industry specializing in foreign trade andeconomic cooperation.With a comprehensive advantage of combination ofindustry,technology and trade,CNCIEC is authorized to import and exportcoal in a unified way for China.Besides import and export of coal miningtechnology,machinery,electric

7、al equipment and other mineral products,itsbusiness scope covers coalmine development and cooperation at home andabroad,international engineering projects and manpower supply for overseasprojects and works.Abiding by the enterprise principle of“high prestigethrough quality products and service”,CNCI

8、EC awaits with great enthusiasmpeople from all walks of life both at home and abroad coming for talks overbusiness,investment,technical and economic cooperation.【参考译文】中国煤炭工业进出口总公司,简称中煤总公司,是中国煤炭行业从事对外经济和贸易的全国性专业化公司。中煤总公司实行工贸结合、技贸结合,统一经营全国煤炭进出口,煤炭技术和机电设备及矿产品的进出口,利用外资开发煤矿,煤炭系统对外承包工程和劳务输出及海外开发等业务。中煤总公司的

9、宗旨是信誉第一、质量第一、服务第一。该公司热诚欢迎海内外各界人士前来洽谈、投资、经济技术合作。Passage 2As Chinas earliest center of education and scientific research,BeijingUniversity has gathered Chinas most brilliant specialists and scholars,continuously opened up,blazed new trails,engaged itself in reform anddevelopment for training high-qual

10、ity talent and achieving high-levelscientific fruits that deeply influenced and advanced the range of Chinashigher education.Over the past hundred years,this group of Chinascontemporary universities,with Beijing University as its stellarrepresentative,has played a pioneering role in Chinas historica

11、l coursetowards modernization,forming a glorious revolutionary as well as anexemplary academic tradition.【参考译文】作为中国最早的教育中心和科学研究中心,北京大学聚集了中国优秀的专家学者,不断开拓创新,改造发展,以培养出的高质量人才和做出的高水平科学成果深刻影响着中国高等教育的航程。一百年来,北京大学为代表的中国现代大学群,在中国走向现代化的历史进程中起到了重要的先锋作用,形成了光荣的革命传统和优良的学术传统。Section B Chinese to English Translation

12、(20 points for each passage)1对于以往的几代人来说,旧式的体力劳动是一种摆脱贫穷的手段,而技术的几步则摧毁了穷人赖以卫生的体力劳动。因此,首先体验到进步之害的是穷人。【答案】The poor are the first to experience technological progress as acurse which destroys the old muscle-power jobs that previous generationsused as a means to fight their way out of poverty.2 50年代后期的美国出现

13、了一个任何人都不可能视而不见的现象,穷知识分子以“跨掉的一代”这种颇为浪漫的姿态出现而成为美国典型的穷人,正是这个时候大批大学生被赶进了知识分子的贫民窟。【答案】A great number of graduate students were driven into theintellectual slum when in the United States the intellectual poor became theclassic poor,the poor under the rather romantic guise of the Beat Generation,a real phe

14、nomenon in the late fifties.3如果做父母的对这种青少年的反应有所准备,而且认为这是一个显示出孩子正在成长、正在发展珍贵的观察力和独立的判断力的标志,他们就不会感到如此伤心,所以也就不会因对此有愤恨和反对的情绪而把孩子推到对立面去。【答案】If parents were prepared for this adolescent reaction,and realizedthat it was a sign that the child was growing up and developing valuablepowers of observation and ind

15、ependent judgment,they would not be so hurt,and therefore would not drive the child into opposition by resenting andresisting it.2013年北京交通大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解一、将下列短语译成汉语1bailout【答案】紧急救助2Ground Zero【答案】“爆心投影点”组织3clean energy【答案】清洁能源4administrative transparency【答案】政务透明5healthcare reform package【答案】医改方案6

16、Comfortable Housing Project【答案】安居工程7proactive fiscal policy【答案】积极的财政政策8home appliances going to the countryside【答案】家电下乡9administrative accountability【答案】行政问责制10disaster relief【答案】赈灾;灾难援助11top legislative body【答案】最高立法机关12defense expenditure【答案】国防支出13rural left-behind population【答案】农村留守人口14minimum liv

17、ing standard【答案】低保15Pursue a realistic and pragmatic approach【答案】实事求是16capacity for independent innovation【答案】自主创新能力17the non-public sector of the economy【答案】非公有制经济18the system of basic living allowances for urban and rural residents【答案】城乡居民基本生活保障制度19the campaign to educate Party members in preservi

18、ng/to retain theirvanguard nature【答案】保持党员先进性教育活动20the imbalance between urban and rural areas【答案】城乡发展不平衡二、将下列短语译成英语21国有企业【答案】state-owned enterprise22基本医疗体制【答案】basic medicine system23扩大内需【答案】expand domestic demand24政府工作报告【答案】Report on the Work of the Government25基本医疗保险【答案】basic medical insurance26全球变

19、暖【答案】global warming27社会福利制度【答案】social welfare system28三险一金【答案】three insurances(endowment insurance,medical insurance,andunemployment insurance)and one fund(housing provident fund)29气候变化【答案】climate change30开幕式致辞【答案】opening speech31党内民主【答案】inner-party democracy32改革攻坚【答案】further reform in difficult are

20、as33脱离实际、急于求成【答案】unrealistic pursuit of quick results34诚信缺失【答案】lack of credibility35和而不同【答案】harmony in diversity36科学发展观【答案】Scientific Outlook on Development37文化市场【答案】Cultural market38文化扶贫计划【答案】Culture-aid Program39事业编制【答案】staffing of government affiliated institutions40国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要【答案】the Nation

21、al Program for Long-and Medium-Term Scientific andTechnological Development三、将下列短文译成汉语In the United States,imports have dropped by half in the past couple of years.Domestic production is up,and consumption is down.(41)The administrationuses this improvement to buttress its case for dissolving the En

22、ergyDepartment But the appearance of less vulnerability to supply interruptions isdeceptive and dangerous.Some important changes in U.S.energy use have occurred.(42)The price ofoil has been decontrolled.the strategic petroleum reserve is finally beingfilled,industry is using energy much more efficie

23、ntly and the gas guzzler isan endangered species.But the price of natural gas is still artificially low,consumers still have no reliable source of help for reducing energy use intheir homes,mass transit compared with of other advanced nations is terrible,and the lack of a substantial gasoline tax ke

24、ep that unchanged.Nevertheless,the Reagan administration argues that higher energy priceshave led to energy conservation and that there is therefore no reason forfurther federal support of research and other conservation programs.But thereal issue is how much of what would be economically beneficial

25、 is nothappening,and will not happen,under current policies.(43)Do most types ofenergy use technologies for supply and distribution,consumer information,manufacturing processes and the rest-reflect the reality of expensive energyor the history of cheap energy?The answer varies by sector.Large busine

26、sseswith access to expertise and capital have adjusted well.Most other sectorshave not In residential and commercial buildings,which consume a quarter ofall the energy used in America,only a tiny fraction of the economicallydesirable savings is being captured.(44)In short a good beginning has been m

27、ade,but it is only a beginning.Toabandon conservation programs and dismantle research efforts now is to savesmall amounts of federal dollars at a very large longer-range cost to theeconomy.And hopeful talk about the end of the energy crisis ignores thepainful lessons of the past decade.【参考译文】41 由于情况

28、有了改善,政府就振振有词地主张撤消能源部。从表面上看,供应中断造成危害的可能性的确减少了,但是,这只是一种危险的假象。42 石油价格管制取消了,战略石油储备终趋于完成,工业中的能源利用率大大提高,耗油过多的汽车已濒于绝迹。但是,天然气价格仍然人为地过低,消费者在住宅节能方面仍然得不到稳妥的帮助,公共交通同其他先进国家相比糟糕透顶,而且,由于汽油税不高,情况至今仍无改变。43 大多数利用能源的环节供应和分配技术、消费者信息、制造工艺等等的现状又怎样呢?究竟是反映了能源昂贵的现实呢,还是反映了能源低廉的历史呢?答案视不同部门而定。拥有技术人才和资本的大企业已经作了妥善的调整。大多数其他部门还没有适

29、应这种现实。居民住宅和商业建筑所消耗的能源占美国全部能源消耗量的四分之一。这些地方实行节约,在经济上是可取的,可是现已实现的节约却微乎其微,还大有潜力可挖。44 总之,我们已经有了一个良好的开端,但是,这也仅仅是开始而已。现在就放弃节能计划,停止能源研究工作,可以给联邦政府节省少量开支,但从比较长远的观点来看,只能使经济蒙受重大损失。那种能源危机已经过去的乐观论调,只能是对过去十年的痛苦教训的忽视。四、将下列短文译成英语我把那封信寄了出去,急切地等待着她的答复。但是,她的答复始终没有等到,我的急切变成了失望,失望变成了无奈,最后,无奈变成了平静。我想那封信未必到了母亲的手里。我只知道,写过那封

30、信。我就可以还母亲以她本来的面目了。在她生命的最后15年里,我们按照她的方式保持了一种轻松、亲密、愉快的关系。【参考译文】I mailed the letter and waited eagerly for her reply.None came.Eagernessturned to disappointment,then resignation and,finally,peace.I couldnt besure that the letter had even got to Mother.I only knew that having written it,I could stop try

31、ing to make her into someone she was not.For the last15years of her life we enjoyed a relationship on her term-light,affectionate,cheerful.2014年北京交通大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解Part A Terminology and phrase translationSection One:Translate the following translation-related terms into Chinese(15 points,1 point

32、each)1WHO【答案】世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)2IOC【答案】国际奥委会(International Olympic Committee)3IPR【答案】知识产权(intellectual property rights)4CPA【答案】注册会计师(Certified Public Accountant)5CPI【答案】居民消费价格指数(Consumer Price Index)6OTC【答案】非处方药(over the counter)7Skopos theory【答案】翻译目的论8Poly system theory【答案】多元系统论9cult

33、ural pluralism【答案】文化多元论10Hermeneutic school【答案】阐释学派11catering industry【答案】餐饮业12balance sheet【答案】资产负债表13deluxe suit【答案】豪华蜜月套系14force majeure【答案】不可抗力15opinion poll【答案】民意测验Section Two:Translate the following terms or phrases into English(15points,1 point each)1第三产业【答案】tertiary industry2母校【答案】Alma Mater

34、3京都协议书【答案】Kyoto Protocol4国债【答案】national debt;government loan5论语【答案】The Analects of Confucius6不良贷款【答案】non-performing loan7软着陆【答案】soft landing8不再生资源【答案】Non-renewable Resources9秒杀【答案】flash sale10学分【答案】academic credit11国民待遇【答案】national treatment12新华社【答案】the Xinhua News Agency13保税区【答案】bonded area14社会保障【答

35、案】social security15针灸【答案】AcupuncturePart B Translation between English and Chinese.(60 points)Section A English to Chinese Translation(20 points for each passage)Passage OneIt is usual to arrange for a delay of a few seconds between the release and thecutting-off of the current and the brake applica

36、tion;this gives the driver theopportunity of crossing quickly to the opposite side of his cab(驾驶室),as hemay need to do momentarily for look-out purposes,without stopping his trainby so doing.【参考译文】(驾驶火车的时候)通常在列车开口和切断当前运行系统、制动刹车系统之间会留出几秒的缓冲时间,这是让列车司机有机会迅速穿到驾驶室的另一边,因为他需要马上看一下目标物,这样就不用把火车停下来了。Passage T

37、woEach year we come together to reaffirm the founding vision of thisinstitution.For most of recorded history,individual aspirations were subjectto the whims of tyrants and empires.Divisions of race and religion and tribewere settled through the sword and the clash of armies.The idea that nationsand

38、peoples could come together in peace to solve their disputes and advancea common prosperity seemed unimaginable.It took the awful carnage of two world wars to shift our thinking.The leaderswho built the United Nations were not naive;they did not think this bodycould eradicate all wars.But in the wak

39、e of millions dead and continents inrubble,and with the development of nuclear weapons that could annihilate aplanet,they understood that humanity could not survive the course it was on.【参考译文】我们每年都举行会议重申这个机构成立的宗旨。在有历史记载的大部分时期,个人的愿望往往受制于暴君和帝国肆意翻云覆雨的狂热。种族、宗教和部落的四分五裂通过刀光剑影和兵戎相见成为定局。似乎难以想象,国家和人民可以和平共处,解

40、决相互间的分歧,一起促进共同繁荣。我们的观念在经过两次世界大战的血腥历史后才得到改变。参与筹建联合国的各位领导人原来并没有抱任何幻想;他们不认为这个机构可以从此消灭所有的战争。但是,在数百万人丧生,各大洲成为一片瓦砾后,随着可以毁灭整个地球的核武器得到研发,他们懂得,如果在这条道路上走下去,人类就无法继续生存。Passage ThreeI had the illusion that I was driving through one immensely long,narrowfarm.The villages and towns were usually perched on the edge

41、,so as not towaste arable soil and because there was a need,before the High Dame tamedthe Nile,to live beyond the reach of the annual floods.The road followed thecourse of the Nile,now passing through the fields,now drawing a black lineseparating them from the desert.【参考译文】我感到仿佛是在开车穿过一个狭窄而极长的农场。大小村镇

42、一般都处于田地的边上,这是为了不浪费耕地,同时也是因为在高坝控制尼罗河以前,有必要住得远一点,以躲避每年发生的洪水。公路是顺着尼罗河修筑的,有时穿过庄稼地,有时像是划的一条黑线,这边是庄稼,那边是沙漠。Section B Chinese to English Translation(20 points for each passage)Passage One本质量计划是以公司现行质量管理体系为基础,对一些需要特殊控制的内容如里程碑、技术难点、设计评审点、重点配件评审点和试验项目评审点等进行识别、管理,并在项目实施过程中,根据实际情况对相关内容进行动态调整。【参考译文】This quality

43、plan is based on the current quality management system of thecompany.It manages and identifies some contents which need specialcontrols,such as milestones,technical problems,points,key parts and testitems of design reviews.Besides,the quality plan also makes dynamicadjustments on related contents ac

44、cording to actual conditions in the processof project implementation.Passage Two加强宏观经济政策协调,携手推动亚太共同发展。经济全球化背景下各经济体一荣俱荣,一损俱损,应该争取通过宏观经济政策协调,放大正面联动效应,防止和减少负面外溢效应。我们要秉持开放包容、合作共赢精神,不能互相踩脚,甚至互相抵消。【参考译文】Work together for the common development of the Asia-Pacific throughincreased macro-economic policy coo

45、rdination.With our economies allclosely intertwined in economic globalization,we must amplify the positiveeffects of macro-economic policy coordination while preventing or reducingthe negative spillovers.We must pursue win-win cooperation in an open andinclusive spirit.Our efforts should not be unco

46、ordinated or even cancel eachother out.Passage Three假如说,人是有灵性、有良知的动物,那么,人生一世,无非是认识自己,洗练自己,自觉自愿地改造自己,除非甘心与禽兽无异。但是这又谈何容易呢。这部小说里,只有一两个人自觉自愿地试图超拔自己。【参考译文】If say,human beings are spiritual animals with conscience,so the wholelifetime of us is no more than know and promote ourselves,renovateourselves volu

47、ntarily and willingly,not including the people who would likebe the same as animals without protest.However,its not easy for us to dothe things above.Therere only one or two persons who would like to exceedthemselves in this novel.2017年北京交通大学357英语翻译基础考研真题(回忆版)(含部分答案)一、英汉词条互译(记住的如下)1CPA【答案】注册会计师(Cert

48、ified Public Accountant)2星火计划【答案】Spark Program3债券置换【答案】bonds replacement4九二共识【答案】the 1992 Consensus5黄标车【答案】yellow label cars(heavy-polluting vehicles)6不可抗力【答案】Force Majeure7语义翻译【答案】semantic translation8语内翻译【答案】intralingual translation二、英汉篇章互译(大概内容回忆)三段英译汉:内容一段比一段长,第一段文学翻译,什么我在日升前起床,在森林里漫步,太阳升起来和雾霭消散的景象。第二段关于川普的,说川普的演讲反映了很多人的心声,认为自己在全球化的边缘,没有得到利益,社会问题等。第三篇美国公司在中国市场的竞争力,存在风险,与中国本土公司的竞争。三段汉译英:第一段文学翻译,什么我们先有双脚后来才有的鞋,开始双脚让我们体会到大地的温度后来有了旅行中光脚走的痛苦,于是穿上了鞋,但是鞋里的一颗石子缺比所有苦难更痛苦。第二段政经翻译,大概就是中国构建合作平台,打造命运共同体,愿意加强合作一类的。第三段是有关互联网的意义。

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