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1、 一. 词汇的运用A. 翻译下列词组1. take walks _ 2. help me forget problems _3. return to _ 4. decide on _5. think about _ 6. 骑自行车旅行_7. 去观光_ 8. 去度假_9. 计划做某事_ 10. 去野营_B. 根椐题意和所给的字母提示,填入正确的单词。1. A: Hows the w_ _ ther there? B: Its sunny.2. A: How l_ _ _ are you staying there? B: I am staying there for three weeks. 3

2、. A: W_ _ _ _ are you going for vacation? B: Italy. 4. My mother often t_ _ _ _ walks after supper. 5. My father often goes f_ _ _ ing by the river on Sundays二. 单项选择1Last year I visited my friend in Hong Kong and we both had .A. a time B. a good time C. happy D. time happily2. Would you please us yo

3、ur pictures taken in Europe?A. take B. bring C. show D. find3. What are we going to do on Sunday?” “ How about _ ?A. to go bike riding B. going bike to rideC. going to bike riding D. going bike riding4. “My father has bought a new car.” “ ?” “Its blue and beautiful.”A. What do you like? B. Whats it

4、like?C. How is it like? D. How do you think of it?5. I had wanted to go to England for vacation, but at last I decided Canada.A. on B. over C. in D. about6. The doctors said that there was wrong with Janes legs. They could not do_ to help her.A. something; something B. something; nothingC. nothing;

5、anything D. everything; something7. a great party! delicious the food is!AWhat; How B. How, How C. What, What D. How, What8. “Im sorry I forgot the letter for you!” “It doesnt matter, Ill post it myself.”A. to post B. posting C. post D. posted9. We all found to play the game.A. that interested B. th

6、is interesting C. it interesting D. its interesting10.The hospital is far from the station.A. quiet B. quite C. much D. more11. Please tell us the Science Museum.A. how can we reach B. how we can get toC. how can we get D. how we can get12. They decided in the mountains .A. hiking B. on hike C. to h

7、ike D. not hiking13. She looks because she has a vacation.A. relaxed, relaxed B. relaxing, relaxingC. relaxed, relaxing D. relaxing, relaxed14. I cant wait the nice picture.A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. bought15.Dont forget the pen him.A. to return, to B. to return, for C. returning, to D. returning

8、, for三. 补全对话,选择适当的句子完成对话。A: Hey, Lucy! What are you doing for vacation?B: . Im leaving on Friday. How about you?A: Im going to sports camp.B: Oh , cool! . A: On the eleventh.B: .A: What about you, Tom?四. 用所给的词的正确形式填空。 1. A: What are you doing for vacation? B: Im going fishing and swimming for vacati

9、on. A: That _ (sound) nice. 2. A: What are you doing there? B: Im _ (take) walks after supper in the evening. 3. I dont like _ (eat) junk food. I eat it only three _ (time) a month. 4. A: What did you do last night? B: I _ (watch) TV. A: How long _ you _ (watch) it? B: I _ (watch) it just for half a

10、n hour. 5. A: What _ your father do on Sundays? B: He often _ (read) newspapers. 五. 完型填空AIt must have been after two oclock in the morning when the last guest left. Though we had enjoyed their stay, my wife and I were very thankful to close the door on them. We 1 all the dirty dishes and glasses as

11、they were ,and after opening several windows to let some 2 air in and the smell of food out, we climb in bed and 3 asleep.I couldnt have been asleep for more than half an hour when I awoke with a strong smell of smoke. 4 half asleep, I stepped into the living-room , and there, though heavy clouds of

12、 smoke, I saw one of my curtains was on fire. I should have5 the windows first, _ 6 _ instead I tried to beat about the fire with a folded newspaper. When this failed ,I hurried into the kitchen to 7 a bucket of the water. At the same time I shout to Barbara, who 8 called the fire brigade(消防员)before

13、 coming to helped me . We have to work at top speed carrying buckets of the water. From the kitchen to 9 the fire, fanned by the wind from the windows, spreading. We were unable to 10 out the fire .Luckily, the fireman arrived in no time, and they had little difficulty in putting out the fire.1. A.

14、laid B. left C. washed D. put2. A. hot B .warm C. fresh D. cold3. A. fell B. felt C. fresh D. went4. A. Not B. Still C. No D. Only5. A. broken B. opened C. closed D. removed6. A. and B. but C. so D .or7. A. bring B. find C .take D. carry8. A. eagerly B .nervously C. hurriedly D. certainly9. A. beat

15、B. fight C. stop D. make10. A. get B. put C. keep D. takeBAlmost everyone_1_the meanings of Mr, Mrs and Miss. Mr is used before the family names of men. Mrs is for married(结婚的) women and Miss is for unmarried women. But_2_is Ms?Some businessmen(商人) in the United States_3_Ms before a womans name when

16、 they do not know whether(是否) the woman is married. Today, however, many women like Ms better_4_Mrs or Miss.The word _5_ does not tell us whether or not a man is married. Some women want to be equal to(和.平等)_6_in this way. These women feel that it is not important for people to know whether they are

17、 married or not.There are some problems with Ms, however. _7_women like it. Some like the older ways of doing things. Some find_8_difficult to read. Ms_9_miz. Young women like it better than older women do. It is difficult to know whether Ms will be used by more American women in the future. What do

18、 you think_10_it?1. A. knows B. know C. knew D. is knowing2. A. how B. what C. who D. which3. A. use to B. using C. uses D. use4. A. to B. for C. than D. as5. A. Ms B. Mrs C. Miss D. Mr6. A. men B. girls C. ladies D. boys7. A. None of B. Not all C. All D. Neither of8. A. this B. that C. them D. it9.

19、 A. sounds like B. read like C. is sounded like D. is sound like10. A. at B. of C. on D. to六. 阅读理解。ASam is a strong man. He likes sports and isnt often ill. One Sunday he went to visit a place of interest outside the city. On his way home, something was wrong with his motorbike and he had to mend it

20、 himself. Suddenly it began to blow and the clouds were flying one after another in the sky. Soon it began to rain heavily. He couldnt find any houses around and had stand under a tree. When the rain stopped, his clothes were wet through .He felt very cold, and he caught a bad cold when he got home.

21、 He went to see a doctor at once. The man looked him over carefully and told him to be in hospital. He stayed there for about one week. He felt very terrible. He wanted to go out for a walk, but the doctor didnt let him do so.When he got a little better, the nurse told him to walk in the ward(病房).On

22、e day there was nobody in the ward except him, he went out. It was warm that day. The sun was shining and there were a lot of flowers in the hospital. Sam was very happy. Half an hour later he was tired. He went to a garden, and sat on a chair. There was an old woman not far from him. She was readin

23、g a newspaper.He came up to her and said, “Could you tell me what the date is today, Granny?”“Im sorry I didnt know.” answered the old woman.“What day is it today, then?”“I dont know, either.”“May I read the newspaper?”“Its no use for you.” said the old woman,” Its yesterdays paper!”根据短文内容,回答下列问题。1.

24、 How did Same go to the place of interest?2. Why did Sam have a bad cold?3. What did Sam hope to do?4. Why did Sam go out?5. Why did Sam want to read the newspaper?BHarry goes out after lunch. He goes in the tree house. But he cant find his football. Hes sure Nick takes it away. He doesnt know where

25、 they are playing. He comes down and begins to play with his dog Bobby. His father comes out, with a bag in his hand.“Where are you going, Daddy?” asks the boy.“Mr Hill is ill,” says his father. Im going to see him.”Mr Hill has a nice garden. There are all kinds of flowers in it. And the boy likes t

26、o pick some there. So he asks his father to take him there. Half an hour later, their car stops at Mr Hills gate and an old man opens the door for them.Mr Hill is in bed. Harry says hello to him and then comes out. Rose, the little daughter of Mr Hills, brings him to the garden and picks some flower

27、s for him. The boy is happy and thanks the little girl.“Do you feel like a cup of coffee, Harry?” asks Rose.“Look at me carefully,” says the boy. “Do I look like one?”根据文章内容完成对话1. Harry goes out in the a_.2. Harry p_ his football in the tree house.3. Nick k_ the football is in the tree house, so he

28、takes it away.4. Harrys father wants to s_ Mr. Hill.5. Harry goes to Mr. Hills to get some f_.6. Harry and his father go to Mr. Hills by c_.7. The two children go to the garden when their f_ are talking.8. Rose knows Harry l_ flowers and picks some for him.9. Rose asks Harry if he wants to d_ a cup

29、of coffee.10. Harry t_ Rose says he looks like a cup of coffee.七. 阅读填词Most international students are between the ages of 16 and 20 or even o 1 . These are the r 2 ages for young people to look after themselves. International students will f 3 two problems :independence(独立)and study.Firstly, Its ver

30、y important for international students to have independence .If they always ask for help from their p 4 , They will be a 5 most of the time when they study aboard.Secondly, international students study h 6 than they do at home. They not only study more d 7 subjects but also have to study a f 8 langu

31、age to understand their teachers and the b 9 which they use.So its not e 10 to study abroad. They must overcome(克服)the two problems if they study aboard.1. o 2. r 3. f 4. p 5. a6. h 7. d 8. f 9. b 10. e八. 写作 十一国庆节期间你准备去海南度假。请你写一个旅游计划。 所给的提示词语必须都用上。 During the National Day vacation leave for on 29th

32、by plane with staybeach fishing shopping sightseeing helpforget.参考答案一. 词汇的运用A. 略.B. 1. weather 2. long 3. Where 4. takes 5. fishing二. 单项选择:1-5 B B D B A 6-10 C A A C B 11-15 B C C B A三. 完成对话. e a b d四. 用所给的词的正确形式填空。 1. sounds 2. taking 3. eating/to eat, times 4. watched, did, watch, watched 5. does,

33、 reads 五. 完形填空.A 1-5 B C A B C 6-10 B D C C BB 1-5 ABDCD 6-10 ABDAB六. 阅读理解: A篇 (略)B篇 afternoon/puts/knows/see/flowers/car/fathers/likes/drink/thinks七. 阅读填词:1. older 2. right 3. face 4. parents 5. alone6. harder 7. different 8. foreign 9. books 10. easy八、During the National Day Im going to Hainan for

34、 vacation with my parents. We are leaving on 29th of September. We are going there by plane. We are staying there for about two weeks. We are going sightseeing there. We are going to the beach. We are going fishing, going shopping and so on. What wonderful vacation it is! It can help me forget all my trouble. A no-stress vacation. I cant wait. Ill be a new girl when I return to Beijing.20 20

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