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1、 PEP五下英语期末试题及答案 时间:40分钟 总共:100 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 卷面 总 数听力部分(40) 【温馨提示:听之前,一定先看一遍听力部分的图和题,这样听起来就容易多了】 一、听录音,选单词。(10) ( ) 1. A. shopping B. hiking C. mountains ( ) 2. A. Nov. B. Dec. C. Sept. ( ) 3. A. first B. fifth C. fourth ( ) 4. A. leave B. woods C. mom ( ) 5. A. talk B. walk C. speak ( ) 6.

2、 A. fight B. write C. climb ( ) 7. A. run B. jump C. hold on ( ) 8. A. date B. take C. look ( ) 9.A. music B. water C. trunk ( ) 10. A. swinging B. sleeping C. skating四、听录音,补全句子。(10) 1. Which _ do you like best? 2. _ birthday is in November. 3. Im _ the phone. 4. My dad is _ an e-mail in the study.

3、5. Look! The monkeys are _ bananas. 接下来用你的耐心和细心,体验采摘知识果实带来的开心吧! 笔试部分(50) 五、与众不同。找出不同类的一个,把序号填在括号内。(5) ( ) 1. A. dinner B. summer C. lunch D. breakfast ( ) 2. A. fourth B. fall C. spring D. winter ( ) 3. A. April B. August C. always D. June ( ) 4. A. letter B. report C. sports D. e-mail ( ) 5. A. dra

4、w B. phone C. drink D. eat 六、挑挑选选。单项选择。(5) ( ) 1. Which is _ timetable? A. Mike B. Mikes C. Mikes ( ) 2. C _ do you like spring? C Because I can plant trees. A. WhereB. When C. Why ( ) 3. _ I speak to Chen Fang, please? A. Am B. Can C. Do ( ) 4._ are you doing? A. WhatB. WhichC. When ( ) 5. The elep

5、hant is drinking water _ its trunk. A. use B. with C. at 七、读读写写。根据提示完成句子。(10) 1. _ (有时候) I watch TV and go shopping. 2. My birthday is in _ (七月). 3. Brother is in the _ (书房). 4. Look! The monkeys are _ (打架). 5. My _ (爷爷) is in the sitting-room. 八、有问必答。(10) 从右边的答语中选择正确选项填在左边问句前的括号内。A. Yes, they can.

6、B. No, Im not, I am watching insects. C. At 6:00. D. They are in the woods. E. I see two elephants. F. My birthday is in February. G. Uncle Larry. H. Im reading a book. I. Yes, I do. J. Sure, hold on, please.九、排词成句。按照正确顺序排列下列句子。(10) 1. you, the, do, do, on, what, weekend (?) _ 2. I, in, swim, lake,

7、because, can, the (.) _ 3. birthday, Bills, is, in, too, June, uncle (.) _ 4. is, dinner, cooking, in, mom, kitchen, the (.) _ 5. they, the, eating, are, honey (?) _ 十、阅读理解。(10) 2008年北京成功举办了奥运会,中华大地欢快一片。孩子们高兴雀跃,动物们也热闹非凡,看,Sarah和Amy正一块用望远镜瞧北京最大的天然自然公园。 Sarah: What are you doing? Amy: Im watching the

8、biggest nature park in Beijing city. Sarah: What can you see? Amy: I can see some students and some animals. Sarah: What are the students doing? Amy: Zhang Peng is picking up leaves, John and Mike are playing chess, Chen Jie is flying a kite. Sarah: What are the animals doing? Amy: Some birds are fl

9、ying. I can see two tigers. Sarah: What are they doing? Amy: They are running. I see two pandas, too. Sarah: What are they doing? Mother panda is swimming, baby panda is sleeping. Amy: Can you see monkeys? Sarah: Yes. There are three, they are swinging. Amy: Can you see the elephants? Sarah: Sorry,

10、I cant see them. 判断下列图片是否与短文内容相符,相符的T,不相符的F。 9. What is the mother panda doing? (1) _ 10. _? (1) They are flying.五年级听力原稿及试题参考答案 (请阅卷老师一定先做一遍,再批阅!) 一、听录音,选单词。(10)CCACB ABBBA 1. mountains 2. Sept. 3. first 4. mom 5. walk 6. fight 7. jump 8. take 9. water 10. swinging 二、听短语,标序号。(10)35241xk b1.c om 1. d

11、o an experiment 2. read a book 3. drink water 4. draw pictures 5. make a snowman 三、听录音,打“”。(10)BAABA 1. My brother often cleans the room on the weekend. 2. Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen. 3. CIs she picking up flowers? CYes, she is. 4. CWhat are they doing? CThey are climbing bamboos. 5. She i

12、s listening to music. 四、听录音,补全句子。(10) 1. Which season do you like best? 2. Her birthday is in November. 3. Im answering the phone. 4. My dad is writing an e-mail in the study. 5. Look! The monkeys are eating bananas. 五、BACCB 六、CCBAB 七、1. Sometimes 2. July 3. study 4. fighting 5. grandpa 八、1.C 2.F 3.

13、 D 4.B 5.A 6.E 7.I 8.G 9.H 10.J 九、1. What do you do on the weekend? 2. Because I can swim in the lake. 3. Uncle Bills birthday is in June, too. 4. Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen. 5. Are they eating the honey? 十、1.F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. T 7. F 8. T 9. She is swimming. 10. What are the birds doing?20 20

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