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1、 小学四年级英语(下)试卷(Unit6) 班级: 姓名: 座号: 得分: 听力部分(20%) 一. 听音,给下列蔬菜排序。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二. 听问找答句。(10分) ( )1. A. I have thirty-four sheep. B. I can see twenty-five. ( )2. A. They are horses. B. Its a horse. ( )3. A. Yes, it is. B. No, they arent. ( )4. A. There are forty-two. B. I can see forty -two.

2、( )5. A. I have many rabbits. B.I see many ducks. 笔试部分(80%) 三比一比,谁选的又快又准。(10分) ( )1.-_? -There are twenty. A. How much are the goats? B. How many goats are there? C .Are there twenty goats ? ( ) 2. -Are there horses? -_. A.Yes,these are. B.No,these arent. C.Yes,they. ( ) 3.There are five_. A. hen B.

3、hens C. a hen ( ) 4.The cows like _. A.grass B.a grass C.grasses ( ) 5. We like cucumbers._. A. Juicy and red . B. Tasty and brown. C. Tender and green. 四连词成句。正确书写并翻译.(20分) 1. many, do, how, lambs, you, have 中文:_ 2. hens, at, look, the 中文:_3. try, me, let 中文:_4. know, do, I, not 中文:_5. are, there, t

4、hirteen, potatoes, there 中文:_ 五我来画,你来写。(15分) . 1. - Are they donkeys? -No, they arent. They are . 2. -What are they? -There are . 3. -How many cats are there? -There are . 4. -What are these? -They are . 5.-Are those cow? -No, they arent. Theyre . 六.变换句子。注意人称和标点的正确运用。(15分) 1. There are fifteen apple

5、s.(划线提问) 2. These are dogs. (划线提问)3. I can see some geese in the picture. .(划线提问)4. I like sheep.(否定句) 5. This is a cat.(一般疑问句)七.阅读理解。(20分) My father has a farm,there are many animals and fruits.He has seven cows,tow horses,ten pigs and one hundred durks, There are many hens on the farm,and many egg

6、s too.Look, there are fruit trees.Every year,my brother and I can eat many fruits.I like peaches best,my brother likes oranges best. 根据短文内容,判断对(T)错(F)。 ( )1.My mother has a farm. ( )2.There are many animals and fruits on the farm. ( )3.My father has seven cows. ( )4.I have a little sister. ( )5.I like bananas best.附加题:(10分)八.变魔术。你能变出下列单词的复数形式吗? 1.gaot( ) 2.sheep( ) 3.hen ( ) 4.cow( ) 5.rabbit( ) 6.pig( ) 7. duck ( ) 8.potato( ) 9.tomato( ) 10.onion( )20 20

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