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1、 英语EEC小学五年级上测试试卷 选择题(只有一个正确的答案) ( )1.are you from? A.What B.Where C.When ( )2.Its good idea. A.an B.a C./ ( )3.We are A.twins B.twin C.the twins ( )4.My name is Peter Pan. is my first name. A.Peter B.Pan C.Peter Pan ( )5.Im Li Ming.Myname is Ming. A.first B.last C.full ( )6.Are you? Yes,I am.Im from

2、. A.China,china B.Chinese, Chinese C.Chinese,China ( )7.Why dont you ride a bike? A.Of course not. B.Thats a good idea! C.Are you? ( )8.It takes 30 . A.minute B.minutes C.munites ( )9.Is Billy brushing teeth? A.his B.he C.her ( )10.What time do you go to school? 9 oclock. A.On B.At C.In ( )11.Its ei

3、ght forty. A.already B.ready C.always ( )12.How was your day? . A.It was OK B.Yes.we did C.No ( )13.Wash before dinner. A.in B.at C.up ( )14.I do homework. A.my B.I C.me ( )15.I buy some presents for my mother. A.want B.want to C.wants ( )16.Whats the today? Its September 1. A.day B.time C.date ( )1

4、7.What a haipin! A.beautiful B.beautifully C.is ( )18.Whats the A.wrong B.matter C.better ( )19.I dont have . A.something B.anything C.some ( )20.She a red coat. A.wearing B.is wearing C.putting 从B栏选择与A栏相应的答语并划线连接 A 1.Does he wear glasses? 2.How much is it? 3.How do you go to school? 4.Where are you from? 5.Whats he wearing? B A.Hes wearing a bule shirt. B.No, he doesnt. C.Im from China. D.I go to school by car. E.Its 110 dollars. 根据英文写出中文翻译。 1. How does he go to school? 2. Im chinese. 3. Im brushing my teeth. 4. I want to buy a present for my mother. 5. I want a blue shirt.20 20

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