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1、 5B Unit8 The concert 一、 单元内容概述 词汇: program, play the flute, violin, flute, drums, piano, music 句型: I will play the drums. Who will play the piano? wont 语音:: Betty buying balloon birthday ball beach (b发音) Vincent violin very volleyball (v发音) 语法: will, will not, wont 写作:能写出最近的计划或打算的描述。 二、 单元教学目标 1. 知

2、识与技能: 词汇: program, play the flute, violin, flute, drums, piano, music 句型: I will play the drums. Who will play the piano? wont 语音:: Betty buying balloon birthday ball beach (b发音) Vincent violin very volleyball (v发音) 语法: will, will not, wont 2. 过程与方法: A能在图片提示下指认故事中出现的乐器。能够掌握运用简单乐器单词,及其相关乐器弹奏的表达。 B 能在

3、教师的帮助下表演或讲述故事部分或全部内容。 C 能理解别人对最近的计划或打算的描述。 3. 情感、态度、价值观目标:了解几种常见乐器,培养发展对音乐的爱好和素养。 三、 教学重难点 重点:能写出最近的计划或打算的描述,了解几种常见乐器。 难点:了解中西方文化对音乐会的不同理解和影响。 四、 学生情况分析 本班学生对英语学习具有较浓厚的兴趣,学习的积极性和主动性也较高,大部分学生能够积极主动地投入到课堂当中来。但部分基础差的学生要给与特别的关注。 五、 本单元容易出现的问题及措施xkb1句型I will play the drums. Who will play the piano? wont的

4、应用 。 对于拼写,应在课上反复练习,并加强口语的表达。督促学生课下进行有效地复习。加强单词和默写句子的检测力度。 六、教学资源 1、教材为北京师范大学出版社,先锋英语 2、单词图片 3、录音带 4、电脑,光盘 七、课时备课 课题 Unit8 The concert 教学目标 知识目标:词汇: program, play the flute, violin, flute, drums, piano, music 句型: I will play the drums. Who will play the piano? wont 技能目标:能在图片提示下指认故事中出现的乐器。 2. 能在教师的帮助下

5、表演或讲述故事部分或全部内容。 3.能理解别人对最近的计划或打算的描述。 情感、策略、文化意识目标: 了解几种常见乐器,培养发展对音乐的爱好和素养。教学重点 通过课文故事的学习,让学生通过理解课文内容,故事情景的设计体现主要句型的功能。 教学难点 能够掌握运用简单乐器单词,及其相关乐器弹奏的表达。(单词拼写和意义) 教学用具 教具:头饰(录音机,挂图)课件,图片, 教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Step I: Warm-up Oral practice Sing the song from page7. 设计意图:营造学英语的气氛。Step II: Preview Ask them

6、if any of them can play a musical instrument. “What instruments do you play?” “Have you ever played in a concert?” 设计意图:通过日常口语操练,培养学生的口语表达能力。复习旧知识。Step III: Presentation In this unit Ken and Ann will play instruments in their school concert.Have them watch the video and answer: 1.What will Ken, Ann

7、and David do in the concert? What are they doing now? 2.Will Kens parents go to the concert? What will he do? 3. What is happening now?4. Who is happening now? 5. Who will play the drums?Play the tape. Have the children listen. Play the tape again and have the children repeat.Pin up the poster on th

8、e blackboard. Point to each picture and tell the story to the children using the passages at the bottom of the pages.The text tells more about the story. Have the children read the text individually. When they finish, have them answer the question. What is the meaning of each sentences?设计意图:整体上认识,调动

9、学生观察能力,使学生成为故事中的积极参与者。和学生共同建构故事内容。教师指导、带领学生理解的过程;结合插图理解内容。强调原声录音和学生的跟读训练。Step IV: Practice Use the key words to make a sentence. Practice in groups. 设计意图:小组互相学习,提高学生的语言表达能力。Step V: Homework tell the story to your parents by yourself. 板书设计 Unit8 The concert 词汇: program, play the flute, violin, flute,

10、 drums, piano, music 句型: I will play the drums. Who will play the piano? wont课题 Unit8 The concert 教学目标 一、 知识目标: 单词: program, play the flute, violin, flute, drums, piano, music 句型: I will play the drums. Who will play the piano? wont 2、通过对话教学,让学生在故事的基础上着重学习本单元的句型结构。 二、技能目标:1、能够拼写本单元重点单词。 2、能够在理解的基础上以

11、小组的形式练习对话. 三、情感、策略、文化意识目标: 了解几种常见乐器,培养发展对音乐的爱好和素养。 能理解别人所表达的意愿或想做的事情,乐于助人。 教学重点 关于words to learn学习。 教学难点 是学生对词汇书写形式的把握。灵活运用所学习的语言交际用语进行口语交流。 教学用具 教具:头饰,录音机,卡片。 教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Step I: Warm-up Review the main story with the children. 设计意图:复习。通过日常口语操练,培养学生的口语表达能力。Step II: Preview 1. Read the story

12、 again by themselves. Write the new words on the board when they are mentioned in the text. 2.Read the words on the board. Repeat after me. 设计意图:巩固重点单词为后面的学习作铺垫。Step III: Presentation 1. Open their books at page 14 and look at the words in the box. 2.What is the meaning of each words. 3.Read after t

13、he tape. Read the flashcards. 4.Listen to this. (1)Look at the picture at the bottom of the page. What can you see in the picture? (2)Play the tape. Play the tape again, have the children check their answers. 5.Talk together (1)Open the books at page 17 and look at the pictures on top of the page. W

14、hatare the picturestrying to express? (2)Read the dialog by themselves. (3)What is the meaning of each sentences. (4)Read after the tape. (5)read each sentence one by one.设计意图:让学生感知单词的发音。学生重复单词,加强记忆.强调原声录音和学生的跟读训练。Step IV: Practice (1)Practice the dialog in groups. (2)Look at the pictures and read a

15、loud the sentences under each picture. Read after the tape. 设计意图:小组互相练习,提高学生的语言表达能力和交际能力。Step V: Homework Copy the words four times. 板书设计 Unit8 The concert 词汇: program, play the flute, violin, flute, drums, piano, music 句型: I will play the drums. Who will play the piano? wont课题 Unit8 The concert 教学目

16、标 一、 知识目标:重点句型的应用: 句子:I will go to the concert tomorrow. You will not visit Uncle Booky next week. Song: What will we do?. 二、技能目标:能理解别人对最近的计划或打算的描述。 三、情感、策略、文化意识目标: 通过小组活动,培养合作意识。通过歌曲培养对英语的兴趣。 教学重点 学习本单元的句型结构,学生能够做替换练习,正确的迁移所学的知识。 教学难点 灵活运用所学习的语言交际用语进行口语交流。 教学用具 教具:头饰(录音机,挂图)图片, 教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图

17、Step I: Warm-up Answer the questions. 1. Whose book is this? 2. What will you do tomorrow?设计意图:复习重点句。培养学生的口语表达能力 Step II: Preview Review the new words. Read the flashcards. 设计意图:复习单词。Step III: Presentation 1.Open your books at the page of 18. Put the children into groups and do the exercise. 2.Black

18、 board: Read after the tape. Read the sentences by themselves. What is the meaning of each sentence? 3. Lets sing. Have the children read the song by themselves. Explain the meaning of the words, rains, snows,fine. Play the song and have the children listen. Play the song again and have the children

19、 sing along and do the appropriate actions. Have the children to sing the song with the tape.设计意图:让学生观察提出问题,提高学生语言组织能力和观察能力。 在听的过程中,让学生掌握重点词汇和句子 Step IV: Practice Use the sentences on the blackboard to make a dialog. Groups show. 设计意图:培养学生的认真倾听的能力和语言表达的能力。强调学生发音准确。Step V: Homework Copy the sentences

20、 twice. Sing the song. 板书设计 Unit8 The concert I will play the drums. Who will play the piano? wont课题 Unit8 The concert 教学目标 一、知识目标: 完成20页,21页练习。 练习重点单词和重点句型。 will的应用。 I will go to the concert tomorrow. You will not visit Uncle Booky next week. He will not go on vacation tomorrow. They wont see a mov

21、ie next week.二、技能目标:1.能在图片或文字的提示下进行计划或打算的描述。 2. 能理解别人所表达的意愿或想做的事情。 三、情感、策略、文化意识目标:培养学生认真阅读的好习惯。 教学重点 对重点单词和句型的运用和练习。 教学难点 难点是学生理解文章的准确性,和写作能力培养。 教学用具 教具:录音机,卡片。 教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Step I: Warm-up Sing a song: p.19设计意图:唱歌曲激发学生的学习兴趣。 Step II: Preview What will you do tomorrow? Who will play the drums

22、? 设计意图:通过日常口语操练,培养学生的口语表达能力。 巩固重点句型,再现课文内容。Step III: Presentation Activity 1: Ask children look at the pictures at the top of the page 20 and ask : What can you see in the picture? Write down the words. Activity 2: Look at the picture at the bottom of the pageand complete the sentence. Check the ans

23、wer. Read after me. Activity 3: Page 21. Listen to the tape and write down the words. Check the answer. Play the tape again and have the children repeat. Answer my questions: What will Lily play? What will Ben play? Who will play the drums? 设计意图:对所学内容进行反馈练习,加强学生的记忆。通过师生共同观察、问答,把相应的重点句型卡片贴起来。巩固本单元的重点

24、句型结构,加强学生的记忆。Step IV: Practice Lets find out. Page 21. Ask the children to think about what they will do twenty years later. Elicit the answer from the children. Then have them imagine what will happen in 2050. Have them write out three more things that people will do in the year of 2050.Ask them to

25、 show what they wrote to the class.设计意图:提高学生的语言表达能力,加强对重点句型的巩固.Step V: Homework Copy the words for twice . Read Uncle Bookys Blackboard. 板书设计 Unit8 The concert I will go to the concert tomorrow. You will not visit Uncle Booky next week. He will not go on vacation tomorrow. They wont see a movie next

26、 week. What will Lily play? What will Ben play? Who will play the drums?课题 Unit8 The concert 教学目标 1、知识目标: 完成22,23页内容. 培养学生的阅读技巧。 2、技能目标:培养综合运用语音的能力。 3、情感、策略、文化意识目标:通过给学生阅读的时间,培养学生阅读的好习惯. 教学重点 培养学生阅读习惯是本课时的重点 教学难点 listen and write the words练习。 教学用具 录音机,单词卡片 教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Step I: Warm-up Activit

27、y :Lets sing.Page19.Step II: Presentation 1.Tell them they are going to read the second part of a traditional fairytale. The whole story is divived into six parts which appear in the six units. 2.Read the text by themselves. Read the passage again and number the pictures in the order in which the ma

28、tching sentences appear in the text. 3.The unfinished sentences all relate to the story they read in the previous page. All the information they need to complete the sentences is in the text on the facing page. Check the box next to the correct answer. 4. You are going to hear another version of the

29、 story and its told by the emperor in the story. Listen to the story on the tape and fill in the missing words. All the missing words are in the box. Play the tape again. Have the children write the missing words in the spaces provided.Step III: Practice Read after the tape. Have the children retell

30、 the story.Step V: Homework Tell this part of the story to their parents. Tell the story from the Emperors point of view. 板书设计 Unit8 The concert cheats told clever stupid suit wear only stupid wonderful课题 Unit8 The concert 教学目标 1、知识目标: 通过练习,培养阅读技巧。复习重点词汇,培养写作能力。 2、技能目标:培养学生的阅读能力,让学生自己学会独立阅读篇章理解故事内容。

31、 3、情感、策略、文化意识目标:培养学生良好的阅读习惯和阅读乐趣。 教学重点 学生对短文的理解。 教学难点 写句子练习。 教学用具 录音机,单词卡片教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Step I: Warm-up (1)Page 24. Read Sarahs thought bubbles together. Make sure that the children understand the passage. (2)Complete the table. All the information they need is in the passage. (3)Check the ans

32、wer in a class drill.Step II: Preview Write sentences. (1)Have them talk about what they will do and will not do at weekend. (2) Write three sentences in the blank. (3) Work in pairs and tell each other about the words they wrote. (4)Check their answers by asking children to tell the class what they

33、 will do and wont do at weekend.Step III: Presentation (1)Look at the picture on the top of page 25. Write out the words. 2. What will you do in Beijing? Write three activities. Have individual child read out their sentences.Step IV: Practice Write the sentences or words on the lines. have them talk

34、 about the words they wrote. Encourage the children to think about their learning in this unit and ask them how they will evaluate their performance and what they are going to do in the next unit.Step V: Homework Write three things you will do and three things you wont do.板书设计 Unit8 The concert I will see a movie. I will read a book. I wont watch TV. I wont go to the library.20 20

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