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1、2016-2017学年度第二学期小学期中质量检测笔试试题四年级 英语 题号一二三四五六七八九十总分综合评价得分听力部分(40分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词,将序号填在括号内 (10分)( ) 1、A. thirty B. forty C. forty-five ( )2、A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner ( )3、A. windy B. warm C. snowy ( )4、A. great B. cool C. beautiful ( )5、A. wear B. weather C. welcome ( )6、A.firstB. floorC. food(

2、)7、. A art room B. computer room C. music room ( )8、A.shirt B. skirtC. sweater( )9、A. cold B. cool C. hot( )10、A. 10:05 B. 10:20C. 10:10二、 听录音,选出与你听到的内容相符的图片。( 10分)( )1. A. B. C. ( )2. A. B. C.( )3. A. B. C.( )4. A. B. C. ( )5. A. B. C. 三、听录音,选出听到的句子,将序号写在括号内。 (10分) ( )1A. Its next to the door.B. It

3、s on the first floor.C. Its on the second floor. ( )2A. Its time for Chinese.B. Its time for math.C. Its time for English. ( )3A. Can I make a snowman?B. Can I go outside?C. Can I have some soup?( )4A. Its 2:15.B. Its 4:25. C. Its 6:45.( )5A. Whats the weather like in London?B. Hows the weather in S

4、ydney?C. Whats the weather like in Toronto?四、听录音选出你所听到问句的答语 。(10分)( )1、 A. No , we do. B. No, you cant. ( )2、 A. Its on the first floor. B. Its an art room. ( )3、 A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, it is. ( )4、 A. Here you are. B. Youre welcome. ( )5、 A. There are thirty. B. Its six thirty. 笔试部分(60分)五、判断下列读音是否一致

5、,对的打,错的打 。(10分) ( )1. sister brother girl ( ) 2. mother water. dinner ( ) 3. bird nurse her ( ) 4. far arm farm ( ) 5. arm warm car 六、Read and put the words in order.(读一读,连词组句 认真书写。)(10 分)1the office Wheres teachers ?2time to Its home go . 3library a you Do have ?4go playground Lets to the .5today w

6、arm in It s Beijing.七、补全对话。根据句子意思,在空格上填上合适的单词,每空一词,将对话补充完整。(10 分)1. The library is on the _ _. 2. What time is it? Its 9 am. Its time for _ _. 3. Is this a _? Yes , it _ . 4. Its _ _ Jinan today. 5.Its time to go _ _. 八. 选择填空,将序号填在括号里。 (10 分)( )1Its six p.m. Its time for . A. dinnerB. breakfastC. lu

7、nch( )2That is _ bag. Its not _ bag. A. my, youB. me, youC. my, your( )3-Is this the computer room? - A. Yes, it isnt. B. Yes, it is. C. No, it is.( )4Its six oclock. Its time _ dinner. A. have B. to C. for( )5Its time _ go to school. A. to B. forC. at( )6-Do you have an art room ?- Yes, we do. Its

8、next the playground.A. in B. of C. to( )7-Whats the weather like in Beijing? - A. Its cloudy B. Its 9:00 oclock C. Its a book( )8. The music room is _the fifth floor. A. on B. for C. at ( )9. - is it? - Its 2:00 p.m. A. Where B. How many C. What time( )10- the weather like in Shanghai” -Its windy .

9、A. Hows B. Whats C. What 九、阅读短文,完成下列各题。(10 分)Welcome to our schoolHello! Welcome to our school. This is our new garden. Its big and clean. We have three computer rooms and six music rooms. Students can sing in the music room. Look, this is our art room. We can draw in it. And this is our library. We

10、 often read in it.We have lessons in our classroom. That is our gym. You can play in the gym. Oh, its 4:05. Its time for P.E. class. Lets go to the playground.( )1Our garden is _ . A. smallB.old C. clean ( )2We have _ music rooms. A. sixB. threeC. a( )3I like reading. I can go to the _. A. gardenB.

11、computer roomC. library ( )4We have lessons in the _. A. classroomB. libraryC. garden( )5We can _ on the playground. A. watch TVB. play football C. eat十、 Lets write (仿照示例,完成“我的一天” 每空2分 天气用不同词表达)。(10 分)Time(时间) Activities(活动) Weather(天气)例:6:25 a.m. get up sunny 7:30 a.m.1.2. 4:00 p.m.3. warm9:00 p.m.

12、4.5.2016-2017学年度第二学期小学期中质量检测笔试试题听力材料及答案一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词,将序号填在括号内 (10分)1、A. thirty 2、B. lunch 3. C. snowy 4.B. cool 5.C. welcome 6 B. floor 7. C. music room 8 A.shirt 9. A. cold 10 C. 10:10 二.听录音,选出与你听到的内容相符的图片。( 10分)( A )1. Its time for music class. ( B)2.I watch TV at home.( C)3.Its twelve oclock (

13、B)4. Its nine p.m. Its time to go to bed.( B )5. Its cloudy in Jinan.三、听录音,选出听到的句子,将序号写在括号内。 (10分) 1.B. Its on the first floor.2. A. Its time for Chinese.3. C. Can I have some soup?4. B. Its 4:255. C. Whats the weather like in Toronto?四、听录音选出你所听到问句的答语 。(10分)(B)1、Mum, Can I go outside now ? ( A)2、Whe

14、re is the art room.? ( B )3、-Is it warm today? ( B )4、Thank you. ( A )5、How many students are there in your class? 五、1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 六、1. Wheres the teachers office?2. Its time to go home .3.Do you have a library?4.Lets go to the playground.5.It s warm in Beijing today. 七、1.second floor 2.PE class 3.library is 4.sunny in 5. to bed 八.1-5 ACBCA 6-10 CAACB九、1.C 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.B十、(符合学生生活规律即可)1.go to school/eat breakfast 2.cloudy 等 3.go home/pay sports 4. go to bed /do my homework 5.cool/rainy等

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