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1、欢乐英语期末测试一、词汇(16分)(A)选出横线上应填的字母,将正确的答案序号填写在题前括号里。( )1. fav_rite(最喜爱的) A e B o C a( )2. aro_nd(在周围) A a B e C u( )3. _ored(心烦的) A d B y C b( )4. yesterd_y(昨天) A e B a C o( )5. wi_dy(有风的) A n B u C o( )6. u_ually(通常的) A r B s C a(B)重排字母,组成单词。 1. asaywl(总是)_ 2. ustj(仅仅)_ 3. obkcl(街区)_ 4. trnfo(前面)_ 5. a

2、nlyrud(洗衣店)_ 6. lomde(模型)_ 7. nyeoj(享受)_ 8. envre(从不)_ 9. ysat(逗留)_ 10. tetcki(票)_二、选择。(20分)( )1. _I cook for my family.A Usually B Sometimes C Always( )2. I _thought about my job.A never B didnt C ever( )3. I want to be_. I want to help sick people.A an artist B a cook C a doctor( )4. Can I see you

3、r tickets, please?_.A Yes, please. B OK. Here you are. C Thank you( )5. Lets go hiking together next Sunday._A Sure B Lets go. C Great( )6. _season do you like best? I like fall best.A What B Which C How( )7. Take care of _, Sandy.A herself B myself C yourself( )8. What_you do in Wonder Land?We went

4、 to the museum.A do B does C did( )9. Today he came back_very late.A to home B home to C home( )10. Im sorry to _the bad news. A see B listen C hear三、连线。(8分)Play the piano 弹钢琴 欢迎 boarding passesGo hiking 起床 登机卡 not yetGet up 去远足 笑一笑 welcome toTake care of 照顾 还没有 just smile四、选词填空(12分)1. I _ clean my

5、house on the weekend. _ I go shopping with my mother.2. I _help my mom cook before dinner. After dinner I _wash the dishes.3. I _play computer games after school. I _take a walk with my dog. 五、找出每句话中的多余的单词,组成正确的句子,写在横线上。(12分)1. I like to drawing pictures.2. Sometimes I am help my mom cook.3. Ill fee

6、d I the animals there.4. Are you ready to going go?5. How long will Chinese you stay in Wonder Land?6. I learn saw that animal in the picture._六、选词填空。(12分) 1. What would you like _eat? 2. Whats wrong _ you? 3. Im looking _a snack bar. 4. He wants to eat a hamburger _a Coke.5. I usually go swimming _

7、the pool.6. I never thought _my job. with for at about to and七、阅读短文,回答问题。(20分)My plan The summer vacation is coming. My name is Tino. Im going to go to Australia. My aunt lives there. He is a farmer. Ill feed animals there. My favorite animals is a kangaroo. I want to take photos. Ill stay there for

8、 1 week. My name is Cathy. Im going to Dalian with my family.Im going to go to the beach. Its cool and sunny there. We can swim and play games. I like swimming . I can swim well. Well stay there for 10 days. My name is Sandy. Im going to go to the USA. My favorite subject(科目)is English. Im going to

9、study English there. I want to be an English teacher. By the way(顺便), I want to go to the amusement park . Ill stay there for 2 weeks.( )1. What is Tino going to do?A To feed the animals B To take photos. C . A and B( )2. What is Sandy going to do ? A To feed the animals. B To swim and play games.C

10、To study English.( )3. Who lives in Australia?A Tinos aunt B Cathys mother C Sandys father( )4. How long will Tino stay in America? A About 7 days B About 10 days C About 20 days 五年级英语期末测试题听力部分 (38分) 一、选出你所听到的单词(5分)( )1. A hungry B have C trip D plan ( )2. A straight B sleep C surprise D mming ( )3.

11、 A pilot B pliceman C people D plane ( )4. A vacation B move C Wonder D week ( )5. A camera B stay C care D sick 二、听录音,选出你所听到的句子(5分)( )1. A Whats the date today ? B What are you wearing ? C Whats wrong with you ? ( )2. A Im hungry. B Lets have lunch there . C Im lookin for a bar. ( )3. A How is it g

12、oing ? B Its already one thirty. C Sit here and take a rest. ( )4. A Who has my umbrella B Who lives in Japan? C Who bought this knapsack. ( )5. A Are you ready to go ? B Did you take your raincoat ? C Who has my camera ? 三、听录音,给所听到的内容选择正确的译文(5分)( )1. A 好吧。 B 很好。( )2. A 要我帮忙吗? B 在这里吃是带走?( )3. A 我很烦,

13、我们出去玩吧。 B 我很困,我们睡觉吧。( )4. A 我们会呆一个冬天。 B 我们会呆一天。( )5. A 你将来想做什么工作? B 你通常在周末干什么?四、听录音,将下列句子补充完整.(13分) 1. Today is the _ _ of our _. 2. Im going to _ _. Dong dong _ _ me . 3. Are you _ to go ? Not _ . 4. What _ your _ do ? 5. Let me _ my _ . 五听录音,选择正确问题或答语- (10分) ( )1. _ ? Im very sleepy . ( )2. _ ? Fo

14、r 20days . ( )3. _ ? Hes an astronaut . ( )4. _ ? For here please . ( )5 ._ ? Dont worry ,mom, Billy took my raincoat .笔试部分一、根据汉意写出单词 1.行李 _ 2. 兽医 _ 3. 旅行_ 4. 海滩_ 5.车票 _ 6. 机场 _ 7. 工程师_ 8. 喂养_ 二按要求写词语 1.see (过去式)_ 2. 在旁边 _ 3. eat (过去式) _ 4.打算 _ 5 . hamburger (复数) _ 6.have (第三人称) _ 7.take care of (译中

15、文) _ 8. 多久_ 三选择( )1. _ wrong with you ? A Whats B Where are C How about D How much ( )2. Id like _ ice cream and _ apple pie . A a ; a B an; the C an ;an D an ;a ( )3. What _ he want to eat ? A do B does C did D is ( )4._ violin is this ? Its Codys . A Whose B Who C Whom D Where ( )5.Do you want to

16、be a swimmer? No ,_ . A I do B I dont C do I D you do 四.给下列问句选择恰当的答语( )1.Do you like playing football ? A My uncle is a farmer.( )2.What do you want to be ? B OK,thanks.( )3.Would you like some coffee ? C My uncle lives there.( )4.Who lives in Australia ? D Yes ,I do . ( )5.What does your uncle do ?

17、 E I want to be a doctor .五.连词成句 1. helps people she sick _. 2. Ill a picture of take you _. 3. always the practice I piano _. 4. a what surprise _. 5. see after you vacation the _. 六阅读理解: Cindy 将去Wonder Land旅游,她的pen pal Jane住在那里,请你仔细阅读给Jane的信,并回答问题。 Dear Jane: Im your pen pal Cindy.How are you thes

18、e days ? Vacation is coming ,I have a good plan for the vacation .My parents and I are going to visit Wonder Land .Im very happy to go to Wonder Land ,because you live there .Now ,my mom is checking our list :My father took (take 过去式)his camera,my mom took her umbrella ,I took a raincoat .We will st

19、ay in Wonder Land for 1 week. I wish the happy time we meet. Yours ,Cindy 2006.4.27. 1.Whos Jane ? _. 2.Does Cindy have good plans for the vacation ? _ 3.Who has the camer?_ 4.Did Cindys mother take her umbrella ? _ 5.How long will Cindy stay in Wonder Land ?_ 20082009学年度下学期期末测试题五年级英语听力部分一、单词、短语。(12

20、分)听音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。( )1. A. feel B. feet C. feed( )2. A. place B. piece C. plane( )3. A. gift shop B. photo shop C. book shop( )4. A. turn left B. turn right C. turn on.( )5. A. engineer B. violinist C. pilot( )6. A. do homework B. feed the animals C. watch TV二、句子理解(12分)A)听音,选出你所听到的句子。( )7. A. Its su

21、rprise. B. Its awesome. C. Its cool.( )8. A. I have a high fever. B. I have a slight fever. C. I have a fever.( )9. A. Its warm and sunny. B. Its fine and sunny. C. Its hot and sunny.B)听音,判断下列句子与你听到的句子意思是(T)否(F)一致。( )10. We can go hiking in fall.( )11. The bookstore is next to the gift shore.( )12.

22、My uncle and my aunt are farmers.三、对话理解。(16)A)听音,根据你听到的对话内容,为相关的内容按字母(A,B,C,D,E)的顺序标号。( )13. Paris, tower. ( )14. teacher. ( )15. humburger, Coke.( )16. clean the room. ( )17. airplaneB)听音,根据你所听到的对话内容,选择正确答案。( )18. Which season does the girl like best? A. Spring B. Summer C. Winter( )19. Where is th

23、e museum? A. Go straight two blocks and turn right. B. Go straight two blocks and turn left. C. Go straight three blocks and turn right.( )20. How long will the boy stay in Australia? A. For a week B. For four weeks C. During the vacation笔试部分四、根据句意及开头字母,填写字母。(10分)21. I dont feel w_ _ _. I have a sli

24、ght fever.22. Ill t_ _ _ a picture of you. Please just smile.23. I want to be a p_ _ _ _. I want to fly planes.24. Its already eleven thirty. Lets have l_ _ _ _ in the snack bar.25. Oh, its going to rain in a minute. I felt a d_ _ _ of rain.五、选择。(10分)( )26. _the weather in Ellia? A. How B. Hows C. h

25、ows( )27. _it rain in Shanghai? A. Does B. Do C. Is( )28. Theres a supermarket_the corner. A. on B. of C. in( )29. Did you take your umbrella? Yes, _. A. I did B. I didnt C. I do( )30. I always play_piano. A. a B. the C. (不填)六、对话理解。(10分)( )31. Whose violin is this? A. Yes, I do.( )32. Do you have a

26、good plans for the vacation? B. Its Codys.( )33. Who has the camera? C. Yes, I can.( )34. Where is the gift shop? D. I have the camera.( )35. Can you see the white buiding? E. Its over there.七、情景会话。(10分)A: What do you like to eat?B:(36)_.A: Thats okay with me.C: Can I help you?A: (37)_. Id like thre

27、e hamburgers, six French fries, and two hot dogs.C: (38)_.A: Four Cokes and two orange juices, please.C: For here or to go?A: (39)_.B: OK, here you are. (40)_.A. Enjoy your dinner. B. Id like a hamburger, and some French fries, and a hot dog.C. Anything to drink? D. Yes, please. E. For here, please.

28、八、阅读短文,回答问题。(10分)Today is the last day of our class. I want to tell you our plans for the vacation. Sandy is going to visit Wonder Land with her family. Jane is going to learn Chinese and Dongdong will help her. Cody is going to go to Australia. I am going to go to Beijing. Because I like the Great

29、Wall. Do you think we all have good plans?NumberNameWhat to do?(要做什么)41I42Sandy43Jane44Dongdong45Cody九、仿照第八题短文,写一写你的假期计划。字数3040词之间。_20072008学年度下学期期末测试卷一、选出正确的中文意思。(20分)( )1. raincoat A 雨伞 B 雨衣 C 雨( )2. artist A 工程师 B 小提琴家 C 艺术家( )3.cloudy A 多云的 B 晴朗的 C 艺术家( )4. orange juice A 苹果味馅饼 B 桔汁 C 桔子( )5. ti

30、cket A 检票员 B 行李 C 票二、选词填空。(18分)1. Look _ those clouds! 2. The sun is _ out.3. _ it rain in Ellia? 4. Which _ do you like best?A. coming B. season C. Does D. at三、选择正确答语。(32分)( )1. Whats wrong with you? A. Yes, please. Id like three hamburgers.( )2. Can I help you? B. He is a famer.( )3. What do you w

31、ant to be? C. I want to be a pilot.( )4. What does your uncle do? D. Im very hungry.( )5. Can I see your tickets please? E. Its next to that building.( )6. Wheres the library? F. OK. Here you are.( )7. Hows the weather there? G. Its cool and cloudy.( )8. Are you ready to go? H. Not yet, Let me check

32、 my list.四、根据情境,选出相对应的句子。(30分)( )1、爸爸要带你去旅游,他想知道你是否可以走了,会说: A. Are you a good girl? B. Can you help me? C. Are you ready to go?( )2、刚要外出,发现外边下雨了,妈妈会说: A. Did you put on your coat? B. May I help you? C. Did you take your raincoat and umbrella?( )3、如果你是检票员,你会对每位乘客说: A. Lets go to the airport. B. Let me check my list. C. Can I see your tickets please?( )4、为了妈妈放心,你会回答: A. Dont worry, Mom. Im ready to go. B. Dont worry, Mom. Im very glad. C. Dont worry, Mom. The tickets are here.

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