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1、目录2014年广东财经大学外国语学院804英美文学考研真题2013年广东财经大学外国语学院807英美文学考研真题2012年广东财经大学外国语学院804英美文学考研真题2011年广东财经大学外国语学院807英美文学考研真题2010年广东财经大学外国语学院807英美文学考研真题2009年广东财经大学外国语学院807英美文学考研真题2008年广东财经大学外国语学院807英美文学考研真题2007年广东财经大学外国语学院407英美文学考研真题2014年广东财经大学外国语学院804英美文学考研真题I.Define the following terms.(25 points in all,5 points

2、 for each)1.Novel2.Lyric3.Charles Dickens4.T.S.Eliot5.TragedyII.Multiple choice.In this part,there are 20 statements or questions;ineach of them,there are four choices marked by a,b,c,and d.Choose theONE answer that is the most suitable to the statement or question.(20 pointsin all,1 point for each)

3、1.“Shall I compare thee to a summers day?/Thou art more lovely andmore temperate:/Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,”.Theseare the first 3 lines of _s poem _.A.Thomas Hardy;Sonnet 8B.William Shakespeare;Sonnet 18C.Walt Whitman;Sonnet 18D.Robert Burns;Sonnet 122.What though the field be lo

4、st?/All is not lost;the unconquerableWill,/And study of revenge,immortal hatethese lines are from JohnMiltons _.A.Paradise LostB.Paradise RegainedC.Samson AgonistesD.Christian Doctrine3.Byrons famous poem She Walks in Beauty is a _ poetry.A.realisticB.modernC.romanticD.natural4.With the publication

5、of The Sun Also Rises,three years later,ErnestHemingway _ became the spokesman for what _ had called“alost generation.”A.Gertrude SteinB.Henry JamesC.William FaulknerD.Ezra Pound5.The famous and summary poetic line“Beauty is truth,truth beauty.”is taken from John Keats _.A.“Ode to the West Wind”B.“O

6、de to the NightingaleC.“Ode on a Grecian Urn”D.“Ode on Melancholy6.Tess of the DUrbervilles was written by _ who is also theauthor of his first novel Poor Man and the Lady.A.Jane AustenB.Thomas HardyC.Oscar WildeD.William Faulkner7.Imagist poems are mainly composed in the form of _.A.blank verseB.fr

7、ee verseC.sonnetD.quatrain8.Virginia Woolf belongs to _ school.A.stream of consciousnessB.metaphysicalC.sentimentalismD.surrealism9.From her novel,we can deduce Jane Austens view of life is _.A.romanticB.sentimentalC.pessimisticD.realistic10.Mark Twain,one of the greatest 19th century American write

8、rs,iswell known for his _.A.local colorB.black humorC.ironyD.interior monologue11.Of Studies is written by English essayist named _.A.William ShakespeareB.Geoffrey ChaucerC.Francis BaconD.William Blake12.The Renaissance,originally indicating revival of classical(Greekand Roman)arts and sciences afte

9、r the dark age of medieval obscurantism,isactually a movement stimulated by a series of historical events.The keynoteof renaissance is _.A.realismB.romanticismC.humanismD.naturalism13.The Spenserian Stanza is a fixed form invented by Edmund Spencerfor his epic poem _.A.The Shepherds CalendarB.Colin

10、Clouts Come Home AgainC.The Last Four ThingsD.The Faerie Queen14.“The apparition of these faces in the crowd;Petals on a wet,blackbough.”This line is from Ezra Pounds poem,In a Station of the Metro,which reflects the principles of _.A.imagismB.surrealismC.symbolismD.post-modernism15.Charlotte Bronte

11、 is the most ambitious writer among Bronte sisters,whose best novel is _.A.The professorB.ShirleyC.Wuthering HeightsD.Jane Eyre16.Carl Sandburg is the leading populist in Modern American poetry.He describes fog in his poem Fog as a _ by using the figurative speechof metaphor.A.CatB.dogC.frogD.butter

12、fly17.“To see a world in a grain of sand/And a heaven in a wildflower,/Hold infinity in the palm of your hand/And eternity in an hour.”Inthis line,what kind of figurative speech is used?A.SimileB.metaphorC.understatementD.metonymy18 _ is the first English poet to employ the neo-classic heroiccouplet

13、 and quatrain in his poems,who is credited with having reformedEnglish poetry.A Thomas Gray B Alexander Pope C John DonneD John Dryden19.Romanticism in America literature stretches from _ to thebreak forth of American Civil War.A.early 17th CB.early 18th CC.early 19th CD.Spanish-American War20.Autob

14、iography and biography belong to the major forms of _,the purpose of which is to give a presumably accurate accounting of apersons life.A.fictionB.non-fictionC.documentaryD.diaryIII.Answer the following questions as you are required(20 points in all,1 point for each)1.Alexander Pope()A.An Essay of D

15、ramatic Poesy2.Virginia Woolf()B.A Rose for Emily3.John Dryden()C.Ile4.Thomas Hardy()D.Ode to the West Wind5.Thomas More()E.The Portrait of the Artist as aYoung Man6.Robert Frost()F.Minstrelsy of the ScottishBorder7.Thomas Jefferson()G.Don Juan8.Eugene ONeill()H.Vanity Fair9.Sinclair Lewis()I.My Las

16、t Duchess10.Jonathan Swift()J.The Road Not Taken11.WilliamFaulkner()K.The Rape of the Lock12.T.S.Eliot()L.Im Nobody13.Percy ByssheShelley()M.The Battle of Books14.James Joyce()N.The Waste Land15.Robert Browning()O.the Declaration of Independence16.Walter Scott()P.The Grapes of Wrath17.EmilyDickinson

17、()Q.Babbitt18.George GordonByron()R.A Room of Ones Own19.William M.Thackeray()S.Utopia20.John Steinbeck()T.Tess of the dUrbervillesIV.Read the following selections and then answer the questions as youare required according to your comprehension.(40 points in all,8 points foreach)1“Tyger!Tyger!Burnin

18、g brightIn the forests of the night,What immortal hand or eyeCould frame thy fearful symmetry?”Questions:A.Identify the title of the poem written by William Blake.B.Please give a brief comment on the poem.2“To be or not to be,this is a question.”Questions:A.Identify the author and the title of this

19、sentence.B.Whats your understanding about this sentence?3.O,my love is a red,red rose.Thats newly sprung in June;O,my loves like the melodie,Thats sweetly played in tune.Questions:A.Who wrote this poem?Whats the title of the poem?B.What do you know about this poem?4.“As Oliver gave this first proof

20、of the free and proper action of hislungs,the patchwork coverlet which was carelessly flung over the ironbedstead,rustled;the pale face of a young woman was raised feebly from thepillow;and a faint voice imperfectly articulated the words,“Let me see thechild,and die.”Questions:A.Identify the novel a

21、nd the writer.B.Give a brief analysis of the hero.5.“Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth upon thiscontinent a new nation,conceived in liberty,and dedicated to the propositionthat all men are created equal.”Questions:A.Identify the names of the speech and its speaker.B.Analyze the

22、 characteristics that make it a good speechV.Topic Discussion(45 points in all,15 points for each within 200words)1.List the names of Lake Poets and their major works.Focus on one ofthe poets you like the best,and comment on the poet and one of his poems.2.Discuss the implication of the letter A in

23、The Scarlet Letter byNathaniel Hawthorne.3.Choose one from the following writers to discuss.Your discussionshould contain the writers basic background,the key representative works,and then select one of his works to analyze the theme and primary writingfeatures,etc.:Ernest Hemingway,William Wordswor

24、th,Jane Eyre,MarkTwain.2013年广东财经大学外国语学院807英美文学考研真题I.Choose five of the following seven terms to define.(25 points in all,5points for each)1.Comedy2.Stream of consciousness3.Classicism4.Foot(of poetry)5.Realism6.American Transcendentalism7.UnitarianismII.Fill in the blanks according to the related li

25、terary facts.(20 points inall,1 point for each)1.It is likely that in Eliots abundant use of literary reference in TheWaste of Land he was influenced by _.2.In vivid and graceful prose,Fitzgerald had portrayed the _ ofthe American worship of riches and the unending American dream of love,splendor,an

26、d fulfilled desires.3._ applies the principles of scientific determinism to fiction.Itviews human beings as animals in the natural world responding toenvironmental forces and internal stresses and drives,over none of whichthey have control and none of which they fully understand.4.Henry James keen o

27、bservation of human beings and deepunderstanding of them have made him one of the founding fathers of the_ fiction.5.It was his masterpiece The Great Gatsby that made _ one of thegreatest American novelists.6.Realism first appeared in the United States in the literature of _,and an amalgam if romant

28、ic plots and realistic descriptions of things wereimmediately observable.7.The eighteenth-century England is also,and better,known as the_ or the Age of Reason.8._ is a basic feature governing the structure of poetry,whether inthe planned succession of long and short syllables,as in Greek and Latinp

29、oetry,or in the use of accent and meter,as in modern poetry.9.“If Winter comes,can Spring be far behind?”the quoted line comesfrom Shelleys“_”.10.Philip Freneau was _ by training and taste yet romantic inessential spirit.11._,Byrons greatest work,was written in the prime of hiscreative power,in the

30、years 1818-1823.12.In defense of his unconventional theory of poetry,Wordsworthwrote a“Preface”to the second edition of the _,which appeared in1800.13.In the autobiographical account of the childhood,growth andmaturity of _,Dickens is actually retracing his own life.14._ is concerned both with how t

31、he meaning of a literary work isaffected when read from a womans perspective and how female charactersand women in general are treated within the work.15._ is a riddle which has meant so many things to so manypeople.Even today it is still hard for people to come to a universally acceptedunderstandin

32、g of the book.It is small wonder Clement Shorter would call itsauthor“the sphinx of our modern literature”.16.Lawrences most controversial novel is _.17._ is term in poetry applied to two successive lines of verse thatform a single unit because they rhyme;the term also is often used for linesthat ex

33、press a complete thought or form a separate stanza.18.The central theme of John Miltons“_”is taken from the Bibleand deals with the Christian story of“the fall of man”.19.The puritans believed in _ in life.20.Geoffrey Chaucer,the“_”and one of the greatest narrativepoets of England,was born in London

34、 in or about the year 1340.III.Match the writers with their works.(20 points in all,1 point foreach)1.William Thackeray()A.When You Are Old2.William Shakespeare()B.Idylls of the King3.Jonathan Swift()C.Sister Carrie4.Thomas Hardy()D.The Mill on the Floss5.James Joyce()E.The Rainbow6.William Butler Y

35、eats()F.A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man7.Charles Dickens()G.The Waste Land8.Jane Austen()H.Gullivers Travels9.Nathaniel Hawthorne()I.Far from the Madding Crowd10.Alfred Tennyson()J.Utopia11.John Bunyan()K.Widowers Houses12.G.B.Shaw()L.Othello13.Thomas Gray()M.Animal Farm14.David Lawrence()N.

36、Pride and Prejudice15.Thomas More()O.The Scarlet Letter16.George Eliot()P.Hard Times17.Edmund Spenser()Q.The Pilgrims Progress18.Theodore Dreiser()R.Elegy Written in a CountryChurchyard19.Thomas Stearns Eliot()S.Vanity Fair20.George Orwell()T.The Faerie QueenIV.Read the following selections and then

37、 answer the questions as youare required according to your comprehension.(40 points in all,8 points foreach)1“I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence:Two roads diverged in a wood,and I I took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the difference.”Questions:A.Identif

38、y the poem and the poet.B.What does the phrase“ages and ages hence”mean?C.What idea does the quoted passage express?2.“When the minister spoke from the pulpit,with power and fervideloquence,and with his hands on the open bible,of the sacred truths of ourreligion,and a saint like lives and triumphant

39、 deaths,and of future bliss ormisery unutterable,then did Goodman Brown turn pale,dreading,lest theroof should thunder down upon the gray blasphemer and his hearers.”Questions:A.Identify the title of the short story from which this part is taken andthe author.B.What had happened in the story before

40、this church scene?C.Why was Goodman Brown afraid that the roof might thunder down?3.“One short sleep past,we wake eternallyAnd death shall be no more;death,thou shalt die.”Questions:A.Identify the poem and the poet.B.What does the word“sleep”mean?C.What idea do the two lines express?4.“Nor lose poss

41、ession of that fair thou owest;Nor shall Death bragthou wanderest in his shade,When in eternal lines to time thou growest:Solong as men can breathe,or eyes can see,So long lives this,and this gives lifeto thee.”Questions:A.Identify the poem and the poet.B.Discuss BRIEFLY the main idea of the stanza

42、or of the whole canto.C.What are the possible implications of the last two lines?h 5“For oft,when on my couch I lieIn vacant or in pensive mood,They flash upon that inward eye Which isthe bliss of solitude;And then my heart with pleasure fills,And dances withthe daffodils.”QuestionsA.Identify the au

43、thor and the title.B.What does the phrase“inward eye”mean?C.Write out the main idea of the passage in plain English.V.Topic Discussion:Choose three of the five to discuss(45 points inall,15 for each)1.What is Mark Twains contribution to American Literature?2.Comment on Hemingways A Farewell to Arms.

44、3.Make a comparison between Tennyson and Browning.4.Give an explanation on Spenserian Stanza.5.Choose one from the following writers to discuss.Your discussionshould contain the writers basic background,the key representative works,and then select one of his works to analyze the theme and primary wr

45、itingfeatures,etc:William Blake;Jane Austen;Henry David Thoreau;William ButlerYeats;Ernest Hemingway;Robert Burns.2012年广东财经大学外国语学院804英美文学考研真题I.Define the following five terms.(25 points in all,5 points for eachwithin 400 words)1.English Renaissance2.English Enlightenment3.English Critical realism4.P

46、uritanism in Colonial America5.Naturalism in American literary creationII.Multiple choice:In each of the following twenty statements,there arefour choices marked by A,B,C,and D.Choose the ONE answer that is themost suitable to the statement.(20 points in all,1 point for each)1._ is Englands national

47、 epic,and John Miltons _ is thegreatest English epic.A.Beowulf Paradise LostB.Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Paradise RegainedC.The Robin Hood Ballads Samson AgonistesD.King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table Paradise Lost2.The greatest of the English humanists is _,the author of Utopia.A.Ge

48、offrey ChaucerB.Christopher MarloweC.Thomas MoreD.Francis Bacon3.Shakespeare wrote a cycle of 154 sonnets,rhymed uniformly _.A.ababcdcdefefggB.aabbccddeeffggC.ababccddefefggD.ababcdcdeeffgg4.The image of an enterprising Englishman of the 18th century wascreated by _ in his famous novel _.A.Jonathan

49、Swift Gullivers TravelsB.Oliver Goldsmith The Vicar of WakefieldC.Edward Gibbon The Decline and Fall of the Roman EmpireD.Daniel Defoe Robinson Crusoe5.Henry Fieldings novels unfold a panorama of life in all sections ofEnglish society.His greatest work is _.A.The Deserted VillageB.The School for Sca

50、ndalC.Hard TimesD.The History of Tom Jones,A Foundling6._ is the national poet of Scotland.A.William BlakeB.Alexander PopeC.Thomas GrayD.Robert Burns7._,S.T.Coleridge and Robert Southey have often beenmentioned as the“Lake poets”because they lived in the lake district ofnorthwestern England.A.John K

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