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1、大连交通大学信息工程学院毕业设计(论文)任务书题 目 华夏银行ATM取款机系统任务及要求:1.设计(研究)内容和要求任务:1、 调查华夏银行ATM取款机系统当前技术的发展近况,完成实习报告,字数不少于3000,第三周交给指导老师。2、 结合自己实习情况安排进度,填写进度计划表,第二周完成后交给指导老师签字,并严格执行。3、 按照软件工程思想,独立完成系统的设计和程序开发,完成代码估计2000行左右。4、 用java技术实现ATM取款机的功能。5、 程序简洁,算法可行,运行情况良好。要求:1、 每周和指导老师至少见面沟通一次,回报课题进展情况,接受老师询问。2、 接到任务书后,查阅与题目及专业相

2、关的外文资料进行翻译,要求不少于10000个外文字符,译出汉字不得少于3000,于第四周交给指导老师审阅。3、 毕业设计第13周完成毕业论文的装订,并由指导老师评阅。论文要求12000字以上,包括综述、系统总体设计、系统实现、性能分析、结论等。4、 教学第13周通过中软及教研室组织进行软件验收,验收时要提供软件使用说明书。5、 于第13周提出毕业答辩申请并签字。6、 第14 周答辩,要求制作PPT2.原始依据经过四年的大学学习,对各方面专业知识有了基本的认识,比如java,oracle,C语言,C+,数据结构,软件工程等,并在大四来到中软接受培训,有了实际动手操作的经验,因此已经具备了完成一般

3、小型系统的能力,另外还有大量图书的参考,各位老师抽出时间对我们的帮助,使我们在完成毕设时事半而功倍。3.参考文献1 Cornel Horstmann 著.Core Java第3版.Prentice-Hall.19972 叶核亚.陈立著.Java2程序设计实用教程.北京电子工业出版社.2003.53 张桂珠.刘丽.陈爱国.Java面向对象程序设计M.北京邮电大学出版社.2007.84 朱辉生.大型数据库系统概论(Oracle9i).高等教育出版社.20065 张冬泉.ATM业务及故障监控系统的研究与开发.机械工程出版社.20086 武卫华.计算机专业英语M.科学出版社.20047 王利.数据库基

4、础与应用M.北京中央广播电视大学出版社.19978 高阳.数据库技术与应用M.电子工业出版社.20039 Harvey M.Deitel.Paul J.Deitel 著.Java How to Program.机械工业出版社.2002.0110 Bruce Eckel 著.Thinking in Java.北京机械工业出版社.2011.01指导教师签字:教研室主任签字: 年 月 日大连交通大学信息工程学院毕业设计(论文)进度计划与考核表学生姓名司小东专业班级计算机科学与技术08-1班指导教师刘品于林林本课题其他人员无题目华夏银行ATM取款机系统日期计划完成内容完成情况指导老师检查签字第1周拟订

5、毕业论文进度计划与考核表第2周实习调研,查阅课题相关外文资料第3周提交外文文献翻译资料第4周系统总体设计第5周系统详细设计及实现第6周系统编码实施、完成论文初稿第7周完成系统编码实施第8周系统编码调试、提交论文初稿第9周完成系统编码调试、完善毕业论文第10周完成撰写毕业设计论文编写及代码测试第11周完成论文终稿、准备毕业论文打印、装订第12周提交毕业论文终稿及代码第13周软件验收和准备毕业设计答辩第14周毕业设计答辩及成绩评定指导教师签字: 年月日注:“计划完成内容”由学生本人认真填写,其它由指导教师考核时填写。大连交通大学信息工程学院毕业设计(论文)外文翻译学生姓名 司小东 专业班级 计算机

6、08-1班 指导教师 刘品于林林 职 称 高工 讲师 所在单位 信息科学系计算机教研室 教研室主任 宋丽芳 完成日期 2012 年 4 月 13 日Swing and Oracle9iSwing is used to develop Java applications, user interface development kit. Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) based on cross-platform application can use the pluggable look and feel. Swing developer, only a few l

7、ines of code you can use a Swing rich, flexible features and modular components to create an elegant user interface.The graphical user interface (GUI) library was originally designed to allow programmers to build a common GUI on all platforms are able to display properly. Sorry AWT generated graphic

8、al user interface in all systems seem to be equally poor, JAVA1.2 for the old java1.0 the AWT to add the Java Foundation Classes (JFC), which is known as the Swing part of the GUI. Swing is the second-generation GUI development tool set, AWT related to the specific platform, while most of the Swing

9、components are not. Swing is to build a collection of a set of GUI components in the AWT upper order to guarantee portability, it is completely written in Java AWT, Swing provides a more complete components, the introduction of many new features and capabilities . Swing provides more of the componen

10、t library, such as: JTable, JTree Jcombox, and Swing also enhanced the functionality of the AWT component. It is because Swing has so many advantages to our future in the development, use Swing. The JComponent class is the base class of the Swing components JComponent inherited from the Container cl

11、ass, all Swing components are AWT containers. Swing uses the MVC design pattern.October 2000 at Oracle Open World on the release of the Oracle database, application server and development tools introduced many new features. Oracle9i is the industrys first complete, easy for a new generation of intel

12、ligent Internet, collaborative applications software infrastructure. Oracle9i actually refers to Oracle9i Database, Oracle 9i Application Server and Oracle9i Developer Suite complete integration. With the software gradually began to change as a hosted service (hosted services), with a highly scalabl

13、e on the internet can, and intelligent, and reliable Oracle9i will be e-commerce services to achieve high-quality critical software.Edit this paragraph of the new features of Oracle 9iOracle 9i for e-business environment by providing a range of specific functions and packages, such as Oracle 8i as t

14、he continued focus on the Internet. In addition, Oracle 9i added new features and functionality, and expand to give mission-critical infrastructure investment. Here we introduce Oracle 9i in certain key areas of development of new features: First, the key infrastructure areas of the new features of

15、1 to achieve continuous data availability Oracle 9i significantly expand the availability of Oracle databases on the Internet regarding the position. Including: a. the worlds leading data protection environment Oracle 9i includes many new features to improve data protection. In addition to the exist

16、ing Standby products to enhance the focus, but also includes a provision monitoring, automation and control framework. And management of backup data is on the automation of many tasks, including initialization implementation, error jumps and easily switch back and forth between the master and slave.

17、 In Oracle 9i also enhanced LogMiner, in order to provide full SQL-based log analysis. b. evolution of online data Oracle 9i includes a new online re-organization and re-define the structure, this system provides a more powerful re-organization capabilities. Oracle 9i now allows even the machine Cre

18、ate Table As Select operation. In the new architecture, the table is copied to a new table, copy the contents in the same time, a database to track updates to the original table. Using the new architecture, you can even drive change any physical property of the table, while a number of logical attri

19、butes can be changed. Oracle 9i also supports higher-level sub-index index-organized tables online creation, renewal. Administrators can quickly stop the database in order to perform the requested operation inactive transaction. c. accurate database repair Oracle 8i contains very complete recovery,

20、Oracle 9i by making them more powerful and more accurate they were extended. Oracle 9i includes disk damage and improved prevention and better treatment. Oracle 9i can also use the new two-pass recovery algorithm is faster to recover from a crash, this algorithm is to ensure that only those blocks n

21、eed to be addressed only from the data file read and write data files. D. self-service error correction Oracle 9i includes a powerful human error handling techniques, including the authorized end-users in a more accurate, more effective and easier way to correct the errors of its own function. To ch

22、ange the error, end users need to be able to identify the error by viewing the change history, and they need to be able to restore the data to the data before the error occurred to exit the error. There are two query methods, one is to use Oracle 9is Flashback (flashback style) query feature allows

23、a point from the past to query the data, one is Logminer search the database from the log file change history. (2) scalability and performance of Oracle 9i allows e-commerce extends to millions of users, each user every hour execute millions of transaction processing. Include: a.Oracle 9i Real Appli

24、cation Clusters-Cache Fusion Oracle 9i Real Application Clusters can be used to make the application can access the database without modification of the high availability, scalability, and performance. Oracle 9i Cache Fusion architecture all nodes using cluster aggregation cache to satisfy database

25、requests. Oracle 9i Cache Fusion in the read / read, read / write and write / write contention case directly to the data blocks from one node to another node cache transported the cache. This is based on processing the read / write contention before the implementation of Oracle 8i Cache Fusion basis

26、. b. scalable session state management function of the new shared memory, JAVA session support improvements, networking and multi-line into the server Oracle 9i improved greatly reduces the need for each user on the coverage area - to allow more users hosted on the one or more of the same hardware p

27、latform. c. play a key role in e-commerce optimization features in Oracle 9i specific performance improvements focused on improving e-commerce solutions play a key role in the field and performance. Improved local compile PL / SQL optimization support greatly enhanced the performance of many of toda

28、ys applications. On the application server and Oracle 9i database back-end connection between the terms, Oracle Net Services new featuresVI (Virtual Interface, Virtual Interface) Protocol to support performance improvement of 10%. In addition, a specific network interface optimization, new and impro

29、ved virtual circuit I / O and unified event / wait mode is greatly enhanced client / server communication performance. By using the OCI to redo the database / database communication to improve the performance of a distributed database. 3-end security architecture Oracle 9i continue to provide the in

30、dustrys most secure application platform and deployment platform. Include: a. robust three-tier security certification increased by three levels of security agents, including X.509 license or identification document (DN) of the credit agency, the fat JDBC support, connection sharing application user

31、s (JDBC and fat thin JDBC, OCI), and integration with Oracle Internet Directory. b. standards-based PKI Oracle Advanced Security (Advanced Security) standards-based PKI, including Public Key Certificate (PKCS) # 12 support to allow the existing PKI credit by the Oreacle Wallet share, thereby reducin

32、g the cost of PKI deployment and enhance the interaction of. c. Deep database protection Oracle Label Security, based Viretual Private Database (Virtual Private Database, VPD) products, the VPD has more features, more fine granularity audit, to provide a more reassuring host security. Fine granulari

33、ty audit allows you to define audit policies, it can specify the database audit event to trigger the appropriate access to early, and use a flexible event handler, the event notification will trigger the system administrator. d. Improved Enterprise User Security (Enterprise User Security) Oracle Adv

34、anced Security for Enterprise User Security has been enhanced, including Oracle Internet Directory is provided to a password-based user management and password management capabilities also been strengthened, the users and promote the improvement of security policy management. e. Oracle adds data enc

35、ryption to a secure random number generator (RNG) into DBMS_OBFUSCATION_TOOLLKIT data storage encryption. f.Oracle Label Security (Oracle Label Security) Oracle Label Security is a precise granular access control products. It will add a special label to the data line, to provide sophisticated and fl

36、exible security label. g.Oracle Internet Directory (Oracle Internet Directory) Oracle 9i supports LDAP naming system technology to network management, to facilitate the deployment of the system, whether the customer has one or hundreds of databases, each with a dozen or hundreds of thousands of a us

37、er. 4 e-business application development platform Oracle 9i continue to e-commerce applications and traditional application development to provide the best development platform. Include: a.Enterprise Java Engine in the third edition of Oracle 8i, JAVA features already provided a series, Oracle 9i Da

38、tabase Edition for Java support focused on: improving the embedded Java Virtual Machine (VM) of the performance, provide new IDBC and SQLJ functions, stored procedures as well as enhance the Java J2EE container bug fixes. b.XML support-XML types and XDK Oracle 9i database to enhance the operation of

39、 many features, these operations through SQL to XML stored in the database and the traditional database data into XML. In Oracle 9i, XML supports two major areas, one is built AML Developer Kit (XML Development Kit, XDK), is a native XML type. c.SQL and PL / SQL improvements in Oracle 9i, improved S

40、QL and PL / SQL in order to meet the requirements of modern development. In addition to native compiler, but also improve the overall PL / SQL compiler. To enhance the usefulness of the object, inheritance, type evolution and dynamic method dispatch in Oracle 9i are supported. Oracle 9i also support

41、s the new ANSI requirements, including the CASE statement, in line with ANSI label version of the link and keep the support. 5 manageability major improvements management is one of Oracle 9i. Oracle 9i to take the management of five areas: a. Oracle 9i database self-management data to manage their o

42、wn withdrawal (back, Rollback) segment - Administrators no longer need to carefully plan and optimize the rollback segment number and size of or strategy for how the transaction will be assigned to a specific rollback segment to worry about. Oracle 9i memory management is given significant control o

43、f another area. b. improved and simplified operation and management of other traditional database management has been improved. With Oracle 9i the enduring features of the introduction of INIT.ORA parameter changes persist in the repeated closure. c. fine, automated resource management was introduce

44、d in Oracle 8i Database Resource Manager in Oracle 9i has been greatly enhanced to the resources of the finer control, and adds some new features. d. management tools and techniques but also provides a new Oracle 9i features, tools and techniques, so that the administrator has left very little work

45、has become a pleasure. In Oracle 9i, Oracle Enterprise Manager to continue to provide support for databases and entire e-commerce platform, easy to use management tool features. To further simplify management tasks, Oracle Enterprise Manager to enhance the guidance of experts, including diagnosis an

46、d problem resolution. All the basic management functions are based on the WEB, the administrator can directly from the WEB browser to manage their systems. e. end systems management solution in Oracle 9i, Oracle Enterprise Manager also allows administrators to monitor beyond just a single target (su

47、ch as databases) the performance of this range, the administrator can monitor the entire system based on Oracles response, and ensure that They meet the needs of business service level agreement. 6.Windows integrated Oracle 9i on a Windows 2000-based platform leadership. Include: a. integration with

48、 Windows 2000 and Oracle 9i support Microsoft Transaction Servise, Microsoft Message Queuing and Internet Information Services better integrated. Oracle 9i in the PKI architecture and Single Signon function with Windows 2000, Active Directory and Microsoft Certificate Store is well integrated together. b. In the MS Windows platform development and deployment for Windows developers, O

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