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1、Paper One试卷一(90 minutes)Part Dialogue Communication(10minutes,10 points)Section A Dialogue CompletionDirection:In this section,you will read five short incomplete dialogues between two speakers,each followed by four choices marked A,B,C,and D. Choose the best answer that best suits the situation to

2、complete the dialogue by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.1.A:Sorry to bother you,but could you tell me the way to Sunset Road?B: A. Sorry,I couldnt help.B. Yes,what can I do for you?C. Im afraid I have no idea.D. Its

3、not too far from here,is it?2.A:Do you do exercises every day?B: A. No,it depends on what kind of exercise.B. No,I go to health club most of the time.C. Yes,usually every other day.D. Yes,rain or shine.3.A:That was a delicious meal,Mrs. Barr. Thank you very much.B: A. Youre welcome. B. Never mind.C.

4、 It doesnt matter. D. Its just OK.4.A:I have a last favor to ask of you. Could you drive my daughter to the airport?B: A. Shall I get the ticket for her.B. Yeah,I like that.C. You bet I will.D. Sure, itd be a pleasure.5.A:May I see the dentist now?B: A. Is it a real emergency?B. Do you have an appoi

5、ntment?C. In that case,youll have to wait.D. Ill talk to the dentist and squeeze you in.Section B Dialogue ComprehensionDirection:In this section,you will read five short conversations between a man and a woman,At the end of each conversation there is a question followed by four choices marked A,B,C

6、,and D. Choose the best answer to the question from the four choices by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.6.Man:Im going to ask the neighbors to turn the music down. I cant hear myself think.Woman:Do you really think it

7、 makes my difference to them?Question:What does the woman mean?A. He should have told them earlier.B. It is of no use to turn the music down.C. The neighbors will not listen to him.D. He should focus on his own thinking.7.Man:What shall we take for the rap?Woman:Wed better take the bare necessities.

8、Question:What does the woman suggest?A. They should take as little as possible.B. They should take their daily necessities.C. They should take as much as they can.D. They should take nothing with them.8.Woman:We are going to go away on vacation . Can you hear me?Man:Im all ears.Question:What does th

9、e man mean?A. He is listening attentively.B. He couldnt care less.C. He likes the womans idea.D. He is against the womans plan.9.Woman:Im really behind with my project. Can you help me?Man:Im afraid you bit off more than you could chew!Question:What does the man mean?A. He is not willing to help the

10、 woman.B. The woman is unable to do the project.C. The woman is doing more than she can manage.D. He is not in a position to help the woman.10.Woman:Theres Bill on his motorcycle again. Did he get it fixed in the garage?Man:Dont be silly. That would have been a waste of money. It only had a flat tir

11、e.Question:What does the man imply?A. The woman was so silly as to waste much money.B. It was costly to have the motorcycle fixed in the garage.C. Bill must have repaired my motorcycle himself.D. There was a serious problem with the motorcycle.Part Vocabulary(10 minutes,10 points)Section ADirection:

12、In this section there are ten sentences,each with one word or phrase underlined. Choose the one from the four choices marked A,B,C and D that best keeps the meaning of the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.1

13、1.Readers are required to abide by the rules of the library and mind their manners.A. observeB. memorizeC. reviewD. compose12.The coach explained the regulations at length to make sure that none of his players would become violators.A. at last B. at large C. in detail D. in short13.The cost of healt

14、hcare and health insurance remains the most urgent health problem facing the country today.A. pressing B. important C. neglected D. complicated14.She believes that she is not a good mother because she does not fit the stereotype of a woman who spends all her time with her children.A. popular image B

15、. common standardC. fixed conception D. pleasant notion15.Thus the most logical approach is to focus our analysis on the trade relations of Spain with other European countries.A. reasoning B. conclusion C. position D. method16.We no longer keep up the close friendship of a few years ago though we st

16、ill visit each other on occasion.A. in good time B. up to dateC. now and then D. once and for all17.The university offered several more courses for the purpose of furthering the career aspirations of its students.A. ambitions B. achievementsC. advantages D. advances18.Many women prefer to use cosmet

17、ics to enhance their beauty and make them look younger.A. enforce B. magnify C. improve D. polish19.The leaders of the two countries are planning their summit meeting with a pledge to maintain and develop good ties.A. strategy B. standpoint C. promise D. priority20.Many youngsters have heard their p

18、arents say,“Youll never amount to anything if you keep daydreaming that way!”A. be equal to B. accomplish C. add up to D. pursueSection B21.Two decades ago a woman who shook hands with men on her own _ was usually viewed as too forward.A. endeavor B. initiativeC. motivation D. preference22.The fruit

19、_ more than half the countrys annual exports according to a recent report.A. accounts forB. stands for C. provides for D. makes for23.The violent_ f his youth reappeared and was directed not only at the army but at his wife as well.A. impatience B. character C. temper D. quality24.This hypothesis st

20、ates that environments that are too clean may actually make the_ system develop oversensitive responses.A. mental B. nervous C. immune D. physical25.The Adult Vocational College is an opportunity to gain the right qualifications for various careers for it offers an_ range of subjects and courses.A.

21、additional B. excessive C. adequate D. extensive26.Its disturbing to note how many of the crimes we do know about were detected _ not by systematic inspections or other security procedures.A. by accident B. on schedule C. in general D. at intervals27.You can always_ Jim in a crisis,for he is simply

22、the most helpful person Ive ever known.A. refer to B. count on C. cope with D. run into 28.He wanted to stay at home,but at last he agreed,very_,though,to go to the concert.A. decisively B. reluctantly C. willingly D. deliberately29.The audience,hostile at first,were greatly_ by her excellent perfor

23、mance.A. annoyed B. encouraged C. impressed D. depressed30.Many birds and insects can build_ nests to provide shelter for their young.A. glories B. elaborate C. splendid D. advancedPart Reading Comprehension(45minutes,25points)Directions:There are five passages in this part. Each passage is followed

24、 by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the best one and mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.Passage OneAt all ages and at all stages of life,fear prese

25、nts a problem to almost everyone.“We are largely the playthings of our fears,”wrote the British author Horace Walpole many years ago.“To one,fear of the dark;to another,of physical pain;to a third,of public ridicule;to a fourth,of poverty;to a fifth,of lonelinessfor all of us our particular creature

26、 waits in a hidden place.”Fear is often a useful emotion. When you become frightened,many physical changes occur within your body. Your heartbeat and responses quicken;your pupils expand to admit more light;large quantities of energy-producing adrenalin(肾上腺素)are poured into your bloodstream. Confron

27、ted with a fire or accident,fear can fuel life-saving flight(逃离). Similarly,when a danger is psychological rather than physical,fear can force you to take self-protective measures. It is only when fear is disproportional to the danger at hand that it becomes a problem.Some people are simply more vul

28、nerable to fear than others. A visit to the newborn nursery of any large hospital will demonstrate that,from the moment of their births,a few fortunate infants respond calmly to sudden fear-producing situations such as a loudly slammed door. Yet a neighbor in the next bed may cry out with profound f

29、right. From birth,he or she is more prone to learn fearful responses because he or she has inherited a tendency to be more sensitive.Further,psychologists know that our early experiences and relationships strongly shape and determine our later fears. A young man named Bill,for example,grew up with a

30、 father who regarded each adversity as a temporary obstacle to be overcome with imagination and courage. Using his father as a model,Bill came to welcome adventure and to trust his own ability to solve problems. Phils dad,however,spent most of his time trying to protect himself and his family. Afrai

31、d to risk the insecurity of a job change,he remained unhappy in one position. He avoided long vacations because“the car might break down.”Growing up in such a home,Phil naturally learned to become fearful and tense.31.In the last sentence of Paragraph 1,“our particular creature”refers to .A. fear of

32、 something B. a fierce beastC. physical pain D. public ridicule32.Fear can be useful emotion to us because it can .A. stimulate many physical changes within our bodyB. quicken our heartbeat and responses C. pour large quantities of adrenaline into our bloodstreamD. help us respond quickly to danger

33、and protect ourselves33.Fear becomes a problem only when .A. the danger is thought greater than it really isB. the danger is more psychological than physicalC. one cannot stand the dangerD. one is not well prepared for it34.Different responses of newborn infants to a loudly slammed door imply that .

34、A. some people are inherently more easily affected by dangerB. peoples response to stimuli is not an inherited featureC. some people seem to be very sensitive to noiseD. people sometimes seem to turn a deaf ear to noise35.Psychologists have found that our later fears are determined largely by our .A

35、. home education B. school educationC. parents lifestyle D. early experiencesPassage TwoSea horses are unusual parents. The female sea horses lay the eggs,but unlike other creatures,its the males that give birth to the young. Male sea horse have a fold of skin on their bellies that forms a pocket,ca

36、lled a brood pouch. During the breeding season,the sea horses pouch swells to receive eggs. A female sea horse lays up to 200 eggs at a time in the pouch. Then she swims off,leaving her male partner to care for the developing eggs and give birth to young sea horses. The female will return every day

37、to check on her mate and the eggs,but she doesnt stay long,nor does she take part in the birth. It takes from two to six weeks for the eggs in the males pouch to develop. During this time the male avoids open water and hides in sea grass. His big pouch makes it difficult for him to swim,so the male

38、often uses his tail to grasp a piece of sea grass. Firmly,gripping the grass,he will stay perfectly still for hours or even days. The male sea horse will change his color to blend with his surroundings and avoid being seen by predators who will try to eat him or poke holes in his pouch to get the eg

39、gs. The eggs hatch inside the males pouch. When the babies begin moving around,the male sea horse knows its time for them to be born. He grabs a sea grass stem with his tail and begins rocking,bending,and stretching his body back and forth This causes the opening to enlarge until it is wide enough f

40、or the first baby sea horse to shoot out. The father sea horse continues rocking,bending,and stretching his body so that the rest of the babies can be born. Sometimes he has to press his pouch against a rock or some stiff seaweed to force the young out.Sea horse babies are born in groups of five or

41、more. Sometimes it takes two days for the father sea horse to give birth to all his young. He is very tired when its over. Soon after giving birth to one brood,the male will approach his mate and show her his empty pouch. This tells her he is ready to receive eggs again. 36.What part does the female

42、 sea horse play in having babies?A. Receiving eggs. B. Laying eggs.C. Hatching eggs. D. Protecting eggs.37.What can be learned from the passage about giving birth to baby sea horses?A. It is dangerous for the female. B. It happens once a year.C. It is hard work for the male. D. It occurs in the deep

43、 sea.38.To protect himself and his eggs,the male sea horse does all the following EXCEPT .A. changing his color B. gripping a piece of grassC. staying motionless D. enlarging his pouch39.The author suggests when sea horse babies are ready to be born .A. the male sea horse seems very happyB. it is di

44、fficult for them to come outC. the female sea horse joins the male D. they need large space in the pouch40.Which fact does the author want the reader to remember most?A. The male sea horse gives birth to the young.B. The female sea horse lays up to 200 eggs at a time. C. Baby sea horse are born in g

45、roups of five or more.D. The female will return every day to check on the eggs.Passage ThreeWhen 23-year-old Eric Atienza graduated from college last year,he didnt have a job. Not wanting to give up his apartment and move back with his parents,he did what many young Americans are doing:he signed up

46、with a temp agency,which places workers on short-term jobs. Temporary workers such as Atienza comprise 20 percent of the US workforce. In 1985,417000 workers were classified as temporary help. In 2023,there are more than 2.5 million,according to Labour Department data. Using temporary workers allows

47、 companies to increase or decrease the number of staff as their workloads change. It also allows companies to avoid the costs involved in hiring and firing long-term employees.Many temp agency owners and career specialists say temping is a good way for recent graduates to get experience.“Short-term jobs let graduates try out different companies to find the best fit,”said Pegi Wheatley,owner of McCall Staffing,a San Fra

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