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1、病 房 护 士 长 职 责1、在护理部、科护士长的领导和科主任的业务指导下,根据护理部及科内工作计划,制订本病房具体计划,并组织实施,定期总结汇报。2、负责本病房护理人员及环境、物品、药品的管理。3、负责对本病区护理人员的执业指导,教育护理人员加强责任心、改善服务态度,遵守劳动纪律,密切医护配合。4、根据病人的需要和护理人员的情况合理安排护士的工作。组织、指导并参与危重病人的抢救及护理工作。5、督促、检查护理人员严格执行各项规章制度和技术操作规程,确保护理安全和护理质量。6、参加科主任查房、科内会诊、大手术或新开展手术、疑难病例、死亡病例的讨论。7、检查、指导护士正确运用护理程序和开展健康教育


3、配合。病区副护士长协助护士长负责相应的工作。1、护理人员花名册姓名出生年月参加工作时间进入本科时间何时何校毕业学历职称晋升时间注册情况联系电话备注2、护理人员花名册姓名出生年月参加工作时间进入本科时间何时何校毕业学历职称晋升时间注册情况联系电话备注3、病区护理人员结构(上半年)年 龄学 历职 称50岁以上4049岁3039岁29岁以下硕士本科大专中专副高中级初级未注册人数比例病区护理人员结构(下半年)年 龄学 历职 称50岁以上4049岁3039岁29岁以下硕士本科大专中专副高中级初级未注册人数比例4、病区床位与护理人员比例(上半年)病区固定床位数(张)病区实际床位数(张)病区护士人数(人)实

4、际病床数:护士人数按国家规范(1:0.4)尚缺护士人数病区床位与护理人员比例(下半年)病区固定床位数(张)病区实际床位数(张)病区护士人数(人)实际病床数:护士人数按国家规范(1:0.4)尚缺护士人数5、护士考勤记录(休假天数) 月姓 名123456789101112备注(病假、事假等说明):6、年工作计划要点内容含护理质控、培训、科研、教学等7、科室护理人员“西学中”培训计划要点内容含中医理论、中医操作、疾病护理常规、辩证施护等内容。8、第一季度科室工作计划和重点重 点 内 容调 整 计 划9、每月工作计划和重点月份重 点 内 容完 成 情 况一月二月三月月份重 点 内 容完 成 情 况四月

5、五月六月月份重 点 内 容完 成 情 况七月八月九月月份重 点 内 容完 成 情 况十月十一月十二 月10、参加业务或行政查房记录(一月)日期项 目内 容指标要求:护士长每周或每月参加科主任业务查房、护理质量检查记录。 11、一月工作小结内容:月计划、临时性工作完成情况,存在问题及整改设想,未完成计划及原因12、护理部会议记录(一月)13、参加业务或行政查房记录 (二月)日期项 目内 容指标要求:护士长每周或每月参加科主任业务查房、护理质量检查记录。 14、二月工作小结内容:月计划、临时性工作完成情况,存在问题及整改设想,未完成计划及原因15、护理部会议记录(二月)16、参加业务或行政查房记录

6、 (三月) 日期项 目内 容指标要求:护士长每周或每月参加科主任业务查房、护理质量检查记录。 17、三月工作小结 内容:月计划、临时性工作完成情况,存在问题及整改设想,未完成计划及原因18、护理部会议记录(三月)19、第二季度工作计划和重点 重 点 内 容调 整 计 划20、参加业务或行政查房记录 ((四月) 日期项 目内 容指标要求:护士长每周或每月参加科主任业务查房、护理质量检查记录。 21、四月工作小结 内容:月计划、临时性工作完成情况,存在问题及整改设想,未完成计划及原因22、护理部会议记录(四月)23、参加业务或行政查房记录 (五月) 日期项 目内 容指标要求:护士长每周或每月参加科

7、主任业务查房、护理质量检查记录。 24、五月工作小结内容:月计划、临时性工作完成情况,存在问题及整改设想,未完成计划及原因25、护理部会议记录(五月)26、参加业务或行政查房记录 (六月) 日期查房主任姓名内 容指标要求:护士长每周或每月参加科主任业务查房、护理质量检查记录。 30、六月工作小结 内容:月计划、临时性工作完成情况,存在问题及整改设想,未完成计划及原因31、护理部会议记录(六月)+32、 年上半年护理工作总结1.数据统计:在职培训:外出参加学术会议:省级 人次,接收进修生 人次,实习生 人次。专科学习:护理业务学习 次(小讲课 次、专题研讨 次)、护理查房 次、开展新业务新技术

8、项。一般差错 起,严重差错 起。2.文字总结 :33、第三季度工作计划和重点重 点 内 容调 整 计 划34、参加主任业务或行政查房记录 (七月) 日期项 目内 容指标要求:护士长每周或每月参加科主任业务查房、护理质量检查记录。 35、七月工作小结 内容:月计划、临时性工作完成情况,存在问题及整改设想,未完成计划及原因36、护理部会议记录(七月)37、参加主任业务或行政查房记录 (八月) 日期项 目内 容指标要求:护士长每周或每月参加科主任业务查房、护理质量检查记录。 38、八月工作小结 内容:月计划、临时性工作完成情况,存在问题及整改设想,未完成计划及原因39、护理部会议记录(八月)40、参

9、加主任业务或行政查房记录 (九月) 日期项 目内 容指标要求:护士长每周或每月参加科主任业务查房、护理质量检查记录。 41、九月工作小结 内容:月计划、临时性工作完成情况,存在问题及整改设想,未完成计划及原因42、护理部会议记录(九月)43、第四季度工作计划目标和重点 重 点 内 容调 整 计 划44、参加主任业务或行政查房记录 (十月)日期项 目内 容指标要求:护士长每周或每月参加科主任业务查房、护理质量检查记录。 45、十月工作小结 内容:月计划、临时性工作完成情况,存在问题及整改设想,未完成计划及原因46、护理部会议记录(十月)47、参加主任业务或行政查房记录 (十一月) 日期项 目内

10、容+指标要求:护士长每周或每月参加科主任业务查房、护理质量检查记录。 48、十一月工作小结 内容:月计划、临时性工作完成情况,存在问题及整改设想,未完成计划及原因49、护理部会议记录(十一月)50、参加主任业务或行政查房记录 (十二月) 日期项 目内 容指标要求:护士长每周或每月参加科主任业务查房、护理质量检查记录。 51、十二月工作小结 内容:月计划、临时性工作完成情况,存在问题及整改设想,未完成计划及原因52、护理部会议记录(十二月)54、临时性工作任务调配记录(护理人员动态记录)起止时间下达任务部门任务内容参加人数参加人员姓名临时调配完成情况备 注何病区借入借去何病区55、 好 人 好

11、事 登 记 日期事 件 内 容姓 名备 注56、科室护理人员考核成绩登记(理论考试)日期姓名考核项目成绩备注57、 科室护理人员考核成绩登记(操作考核)日期姓名考核项目成绩备注58、满意度调查统计表 (科室: )月份发放份数满意份数满意度(%)反馈问题合计59、每周晨会提问记录日期提问内容回答人得分备注日期提问内容回答人得分备注60、年度工作总结1.数据统计:在职培训:外出参加学术会议:省级 人次,接收进修生 人次,实习生 人次。专科学习:护理业务学习 次(小讲课 次、专题研讨 次)、护理查房 次、开展新业务新技术 项。一般差错 起,严重差错 起。2.文字总结:请删除以下内容,O(_)O谢谢!

12、The origin of taxation in the United States can be traced to the time when the colonists were heavily taxed by Great Britain on everything from tea to legal and business documents that were required by the Stamp Tax. The colonists disdain for this taxation without representation (so-called because t

13、he colonies had no voice in the establishment of the taxes) gave rise to revolts such as the Boston Tea Party. However, even after the Revolutionary War and the adoption of the U.S. Constitution, the main source of revenue for the newly created states was money received from customs and excise taxes

14、 on items such as carriages, sugar, whiskey, and snuff. Income tax first appeared in the United States in 1862, during the Civil War. At that time only about one percent of the population was required to pay the tax. A flat-rate income tax was imposed in 1867. The income tax was repealed in its enti

15、rety in 1872. Income tax was a rallying point for the Populist party in 1892, and had enough support two years later that Congress passed the Income Tax Act of 1894. The tax at that time was two percent on individual incomes in excess of $4,000, which meant that it reached only the wealthiest member

16、s of the population. The Supreme Court struck down the tax, holding that it violated the constitutional requirement that direct taxes be apportioned among the states by population (pollock v. farmers loan & trust, 158 U.S. 601, 15 S. Ct. 912, 39 L. Ed. 1108 1895). After many years of debate and comp

17、romise, the sixteenth amendment to the Constitution was ratified in 1913, providing Congress with the power to lay and collect taxes on income without apportionment among the states. The objectives of the income tax were the equitable distribution of the tax burden and the raising of revenue. Since

18、1913 the U.S. income tax system has become very complex. In 1913 the income tax laws were contained in eighteen pages of legislation; the explanation of the tax reform act of 1986 was more than thirteen hundred pages long (Pub. L. 99-514, Oct. 22, 1986, 100 Stat. 2085). Commerce Clearing House, a pu

19、blisher of tax information, released a version of the Internal Revenue Code in the early 1990s that was four times thicker than its version in 1953. Changes to the tax laws often reflect the times. The flat tax of 1913 was later replaced with a graduated tax. After the United States entered world wa

20、r i, the War Revenue Act of 1917 imposed a maximum tax rate for individuals of 67 percent, compared with a rate of 13 percent in 1916. In 1924 Secretary of the Treasury Andrew W. Mellon, speaking to Congress about the high level of taxation, stated, The present system is a failure. It was an emergen

21、cy measure, adopted under the pressure of war necessity and not to be counted upon as a permanent part of our revenue structure. The high rates put pressure on taxpayers to reduce their taxable income, tend to destroy individual initiative and enterprise, and seriously impede the development of prod

22、uctive business. Ways will always be found to avoid taxes so destructive in their nature, and the only way to save the situation is to put the taxes on a reasonable basis that will permit business to go on and industry to develop. Consequently, the Revenue Act of 1924 reduced the maximum individual

23、tax rate to 43 percent (Revenue Acts, June 2, 1924, ch. 234, 43 Stat. 253). In 1926 the rate was further reduced to 25 percent. The Revenue Act of 1932 was the first tax law passed during the Great Depression (Revenue Acts, June 6, 1932, ch. 209, 47 Stat. 169). It increased the individual maximum ra

24、te from 25 to 63 percent, and reduced personal exemptions from $1,500 to $1,000 for single persons, and from $3,500 to $2,500 for married couples. The national industrial recovery act of 1933 (NIRA), part of President franklin d. roosevelts new deal, imposed a five percent excise tax on dividend rec

25、eipts, imposed a capital stock tax and an excess profits tax, and suspended all deductions for losses (June 16, 1933, ch. 90, 48 Stat. 195). The repeal in 1933 of the eighteenth amendment, which had prohibited the manufacture and sale of alcohol, brought in an estimated $90 million in new liquor tax

26、es in 1934. The social security act of 1935 provided for a wage tax, half to be paid by the employee and half by the employer, to establish a federal retirement fund (Old Age Pension Act, Aug. 14, 1935, ch. 531, 49 Stat. 620). The Wealth Tax Act, also known as the Revenue Act of 1935, increased the maximum tax rate to 79 percent, the Revenue Acts of 1940 and 1941 increased it to 81 percent, the Revenue Act of 1942 raised it to 88 percent, and the Individual Income Tax Act of 1944 raised the individual maximum rate to 94 percent. The post-World W

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