1、企业参会意向问卷调查由中国驻瑞典使馆和瑞中贸易委员会共同倡议的第二届中瑞绿色经济合作大会将于2017年5月9日-11日在斯德哥尔摩举行,会议主题为“可持续的能源与环境智能城市解决方案”。为深入了解企业需求,积极促成企业供求信息对接,使会议取得更好成效,现请贵公司完成以下参会意向调查问卷,谢谢合作。1. 请填写以下企业情况:企业名称企业地址企业网址所有制员工总数联系人联系方式业务范围2016年营业额对瑞典贸易与投资合作现状:未来发展意向:2. 您最感兴趣或希望与瑞典(中国)在哪些领域开展合作?a.空气污染治理b.水及废水处理c.垃圾处理及循环经济d.可再生能源及生物燃料e.绿色智能交通f.可持续
2、城市规划(海绵城市、智慧城市等)g.工业及日用品设计h.其他(请注明)3.您希望通过此次大会接触哪些机构/人员?4.拟参会人员情况:姓名职务联系方式123Topics to ask participants:On May 9-10, 2017 the Chinese Embassy in Sweden and Sweden-China Trade Council are planning to organize the 2nd Sino Sweden Green Conference in Stockholm. The theme of the conference is “Sustainab
3、le Energy and Environment”. In order for us to be able to make this conference a success we would like to ask you to answer a few short questions:1. Information about your company (organization):name of the companyaddress of the companywebsite of the companynumber of staff in totalcontact personphon
4、e number, emailproducts/service of the companyturnover of the company in 2016trade/investment with Sweden(China):expectation of development in Sweden(China):2. Which of the following areas are you particular interested in cooperating with Sweden (China) (please specify your interest if you could):a.
5、Air pollution mitigationb.Water and waste water managementc.Municipal solid waste management and circular economyd.Renewable energy and biofuels e.Green city planning (sponge city, smart city)f.Green transportationg.Eco governance (i.e. management of complex projects with many stakeholders)h.Financing of green projectsi. other(please specify)3. Who would you like primarily to meet and exchange experience with:4. Information about the participants from your companynamepositionphone number, email etc.123