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1、2017年下学期三年级上册英语单词竞赛(满分100分,时间40分钟)班级 姓名 考号 成绩 认真答题,预祝你取得好成绩哦!一、写出下列单词所缺的字母(10分,每小题1分)1)_ y_ 2)_ _r 3) n_ s_ 4) m_ u_ h5) d_ s _ 6) ch _ _ _ 7) p_ _cil 8) a_ p_ e 9) or_n _ e 10) p_a _ 二、写出下列单词的中文意思。(15分,每小题1分)1、chair_ 2、tall _ 3、eye _4、fat _ 5、orange _ 6、face _ 7、mother_ 8、boy _ 9、hello_ 10、schoolba

2、g _ 11、ruler_ 12、mouth _13、close the door _ 14、open the window _15、Goodbye_三、写出下列单词的英语。(15分,每小题1分)1、耳朵_ 2、瘦的_ 3、妈妈_ 4、女孩_ 5、门_ 6、钢笔_ 7、铅笔_ 8、书_ 9、矮的_ 10、他_ 11、我_ 12、妹妹_ 13、头发_ 14、鼻子_ 15、脸_ 四、请写出大小写字母.(10分,每空0.5分)_Ii_ _Nn_ _Tt_ _ Ff _ _ R r _ _ _Qq _ Yy_ _Kk _ _Hh_ _ Vv_五、正确书写,注意格式。 (5分,每小题1分) Hes my

3、 father.This is Kitty.How are you?My ears are small.Her eyes are big and brown.六、根据情景,选择正确的句子。(10分,每小题2分) 1、他是我爸爸,你可以说( )AHes my father. B.Hes my brother. 2、她是谁,你可以说:( )AWho is she? B. Who is he? 3、我的头发很长,你可以说( )A.My hair is short. B. My hair is long.4、请擦一下黑板,你可以说( )A.Look at the blackboard,please.

4、B.Clean the blackboard,please. 5.他是矮的和胖的,你可以说( )A.Hes short and fat. B. Hes tall and fat. 七、选出不同类的一项。(10分,每小题2分) ( )1、A. father B.mother C.sister D.teacher( )2、A. eye B. pen C.mouth D.ear( )3、A. pen B. pencil C.ruler D.door( )4、A.bird B.Joe C.Alice D.Peter( )5、A.tall B. short C.he D.thin八、选择合适句子补全对话

5、. (5分,每小题1分) A. Yes,he is. B.Is he tall?C.No,he isnt. D. He is Ben. E.Hes my friend.A: Is he a boy?B: A: Who is he?B: .A:Is he your brother? .B: No,he isnt. .A: .B:Yes,he is.A: Is he fat?B: .Hes thin.九、补全单词,选出正确的序号。(10分,每空1分) 1、( )e _ r A.a B.e C.o2、( )sist _ _ A.a,r B.e,r C.i,r3、( )fa _ _er A.t,h B

6、.c,h C.c,t4、( )f_ _ily A.a,m B.e,m C.r,m5、( )b_ _ k A.o,a B.o,o C.o,e6、( )w _ _come A.e,l B.a,l C.a,k7、( )de_ _ A.s,l B.s,e C.s,k8、( )scholb_ g A.a B.i C.o9、( )g_ rl A.i B.e C.o10、( )cl_ _sroom A.e,a B.e,s C.a,s十、单项选择(10分,每小题1分)( )1.How are you? _ . A.Im fine.Thank you. B.Thank you. C.Here you are.(

7、 )2.This is my sister. is tall.A. He B.She C.I( )3.This is my father. is tall.A.She B. He C.I( )4.Is she Alice? _ .A. Yes,he is. B .Yes,she is. C.Yes,I am.( )5.Are you Joe? _A.Yes,he is. B .Yes,she is. C.Yes,I am.( )6. _ Shes my sister.A.Who is she? B.Who is he? C,Is he Alice?( )7. Hello,Im Kitty. _A. Yes,I am. B.This is my Lucy. C.Hello,Im Mary.( )8.Are you a boy? _ . A.Yes,he is. B .Yes,she is. C.Yes,I am.( )9.How much is it? _ . A.Ten yuan. B. Six apples. C.Here you are.( )10. You are late,Kitty. _ .A.Ten yuan. B. Im sorry. C.Come in,please.

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