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1、Its Time to Rethink Temporary We tend to view architecture as permanent,as aspiring to the status of monuments.And that kind of architecture has its place.But so does architecture of a different sort.For most of the first decade of the 2023s,architecture was about the statement building.Whether it w

2、as a controversial memorial or an impossibly luxurious condo tower,architectures raison dtre was to make a lasting impression.Architecture has always been synonymous with permanence,but should it be?In the last few years,the opposite may be true.Architectural billings are at an all-time low.Major co

3、mmissions are few and far between.The architecture thats been making news is fast and fleeting:pop-up shops,food carts,marketplaces,performance spaces.And while many manifestations(临床表现,显示,证明)(临床表现,显示,证明)of the genre(类型,流派,风俗画)(类型,流派,风俗画)have jumped the shark(鲨鱼,骗子。欺诈,诈骗)(鲨鱼,骗子。欺诈,诈骗)(i.e.,a Toys R

4、Us pop-up shop),there is undeniable(不可否认的,公认的不可否认的,公认的)opportunity in the temporary:it is an apt(恰当的,有、倾向,灵敏的)(恰当的,有、倾向,灵敏的)response to a civilization in flux.(流量,(流量,变迁,不稳定,流出)变迁,不稳定,流出)And like many prevailing(一般的,最普通的,流行的,占(一般的,最普通的,流行的,占优势的)优势的)trends collaborative(合作的,协作的)(合作的,协作的)consumption(消

5、费,消(消费,消耗)(a.k.a.,“sharing”),community gardens,barter and trade “temporary”is so retro(复古的,重新流行的)(复古的,重新流行的)that its become radical(激进的,彻底的,主激进的,彻底的,主线的)线的).In November,I had the pleasure of moderating(减速的,慢化的(减速的,慢化的)Motopia(抱负都市环境)(抱负都市环境),a panel(座谈小组)(座谈小组)at University of Southern Californias S

6、chool of Architecture,with Robert Kronenburg,an architect,professor at University of Liverpool(利物浦(利物浦)and portable/temporary/mobile guru(领袖,专家)领袖,专家).Author of a shelf full of books on the topic,including“Flexible:Architecture that Responds to Change,”“Portable Architecture:Design and Technology”an

7、d“Houses in Motion:The Genesis(发生起发生起源源),”Kronenburg is a man obsessed.(迷人的)(迷人的)Mobility(移动性,机动性)(移动性,机动性)has an innate(先天的,固有的,与生俱来的先天的,固有的,与生俱来的)potency(力量,潜力,权势)(力量,潜力,权势),Kronenburg believes.Movable(动产的,动产的,可移动的,不固定的可移动的,不固定的)environments are more dynamic(动态的,动力的,(动态的,动力的,有活力的)有活力的)than static(

8、静态的静态的)ones,so why should architecture be so static?The idea that perhaps all buildings shouldnt aspire(渴望,立志,(渴望,立志,追求)追求)to permanence represents a huge shift for architecture.Without that burden,architects,designers,builders and developers can take advantage of and implement(实行,执行,实现,生效)实行,执行,实现,

9、生效)current technologies faster.Architecture could be reusable(可再度使用的,可反复使用的)可再度使用的,可反复使用的),recyclable and sustainable(可以忍受的,足以支撑的,养得起的)可以忍受的,足以支撑的,养得起的).Recast(重铸,彻底(重铸,彻底改动)改动)in this way,it could better solve seemingly unsolvable problems.And still succeed in creating a sense of place.In his prese

10、ntation,Kronenburg offered examples of how portable,temporary architecture has been used in every aspect of human activity,including health care(from Florence Nightingales redesigned hospitals to the Airstream(气流)气流)trailers used as mobile medical clinics(诊所)(诊所)during the Kennedy Administration),ho

11、using(from yurts(圆形帐篷圆形帐篷)to tents(旅游帐篷,住所)to architect Shigeru Bans post-earthquake paper houses),culture and commerce(贸易,商业)(stage sets and Great Exhibition buildings,centuries-old Bouqinistes along the Seine,(塞纳河)mobile food,art and music venues(场地)offering everything from the recording of storie

12、s to tasty cr me(奶油,烈性甜酒)brulees.)Kronenburg made a compelling(引人注目的,强制的,激发爱好的)argument that the experimentation(实验,实验方法,实验过程)inherent(固有的,内在的,与生俱来的)in such structures(结构,构筑物)challenges preconceived(预想的,事先形成的)notions(观念,小商品)about what buildings can and should be.The strategy of temporality(俗事,暂时性,俗人

13、,),he explained,“adapts to unpredictable demands,provides more for less(更少),and encourages innovation.(革新,改革,创新,新事物,新发明,新方法,新设施,新制度)”And he stressed that its time for end-users(最终用户,终端用户),designers,architects,manufacturers(制造商,厂商)and construction firms to rethink their attitude toward temporary,port

14、able and mobile architecture.This is as true for development and city planning as it is for architecture.City-making may have happened all at once at the desks of master planners like Daniel Burnham or Robert Moses,but thats really not the way things happen today.No single master plan can anticipate

15、(预期,盼望,占先,提前使用)the evolving and varied(多变的,各式各样的)needs of an increasingly diverse(不同的,多种多样的,变化多的)population or achieve the resiliency(弹性,跳回),responsiveness(响应能力,有同情心)and flexibility that shorter-term,experimental(实验的,根据实验的,实验性的)endeavors(努力,尽力)can.Which is not to say long-term planning doesnt have i

16、ts place.The two work well hand in hand(联合).Mike Lydon,founding principal(校长,委托人,当事人,资本,主犯)of The Street Plans Collaborative(合作的,协作的),argues for injecting(注射)spontaneity(自发性,自然发生)into urban(城市的,住在都市的)development,and sees these temporary interventions(干预,干涉,处置)(what he calls“tactical(战术的,策略的,善于策略的)ur

17、banism(都市生活,都市集中)”)as short-term actions to effect long-term change.Though theres been tremendous(极大的,惊人的,巨大的)media attention given to quick and cheap projects like San Franciscos Pavement to Parks and New Yorks“gutter(排水沟,槽,贫民区)cafes,”Lydon sees something bigger than fodder(饲料,素材)for the style sect

18、ion.“A lot of these things were not just fun and cool,”he says.“It was not just a bottom-up(自底向上的,从细节到总体的)effort.Its not D.I.Y.urbanism.Its a continuum(连续统,连续统一体,闭联集)of ideas,techniques and tactics(策略,战术,用兵学)being employed at all different scales.”“Were seeing a lot of these things emerge(浮现,摆脱,暴露)f

19、or three reasons,”Lydon continues.“One,the economy.People have to be more creative about getting things done.Two,the Internet.Even four or five years ago we couldnt share tactics and techniques via(取道,通过,经由)YouTube(视频网站)or Facebook(脸谱网).Something can happen randomly(随便地,任意地,无目的,胡乱地,未加计划地)in Dallas(达

20、拉斯)and now we can hear about it right away.This is feeding into(送入)this idea of growth,of bi-coastal competition between New York and San Francisco,say,about who does the cooler(冷却器,清凉剂),better things.And three,demographic(人口记录学的,人口学的)shifts(意味,换班制).Urban neighborhoods(城乡)are gentrifying(使优化,修复或改善,使

21、显得高雅,使中产阶级化),changing.Theyre bringing in people looking to improve neighborhoods themselves.People are smart and engaged(使用中的,忙碌的)and working a 40-hour week.But they have enough spare time to get involved and this seems like a natural step.”Lydon isnt advocating(提倡,主张,拥护)an end to planning but encou

22、rages more short-term doing,experimenting,testing(which can be a far more satisfying alternative to waiting for projects to pass).While this may not directly change existing codes(法典)or zoning regulations,(分区制条例)thats O.K.because,as Lydon explains,the practices employed“shine a direct light on old w

23、ays of thinking,old policies that are in place.”The Dallas group Build a Better Block(更好的阻止)which quickly leapt(跳跃)from a tiny(微小的,很少的)grass-roots(基层的,基本的,一般民众的)collective to an active partner in city endeavors has demonstrated(证明,展示,论证)that when you expose weaknesses,change happens.If their tempora

24、ry interventions violate(违反,侵犯,妨碍,亵渎)existing codes,Build a Better Block just paints a sign informing passers-by of that fact.They have altered(改变)regulations in this fashion(照这样).Sometimes not always bureaucracy(官僚主义,官僚机构,官僚政治)gets out of the way and allows for real change to happen.Testing things

25、out can also help developers chart(具体计划)the right course for their projects.Says Lydon,“A developer can really learn whats working in the neighborhood from a marketplace(市场,商场,市集)perspective(观点,远景)it could really inform or change their plans.Hopefully they can ingratiate(使迎合,使讨好,使逢迎)themselves with

26、the neighborhood and build community.There is real potential(也许性)if the developers are really looking to do that.”And they are.Brooklyns De Kalb Market,for example,was supposed to be in place for just three years,but became a neighborhood center where there hadnt been much of one before.“People grav

27、itated(被吸引)towards it,”says Lydon.“People like going there.You run the risk of people lamenting(哀悼,悲痛,惋惜)the loss of that.The developer would be smart to integrate(使完整,使成为整体)things like the community garden giving residents an opportunity to keep growing food on the site(现场).The radio station could

28、get a(永恒的,永久的,不变的)space.The beer garden could be kept.”San Franciscos PROXY project is similar.Retail,restaurants and cultural spaces housed(封装的)within an artful(巧妙的,狡猾的,有技巧的,欺诈的)configuration(配置,结构,外形)of shipping containers(运送集装箱),designed by Envelope Architecture and Design,were given a five-year

29、temporary home(临 时 住 所)on government-owned vacant lots(空地)in the citys Hayes Valley neighborhood while developers opted(选择)to sit tight(稳坐不动,(稳坐不动,坚持主张,静待事态的发展)坚持主张,静待事态的发展)during the recession(衰退,不景气,后退,凹处).Affordable housing is promised for the site(经济合用房是承诺的地方);the developers will now be able to

30、create it in a neighborhood that has become increasingly vibrant(震动的,充满气愤的,响亮的,战栗的)and pedestrian-friendly.On an even larger scale,the major developer Forest City(森林之城)has been testing these ideas of trial and error(反复实验,尝试错误法)in the 5M Project in downtown San Francisco.While waiting out the downtur

31、n,(经济方面衰退,低迷时期)the folks(人们)behind 5M have been beta-testing(对新产品进行 beta 因素测试)tenants(房客,居住者)and uses at their 5th&Mission(使命,任务,代表团)location,which was(and still is)home to the San Francisco Chronicle and now also to organizations like TechShop,the co-working(合作办公)space HubSoma,the art gallery Inter

32、section for the Arts(美术馆的十字路口艺术),the tech company Square and a smattering of food carts to feed those hungry,hardworking tenants(高科技公司的广场和少数食品车来喂那些饥饿的,勤奋的房客).A few years earlier,Forest City would have been more likely to throw up an office tower with some luxury condos on top and call it a day:accor

33、ding to a company vice president,Alexa Arena,the recession allowed Forest City to spend time“re-imagining places for our emerging economy and what kind of environment helps facilitate that.”In“The Interventionists Toolkit,”the critic Mimi Zeiger wrote that the real success for D.I.Y.urbanist interve

34、ntions wont be based on any one project but will“happen when we can evaluate the movement based on outreach,economic impact,community empowerment,entrepreneurship,sustainability and design.Were not quite there yet.”Shes right.And one doesnt have to search for examples of temporary projects that not

35、only failed but did so catastrophically(see:Hurricane Katrina trailers,for example).A huge reason for tactical urbanisms appeal relates to politics.As one practitioner put it,“Were doing these things to combat the slowness of government.”But all of this is more than a response to bureaucracy;at its best its a bold expression of unfettered thinking and creativity and theres certainly not enough of that going around these days.An embrace of the temporary and tactical may not be perfect,but it could be one of the strongest tools in the arsenal of city-building weve got.

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