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1、包铁五中2016-2017学年度第一学期高一英语期末考试 I、单选题(本大题共30小题,共30.0分)1. - What do you think of the dress? - Perfect. I dont think I can find a _ one. A.betterB.goodC.badD.worst2. _ you practice, _ progress you will make.A.Harder; greater B.The harder; a greater C.The hard; the greatD.The harder; the greater3.“Time is

2、 money.” But I think time is_ money. A.not important asB.very important as C.the same asD.more important than4.My grandpa told a good story, but I told a _ one. A.goodB.betterC.bestD.worse5. The flight from Taiyuan to Guangzhou _ at Wusu Airport at 5:05 every afternoon.A.takes overB.takes offC.pulls

3、 overD.pulls off6. The teacher told us that the earth _ around the sun. A.travelsB.traveledC.had traveledD.is traveling7.Hurry up,kids!The school bus _for us! A.waitsB.was waitingC.waitedD.is waiting8.-Did you borrow the comic book from the library? -Yes. I _ it for three days and Ill return it this

4、 afternoon.A.borrowedB.keptC.have borrowedD.have kept9.In the last few years,China great achievements in environmental protection. A.has made B.had made C.was making D.is making10. - I saw Jane in the supermarket at five yesterday. - Thats impossible. She _ homework with me at that time.A.didB.had d

5、oneC.is doingD.was doing11.- Did you see a man in black pass by just now? - No, sir. I _ a newspaper.A.readB.was readingC.would readD.am reading12.By the time Jack returned home from England, his son _ from college. A.graduatedB.has graduatedC.had beenD.had graduated13. - Can you tell me how many pe

6、ople will go to the exhibition? - Of course. About 3,000 students from 15 schools _ , and I think two-thirds will come.A.invite B.will invite C.have been invitedD.had been invited14. Mr. Smith had to go to work by bus this morning as his car_ .A.would repairB.was repairing C.had been repairedD.was b

7、eing repaired15.All the old computers in the village school _ with new ones next month. A.will replaceB.replace C.will be replacedD.are replaced16. - Wheres Amy? - Im not sure. She_ be in the laboratory.A.mightB.canC.mustD.should17.Cant you stay a little longer? Its getting late. I really _ go now.

8、My daughter is home alone. A.mayB.canC.dareD.must18.Hot news! Obama has won the presidential election again. _ Im not American.A.So what?B.How come?C.So much!D.How nice!19.- Why not stay here a little longer? - _, but I really have to go.A.Never mindB.Id love to C.Pleased to meet youD.I cant find an

9、y reason20.This is the house _ I once lived A.whichB.in whichC.thatD.in that21.He was not present at the meeting _ his illness. A.forB.because ofC.withD.because22.Please take the medicine _ the instructions. A.as a result ofB.because ofC.so as toD.according to23.George and Lucy got married last week

10、. Did you go to their wedding? No, I_. Did they have a big wedding? A.was not invitedB.have not been invited C.hadnt been invitedD.didnt invite24.The work _ soon. A.is finishedB.was finished C.is being finishedD.will be finished25.How can you expect me to make friends _ you if you always play jokes

11、_ me? A.to;onB.with;toC.to;withD.with;on26.They are amazed at the news. A.amusedB.enjoyedC.surprisedD.sad27.Hows the young man? _. A.Hes twentyB.Hes much better C.Hes a doctorD.Hes David28.I dont think you can work out the maths problem _ the teachers help. A.sinceB.unlessC.becauseD.without29.I _him

12、 to give up smoking,but I failed. A.hopedB.advisedC.suggestedD.preferred30. What happened to that woman selling newspapers? I dont know. She _ around here for a long time.A.hasnt seenB.didnt see C.hadnt been seenD.hasnt been seenII、单词拼写(本大题共5小题,共10分)31.The team played very well this time under the d

13、irection of their _(教练)32.Our teacher_(计算) the average mark of the class.33.Scientists _(探索) the Arctic regions(北极地带)34.He didnt know much about English,but he helped the Englishman out _(即使如此)35.After graduation,my sister now works as a nurse in a _ (当地的)hospital.III、完成句子(本大题共5小题,共15分)36. 因为多年的勤奋,现

14、在他的英语很好。_ _ his years of hard work, he has a good command of English.37. 我们应该利用废物材料来减少生产的成本。We should _ _ _the waste material and reduce(减少) the cost of production(生产)38. 他们中很多人对他的意见充耳不闻,即使他们知道它有价值。Many of them turned a deaf ear to his advice, _ _ they knew it to be valuable(有价值的).39. 无论你什么时候遇到麻烦,你可

15、以向我求助。Whenever you are in trouble, you can _ _ me for help.40.每当我陷入困境,他总伸出援助之手。 He always offers his help whenever I am _ _IV、完形填空(本大题共20小题,共30.0分) Grandpa Hodge was the most popular elder in the village. Believe it or not, he was so (41) in speaking and doing things that everyone (42) him as Grandp

16、a Wisdom. One day, a man hurried to Grandpa Wisdom and said, Grandpa, I have a piece of (43) to share with you. Wait a moment, Grandpa Hodge stroked (抚摸) his beard and(44)him, Have you (45) the news you will tell me with three sieves (筛子)? Three sieves? Which three sieves? the man asked with(46). Th

17、e first sieve is truth, Is the news you will tell me (47)? Grandpa Hodge asked, narrowing his eyes. I dont know because I heard it from the (48). Now lets check it with the second sieve, Grandpa Hedge (49), If the news you will tell me is not true, it should be friendly. The man (50)answered, No, ju

18、st the (51) way round. Grandpa Hodge once again interrupted him, So lets use the (52)sieve. Can you tell me if the news that is (53) you is very important? It is not so important, the man answered with(54). Grandpa Hodge (55) the shoulder of the man and said meaningfully, (56) the news you will tell

19、 me is not true,(57) or important, please dont tell me. Then it wont (58) you and me. The man learned a (59) and never spread the (60) news ever since.41.A.wiseB.foolishC.quickD.strict42.A.punishedB.calledC.usedD.tested43.A.paperB.cakeC.newsD.work44.A.praisedB.thankedC.impressedD.stopped45.A.checked

20、B.wroteC.arrangedD.planned46.A.disappointmentB.puzzlementC.argumentD.agreement47.A.rightB.wrongC.trueD.joyful48.A.classB.bookC.newspaperD.street49.A.went onB.went awayC.went upD.went off50.A.confidentlyB.awkwardlyC.happilyD.strangely51.A.sameB.onlyC.otherD.last52.A.oldB.newC.secondD.third53.A.exciti

21、ngB.defeatingC.disturbingD.annoying54.A.angerB.embarrassmentC.tearsD.encouragement55.A.shotB.beatC.touchedD.kicked56.A.In order thatB.In caseC.Even ifD.Now that57.A.kindB.wonderfulC.friendlyD.precious58.A.forgiveB.troubleC.missD.doubt59.A.lessonB.storyC.diaryD.excuse60.A.followingB.valuableC.greatD.

22、uncertainV、阅读理解(本大题共20小题,共40.0分)AAccidents happen almost every day. Some accidents are not serious and some are. We read about such accidents nearly every day in the newspapers. It is wrong for people to think that accidents take place only on the roads or highways, or even at work places. Home acci

23、dents are just common. Because very few home accidents are reported, people come to think that there are few accidents which happen at homes every day.There have been many cases where people fall to their deaths from high rise flats. Children often fall over while coming down the stairs. Old people

24、may slip (滑跤) on wet floors if they are not careful enough.Nowadays there are a lot of modern electrical appliances (电器) such as rice cookers which make life easy for the modern housewives. However, these appliances can kill if they are not used in the proper way. Gas stoves (煤气灶) used for cooking a

25、re also dangerous if they are not properly used. They may cause burns or in more serious cases, even cause fires.But all such accidents can be stopped if we are careful and follow simple rules of safety. For example,it is unwise for people to try repairing their own electrical appliances if they do

26、not know how to repair them. It is safer to get them repaired by an electrician.61.Accidents take place _. A.mostly in homesB.mostly on roads and highways C.mostly in factoriesD.almost everywhere 62.Which of the following accidents may NOT happen at homes? A.People may fall to deaths from high build

27、ings. B.People may be knocked down by cars on the roads. C.Gas stoves may cause burns or even fires. D.People may be killed by an electrical appliance. 63.People are advised _. A.to avoid using electrical appliances B.to repair their own electrical appliances C.not to repair their own electrical app

28、liances D.not to get their electrical appliances fixed 64.What does the underlined word “electrician” mean in the last paragraph? A.The worker who can repair electrical appliances. B.The doctor who can help patients. C.The police who can give you some advice when you are in danger. D.The person who

29、can give first aid.BYears ago I gave a speech called Powerful Phrases for Positive People. These are very simple but powerful phrases that we all like to hear:Im proud of you. I believe in you. I trust you. I love you. You can do it.With Thanksgiving Day approaching,we all should be focused on anoth

30、er one of these powerful phrases,in particular:I thank you. We can never wear out that phrase. It should always be on the tip of our tongue if we are truly grateful to others who help us each day and to God who has richly blessed us with more freedom than any country in history.Maybe were so focused

31、 on ourselves and busy with our byes that we forget to give thanks. Or maybe its because those of us in America have become satisfied with a level of luxury(奢华) beyond the imagination of much of the worlds population.We tend to take our blessings for granted,like the story about a homeowner who hire

32、d a realestate agent(房地产经纪人) to prepare an ad to sell his home. The homeowner was reading the ad in the paper about his homes many attractive features. He called the realestate agent to say he no longer wished to sell. When asked what changed his mind,the homeowner said,After reading your ad,I reali

33、zed 1 already live in the house I always wanted to live in.In this season of Thanksgiving in particular,its time to count our blessings and pull out that simple phrase,I thank you.65.Which of the phrases can be popular in the authors speech most probably? A.I want to give up.B.You are the best one.

34、C.Its beyond my ability.D.It has nothing to do with me. 66.What does the author agree with according to the text? A.Ask our friends for help though they are in trouble. B.Doing something meaningful for our parents. C.Expressing thanks to others who usually help us. D.Waiting for God to help us when

35、we are in trouble. 67.What can we learn from the story about the homeowner? A.We should try our best to get more things. B.We should feel satisfied with what we have. C.We can make lots of friends as long as we treat them well. D.We can do everything as long as we try our best. 68.What is the best t

36、itle for the text? A.Say thanks outB.Enjoy everything you have C.Show respect to your parentsD.Buy something to express thanksCWhat should you do if theres an earthquake at school? How can you protect yourself when you are caught in a stampede (踩踏)? March 25 this year provides you with a good chance

37、 to learn about safety.This day is called the National Day of Education on the Safety of Elementary and Middle School Students (NDESEMSS) (全国中小学生安全教育日). The theme of the day this year is to give students more knowledge about safety and make sure their lives safe.A survey done by the China Youth and

38、Children Research Center showed that school accidents kill more elementary and middle school students than anything else. The main accidents come from stampedes, earthquakes, fires and sports injuries (伤害).What can we do to keep ourselves safe? Staying calm (镇静) is the first and most important rule

39、when facing accidents. But different accidents have different self-protection advice.A stampede is possible anywhere. The larger a human crowd gets, the more likely stampedes become. When students around you begin to push. stand still and try to hold onto something, or stay in a corner until the cro

40、wd leaves. If you fall down in a moving crowd, cover your head with both hands. Lean to one side, curl up your body and bend your legs.Earthquakes are common natural disasters (灾难). When you feel the ground shake, crouch (蹲) down, take cover under a desk and hold on. You should stay indoors until th

41、e shaking stops. If you are outdoors, dont stay near buildings, trees or power lines.When theres a fire, follow the teachers instructions, leave the classroom quickly and use a piece of cloth to cover your mouth and nose so that you dont breathe in smoke.69.What should you do first when accidents happen according to this passage? A.Run away.B.Stand there.C.Keep calm.D.Cry loudly. 70.According to this passage, which of the following is TRUE? A.Car accidents kill the most elementary and middle school students of all accidents. B.When theres a fire, you shoul

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