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1、合肥工业大学 信息安全 专业教学计划The guiding teaching plan for Information Securityspecialty in Hefei University of Technology一、 培养目标与基本规格Training objectives and basic specifications培养目标:Training objectives:培养适应国家和地方经济社会发展、适应国际竞争和经济结构调整需要、德智体全面发展、具有“工程基础厚、工作作风实、创业能力强”特色的工程应用型、创新型的信息安全技术高级专门人才。The specialty brings

2、up the senior engineering and technical personnel who is suitable for the country modernization, with good basis and broad knowledge, and has characteristic of deep engineering baisi, solid style of work and strong innovation ability.基本规格:Basic specifications:1. 热爱社会主义祖国,拥护共产党的领导,掌握马列主义、毛泽东思想和邓小平理论的

3、基本原理;愿为社会主义现代化建设服务,为人民服务;有为国家富强、民族昌盛而奋斗的志向和责任感;具有敬业爱岗、艰苦求实、热爱劳动、遵纪守法、团结合作的品质;具有良好的思想品德、社会公德和职业道德。 Love the socialist motherland; support the leadership of the CPC; master Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, and Deng Xiaoping Theory; have the ideological consciousness of serving the socialist moder

4、nization and people; have the sense of responsibility to work for the prosperity of the country; have the characteristic of loving job, seeking truth, loving labor, abiding law, unity and cooperation; have good ideology and morality, social morality, and professional ethics.2. 积极参加社会实践,走正确成长的道路。受到必要

5、的军事训练,能够同群众结合,理论联系实际,实事求是,热爱劳动。 Participate in all kinds of social practice; receive the necessary military training and integrate theory with practice, and seek truth from facts.3. 懂得社会主义民主和法制,遵纪守法,举止文明,有“勤奋、严谨、求实、创新”的良好作风。 Know the socialist democracy and legal system; abide law; have hard, rigoro

6、us, realistic, and innovative style; have good cultural cultivation, psychological quality, and a certain aesthetic cultivation.4. 比较系统地掌握本专业所必需的自然科学基础和技术科学基础的理论知识,具有一定的专业知识、相关的工程技术知识和技术经济、工业管理知识,对本专业学科范围内的科学技术新发展及其动向有一般的了解。 Grasp the necessary science theory and technology knowledge of this special

7、ty systematically; have a certain specialty-related knowledge and economy management knowledge; know the development trends of science and technology within the scope of this specialty.5. 具有从事信息产业所必需的运算、实验、测试、计算机应用等技能。 Have the necessary professional skills of computing, experiment, testing, and com

8、puter application6. 有独立获取知识、提出问题、分析问题和解决问题的基本能力以及具有较强开拓创新的精神,具备一定的社会活动能力、从事本专业业务工作的能力和适应相邻专业业务工作的基本能力与素质,具有工程经济观点,受到工程设计方法和科学研究方法的初步训练。 Have the basic ability to acquire knowledge, present questions, analyze and solve problems with strong innovative spirit; have a certain capability to take part in

9、social activities, to engage in the professional work and professional related work。7. 初步掌握一门外国语,能够比较熟练地阅读本专业的外文书刊。 Master a foreign language; can read the professional foreign-language books and magazines fluently; have the capabilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and translation.8. 了

10、解体育运动的基本知识,掌握科学锻炼身体的基本技能,养成锻炼身体的良好习惯,达到国家规定的大学生体育合格标准,讲究卫生,身体健康,能胜任未来的工作,能够承担建设祖国和保卫祖国的光荣任务。 Understand the basic knowledge of sports; master the basic skills of physical training; form the good habit of physical activity; meet the qualified requirement of sports; undertake the glorious task of buil

11、ding and defending motherland.9. 具有较好的文化素养和心理素质以及一定的美学修养。 Have the good capacity to use modern information technology and be able to apply it to study, work, and social practice.二、 培养人才的适应范围Occupation scope of the trained personnel本专业培养的毕业生可从事:Graduates can be engaged in:1信息安全领域研究、开发和管理; R&D of info

12、rmation security system;2各类企业、事业单位及政府机关网络系统的规划、设计、开发; Planning, designing and development of big and huge network system;3. 计算机网络、信息处理、通信等领域的研究和应用;Application development of computer network, information processing and communication;4高等学校及科研院所相关专业的教学与科研。 Research and teaching in institute and univer

13、sity.三、 课程设置Curriculum课程总教学时数为2334学时,实践环节39周。学分分布如下:2334 hours of teaching and 39 weeks of practice teaching:Credit distributing:1. 通识教育必修课 60 学分; Compulsory general education courses 60 credits;2. 通识教育选修课 10 学分; Elective general education courses 10 credits;3. 学科基础和专业课程必修课 61 学分; Compulsory profess

14、ional courses 61 credits;4. 专业课程选修课 19学分; Elective professional courses 19 credits;5. 实践环节 41 学分; Practice teaching 41 credits.四、 知识结构与能力结构Knowledge structure and ability structure1. 掌握较宽范围内适应于信息产业的、系统的、较为深厚的基础理论知识; Grasp the broad professional theory and technology systematically; can engage in ext

15、ensive information engineering work;2. 掌握计算机系统的软、硬件和数据通信知识; Grasp the basic theory and experiment skill of computer hardware, software and data communication;3. 掌握网络与信息安全领域研究、开发和应用的基本方法及基本技能; Grasp the basic theory and application approach of network and information security development and applicat

16、ion;4. 具有较强的科学实验、分析解决工程技术问题的能力; Have certain science research ability and be able to analyze and solve engineering and technology problems;5. 具有较强的自学能力和适应科技发展的应变能力; Have strong ability of self learning and strain capacity to fit the development of technology;6. 具有较强的外语阅读能力;一定的听、译、写作能力; Have good for

17、eign language ability including listening, translation, and writing; 7. 具有初步的文献检索、情报信息方面的能力; Have the ability of document and information retrieval.8. 具有初步的技术经济分析与评价、生产组织管理与协调能力。 Have the preliminary ability of technical and economic analysis and evaluation, production organization and management, a

18、nd coordination.五、 主干学科、主要课程、特色课程、学位课程 Main disciplines and courses主干学科:计算机科学与技术、通信工程Discipline: Computer Science and Technology, communication engineering主要课程:密码学概论、数据结构、计算机组成原理、操作系统、信息论与编码、网络安全概论、计算机安全等。Core Course: Introduction to cryptography, data structure, principles of computer composition,

19、principles of operating system, information theory and coding, introduction to network security, computer security特色课程:计算机安全,计算机安全,认证理论与技术,密码分析与隐写分析,信息安全综合实验。Featured Course: network security, computer security, authentication theory and technology, cryptanalysis and stegoanalysis, information secur

20、ity integrative experimentation学位课程:程序设计基础、离散数学、信息安全数学基础、密码学概论、电路分析基础、电子技术、数字逻辑、数据结构、计算机组成原理、操作系统、信息论与编码、微机原理与汇编语言程序设计、计算机网络、网络安全概论、计算机安全、计算机病毒与反病毒、信息安全法律法规Degree Course: programming basis, discrete mathematics, fundamentals of information security mathematics, introduction to cryptography, circuit

21、analysis basis, electronic technology, digital logic, data structure, principles of computer composition, principles of operating system, information theory and coding, principles of microcomputer and assembly language programming, computer networks, introduction to network security, computer securi

22、ty, computer virus and protection, information security law basis六、 实践活动安排 Practice arrangements1. 第一学期入学教育、军训、计算机基础实践; 1st Semester: enrollment education, military training, basic practice of computer2. 第二学期工程训练、社会实践(二、六学期); 2nd Semester: project training, social practice (also 6th semester)3. 第二至七

23、学期共安排十门课程设计和实践; 2nd -7th Semester: 13 course design and practice4. 第七学期安排公益劳动; 7th Semester: commonweal labour5. 第八学期安排毕业实习、毕业鉴定、毕业设计等实践环节。 8th Semester: graduation design, graduation authenticate, graduation practice, etc.七、 课外学时安排与要求 Extra-curricular activities arrangement and requirement1. 专业学习指导

24、讲座1-2次,安排在第1、第5学期(学生组织,班主任负责,系指派主讲教师)。 For all educational programs, students should pay outside-class hours to review lectured classes, to prepare new classes, to do homework, to finish outside-class experiments and other study tasks, with a in-and-outside class time rate at 1:1.5.2. 学习经验交流会1-2次,安排

25、在第3-5学期(学生组织,班主任负责)。 For theoretic courses, teachers should arrange some outside-class hours for tutoring and answering questions.3. 课外实验和创新实践活动,主要安排在第6,第7学期(班主任负责,系教师指导)。八、 课外活动安排与要求Extra-curricular teaching hours arrangement and requirement1. 对于所有的教学环节,学生应该按照平均至少1:1.5的比例分配课外学习时间,完成复习、预习、课外作业、课外实验与

26、实践等学习任务。 Instructions of guiding major study, scheduled in 1st and 5th terms.2. 对于理论课程教学,教师应该根据教学课程的内容和教学对象的实际情况,安排适当的课外辅导和答疑时间。 Seminar on “Success stories of study”, scheduled in 3rd -5th terms.九、 毕业合格标准 Qualification for graduation1. 政治素质和思想品德符合国家和学校所规定的要求。 Meet the requirements specified by the

27、national education committee and the university in the aspects of politic and moral character.2. 完成所规定的学习任务,并且达到合格标准。 Fulfill all the academic requirements.3. 最低毕业总学分191,其中理论课学分144,实践课学分41。 The minimum credits for graduation are 191.4. 公共选修课至少修满10学分(且满足学校规定的涵盖类别要求)。 Minimum credits of common electiv

28、es are 10.十、 授予学位 Degree工学学士Bachelor of Engineering十一、 第二学位课程 2nd Degree Course本专业暂不提供第二学位课程。Not available.十二、 课程体系结构图信息安全专业导论计算机基础实践程序设计基础实践JAVA程序设计离散数学电路分析基础计算方法程序设计艺术与方法数字逻辑电子技术数据结构计算机组成原理课程设计编译原理机器人技术算法分析与设计数字逻辑课程设计微机原理与汇编课程设计 (1.5)计算机组成原理微机原理和汇编语言程序设计密码学概论人工智能原理计算机病毒与反病毒操作系统课程设计信息论与编码课程设计操作系统数据库原理计算机网络网络安全概论图论数据库应用课程设计计算机网络系统实践数据挖掘网络协议分析与设计信息隐藏技术网络程序设计软件工程管理信息系统电子商务防火墙与入侵检测技术信息安全法律法规智能计算概论数字系统设计自动化数字媒体技术数据结构课程设计程序设计基础专业必修课专业基础课专业选修课公共模块必选模块信息安全数学基础信息论与编码信息安全综合实验认证理论与技术计算机安全通信网基础图像处理与分析嵌入式系统密码分析与隐写分析

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