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1、 人教版2018七年级英语下册Unit 7-8复习学案Unit 7-8学案I.重点词组:1. curly/straight hair卷/直发2. have a beard 留胡子3. be of medium height/build中等高度/身材4. look like看起来象5. good-looking 长得好看6. the captain of.队长7. a little bit 有点儿8. stop doing sth. 停止做某事stop to do sth 停下来做另一件事9. a new look一个新的形象10. love to tell jokes 喜欢说笑话11. not

2、 any more 不再,再也不12. a small/medium/large bowl of:小/中/大碗的13. green tea绿茶14. tomato soup西红柿汤II.重点句型1. What does he look like ?她长得怎么样?She is medium build , and she has curly hair.她中等身材,留着卷发。划线部分= What _ he _ ?试总结有关look的词组并造句:_:_:_:_:_2. She never stops talking. 她总是说个不停。同义句:She always _ _ .注意:stop doing

3、 sth停止做某事造句:_stop to do sth停下来做另一件事造句:_3. Do you remember the pop singer with funny glasses and long curly hair ? 你还记得那个戴着滑稽眼镜留着重卷发的流行歌手吗?词组 remember to do sth . 记得做某事造句:_I remembered the singer with funny glasses and long curly hair.划线部分提问:_ singer _ you remember ?4. He doesnt wear glasses any more

4、.他不再戴眼镜了。同义句:He _ _ _ glasses .5. I think he is so great . 我认为他很棒。否定句:I _ think he _ so great .拓展:I suppose he arrives late .否定:6. What kind of noodles would you like? Beef and tomato noodles.你想要哪种面条?西红柿牛肉面。would like (sth)to do sth 想要(某人)做某事造句:_同义词组:_ _将划线的句子用同义词组替换:What kink of noodles _ ?选择:Would

5、 you like _ some coffee ?A. some B. any C. a few7. 用食物或饮料名称填空:Supper is ready . Mum cooked many kinks of _ . Look , too many _ and are in the bowl . And there is lots of _ and _ on the plates. Dad like _ , so Mum repaired a bit of . Oh, how delicious !III. 练习词汇1. Give _/ri:z?nz/ for talking like tha

6、t.2. Do you know the man with _ /gla:s?z/?3. She is more_ /p pjul?/ than him in our class.4. She is of medium _/ha?t/.5. She is _/hev?/ than her sister.6. Would you like two _ /p?te?t?uz/ ?选择1. What _ his sister _ ? She is tall .A. is , look B. does, like C. does, look like2. She _ happy to see the

7、picture.A. looks B. likes C. looks like3. Stop _, boys ! Youre a bit noisy !A. talk B. to talk C. talking4. Would you like _ tea ? No, thanks.A. some B. any C. a few5. Youve watched TV for 2 hours. Why not _ ?A. stop playing games with us B. to stop dancingC. stop to play soccer D. to stop to lie in

8、 bed6. Is there anything to eat ? Im hungry ! How about some _? A. green tea B. red tea C. oragne juiceD. beef and tomatoes改写句子1. The girl would like a medium bowl of noodles._ _ bowl of noodles would the girl like ?2. Id like some green tea. (改为一般疑问句并作出肯定回答)_you like_green tea ? Yes, Id _ _ .3. The

9、 baby didnt cry any more when he saw his mother .= The baby _ _ _ when he saw4. She is of medium build.What _she _ _? = What _ she _ ?5. Special 1 is 10 RMB for 15 dumplings ._ _ is Special 1 for 15 dumplings ?翻译1. 你想要哪种特价服饰?What_of_clothes_you like ?2. 想来杯清茶吗?Would you _ a cup of tea _ _ ?3. 那个中等身材

10、,有点胖的人是我的英语老师。The man who is _ _ _ and _ _ _ heavy is my English teacher.4. 你跟他很熟吗?当然了。那时,他很好看并留着短短的直发。Do you _ him _ ? Certainly . He was _ and _ short _ hair at that time .5. 你还记得这个带着滑稽眼镜的流行歌手吗?Do you remember the pop singer who is _ funny _ ?词形be, two, hear, something, talk, learn , use, not seem

11、Which is the best way _ a language ? We know that we all learned our own language well when we _ children. If we learn a _ language in the same way, it _ so difficult. How does a small child do ? He listen to what people say , and he tries to guess what he _ . When he wants _, he has to ask for it .

12、 He is using the language, thingking in it and _ in it all the time. If a second language _ by people all the time, the people will learn it quickly .中考链接1. There is still _ milk in the glass .A. little B. a little C. few D. a few2. Ill go and climb the Western Hills this weekend. Would you like to

13、go with me ? _. Please call me when you go . A. No, I wont B. I wont goC. Sorry, Im busy D. Yes, Id love to3. _ shoes do you wear ? 35.A. How long B. What size C. How wide D. What color4. Ben, would you like to play football with us ? _, but I have to wash the dishes first.A. No, I cant B. I dont want to C. Yes, pleaseD. Id love to5. What are you going to do this weekend ? Id like _ my parnts. A. to visit B. visit C. visiting20 20

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