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1、 Unit3 What are you going to do? 复习教案 教学目标: 1.复习一般将来时,能正确运用一般将来时说句子,锻炼学生的语言运用能力。 2.能运用一般将来时完成相关的对话,巩固what、 where 、when、 how 提问的特殊疑问句,并能做出相应的回答。 3.在练习中灵活运用一般将来时,体会它的现实含义。 4.能运用所学语言知识综合起来,应用到实际生活中去,让英语生活化。 教学重点和难点: 能运用所学的语言知识综合应用,充分体现在对话操练中。 课前准备:幻灯片 一.Review. 1.Read LiuYuns weekend together. 2.Answer

2、 some questions. 1).Is Liu Yun going to the shoe store by subway on Saturday? 2).What is Liu Yun going to buy ? 3).Where is Liu Yun going with her mother on Sunday? 4).Is Liu Yun going to have a happy weekend? 3.T: Well done. Liu Yun is going to have a happy and busy weekend. How are you going to ha

3、ve this weekend? I want to know. Can you tell me? SS:Yes. (提问部分学生回答) 二Presentation: 1.T: Great! Everybody is going to have a happy or busy weekend. But Im going to have a happy weekend, too. Im going to Dongguan. (出示幻灯片) Im going to buy many things. Im going by car. Im going at 3 oclock. I cant wait

4、. 2.T: In Dongguan, there are so many stores and so many goods. Look here, what shop is it?(出示地方图片) S: Its a bookstore. T: In the bookstore, what can you buy? S: I can buy -. 3.T:In difference shop we can buy difference things. Is that right? We are very happy when we go shopping. Yes? 4.T make a di

5、alogue with students. A: Hello! Where are you going this evening? B: A: What are you going to buy? B:- A: When are you going? B: - A: How are you going? B:- A: Thank you. B:- 5.T: Your plan is wonderful! We can use these words to ask your parner.(板书:where what when how) 三.Consolidation and extension

6、: 1.Use these tips to make a dialogue with your parner. Student1: A)Where are you going this afternoon? Student2: A)Im going to the bookstrore. B)Im going to go hiking. A)Great. B)What are you going to buy? A)Im going to buy a story. B)I go to the cinema. c)Im watching TV. Student1: A)Where are you

7、going this afternoon? B)What are you going to buy? Student2: A)Im going to buy some fruits. B)I go to the supermarket with my mother. c)Im going to the fruit stand. What about you? A)Im going to the cinema . B)Where is the fruit stand? C)Is it far from here? D)Thank you. A)Youre welcome. B)Its near

8、the post office. C)Great. D)No, its not far. Student1: A)Where are you going this afternoon? Student2: A)Im going to the shoe store. B)Yes, Im going to the theme park. A)Can I go with you ? B)When are you going ? C)Ok .See you then . D)What are you going to do ? A)Sure . C)Im going to buy a pair of

9、shoes . D)See you . B)Im going at 5:30. A)Where is the shoe store ? B)Is it far from here ? C)How are you going there ? D)Can you go on foot ? A)Sure ,its good exercise . B)Its north of the library . C)Im going by bike . D)Yes ,its far . E) No, its not far . 四.听录音,判断句子对错: 1.Mike is going to visit hi

10、s grandparents this weekend.( ) 2.Johns grandparents live in a beautiful city.( ) 3.Ann is Johns cousin.( ) 4.John and Ann are going to help their grandparents do homework.( 5.Ann and John are very helpful.( ) 五.Writing: 根据所给的图片,展开合理的想象,写出你星期日下午打算去哪?怎样去?跟谁去?去干什么? 六.Homework: Use these tips to write

11、a dialogue. 教学反思: 这节课主要复习一般将来时,整个教学过程是围绕this weekend展开,从一开始复习LiuYuns weekend, 到回答问题,主要让学生回忆起一般将来时,然后出示地方图片,会用What can you buy in the-?提问,为下一个对话作基础,引出where、 what 、when、 how等疑问词进行互问,提高学生英语交际能力,这样可以帮助学生把所学的内容连贯起来,使所学的知识得以整理,能有系统地学习,最终更加牢固地掌握知识,得到应用。 通过听、说、读、写几方面的综合操练,学生对一般将来时已有一定的认识,但课堂气氛不够活跃,以后希望在教学过程,通过各种形式的活动,激活课堂,充分调动学生的积极性,力争在课堂上使学生“品尝”到不同的“口味”。20 20

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