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1、 2014年pep版四年级英语上册3-4单元检测题(带答案) (满分:100分 时间:60分钟) 得分: 一、将单词前的序号填入对应的图片下。(16分)( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )A. squirrel B. monkey C. elephant D. panda E. duck F. dog H. pig I. Bird 二、单项选择题 ,请把正确的选项填入题前括号。(20分) ( )1 -Whats _ name?-His name is Edward. A. He B. his C. him ( )2. Please listen _ music. A.

2、to B. on C. in ( )3. My friend _ music. A. like B. likes C. to like ( )4. He _ short black hair. A. have B. has C. is ( )5. Is your friend a boy _ a girl? A. and B. or C. with ( )6 .Where is She? A .She is a teacher B.She is cook ing C.She is in the study. ( )7 .Are they on the table? A Yes,they are

3、 B.No,they are C.They are students. ( )8. He is tall and - A.thin B.short C.boy ( )9 This - my friend . A are B.is C.not ( )10.He-glasss and his shoes -blue. A 、has ,is B、 has ,are C、 have ,are 三、把字母排序组成正确的单词(20分) 1、t,s,r,n,o,g 2、 g, r, l, i _ 3、q,i e,t,u 4、 a,i,h,r _ 5. y, o, b _ 6. k, o, b, o _ 7、

4、a,f,s,o_ 8、 g, a, b _ 9、h,s,o,e _ 10、y,o,t _ 四、找出相应的答语。(10分) ()1. Where is your mother? A. Yes, they are. ( )2. Is she in the room? B. She is in the kitchen. ( )3.Are they in the door? C. They are in the room. ( )4. Where are the students? D. No, she isnt. ( )5. Whats his name ? E. His name is Zhang

5、Peng. 五、连词成句,注意标点符号和大小写。(10分) 1. friend, strong, my, is _ 2. his, what, is, name _ 3. games, likes, computer, he _ 4. friend, is, your, who _ 5. her, long, friend, has, hair _ 六、阅读理解,判断正误。(24分) Tom is seven. He goes to school every day. The school is next to his home. So he goes there on foot and co

6、mes back home on time. But today he is late. His mother asks him, “Why are you late today?” Tom says, “I am in the headmasters office.” His mother says “Why are you in the headmasters office?” Tom says ,”I didnt do homework yesterday.” ( )1. Tom is six years old. ( )2. The school is near his home. ( )3. Tom usually goes home by bike. ( )4. Tom is in the headmasters office today. ( )5. Tom didnt do homework yesterday. ( )6. Tom usually comes back home on time.20 20

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