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1、 小学三年级英语下册单元测试卷(PEP) (Unit 4- Unit 5) 听力部分40分 一、辩单词。(每小题读两遍,10分) ( )1. A. under B. USA C. UK ( )2. A. box B. boy C. ball ( )3. A. duck B. desk C. dad ( )4. A. apple B. ant C. and ( )5. A. chair B. hair C. car ( )6. A. map B. cap C. man ( )7. A. pear B. pupil C. purple ( )8. A. grape B. girl C. good

2、( )9. A. friend B. father C. fruit ( )10. A. woman B. what C. watermelon 二、音选图。(每小题读两遍,10分) ( )11. A. B. ( )12. A. B. ( )13. A. B. ( )14. A. B. ( )15. A. B.三、听音判断。(每小题读三遍,10分) ( )16. ( ) 17. ( ) 18. ( ) 19. ( ) 20. Put on a cap. 四、问句选答语。(每小题读三遍,10分) ( )21. A. Its a desk. B. Its in the desk. ( )22. A

3、. Yes, it is. B. No, she isnt. ( )23. A. No, I dont. B. No, it isnt. ( )24. A. Its yellow. B. Its from China. ( )25. A. Thanks. B. Youre welcome. 笔试部分60分 五、将图片与英语单词匹配。10分 A. pear B. ball C. orange D. banana E. desk F. chair G. grape H. car I. boat J. strawberry ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (

4、) 六、选择最佳答案。10分 ( )1. That is _ orange. A. a B. an C. / ( )2. I like_. A. strawberry B. strawberrys C. strawberries ( )3. _ guess! A. good B. Good C. Well ( )4. Where_ are books? A. is B. are C. am ( )5. Can I have some_, please? A. apple B. egg C. rice 七、选出每组中不同类的单词。10分 ( )1. A. on B. in C. big ( )2

5、. A. grape B. map C. pear ( )3. A. thin B. fat C. cap ( )4. A. blue B. toy C. green ( )5. A. box B. boat C. car 八、景选择。10分 ( )1.欢迎新同学, 我们应该说: A. This is my friend. B. Welcome. ( )2.介绍自己来处自哪里,应该说: A. Hi, Im Amy. B. Im from China. ( )3.介绍自己的爷爷,应该说: A. This is Chen Jie. B. This is my grandfather. ( )4.介

6、绍自己是一名学生,应该说: A. Im a student. B. Shes a teacher. ( )5.询问别人来自什么地方,应该说: A. Where are you from? B. Whos that man? 九、搭配选项。10分 ( )1. Where is my toy car? A. Thanks. ( )2. Do you like oranges? B. No, it isnt. ( )3. Where are you from? C. Yes, I do. ( )4. Is it a banana? D. Its in the box. ( )5. Have some

7、 fruit, please. E. Im from the USA. 十、将英语句子与汉语意思配对。10分 ( )1. Have a good time! A.我也不喜欢。 ( )2.Lets buy some fruit. B. 我们买点水果吧! ( )3. Silly me! C. 玩开心点儿! ( )4. Me, neither. D. 我真傻! ( )5. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. E. 每天吃一个苹果可远离医生。 十一、读一读,画一画。10分 1. Draw a desk and colour it orange. 2. Draw a ball and a chair, then put the ball under the chair.20 20

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