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1、 Unit 4 练习 班级_ 姓名 _ 一、根据提示回答问题。 1、What are you doing ?(画画) _ 2、What can you do ?(洗衣服) _ 3、What do you often do on the weekend ?( 去购物) _ 4、What is Amy doing ?(写信) _ 5、What is John doing ?(写电子邮件) _ 6、What is your mother doing ?(做饭) _ 7、What is your dad doing ?(接电话) _ 8、What can your sister do ?(打扫房间)

2、_ 9、What can your brother do ?(洗碗碟) _ 二、补全对话。 A: Hello . B: Hello ._John ._? A: Just fine .Dad _ a letter . Brother is _the room .Sister is _ music .I _homework . B: _ mom ? _? A: Sure.Hold on please .Shes cleaning her car .Mom,_. Mom: Im coming ._? A: John . Mom:_. 三、选词填空。1 I can _(play / playing)

3、football. 2 I usually _(watch / watching) TV on the weekend . 3 Im _(do /doing ) the homework. 4 Look! Chen jie is _ (draw /drawing) pictures. 5 Lets _ (eat / eating) lunch together .四、根据答句写出问题。 1. A :_? B: I am writing a letter. 2. A: _? B: I can do the dishes. 3. A:_? B: Yes, my father is cleaning

4、 the room. 4. A:_? B: I often read a book on the weekend . 5. A:_? B: My mother often cooks dinner at 6:00.五、阅读理解, 填空。 Its Sunday today . Its sunny. I go to a park with my parents. I am playing football with my father. Mother is flying a kite. A boy is flying a kites with his mother ,too. There are two students. They are playing games . A girl is jumping on the grass. Two women are watering the flowers. 1 My father is_. 2 _ is flying a kites. 3 Two students are _. 4 _ are watering the flowers. 5 There are _ people in the park.20 20

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