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1、新目标七年级英语练习题选择题一、语音考查。找出划线部分的发音与其他三个不同的选项,将字母序号填入提前括号内。(5)( )1、A.height B. neightborhood C. rainy D. wait ( )2、A. animal B. camera C. anything D. activity( )3、A. drink B. bank C. thank D. stand ( )4、A. south B. cloud C. house D. through( )5、A. cook B. cool C. look D.book一、选择填空:()( )6. I have to go to

2、 bed _ nine oclock. A. by B. in C. on D. across( )7.-When did you decide _ on vacation? A. go B. going C. to go D. went( )8They had great fun _ the soccer match on the TV. A. watching B. watched C. watch D. to watch( )9.-Mom, can I play soccer now?-_.You must do you homework. A. Sure B. No, you cant

3、 C. Yes, you can D. Yes, you cant( 10.-Mum, how many_ do we need for cooking?-Three A. potatoes B. potato C. beef D. tomato( )11.-Dont run in the hallways. -_ I wont do it again. A. Sorry B. Excuse me C. Thank you D. welcome( )12.-_ were the people?-They were unfriendly. A. What B. How C. Why D. Whe

4、n( )13.The game show is boring, she _ it A. doesnt like B. likes C. loves D. dont like ( )14.Mary made me _ for a long time A. wait B. waiting C. to wait D. waited( )15.I enjoy _ in the park in the morning. A. run B. to run C. running D. ran.( )16.Mr. Green _ black hair _ thick glasses.A. has, has B

5、. with, has C. has, wears D. has , with( )17.Stop _ when you are tired.A. having a rest B. have rest C. rest D. to have a rest( )18. She has _ hair.A. short blonde curly B. short curly blonde C. curly short blonde D. blonde curly hair.( )19.Yesterday he _ a very interesting book.A. read B. readed C.

6、 was reading D. reads.( )20.Id like _ on vacation myself.A. go B. going C. to go D. goes( )21.I have a _ brother.A. 5 year old B. 5 years old C. 5year-old D. 5-years-old( )22.-I have to do my homework every night.-_,tooA. I did B. I do C. I can D. I have.( ) 23. I dont agree _ you. I think hers is r

7、ight.A. with B . to C. for D. on( ) 24.Can you tell me _?A. What does he look like B. What do he look like C. what he does look like D. what he looks like( ) 25.What do you usually do _ Saturday morning?A. on B. in C. at D.at三、完型填空:(10)When I began studying English, I didnt like it at all. I think i

8、t was 26 to learn. But last year, a new teacher from the United States came to teach 27 English. We 28 him Mr. James. He often 29 us that English was very useful. And he also told us that English was quite 30 to learn if we decided to learn it well. In order to make us 31 learning English, he always

9、 asked us to recite the text and played games 32 us in class. He also liked 33 us jokes in English. At first I could hardly understand a word and I was 34 to say anything in English. Mr James often smiled at me and said, “Dont be 35 .You are a clever boy. If you think you can, you can.” Soon I found

10、 English was interesting. I began to see English films and listen to English songs. Now I can talk with my classmates in English.( )26. A. easy B. fun C. different D. difficult( )27. A. we B. I C. us D. mine( )28. A. called B. calls C. said D.say( )29. A.speak B. tell C. says D. told( )30. A. easy B

11、. difficult C. hard D.easily( )31. A. like B. to like C. likes D.liked( )32. A.at B.for C. with D.and ( )33. A. tell B. telling C. speaking D. speak( )34. A.happy B. afraid C. angry D.bored( )35. A.shy B. happy C. proud D.hungry阅读理解:(15)ALi Lei is 13 years old. He is a student. He is the only child

12、of the family. He cant cook. He doesnt wash his clothes or look after his things.When the students of Class Two are having an English class. Li Lei goes to the door and says,” May I come in, Miss Gao?”“Oh, you are late again,” says the teacher.”Can you tell me why you are late ?”“It isnt my fault(错误

13、) Miss Gao.”says Li Lei. “My grandma puts some apples. bananas and oranges in my backpack this morning before I come to school. I take the backpack with me and come to school quickly(迅速的).When I am on the way to school(在上学的路上). I find there are no my books in my backpack. I have to go back and put m

14、y books in it.” 根据短文内容,完成下列五个题。( )36.Li Lei doesnt _ at home.A. do his homework B. watch TV C.do housework( )37.Li Lei is in Class_A. One B. Two C. Three( )38.Miss Gao is _ teacher.A. an English B. a Chinese C. a math( )39.Li Lei is often late for _A. work B. class C.the meeting ( ) 40.Li Lei likes

15、_ very much.A.computer B. baseball C. fruit.B阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,判断正误,正确的写T错误的写FDolphins, like fish, live in the water. But they are not fish. They are warmblooded(热血的). This means they must breathe air through their noses. A fishs tail(尾巴)moves from side to side. A dolphins tail moves up and down. The do

16、lphins tail moves up and down. The dolphins tail is strong. It can push the dolphin up out of water. Dolphins often push themselves out of the water. They do this to breathe. Dolphins live and are found in every ocean in the world. Dolphins eat meat. They can taste, but they have no sense of smell.

17、Their average lifespan(平均寿命)is about 25 years, but some dolphins can live up to 40 years. Dolphins can swim very fast. Only half of the dolphins brain sleeps. They stay on the surface(表面) of the water and keep one eye open.( )41. Dolphins live in the water, but they are not fish.( )42. A dolphins ta

18、il moves up and down in the water.( )43. Dolphins dont eat meat.( )44. A dolphin sleep with both (两个)eyes open。( )45Half of the dolphins dont sleep.请重新排列下面的句子,与已给出的首句组成一段对话(6)I think I know her. She always wears a red skirt and white shoesWhat does she look like?C. Yes, thats her. Her name is Nancy.

19、D. No, she is short.E. She has long hair and big eyes. F. Is she tall?Do you know I have a new friend in Class Five?16_语言知识综合运用一、句型转换(10)1.We did our homework yesterday evening(一般疑问句)_ you _ your homework yesterday evening?2.Mary doesnt mind the sunglasses(划线提问)_ _ Mary _ _ the sunglasses?3. Id like

20、 beef noodles ( 划线提问) _ _ _ noodles _you like?4.I didnt have any money for a house.(同义句) I _ _ money for a house.5. Do you play sports?(用last week改写) _ you _ sports last week?6.My brother did his homework last night(划线提问) _ _ your brother _ last night?7. My father is medium build and has short strai

21、ght hair(划线提问) What _ your father _ _?二、根据句意和首字母完成单词。(10)1. In tomorrows g_ class we can study the map of China.2. It is Sunday today, so the shop is c_.3. We should p_ our spoken English every day.4. John doesnt like oranges, but he likes oranges j_.5. Li Hua is the c_of the school basketball team.

22、6. Its raining o_. Youd better take a raincoat. 7. How do you s_ the Spring Festival?8. The school has too many r_.9. He doesnt m_ what others think of him.10. I dont have much money in my w_.三、用所给此的适当形式填空。(5)1. How about _(go)fishing tomorrow?2. Zhang Ping often _(carry) water for the old man.3. -M

23、um, can I go _(shop) with you?4. His father is of medium _(high).5. I found some boys_(read) English in the classroom. 四、背诵考查;将下列句子译成英语。(10)1、 他中等身材。-2、 他要多大碗的面条?-3、 你记得那个戴着有趣眼镜、留着长长卷发的流行歌手-Johnny Dean吗?-4、 她去哪里度假了?-5、 我们在水中玩的很愉快。-6、 我没有钱打的,所以我步行回了旅馆。-7、 我给每个学生看了六样东西,询问他们对每件东西的看法。-8、 然后我得帮妈妈做饭。-9、 我发现一个小男孩在角落里哭。-10、特色水饺一是牛肉和洋葱水饺,15个仅售人民币10元。(周六下午,五个孩子去购物了,三个孩子去了图书馆。)(任选一个)-五、写作。(10)以A Busy Weekend 为题写一篇作文,主要描写周末活动,注意时态,60词左右。-

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