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1、英语Module 1至Module 10Module 1 My classmates Unit 1 重点1. Im Chinese. 2.Where are you from? 3.Hello, how about you ? 4.Yes, he is. Unit 2 重点1.Hello,everyone. 2.Beijing is the capital of China. 3.Wang Hui is my friend, but he is not in my class. 4.Tony is my first name and Smith is my last name. Unit 3

2、重点1.America 2.In English, the given name is first and the family name is last. 短语1.be from 来自 2.how old 几岁 3years old 岁 4.English name 英文名字 5.the capital of China 中国的首都 6.first name 名字 7.last name 姓氏 8.in class 1 在1班 句型1.What about + doing sth 做某事怎么样 2.Welcome to +地点. 欢迎到某地。 3.Where + be +主语+ from 来

3、自哪里 必背1.Where are you from? 你来自哪里 2. Hello, how about you ? 你好你呢 3.Hi, are you English too? 嘿你也是英国人吗 4.Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你。 5.Welcome to Class 4 Grade 7 欢迎来到7年级4班。 6.How old are you 你多大了 语法1.be动词用法 2.人称代词和物主代词 Module 2 My family Unit 1 重点1.This is a photo of Tonys family. 2.What a big family! 3

4、.Are these your grandparent? 4.My mums parents are on the left, and my dads parent are on the right. 5.The woman next to her is my dads sister, my aunt liz. 6.Who are the boy and the girl in frond of Paul? Unit 2 重点1.My father is an actor. 2.He is a policeman. 3.She and Daming mother are at the same

5、 hospital. 4.Whats your fathers job? Unit 3 重点1.man 2.its 3.their 短语1.on the left/ right 在左边/右边 2.next to 在的旁边 3. in front of 在外部的前面 4.bus driver 公共汽车司机 5.Tonys father 托尼的爸爸 6.at a police station 在警察局7.an English teacher 一名英语老师 8.at the same hospital 在同一家医院 句型1.所有物+ of +所属物 .的 2.What ( +a/an ) +形容词+

6、名词+主语+谓语+其他 3.Whats ones job? 做什么工作 4.on ones left/ right 在某人的左边/右边 必背1. This is a photo of Tonys family. 这是托尼的一张家庭照片。 2. What a big family! 好大的一个家庭呀 3my dads parents are on the right. 我爸爸的父母在右边。 4. Who are the boy and the girl in frond of Paul? 在保罗面前的男孩和女孩是谁 5.Are these your grandparent? 那些人是你的祖父母合

7、外祖父母吗 .Yes, they are. 是的他们是。 /No, they arent. 不他们不是。 6.What your fathers job? 你爸爸做什么工作 Module 3 My school Unit 1 重点1. There are thirty student in my class. 2.Is there a lot of furniture? 3.Oh, are there any picture on the classroom walls? Unit 2 重点1.science lab 2.Gao yans in front of Daming and betw

8、een Zhao Feng and Li Min. 3.Lingling is behind Zhao Feng. 4.There are six buildings in our school. 5.In the middle of the school is a big playground. 6.In frond of the dining hall is and in front of that is for scince. Unit 3 重点1. In most countries around world, children must gowhenyears old. 短语1. H

9、ow many 多少 2.a lot of 许多大量 3.on everyones desk 在每个人的书桌上 4.on the wall 在墙上 5. a map of the world 一幅世界地图 6.betweenand 在和之间 7. in the middle of 在中间/中央 8.on the left of 在的左边 句型 3.Behind the, are the school offices. 在图书馆后面的左侧是学校图书馆。 4.Between thetwenty-four classroom. 在这座楼和餐厅之间是拥有24间教室的教学楼。 5.The playgro

10、und is behind the sport hall. 操场在体育馆后面。 语法1.there be 结构 2.表方位介词inonbehindnext toin front ofnear Module 4 Healthy food Unit 1 重点1.food 2.drink 3.candy 4.fruit 5.meat 6.vegetable 7. apple 8. chicken 9. chocolate 10.juice 11.potato 12 lets go shopping for food and drink. 13. we havent got any meat. 14.

11、Too much chocolate isnt good for you. 15.What kind of fruit? 16.weve got lots of apples. 17.We havent got , so lets get some. 18.How about some orange juice? 19.She hasnt got any coffee. 20.All right 21.Cola is bad for you. Unit 2 重点1.healthy 2.fish 3.eat 4. Healthy food and drink for children. 5.Co

12、la and candy are very sweet 6.Eat the right food and be healthy. 7.Milk, cheese and fish are good for your teeth. 8. A bit tired? 9.It is important to remember: eat well, stay healthy, and dont get fat. 10.Eat noodles or rice, not hamburgers. 11.Have a good breakfast every morning. 12.At home my gra

13、ndmas dinners are delicious 13.Whats your favourite food and drink? 14.Meat and fish are healthy food. Unit 3 重点1.remember 2.remember to buy some fruit. 3. A Western breakfast. 3.In the West. 短语1.healthy food 健康食物 2.go shopping 去购物 3.have got 有拥有 4.be good for 对有好处 5.lots of 许多 6.orange juice 橘子 7.a

14、ll right 好吧 8.be bad for 对有害 9.a bit 稍微有点儿 10.eat well 吃好 11.stay healthy 保持健康 12.every morning 每天早上 句型1.Too much +不可数名词 太多 2.How about +v.-ing 做某事怎么样 3.buy sth. From sb. 从某人那儿买礼物。 必背1.We havent got any oranges 我们没有橘子了 2.Is your food and drink healthy你的食物和饮料健康吗 3. Whats your favourite food and drink

15、? 你最喜欢的食物和饮料是什么5. .Meat and fish are healthy food. 肉和鱼是健康的食品。 语法1.have got 的用法 2.some和any 3.可数名词和不可数名词 Module 5 My school day Unit 1 重点1 .Its twelve oclock. 2.Its haft past six. 3.Its twenty to eleven. 4.maths 5.What are our lessons on Monday. 6.We have Chinese at eight oclock 7.Do you like maths, T

16、ony? 8.And in the afternoon. 9. I love history and Im good at it. 10.Its my favourite subject because its very interesting. 11.I can talk with my Chinese friends. 12.Lessons begin at eight. 13.when is your geography lesson. Unit 2 重点1.I go to school on weekdays, but mot on Saturday and Sunday. 2.I g

17、et up at half past seven in the morning, and then have breakfast. 3.My school is next to my house. 4.We start work at nine oclock. 5.At eleven oclock, we have a break and friends. 6.We have meat and rice with vegetable, or hamburgers. 7. .we go home at half past three. 8.In the evening, I watch TV a

18、nd have dinner with my family. 9.I do my homework and go to bed at ten oclock. Unit 3 重点1.I go to the park on Sunday. 2.On Friday I have a busy day. 3.Then I wash my hand and face 4.we have a break for twenty minutes. 5.children haveand finish school afternoon. 短语1.half past six 六点半 2.have Chinese 上

19、英语课 3.at eight oclock 在半点钟 4.love history 喜爱历史课 5.my favourite lesson 我最喜欢的课 6.my school day 我的上课日 7. get up 起床 8.have breakfast 吃早餐 9.next to my house 在我家旁边 10.have three lessons 上三节课 11.have break 休息 12.go home 回家 13. have dinner 吃晚餐 14.do ones homework 做家庭作业 15. go to bed 上床休息 16.go to the park 去

20、公园 17.in the afternoon 在下午 18.on weekdays 在工作日 19.go to school 去学校 20.after school 放学后 句型1.talk to sb. 和某人交谈 2.What about +v.-ing/ n. 怎么样 必背1.Whats the time 几点了 Its haft past six. 六点半。 2.There are four lessons in the morning. 他们上午上四节课。 3.They are go to the playground and . 他们到操场 4.We start lesson in

21、 the afternoon 下午 我们开始上课。 5.In the evening, I with my family. 晚上我和家人 Module 6 A trip the zoo Unit 1 重点1.There some giraffes. 2.zoo 3.The zoo has many kinds of animals, such as bears, 4.They come from many different countries 5.Here are the lions. 6.Look at this elephant. 7.Look, there she is. 8.Is t

22、here a panda called Tony? Unit 2 重点1.Africa 2.Europe 3.The elephant lives in and 4.It eats plantsand a little fruit 5.This black and white animalall over the world. 6.It eat plants and leaves, as well as grass, 7.Its a very large animal and usually lives alone. Unit 3 重点1.Ynnan, China. 2.Some people

23、 it carries water in the humps 2.It carries its babies and, with,it jumps across the grassland. 短语1.a trip to the zoo 一次动物园之旅 2.welcome to 欢迎来到 3.such as 例如 e from 来自 5.my favourie animal 我最喜欢的动物 6.over there 在那边 7.live in 生活在 8.in China 在中国 9.a kilo of 一千克 10.all over the world 世界各地 11. live alone独

24、自生活 12.on ones back 在某人的背部 句型1.Here is/ are 这儿有/这是 2.look at 看 3. a little +不可数名词 少量的 4.a few +可数名词 几个 必背1.Welcome to Beijing Zoo. 欢迎来到北京动物园。 2.They come from many different countries 它们来自许多不同的国家 3.Here are the lions. 这是狮子。 4.They are my favourie animal. 它们是我最喜欢的动物。 5.Look, there she is. 看她在那。 6.Thi

25、s elephant lives in Africa。 这只大象生活在非洲。 7.It eat plants and leaves, as well as grass, but 它吃植物叶子 8.Its a very large animal and usually lives alone. 它是大型动物并通常独自生活。 语法1. 一般现在时一般疑问句与肯否定回答 Module 7 Computer Unit 1 重点1.mouse 2.connect 3.turn on 4.Can I learn 5.First, open a new document. 6. Use the keyboa

26、rd. 7.How do I save the document. 8.Write it in the box. 9.Finally, how do I print my document? 10.What about some paper? Unit 2重点1. Who has a friend in Australia 2and my friend and I share it. 3.He also go on the Internet to checkof trains, make the travel plans, 4.I listen to music or watch movies

27、 every Friday night. 5.On the Internet, I search for information, do my 6. I send email to my friend and 7.But sometimes I play a lot of games 8.And do you want to visit friends or family? Unit 3 重点1.I write to my friends. 2.Im very big, about one and haft times the size of. 短语1.connectto 把连接到上 2.tu

28、rn on 打开 3.on the computer 在电脑上 4.on the left of 在的左边 5.save the document 保存文件 6.a box of 一盒 7. f course 当然 8.talk with/ to 和交谈 9.go on the Internet 上网 10.listen to 听 11.at school 在学校 12.on the Internet 在因特网上 13.search for 搜寻搜查搜索 14.do ones homework 做作业 15.at home 在家 16.play computer games玩电脑游戏 17.

29、write to 给写信/电子邮件 18.one and a half times 1.5倍/一倍半 句型1.learn + (to do) sth. 学习做某事 2.What/ How about + (doing)? 做某事怎样 3.plan + to do sth. 计划做某事 4.send sb. sth. = send sth. to sb. 给某人发送/邮寄某物 必背1.How do I write my homework on the computer我怎样在电脑上写作业 2.Firist, open a new document. 首先打开一个新文件。 3.Next,you w

30、rite new document.接下来你在这个新文件里写你的作业。 4.Finally, how do I print my document? 最后我怎么打印我的文件呢 5.What about some paper? 纸怎么办 6.He also go on the Internet to checkof trains, make the travel plans,ticks. 他也上网查询火车时刻、定制旅行计划并买票。 7.On the Internet, I search for information, do my homework and check my email. 在网上

31、我搜索信息、做作业并查看我的电子邮件。 8.When do you use a computer? 你什么时候用电脑 9.How many email do you write every week? 你每周写多少封电子邮件 语法1. 行为动词的一般现在时特殊疑问句 Module8 Choosing presents Unit1 重点1.present 2.Hi, would you like to come to my birthday party? 3.I always like birthday parties. 4.But my mother never makes a birthda

32、y cake. 5.And we sometimes give birthday cards. Unit 2 重点1.a cinema ticket 2.a concert ticket. 3.Choosing birthday presents. 4.so every day they get some exercise. 5.They sometimes wear T-shirts. 6.always buy expensive clothes. 7.She spends a lot of money.7.She has got 11silk scarves, 20 shirts and

33、a lot of shoes. 9.She also likes films 10.but they dont go to football matches. 11.They usually watch football on television at weekends. Unit 3 重点1.My birthday party is at six oclock on Saturday evening at my house. 2.Its great to hear from you Mike, Im afraid I cant come. 3.I always watch my littl

34、e sister play football on Saturday evening. 短语1.at the birthday party 在生日聚会上 2.make a cake 制作蛋糕 3.a box of 一盒 4.a cinema/ concert ticket 一张电影/音乐会票 5.stay healthy 保持健康 6.go shopping 去购物 7.a lot of = lots of 许多 8.on television在电视上;通过电视 9. go to concerts 去听音乐会 10.go to the cinema 去电影院 11.at weekends 在周

35、末 12.on Saturday evening在周六晚上 13.hear from 收到的来信 句型sth.想要某物 必背 1.Would you like to come to my birthday party你愿意来参加我的生日聚会吗 .Yes, Id love to. 是的我愿意。 2.I always like birthday parties. 我总喜欢生日聚会。 3.What do you usually do at aparty在中国的生日聚会上你们通常做什么 4.But my mother never make a birthday cake. 但我妈妈从不做生日蛋糕。 5

36、.Damings grandparents like to so in the park.大明的祖父母保持健康所以 6.She spend a lot of money! 她花费了很多钱 7.They usually on television at weekends. 他们通常在周末通过电视看足球赛. 8.Its great toMike, but Im 迈克,收到你的邮件太好了但是恐怕我能参加。 语法 Module 9 people and place Unit 1 重点1.lie in the sun 2.take photos 3.wait for the bus 4.Were on

37、a school trip 5.What about the others? 5.Theye on sale at the shop6.Well, right now Tony is eating a delicious ice cream. 7.Lingling is buying a few presents and postcard. 9.but take some photos of and send them to me by email. 10.Were enjoying the school trip a lot. 11.Anyway, its time to go back t

38、o school now. Unit 2 重点1.drive 2.get off 3.leave 4.sleep 5.At this moment, in different place of the word, 6.Some are going to the theatre or watching a film. 7.Some people are seeing friends, calling home or shopping. 8.Thank you for your postcard from the Great Wall. 9.Were in front of and Im writing this postcard to you. Unit 3 重点1.lie in the sun 躺在阳光下 2.stand in line 站成一排

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