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1、大荔县小学各学科命题竞赛参评试题 乡校: 大荔县城关镇仁厚里小学 学科: 英 语 年级: 四 年 级 命题教师: 贾 改 侠 联系电话: 1 3 4 8 4 4 3 1 0 0 2 大荔县2014-2015学年度上学期小学英语四年级试题命题说明一、命题原则命题前,认真学习了大荔县教研室关于开展小学教师命题竞赛活动的通知,逐条对照命题原则。1.导向性。以课程标准为依据,参照大荔县教学与质量评估指导手册,结合教材,重视基础知识、基本技能考察、重视知识运用和实践能力考察、重视试题难度、面向全体学生;每一道题考查的知识、内容要参照教材、不脱离课标和指导手册;分值比例设置要突出本册教材的重点内容,关注促

2、进学生发展。2.基础性。侧重基础知识,特别是主干知识的检测,考核学生掌握基础知识与基本技能、理解和掌握基本概念,注重培养学生语言综合运用能力。3.规范性。评价目标明确,命题科学规范,难度适中;试题严格按照课标规定的目标、内容和要求,结合学科特点和手册编写;题目内容及表述简洁,符合小学生年龄特点。二、编写意图在试题编写过程中,加深对新课程标准、手册质量标准、教材的研究,准确把握四年级英语教学内容和方向,促进学生全面发展,扎实贯彻科学课程标准,探索建立科学有效的教学评价监测体系。三、 试题考察的知识点和学生能力四年级上册课程标准明确指出,四年级学生应该完成一级课程目标,依据课程标准,制定本册评价目

3、标内容如下:(一)、语言知识1.本册要求掌握的四会词汇:cook , doctor,driver , policeman, nurse, worker , farmer,farm,pig , duck , cow, horse ,sheep, hen ,breakfast , lunch, rice, soup, noodles, dumplings, meat, chicken, dinner ,get up, have a class, have lunch, play games, watch TV, go to bed, library, garden, playground, toi

4、let, teachersoffice , computer, school gate, Music, Math, English, Chinese , Art, PE, Science, subject, be good at, Sunday , Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, day, week, today, run, swim, play basketball, jump rope ,dance, sing songs, every. 2.本册要求掌握的四会句型:1) -What is your?-He

5、/She is a -What about?-He/She is a2) Is your mother a ?No, she isnt. She is a 3) What is he/she?She/He is a 4) What are they?-Theyre farmers/workers/5) What do they have on the farm?-They have6) What does Colin have?-He has 7) Whats for breakfast/lunch/dinner?-We have 8) Dinner/Breakfast is ready.9)

6、 -Do you have (食物)?-No, we dont./Very little.10) -When do you +动词短语?-I11) -Do you +动词短语?-Yes, we do.12) -When does your father/mother+动词短语?-He/She 13) -Is/Are there ?-Yes, there is/are.14) -This is a-Whats in the ?-There is a /There are .15) What subjects do they have this morning?-They have16) Do y

7、ou like?-Yes, I do./ No, I dont.17) I am good at18) What day is it today?-Its -We have on 19) Is it today?-Yes, it is.-What do you do on ?-I on 20) What does he/she do on?-He/ She likes to 21) -What do they like to do after class?-Boys like to Girls like to 22) Do you like to?-Yes, I do.23) Does you

8、r father like to?-No, he doesnt.24) - What does he like to do?-He likes to(二)、语言技能1.听做:能根据听到的“四会”词句识别或指认本册有关职业、农场动物、食物、日常活动、学校设施、学校科目、星期、文体活动等方面的图片或实物;能根据听到的指令做事情,如指认有关职业、农场动物、食物、日常活动、学校设施、学校科目、星期、文体活动等方面的图片,或涂颜色、画图、做动作等。2. 说唱:能模仿本教材配套录音说话;能根据表演猜测意思,说出词语,如听到别人模仿鸭子的叫声就能猜出单词duck;能根据图文说出“四会”单词或短句,如看到医生

9、的图片就能说出doctor;能学唱本册教材中的3首儿童歌曲Farmer Joe Has a FarmFrom Monday to FridayBusy, Busy, Busy,以及2首歌谣。3.玩演:能在教师的指导下用英语做与本册话题相关的游戏并在游戏中进行简单的交际;能做简单的角色扮演。4.读写:能看图识别本册有关职业、农场动物、食物、日常活动、学校设施、学校科目、星期、文体活动等方面的单词;正确书写本册“四会”单词;能模仿范例书写词句。 (三)、情感态度:1.对英语有好奇心,喜欢听他人说英语。2.积极参与小组合作活动,培养学生的合作能力。3.在学习中乐于模仿,敢于表达,对英语具有一定的感知

10、能力。4.对学习中接触的外国文化习俗感兴趣。(四)、学习策略: 1.在学习中集中注意力。2.积极运用英语表达交流(五)、文化意识:1.对一般的赞扬、请求、道歉等做出适当的反应。 2. 知道世界上主要的文娱和体育话动。四、试题难易度 试题难易适中五、分值比例1、看图片写单词(10分),2、找出不同类的单词(10分),3英汉互译(10分),4、根据图片选句子(10分),5.选择正确答案。(20分),6选择恰当的译句(10分)7连词成句(10分)8情景交际(10分),9、从B栏中找出A栏中合适的答语(10分)大荔县20142015学年度上学期小学英语科四年级试题(时间:60分钟 满分:100分)题目

11、卷面分一二三四总分得分阅卷人温馨提示:亲爱的同学们,经过一个学期的学习,你们一定掌握了许多新的知识,今天,就来展示展示吧!请仔细读题,认真答卷,答完后记得一定要认真检查呦,相信你一定能做到。一、看图片写单词(10分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. dr _ v_ _ h _ _ s_ ch _ ck_ n n _ _ s_ d_ mpl_ngs6. 7. 8. 9. 10. s _ ng d _ nc _ sw _ m M _ s _ c h_n(本题旨在考察学生对重点四会单词的掌握。依据指导手册上的本册四会单词。)二、找出不同类的单词(10分)( ) 1. A. dance B. song

12、C. swim( ) 2. A. soup B. noodles C. dumplings( ) 3. A. English B. subject C. Chinese( ) 4. A. sheep B. cow C. grass( ) 5. A. jump B. library C. garden( ) 6. A. Monday B. today C. Wednesday( ) 7. A. breakfast B. meat C. lunch( ) 8. A. doctor B.cook C. mother( ) 9. A. he B.his C. her( ) 10.A. rope B.

13、play C. ball(这道题还是考察学生对单词的认知程度,以及归类分类。依据教参本学期的重点单词。)三英汉互译(10分) 1.跳绳 2.下课 3.teachers office 4.an Science class 5.school gate (这道题考察的是这册教材的重点短语。依据指导手册上的要求掌握的重点短语。) 四、根据图片选句子(10分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) 1. A. My father is a worker. B. My father is a policeman.( ) 2. A. We have rice.B. We have noodles.( ) 3.

14、 A. There is our school gate. B. There is a playground.( ) 4. A. We play games at four in the afternoon. B. We have class at eight in the morning.( ) 5. A.Girls likes to dance. B.Boys like to play ball.(这道题培养学生的观察能力,和学生对本册教材的重点句型掌握和理解程度。依据指导手册上重点对话。)五.选择正确答案。(20分)( ) 1 .- _ does she have a class? -A

15、t eight. A. What B. Whats C. When( ) 2.He likes _ swim on Sunday.A. to B. on C. for ( ) 3. -What is he ? - He is . A. my father B. a doctor C. nine ( ) 4 . Are there _ computers in the library? A.some B. any C. a( ) 5. She _ every day. A. run B. runs C. runing( ) 6. - class do you have this morning?

16、 - We have four. A. How B. What C. How many ( ) 7.Whats _ lunch? A. in B. for C. to ( ) 8. _ you get up early in the morning? A. Do B. Are C.Does( ) 9.They _ a small farm. A. has B. having C. have( ) 10. I want to _ a bus driver. A.is B. be C. am(这道题里渗透了本册教材的一些语法知识,如:any 和some的区别,单三形式的运用,like to do

17、句型等等。依据教参内容。)六选择恰当的译句(10分) ( )1.那个男人是一个工人。 A.That man wants to be a worker. B.He is a man worker. C.That man is a worker. ( )2.今天星期四。 A.Its a Thursday. B.Is it Thursday today? C.Its Thursday today. ( )3.我们图书馆里有两台电脑。 A.There are two computers in our library. B.There are many computers in our library.

18、 C.There are two computers and libraries in our school. ( )4.她起床很早。 A.She gets up very late. B.She gets up very early. C.She goes to bed very early. ( )5.我喜欢美术,但我不擅长画画。 A.I like Art, and Im good at drawing. B.I like Art, but Im not good at drawing. C.I like drawing, but Im not good at Art.(这道题考察的是学生

19、对重难点句型的准确识别和理解。依据指导手册上的重点句型。)七连词成句(10分)1. do ,have, subjects ,What, they, morning , in, the(?)2. to, a, I, policeman, want, be (.) 3. Wednesday, today, it, is (?) 4. big, a, There, our, school, in, is, playground(.) 5. school, at, Do , play, games, you(?)(这道题有一定的难度,要求学生能准确运用,组合本学期所学的重点句型。依据指导手册。)八情景

20、交际(10分)( )1.如果你想知道对方几点上课,你可以怎么说?A. When do you play games?B. When do you have classes? ( ) 2.如果你不知道今天星期几,你可以怎么问?A. What day is it today?B. What do you like to do?( ) 3.如果你想问别人下课后喜欢干什么,你可以怎么说?A. What do they like to do after class?B. What does he like to do after school? ( ) 4.如果你想知道对方的妈妈是干什么的,你可以怎么说

21、?A. What are you?B. What is your mother?( ) 5.如果你想知道Colin 的书包里有什么,你可以怎样问? A. What do you have in your bag? B.What does Colin have in his box? (这道题考察的是学生对一些日常用语的准确表达。)九 从B栏中找出A栏中合适的答语(10分)A栏 B栏A. They have pigs, ducks, many animals.B. At four in the afternoon. C. He is a cook.D. They have Chinese, Ma

22、th, English and music.E. Yes, there is a small library.( )1. When do you play games?( )2. What is your father?( )3. What do they have on the farm?( )4. Is there a library?( )5. What subjects do they have this morning?(考察学生的综合能力,是否能真正理解句子的意思,能正确的做对话。依据教参上的每单元要求掌握的重点句型。)大荔县20142015学年度上学期小学英语科四年级试题参考答案

23、一、看图片写单词(10分)1. i e r 2 o r e 3 .i e 4 .u r e 5. u i 6. i 7. a e 8. i 9. u i 10. e二、找出不同类的单词(10分)1. B 2 . A 3. B 4 .C 5. A 6 .B 7 .B 8. C 9 .A 10. B三英汉互译(10分)1.jump rope 2.after class 3. 教师办公室 4. 一节科学课 5.学校大门四、根据图片选句子(10分)1. B 2 .B 3. A 4 .A 5. B五.选择正确答案。(20分)1. C 2 .A 3. B 4 B 5. B 6 .C 7 .B 8. A 9

24、 .C 10. B六选择恰当的译句(10分)1. C 2 .C 3. A 4 B 5. B七连词成句(10分)1. What subjects do they have in the morning ?2. I want to be a policeman . 3. Is it Wednesday today ? 4.There is a big playground in our school.5 Do you play games at school ?八情景交际(10分)1.B 2. A 3. A 4. B 5 .B九、从B栏中找出A栏中合适的答语(10分)1.B 2.C 3. A 4. E 5. D

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